Only You Can Take Back Your NXT NWS Moderator Challenge!

Be a Diplomat!

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  • Penis Goes Where?

  • Tenta, stop getting high

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW

That's right, ladies and gentleman, while I hate to say it, and while this may seem like being a deadbeat downer, I feel it's my duty, as a man of supreme moral and character, to inform you that the NXT Moderator Challenge has been tainted


That's right, we have learned, through consent and compliance, that one of the candidates in this challenge, the much maligned Deexter Jorgan, has reached out through matters in which was deemed illegal, via way of People VS. TheOneBigWill, of 2009. In this case, it was deemed that Will PM'ed people, not to vote, but to place arguments for Edge, should they be able to, and should they believe so. For this, Will was raked across the coals.

Will, you fucker

Will, you're a pimple on the ass of society

I didn't park my car here

And, thus, we outright bant placing a PM system in place for competitions on these forums. Well, maybe not banning, but somewhere along the lines. We have come across reason to believe Deej has practiced this tactic, at about 1,000 times less the ability as Will. Still, it is at this time I ask that if anybody was PM'ed by Deej, that they come forward, accept diplomatic immunity, and discuss if you were PM'ed. I'm also calling for a replacement of Deej fpor another poster, which theoretically is Big Sexy, who played by the rules, and did as he was asked. If not him, I'd take Angel, because he went by the rules indeed. Or Remix. I don't really give a shit, who.

The point being, in light of recent evidence, should Deej be taken out of the competition?

For the record, I'm really only half serious about this. Just me fucking around while high
Was this explicitly stated on the sign ins or brought up at any time so as to give the candidates fair warning of the lack of wrestlezone legality of his actions or was it a forgotten rule that somehow found its way back into the limelight?

DFude! Billy Mays is gonna fucking kill me from the monitor with his voice! The end is near!
Man I done smoked me some goooood kush, brah. Been a while, frankly.

I feel your avatar will not only judge, but give me the GTS in my sleep

Expect a GTS and the Anaconda Vice to be used at some point. I will make your dreams fuck with your head. Or it will be the weed. Either or.
Expect a GTS and the Anaconda Vice to be used at some point. I will make your dreams fuck with your head. Or it will be the weed. Either or.

Man, my friend once got this weed that was laced, brotha. He dreamt that he was a twinkie that wanted to eat himself.

He woke up when his cat clawed him in the face
Man, my friend once got this weed that was laced, brotha. He dreamt that he was a twinkie that wanted to eat himself.

He woke up when his cat clawed him in the face

Main reason I don't trust drug dealers in my area, and don't do drugs in general. Fuckers would likely lace that shit to fuck with "this white boy".
That would make me trust them even more. They're givin' you the good shit. Laced blunts are the shit, well til you're too high, and yes there is such a thing as too high.
Main reason I don't trust drug dealers in my area, and don't do drugs in general. Fuckers would likely lace that shit to fuck with "this white boy".

Funny thing is, he was a black guy. He actually took it from a white dude known as sno-man. We thought it was because he was white. We soon learned otherwise.

Speaking of mistaken races....

Big Sexy!

Big Sexy!

Big Sexy!

Big Sexy!
Wait, Big Sexy is not Hebrew?

only half like Lenny Kravitz. It's cool, he's also half black.

And fucking needs to be in this shiznit

Fuck all, I forgot, Deej is going to shit his pants and claim he's defending himself, isn't he?

Deej.... Let me get this out of the way... I'm halfway fucking around. It's your thing, ya did what ya did.

But Twelve PMs? Really? Who has time to think about that shit? Who cares that much?

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