John Cena vs. R-Truth at Summerslam?

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SORRY! About you damn luck!
First note, I don't like R-Truth, I don't like him in the ring, I don't like his mic skills but WWE has been pushing him for quite some time so ear me out.

R-Truth heel turn was made a few weeks ago and since he has been working with John Morrison who know is injured and now Rey Mysterio the man that he is facing tonight at Over the Limit.

The Miz and John Cena are ending their feud tonight or in one month, so they will face again at Capitol Punishment, maybe R-Truth will have a rematch with Rey Mysterio. I don't like this idea but somehow I think thats what WWE is planning right now: The Miz will lose the feud so that John Cena can keep his title, so who is next in line? Alberto Del Rio? Too quick to do it, and I believe he will work with Mysterio again in the near future. Jack Swagger? No way. CM Punk? I would love it, but Punk would be buried once again. R-Truth? I guess he is the only option left.

R-Truth and John Cena have an interesting past, when Truth was on TNA he was verbally against John Cena, even making some videos rapping against him, I know that Cena isn't a rapper anymore but they could use that again if they have to for this feud.

I'm not a big fan of this idea but I do believe it is what is going to happen. What do you think? Cena vs. Truth is a lock at Summerslam? Or John Morrison will return and face R-Truth?
You read my mind, man. I feel like John Cena vs. R-Truth is going to be the main event of SummerSlam 2011.

No way will John Morrison be back in time for SummerSlam (if his surgery was as serious as it seems). Alberto Del Rio was hot at the beginning of the year but the fans could care less about him at this point. CM Punk would be a good option but I thought he was taking a break from wrestling soon?

I feel like R-Truth is the most interesting guy on RAW right now. Him ditching his sing & dance routine is the best career move and I'm hoping they let him go over Mysterio who really has no place on the RAW roster.
It needs to happen. I feel that R-Truth and John Cena could have a good feud. It would be cool to see them have a rap battle too. Hahaha! :lmao:

Will Truth face Cena at Summerslam? I don't know if it will happen at Summerslam, but it should happen at some point. I like Truth ever since he turned heel. He is entertaining.
No chance.. He doesnt has the creditability to do it.. He isnt good enough to be pushed straight through to the top especially on one of the biggest PPVs in WWE.. If JoMo is expected to come back within the 6-8 schedule, it will be him v/s Troof.. But that's it.. It may happen with the following scenario

A backstage promo where Cena is giving an interview on how he has the back of the guys who helped him, Troof comes from behind, lays him down and says that he never had his back even when he was the first one to support him during the nexus program.. Then he costs him a match leading to a mini feud lasting a RAW match and possibly a match at Bragging Rights (now Uprising, No Vengeance, no ANOTHER SHITTY PPV).. But that's it.. He needs to earn something to get to the ME scene.. ADR is way too ahead in Vince's eyes as well a decent talker and whose style and arrogance will mash perfectly with Hustle, Loyalty, Respect of Cena.. Its on at Summer Slam..
Hell no!!
R-Truth is not a major draw, period!
So Vince will not put the guy main-eventing SummerSlam...

I've been reading that Vince wants Truth to push Percy Watson, so he could probably fight against him at SummerSlam...

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio is going to happen at SummerSlam, I am pretty sure of that...
Rey Mysterio vs John Cena? - They could really do it, and it's almost an epic match and a big big draw... But I cant see Rey Mysterio dominating the match and let John Cena making his "Super" comeback... - After the obvious ADR choice, I am going with Rey Mysterio, because i would love it...

R-Truth will probably feud with Percy Watson, or being removed from the card!
R Truth vs Cena --Could Happen

I love how the ARM CHAIR INTERNET BOOKERS always say who doesn't have credibility, hasn't deserved anything or aren't big enough.

Word to all you doubters. At one time, Cena wasn't a major draw. His fued with Booker T helped build him and what is the point of a company doing the same old same old. It's boring and predictable.

Cena vs Truth has history, tension and a great story line. All the elements are there for a great match. Regardless if you like his moveset or not. He was great in TNA and is showing much of what put him over there in WWE. Plus it is not something you would expect.

The Draw is Cena. Truth would get a bone. And you could always involve The MIZ in the match to up the hype. Maybe have The Miz as the special referee.

Wow there you have a great match at Summer Slam.

ADR is a great talent but isn't translating well with the crowd. I am not sure who he needs to get him over but he is another possibility. A Cena fued and a belt could help him alot.

But Back to Truth. He deserves to get every chance that is presented. He has worked his ass off and at his age is able to do more than most wrestlers could in the ring.
^Great points, man.

I feel like R-Truth not being a draw doesn't mean a whole lot in this case. Look at last year's main event; it featured 7 guys that nobody really gave a damn about. CM Punk main evented SummerSlam in 2009 and you could say that he didn't have the "credibility" to do that. There's a much more infamous example from the '90s, but I won't even go there.
R Truth vs Cena --Could Happen

I love how the ARM CHAIR INTERNET BOOKERS always say who doesn't have credibility, hasn't deserved anything or aren't big enough.

Word to all you doubters. At one time, Cena wasn't a major draw. His fued with Booker T helped build him and what is the point of a company doing the same old same old. It's boring and predictable.

Cena vs Truth has history, tension and a great story line. All the elements are there for a great match. Regardless if you like his moveset or not. He was great in TNA and is showing much of what put him over there in WWE. Plus it is not something you would expect.

The Draw is Cena. Truth would get a bone. And you could always involve The MIZ in the match to up the hype. Maybe have The Miz as the special referee.

Wow there you have a great match at Summer Slam.

ADR is a great talent but isn't translating well with the crowd. I am not sure who he needs to get him over but he is another possibility. A Cena fued and a belt could help him alot.

But Back to Truth. He deserves to get every chance that is presented. He has worked his ass off and at his age is able to do more than most wrestlers could in the ring.

Yeah, we are the ARM CHAIR BOOKERS.. And who are you, the next Vince Russo..??

Never did I say that he isnt good enough for the title.. I even mentioned the scenario on which he could be involved in the WWE title match.. He has improved leaps and bounds since the heel turn (that being said, he was so pathetic and down that it still doesn't look too good).. I want him to succeed.. But TRUTH is, ADR is way ahead of him.. Come on, You already know it.. Tell me, why would you put him in a feud on the biggest PPV of the summer when you have someone like ADR in the waiting..

And you are saying same old and predictable.. Well, I would like to know how many times ADR vs Cena has happened for the WWE clash.. Thy have been in one off matches, but no build up. I want a good feud for the WWE Title and I know that ADR can do it much better than Troof..

Apart from that Cena was made with his feud with Booker.. Kurt Angle, Jericho, Lesnar, Taker, Big Show are jobbers are they?? He had accomplished much more before his series with Booker..

And R-Truth's moveset.. He is more of a dancing acrobat rather than a wrestler.. That flying elbow, those cartwheeling things.. Then put him in with Cena.. So yes, they have history.. But no, they dont have any tension.. And no, that goody goody thing in the backstage doesnt always mean a good feud..

But yes, I want a Troof title match this year if he continues to improve.. But not on SS.. Vengeance or some other.. Not SS..
That would be pretty interesting but WWE was thinking about john cena vs alberto del rio at summerslam for the WWE championship. Another thing is R truth and Cena are friends in real life and in the WWE. They even mentioned it one episode of raw back in november. I dont think that makes any sense of putting cena in a feud with r truth, unless Something happens and breaks there friendship.
R-Truth won't even be on the card, let alone facing the biggest star in the company. If WWE valued him they would've made the effort to get him on the Wrestle Mania card. The reason he turned heel is because WWE needed to create some new angles to occupy the post Mania down period. His feud with Rey Mysterio is as good as it is ever going to get for Truth in WWE.
Wow, can you imagine that. John Cena vs. R-Truth w/ The Miz as Ref for the WWE Championship. I would love to see that happen because it could mean a title change or face turn for The Miz, but...this is WWE and that will NEVER happen. As for Truth vs. Cena at Summerslam, I would love to see it, but I doubt this will happen. To me this is what people want to see, something different. Yet, Enough said.
That would be pretty interesting but WWE was thinking about john cena vs alberto del rio at summerslam for the WWE championship. Another thing is R truth and Cena are friends in real life and in the WWE. They even mentioned it one episode of raw back in november. I dont think that makes any sense of putting cena in a feud with r truth, unless Something happens and breaks there friendship.

Ever heard the word KAYFABE mate??

Triple H and Shawn are best mates in real life.. Did you ever saw their feud starting 2002.. It was epic..

Cena and Orton are great buddies.. It didnt stop Orton from punting Cena's dad..

On screen persona is one thing and off is another.. Notice how heels and faces all act like faces outside the building??

Anyways, you did hear correctly.. There are plans for ADR v/s Cena at summer slam.. And I hope it happens with ADR finally getting the belt.. He is good in the ring, has charm, mic skills and could become the next big heel, but has lost his momentum due to the unfortunate retirement of Edge and hence by not winning the belt.. He needs something to get rolling again..
Why do you guys want to see Alberto Del Rio win the title so much? He's boring as hell and can't even get heat from the crowd anymore. R-Truth is much more interesting with this "conspiracy" storyline which has the potential to take him to the main event. What does Del Rio have going for him? That he has his own ring announcer?

Give me a break. The Alberto Del Rio push should never happen. But given what morons the WWE are (putting the title on the fucking Miz while JoMo has to wrestle with Jersey Shore characters), it probably will.
Cena v.s Truth could happen. Even though Morrison is still out it may very well happen. If Morrison can comeback before Summerslam the there is more of a chance it will happen. I can see the whole Truth turning his back on his friends working into this. Have Cena confront Truth and say that Cena is part of the conspiracy. Then, boom, you have a match.
That would be pretty interesting but WWE was thinking about john cena vs alberto del rio at summerslam for the WWE championship. Another thing is R truth and Cena are friends in real life and in the WWE. They even mentioned it one episode of raw back in november. I dont think that makes any sense of putting cena in a feud with r truth, unless Something happens and breaks there friendship.

Their friendship is already broken kayfabe. During the Extreme Rules title match, R-Truth not only attacked Morrison during his interference but also Cena.

A match between them at SummerSlam would be excellent despite what many want to say about it. Truth does deserve a bigger push towards the title and this could be it. I'd prefer this to the rumored Cena vs Del Rio match.
Best way to approach this, Cena v.s. Truth at Summerslam. R-Truth hits the lie detector, goes for the pin, but Morrisons music plays, Truth turns to the titantron to look, and Cena uses a drop toe hold to lock in the STF.
i love troofs new heel character but he will end up fueding with jomo at SS if jomo is back from his injury by then...cena will be in a match with either AD or the miz if the miz gets "rehired" by then because we all know WWE wont have cena lose tonight at over the limit even though i want him to because the miz is AWESOME!!!!
No way will John Morrison be back in time for SummerSlam (if his surgery was as serious as it seems). Alberto Del Rio was hot at the beginning of the year but the fans could care less about him at this point. CM Punk would be a good option but I thought he was taking a break from wrestling soon?

I guess you didn't hear, but his surgery doesn't seem to be very serious at all. They were saying 4-6 weeks for his return, and even if it's TWICE that length, that's still time for him to return at SummerSlam.

R Truth vs Cena --Could Happen

I love how the ARM CHAIR INTERNET BOOKERS always say who doesn't have credibility, hasn't deserved anything or aren't big enough.

Word to all you doubters. At one time, Cena wasn't a major draw. His fued with Booker T helped build him and what is the point of a company doing the same old same old. It's boring and predictable.

Cena vs Truth has history, tension and a great story line. All the elements are there for a great match. Regardless if you like his moveset or not. He was great in TNA and is showing much of what put him over there in WWE. Plus it is not something you would expect.

The Draw is Cena. Truth would get a bone. And you could always involve The MIZ in the match to up the hype. Maybe have The Miz as the special referee.

Wow there you have a great match at Summer Slam.

ADR is a great talent but isn't translating well with the crowd. I am not sure who he needs to get him over but he is another possibility. A Cena fued and a belt could help him alot.

But Back to Truth. He deserves to get every chance that is presented. He has worked his ass off and at his age is able to do more than most wrestlers could in the ring.

ROTFLMAO! Are you serious? If you love "arm chair internet bookers" then what the hell are you??? Give me a break.

R-Truth won't even be on the card, let alone facing the biggest star in the company. If WWE valued him they would've made the effort to get him on the Wrestle Mania card. The reason he turned heel is because WWE needed to create some new angles to occupy the post Mania down period. His feud with Rey Mysterio is as good as it is ever going to get for Truth in WWE.

Lol, hater much? Whether or not he was on WrestleMania has nothing to do with how much they value him. By that logic, they must not value Kharma either, since they waited until after WrestleMania to debut her. If they didn't value him, they wouldn't have him interrupting main event title matches on pay-per-view.

Anyway, like other people have said, Truth is going to be fighting John Morrison at SummerSlam and Cena is going to be fighting Alberto del Rio, so they can't fight each other. But Truth and Cena are going to have a program at some point this year.
I would like to see the Truth conspiracy thing play out for a while longer before he gets his title match. After all he needs to get passed Rey, then Morrison, then the build to the title. I would like to see him an Morrison have an end of feud match at Summerslam then have one or the other go after the title.
Lol, hater much? Whether or not he was on WrestleMania has nothing to do with how much they value him.

Well it does. WWE would've found something for him if they considered him to be part of the elite or somebody who needed to be on the show. Nobody cried when Truth was left off the show.

By that logic, they must not value Kharma either, since they waited until after WrestleMania to debut her.

Yeah, debut. Much like they usually have several wrestlers make their debut after WrestleMania. Goldberg, Umaga, Sin Cara etc. Not really a relevant argument when discussing an existing superstar on the roster.

If they didn't value him, they wouldn't have him interrupting main event title matches on pay-per-view.

The past two and a half years have shown that WWE don't have much patience when it comes to pushing Truth. Probably because people see him as a mid card act and treat him as such when he faces anybody above a certain level.
The rumor is that Morrison was only going to be out 4-6 weeks after his neck surgery. If this is the case then I can see something along the lines of R-Truth vs Miz vs Cena at Capital Punishment with maybe Morrison making a triumphant come back during this match helping Cena win. Also on the card there is a Rey Mysterio vs Alberto Del Rio #1 contender match which ADR wins.

The July PPV is Money in the Bank so we could get a ADR vs Cena match with a screw job ending. Then we could also get a Money in the Bank match with John Morrison winning it on RAW. This sets up a couple big time matches at Summerslam (Their 2nd biggest PPV of the year)

John Cena vs Alberto Del Rio for the WWE Title
John Morrison vs R-Truth

Also I could picture something like Miz vs Rey Mysterio and perhaps soemthing like CM Punk vs Jack Swagger? I am just spittballing here. I am not sure. I think a Miz vs Jack Swagger feud is going to be in the works so that might be more sense. Jack Swagger vs Miz and maybe something like CM Punk vs HHH and Rey Mysterio vs Dolph Ziggler or something similar.
I personally used to hate R-Truth... BUT his recent work has me astounded! He has really done some great mic work and shown us a character that I have never seen. I love the direction WWE is going with him. I wouldnt mind seeing cena and truth at summerslam. I think it could get interesting. Just my 2 cents.
Not credible? Says who?

I think it's safe to say that R-Truth has been on fire since turning heel. He got a massive reaction for it. Feuding with Rey is perfect, because R-Truth can pretty much use him to get himself over. Rey's as beloved as anybody in WWE, after all.

Although I still think he's set up to have a go with John Morrison at SummerSlam, the dynamic for Cena-Truth would be really cool. Both are ex-rappers and have similar yet different 'me against the world' mentalities. Certainly be a better option as opposed to someone like McIntyre. And Del Rio-Cena is bound to happen before SummerSlam, so that is likely to lose steam. We'll see... but I hope this happens.
i dont think so, i think he could feud with Cena possibly at the next pay per view or sometime AFTER SummerSlam, but i think Cena will feud with Del Rio in the coming future like SummerSlam. i wouldnt mind seeing Truth feud with Cena at the Capital Punishment in a triple threat match and have Morrison interfere. i think Cena's next feud should be with Ziggler.
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