Plug your stuff

That's mainly due to my blog to be honest, though this thread has got me about 5 new followers today.
My friend talked me into writing a gaming/random niche stuff blog with him. It's now in its first day, so, you know, get in on the ground floor:

I should point out that this is just a cynical exercise to receive preferential treatment at gaming expos - because it's remarkably easy to get treated as "press" at these things - and in no way a result of any passion or enthusiasm I might have. I'm still cool.

Oh, and this thing's strictly PG-13, meaning I won't be writing the word cunt on there as often as I do on here.

On Twitter, you can follow me on my personal account of @SkeletalSam and on the site's account of @SquaresCircle. You *****.
@thedanielsadler on Twitter. Tidy.

RollingThunderDesign on deviantART. Watch me of befriend me or something. I'm not entirely sure how it works. And if you're not on deviantART, join. It's quite good. You can talk to FSWWE on it. He's my friend.
Here is the latest ROHCast. It is a special edition that is an interview with one of most well-known names on the independent circuit, and one of the newest members of the ROH roster, TJ Perkins!

I would like to thank TJP for coming onto the show. He was super cool and we all chatted for about 20 minutes after the podcast ended about various things. He was really supportive of the site and we hope to have him back on in the future.
Twitter: @king_garthur

I'm probably going to start writing my memoirs soon. I reckon that way, when I inevitably become famous, I can immediately publish them in time for the Christmas rush. When I do, I'll bump this thread.

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