On TNA trying to improve

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Getting Noticed By Management
I've noticed some people that never post in the TNA section coming here to attack TNA for trying to improve itself. They think this new acquisition is going to make tna fail (these same people have been saying it's going to fail or be bought out by Vince for the last 5 years...)

And now they're using the even older argument of "it's becoming WCW all over again" and the only evidence they have of this is simply because it hired people that happened to have worked at WCW. Why are they using this argument? Well that comes back to the first part in that they want TNA to fail, or they already think it's a failure, so they use every justification they can think of to prove that it's failing. But their justifications aren't sound.

I wonder, do they question if WWE is going to fail because Jericho and Mysterio are in it? Those guys were in WCW too.

Heck, Hulk came back to WWE to great fanfare at one point. And people loved that back then. Bischoff, the king of controversy, is a big part of what made wrestling how we like it to this day. And when he came to WWE, people were similarly excited. But they aren't happy to see either one come back now, even though before they were happy when it happened on WWE, because this time it isn't WWE so they automatically have to go back to their "it's going to make TNA fail" argument.

Take TNA for what it is and not what people are making up in their heads about it. It provides something similar to the classic attitude era that most people prefer. Yes, it is a small company but every company has to start out small, and every wrestler has to start out a jobber.
The WWE Loyalist Smark, the ones who think they are shareholders instead of fans, are the true Cancer to the Wrestling Industry. These are the ones who are not keen on Hornswoggle dancing around on Monday night, but then justify it because it helps Vince McMahon's goal of reaching out to children ... so then they eventually become "fans" of him. As long as it aligns with Vince McMahon's business goals, these mindless fans who can't think for themselves will fall in line. They should be embarrassed of themselves.

In reality, every single true fan of the "Wrestling Industry" should be happy for this move, for the notion of increasing competition, and therefore all of us fans benefit by getting not just one, but two better products.

But this does not bode well with the WWE Loyalist Smark, who does not care about any of that, and only cares about what makes Vince McMahon happy. And if Vince McMahon is happy, then they are happy (and entertained).
Well, I have been in the TNA Haters Brigade, ragging them as Jarrett and Russo's self indulgent playground where the used up former stars of WCW and sometimes WWE go to sleepwalk through a few more years of paychecks.

But I was optimistic lately. I was checking out seats on the TNA bandwagon. AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, Kurt Angle, Motor City Machine Guns, Beer Money and other random X-Division guys would add up to a show I'd watch and sometimes buy PPVs of.

Well, forget all that. Bring on "Hogan Knows Better Than Flair" on Spike TV. This week, Ric stands outside the arena with a "Will Woo For Food" sign. No thanks.

I was buying TNA's new direction. The low-rent Impact Zone bugged me, but I was interested because I thought that this could get really good. I was interested in a way that could get me to spend money on the product.

Now I'm interested because I want to see exactly how it fails. And I'm not spending any money on that.
I have been a long time TNA fan. I want them to succeed. I want them to give Vince a run for their money. But ypu would be blind to not see that all of the principle players in the destruction of WCW are now present. Vince Russo? Check. Ed Ferrara? Check. Hogan? Check. Nash? Check. And if EB is now on board, well there ya go. I hope Dixie Carter will everything in check. But it's hard to ignore the past.
In reality, every single true fan of the "Wrestling Industry" should be happy for this move, for the notion of increasing competition, and therefore all of us fans benefit by getting not just one, but two better products.

I'm not happy. I'm sorry. I really think that this is the beginning of the end of TNA. It raises expectations from Spike TV and probably from Panda Energy--expectations which will not be met. And when they aren't, then the big money players, Viacom , will be asking questions. Someone (probably Viacom, maybe Panda) will pull the plug. Maybe not complete cancellation, but cutting back to one show and no more Spike paying the stars' salaries. Then the house of cards comes down.

And I really don't believe that, between yesterday and the day that either Panda or Viacom turns off the money spigot, that TNA will successfully build up anyone as long as they have an "established star" to center the company around. The name at the top changes, but nothing else does. Jarrett was replaced by Angle who will now be replaced by Hogan.

When the money gets cut back and Hogan goes, will there be a company left?

When Jarrett left to look after his dying wife, it was supposed to be AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and Abyss and Sabin and Shelley and LAX and James Storm and Robert Roode and Kazarian and the Knockouts' time to shine. Instead it was time for Angle and Sting and Steiner and Booker and Nash and Foley. Now that we're at the end of that road, it's time for Hogan and Flair in a show ripped from the VH1 lineup.

Not to mention what happens when WWE actually takes TNA seriously as competition. They are rat bastards and will do things that lose money just to spite TNA. The price of re-signing everyone in the TNA locker room just doubled. Forget Impact moving to Monday nights, WWE could dump the abortion of a network that Smackdown is on next year and jump to Thursday nights on WGN. (Actually, that would be nice since Vince would have to program Smackdown to attract the TNA smark--CM Punk vs. Morrison series of World title matches! But it would cripple Impact.) Vince could give Angle a Bret Hart-type $20 million, 20 year contract, completely breaking the bridge between the Hogan show and the good part of TNA's roster.
I have been enjoying TNA impact a hell of a lot lately, the matches and story lines have really been excellent. However Hogan coming to TNA really puts me off. The only benefit I see this having is with the marketing aspect. It should bring a few more people over just to see what is going on. However I will be turning off if I see Hogan wrestle an win a match against anyone on TNA. He is so old and has not wrestled a good match in years. Bischoff has talent to help TNA progress, Hogan should just be used for marketing and keep Russo on creative. For me Hogan coming to TNA is more of a worry than being exciting.
I'm not happy. I'm sorry. I really think that this is the beginning of the end of TNA. It raises expectations from Spike TV and probably from Panda Energy--expectations which will not be met. And when they aren't, then the big money players, Viacom , will be asking questions. Someone (probably Viacom, maybe Panda) will pull the plug. Maybe not complete cancellation, but cutting back to one show and no more Spike paying the stars' salaries. Then the house of cards comes down.

And I really don't believe that, between yesterday and the day that either Panda or Viacom turns off the money spigot, that TNA will successfully build up anyone as long as they have an "established star" to center the company around. The name at the top changes, but nothing else does. Jarrett was replaced by Angle who will now be replaced by Hogan.

When the money gets cut back and Hogan goes, will there be a company left?

When Jarrett left to look after his dying wife, it was supposed to be AJ Styles and Samoa Joe and Abyss and Sabin and Shelley and LAX and James Storm and Robert Roode and Kazarian and the Knockouts' time to shine. Instead it was time for Angle and Sting and Steiner and Booker and Nash and Foley. Now that we're at the end of that road, it's time for Hogan and Flair in a show ripped from the VH1 lineup.

Not to mention what happens when WWE actually takes TNA seriously as competition. They are rat bastards and will do things that lose money just to spite TNA. The price of re-signing everyone in the TNA locker room just doubled. Forget Impact moving to Monday nights, WWE could dump the abortion of a network that Smackdown is on next year and jump to Thursday nights on WGN. (Actually, that would be nice since Vince would have to program Smackdown to attract the TNA smark--CM Punk vs. Morrison series of World title matches! But it would cripple Impact.) Vince could give Angle a Bret Hart-type $20 million, 20 year contract, completely breaking the bridge between the Hogan show and the good part of TNA's roster.

What makes you think Hogan is necessarily going to go? As the man gets older, and as it becomes even more clear that Eric Bischoff really has nothing going on other than being affiliated with the wrestling business (as it is both of their specialties), the End Game of theirs may be trying to get stakes in the company.

Hogan needs income to live off of for the long term, as Linda has been milking him dry. Not to mention court costs he has to pay for his son and the Graziano case.

Hogan and Bischoff may truly be looking to do a buyout of the company in the long run, if they can help make it successful enough. They have more balls than Dixie Carter in doing what is necessary to grow the company. Plush, if that truly is their goal, then they are going to go all out.

My guess is that Hulk and Bischoff are probably looking for partial ownership down the line. Therefore, it really is only to their advantage to put their hearts and soul into this.
Hogan needs income to live off of for the long term
Hogan and Bischoff may truly be looking to do a buyout of the company in the long run

Aren't these two statements dramatically opposed to each other? If Hogan is doing this because he needs the, say, $2M a year Spike is laying on the table (all figures made up), and I bet he does, then he doesn't have the scratch to cover Panda's years of losses or even come close. (Bischoff may have the money socked away, or may be able to put a consortium together.) I'm saying that after a year or so of this experiment, Viacom is going to come asking what they're getting for their money for TNA.

On the other hand, say that when it all goes in the crapper that Hogan buys TNA for a dollar. Spike cuts them back to 2 hours on Thursday, or even 1 hour. Where does the company go from there? Will Angle and Styles and Joe and Morgan and Hernandez be in a better position to carry the brand then? Will the core TNA "This is Awesome" X-division fan base still be there, or will they be hyping ROH on HDNet and ignoring the Hogan and Flair Go To White Castle show?
TNA needs this. I've enjoyed the last few months pushing the younger guys. I have nothing against Foley, Angel and Nash because yeah they are old but they are still having pretty good matches. Booker and Steiner need to go (1 down 1 to go). I don't think Hogan is coming in here to be the star. He old he can hardly move. Hogan does bring TNA attention, did you ever think Howard Stern and Larry King would ever bring up TNA in a conversation? Well Hogan just made that happen.

As for Bishoff I always liked what he did in WCW. Remember for 2 years he owned monday night. Times are different and the stars aren't out there like before.

TNA needs to keep pushing the young guys and uses Hogan/Flair/Bishoff to get more fans in and those three can do that.

Desmond Wolf/Hogan/Flair/Bishoff all in two weeks. How can you be a wrestling fan and not find this interesting to watch.
I've noticed some people that never post in the TNA section coming here to attack TNA for trying to improve itself. They think this new acquisition is going to make tna fail (these same people have been saying it's going to fail or be bought out by Vince for the last 5 years...)

And now they're using the even older argument of "it's becoming WCW all over again" and the only evidence they have of this is simply because it hired people that happened to have worked at WCW. Why are they using this argument? Well that comes back to the first part in that they want TNA to fail, or they already think it's a failure, so they use every justification they can think of to prove that it's failing. But their justifications aren't sound.

I wonder, do they question if WWE is going to fail because Jericho and Mysterio are in it? Those guys were in WCW too.

Heck, Hulk came back to WWE to great fanfare at one point. And people loved that back then. Bischoff, the king of controversy, is a big part of what made wrestling how we like it to this day. And when he came to WWE, people were similarly excited. But they aren't happy to see either one come back now, even though before they were happy when it happened on WWE, because this time it isn't WWE so they automatically have to go back to their "it's going to make TNA fail" argument.

Take TNA for what it is and not what people are making up in their heads about it. It provides something similar to the classic attitude era that most people prefer. Yes, it is a small company but every company has to start out small, and every wrestler has to start out a jobber.

I agree 1000%. I would like Bischoff to get ahold of the head creative duties now that Hogan is basically running the company. I think that if Hogan stays out of the main event picture, preferably out of the ring all together he could be very good for TNA because he is old school and during his days in WCW veto'd a lot of the stupid shit Russo wanted to do with him. The fact that this deal was made with Dixie Carter's father rather than Dixie means he is THE MAN in TNA, one could even say he is TNA. Hogan has a lot of wrestling sense and knowledge and I think this could be great for TNA if he just keeps out of the ring.
I see a lot of people are trying to sound smart right now so that if/when it fails you can say I told you so. But the only way WCW ever overtook (albeit briefly) WWF as the premiere company was with Hogan. If you're TNA you have to take that chance, that maybe just maybe, even if just for one day you can call yourself number 1. And you have the benefit of learning from the past, and maybe avoiding a few pitfalls (like over-sized contracts for too many guys). It doesn't mean it will work, but what does TNA have to lose really?

Oh no, the millions and millions of x-division and Styles fans won't like it.... Even if there is a backlash from TNA loyalists, they will return simply by a quick house cleaning and putting things right back the way they were.

The paranoia of the over-thinkers here will be proven to have been just that. This will either work and catapult TNA farther than they ever dreamed, or it will fail and we'll have what we've had for the last year. It's not as high risk as you might think. The only way this sinks the company is if Bischoff gets a hold of the checkbook and writes checks the company can't cash (as he did in WCW); I think he's smart enough to have learned from that mistake, and besides, Ted Turner is nowhere near this situation. With the economy the way it is, you can execute a similar strategy for a fraction of the price, and I think that's what TNA has realized. There's no reason not to go for it.

I was actually interested in TNA when Foley won the title, now I'm more interested than ever, and I'm a seasoned and intelligent wrestling fan. The thing I know is the in-ring action can only take you so far. To put on a show you need faces the fans have a vested interest in. If this business were only about in-ring ability, Bret Hart would have been Heavyweight Champion from 1984-1998, but the industry is still fueled by entertainment, and Hogan is only rivaled by McMahon in mastery of that art.

I know if the Rolling Stones were performing live on t.v. tomorrow night, I'd watch for the same reason. I know they aren't as good as they were 30-40 years ago, but they once were the best, and to experience and re-live that is always worth it. Hulk Hogan is no different.
Desmond Wolf/Hogan/Flair/Bishoff all in two weeks. How can you be a wrestling fan and not find this interesting to watch.

Because Hogan is so run down he can't even do his leg drop anymore and because Flair has been WAY past his prime for years now. I mean, seriously, could you imagine Ric Flair vs AJ Styles or Hulk Hogan vs Amazing Red? Thats entertainment? FOH!
Lord Sidious. The Loyalist Smark remark you made. I have a rebuttal to that. Take for example football fans. There are many who cheer for only one, correct? Yes. Those same fans may not like every single thing that football team does, but they stay with that team for a long time. That is how wrestling fans/smarks work as well. See for me, I'm a loyal WWE fan. Do I like what they do with Hornswoggle, no. Do I still like WWE? Yes. Do I like TNA? No. Why you may ask. Because it's not WWE. New England Patriots are not the Indianapolis Colts. WWE is not TNA.

There are even people who are loyal to brands. They won't buy anything from anybody except for a certain brand. So this loyalty to a certain product is not anything new.
Well those WWE ignorant marks are simply unknowledgeable that many of WWE talent is WCW like Jericho,Chavo Guerrero,Rey Mysterio,Underfaker,late Chris Benoit etc
They are simplybrainwashed with the garbage McMoron feeds these ignorant marks that they feel WWE Circus is a superior product than any other federation but many are Hogan fans and Flair fans (like myself) who will like to see these great stars shine in TNA
since WWE fired Flair and disliked him for wrestling other promotions than WWE TNA does not mind if he does go to ROH since they have a contract to fullfill his needs
but he is also linked with Hogan if Goldberg would ve signed with Hogan on that tour hell yeah we would ve seen him in TNA also!
As I said many times TNA is WCW resurrected they may be down but not out so they are not dead it will be a matter of time before the ratings destroy WWE before XMas and into 2010
Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff signed with TNA Wrestling to take on WWE-- Wakeless Watered-down Entertainment.
I would say Watered down Wimpy wrestling Entertainment
back then I called WWF wimpy wrestling fairies!!
As for Bishoff I always liked what he did in WCW. Remember for 2 years he owned monday night. Times are different and the stars aren't out there like before.

TNA needs to keep pushing the young guys and uses Hogan/Flair/Bishoff to get more fans in and those three can do that.

Desmond Wolf/Hogan/Flair/Bishoff all in two weeks. How can you be a wrestling fan and not find this interesting to watch.
Now all they need is GOLDBERG!!!!! THATS IT !!! come on TNA get him! As he is close friends with HOgan!
SMH. All they need is Goldberg? Really???? One of TNAs downfalls is that they focus too much on has beens. Sure Angle and Team 3D are working out but, we can all name many who didn't. The way I see this all going; Hogan will spike ratings for a month of so, then they will drop again. If you want to bring in someone to make an IMPACT (pun intended), go get RVD. At least he can still go.
I believe Hulk Hogan and Eric Bischoff could both hurt and help tna, while i am a longtime fan of wwe , superstars like aj tyles, samoa joe, sting, kurt angle among some others have made it nearly impossible to turn the channel while tna is on
Lord Sidious. The Loyalist Smark remark you made. I have a rebuttal to that. Take for example football fans. There are many who cheer for only one, correct? Yes. Those same fans may not like every single thing that football team does, but they stay with that team for a long time. That is how wrestling fans/smarks work as well. See for me, I'm a loyal WWE fan. Do I like what they do with Hornswoggle, no. Do I still like WWE? Yes. Do I like TNA? No. Why you may ask. Because it's not WWE. New England Patriots are not the Indianapolis Colts. WWE is not TNA.

There are even people who are loyal to brands. They won't buy anything from anybody except for a certain brand. So this loyalty to a certain product is not anything new.

I appreciate your honesty.

BTW, I have a new term for the WWE Loyalist Smarks on the IWC, which I am going to start using. And this is based on my thread in the WWE Forum, which was prompted by JMT.

From this point forward, IWC fans of WWE are going to be referred to no longer as fans, but rather as "WWE Shareholders". They will always be placed in quotation marks so people will know I am not referring to the true shareholders of WWE Entertainment.

Again, these are the spoon fed fans that buy into whatever vision Vince McMahon tells them they need to buy into. They may not like Hornswoggle, but since Hornswoggle fits into the corporate goals of the company set by Vince, they accept it and learn to like it.

Now, if you could elaborate further on the concept of why you feel as though you should be loyal to Vince McMahon, even though Vince has not been loyal to you, that would be great. I am just anxious to hear the thought process involved as to why that is more important, than going with what necessarily keeps you most entertained. Do you feel as though in some respects, you have a stake in WWE, and therefore, must remain loyal to Vince?

Furthermore, what is your thought process pertaining to TNA trying to improve. Would you like to see them improve and provide competition to the WWE, or do you feel that is not in the best interests of the wrestling industry?
From this point forward, IWC fans of WWE are going to be referred to no longer as fans, but rather as "WWE Shareholders".

They may not like Hornswoggle, but since Hornswoggle fits into the corporate goals of the company set by Vince, they accept it and learn to like it.

You know, I'm kind of okay with this. Because I also believe that Hornswoggle is genuinely bad for business. When my wife was in Iraq, Smackdown was on the TV in the commissary. Her back was to the show. Finlay's Irish entrance came on, she turned and saw him, turned back and declared matter-of-factly, "oh, yeah. In a minute there's going to be a leprechaun coming out to help beat up the other guy." And she went back to eating.

Explain to me how that was supposed to help WWE business?

Don't ask about the Boogeyman, either.
Furthermore, what is your thought process pertaining to TNA trying to improve. Would you like to see them improve and provide competition to the WWE, or do you feel that is not in the best interests of the wrestling industry?

I'd like to see them improve and not suck because then I would watch.

I don't think that "providing competition to the WWE" is relevant, since I believe that Vince McMahon would undermine and crush them well before the point where he would have to actually improve his product (a last resort.)
Well Sidious, I grew up watching WWE, only catching glimpses of WCW and ECW, yet always more of WWE. Thus I am a WWE FAN. You may think we are something else, but we are wrestling fans. There is wrestling done in the WWE. If you choose to ignore that, then it is your own right, yet to say there is none is idiotic. Nonetheless...

"I am just anxious to hear the thought process involved as to why that is more important, than going with what necessarily keeps you most entertained."

This quote from you is puzzling. I never said that I didn't find entertainment in the WWE, because I do. Does the WWE have some weak points at times? Sure they do. WCW had them, ECW had them, AWA had them, TNA has them more often than not from what I read and hear. So to answer your question there, I find my entertainment by watching WWE.

Also, I want to add. I have watched TNA. That was back when Samoa Joe was undefeated and TNA had an agreement with RoH, yet stopped that and people in TNA could no longer do shows for RoH.
I think a lot of people are missing the big picture here. To automatically say something is going to fail without knowing any financial specifics, without knowing any marketing techniques, without knowing any inner workings just based off what your current preferences are or what you get from the WWE message board is completely ignorant, naïve, and immature.

People are stating they are wrestling fans but I would probably disagree. They are WWE fans, which is fine. I am a WWE fan as well, but I am a wrestling fan first and foremost. If someone was to present something better than the WWE (which is what TNA has been doing for the past couple of months if you would just watch) you should jump ship because you love the art of wrestling.

I don’t think people are looking at this from a business standpoint. Why do you think Hogan is going to bury the young stars? Why do you say this is WCW all over again? Hogan is 56, you think they are going to give him the belt even for an extended period of time and have him dominate the roster. One thing I notice about TNA fans and about WWE fans is that TNA fans actually WANT to watch the WWE. But the fact of the matter is the WWE is just garbage right now. WWE fans don’t want to watch TNA for whatever reason...could be that you feel guilty for not following the company you grew up with? Fuck that. TNA fans will watch ANY type of wrestling as long as its good. Hell if something came along that was better than TNA you can bet your ass I’ll be watching that too!

Watch some episodes of Impact for a couple of weeks and learn the characters. You will see they ALL have WAY more depth than WWE characters. They ALL get promo time, and they don’t just come out for random matches every week facing the same jackasses. (See Swagger vs. Primo, etc.)

Being loyal to a company is complete bullshit. It’s like Coke and Pepsi, Burger King or McDonald’s, Leno and Letterman. Competition is good, and whether you like it or not or whether you want to admit it or not, you are very interesting in TNA right now to at least see what happens. You know why? Because the WWE is not that interesting right now, and you can do without watching it for a while even if it means just to see what TNA is about. And that’s not the fault of TNA fans, so why do you bash TNA without knowing the product? I can critique the WWE because I know the product. I would’ve never watched TNA if the WWE wasn’t so bad. You know when I crossed the line? When ZZ Top guest hosted RAW. I knew that the WWE was about ratings gimmicks, and ploys, and not thinking about the long term effects that this would have on the fans of their product. They don’t care about us, they care about their pockets and they care about ratings and merchandise sales….which is fine…but its not centered around the fans. The wrestlers of the WWE want to entertain the fans, but they are not given the tools to do so consistently, and the WWE as a company is not going in that direction.

TNA week in and week out puts on a show and I think the main question they ask before they plan it out is, “What will the fans think?”. What the WWE does when they plan stuff out is, “What will the board think?” or “How many toys will we sell?”. Like I said, that’s fine, but you lose fans. If they were smart they would remember that fans drive all of that. Cater to the fans and everything will fall into place. That is what TNA is doing right now.

The turning point may have been “The Brawl”. I had watched about 3 episodes of Impact before that, but that’s when I officially “Crossed The Line”. I am a fan of wrestling and I want to see a wrestling show. I am not a member of the WWE Universe, and I don’t want to watch Superstars compete. I want to see wrestlers wrestle in a wrestling ring for wrestling fans.
If someone was to present something better than the WWE (which is what TNA has been doing for the past couple of months if you would just watch) you should jump ship because you love the art of wrestling.

Well, I was getting to that point until TNA went back to the Total Nonstop Aging plan.

Why do you think Hogan is going to bury the young stars?

Because he's done it a lot? Because the only times he didn't do it was when he was under Vince McMahon's thumb? Because he wouldn't do a return job for Shawn Freakin' Michaels?

Why do you say this is WCW all over again?
Because of Hogan, Nash, Sting, Flair, Bischoff, Russo, Steiner and who knows, maybe Booker T and JArrett will come back.

TNA fans will watch ANY type of wrestling as long as its good.
So why are they so excited about Hulk Hogan 2009?
U know it seems all of these people on here are either on WWE's side or TNA's side, bashing one or the other. My point here is....Arnt we all wrestling fans?? I started watching WWE when i was 12 years old, im now 21 (started in 2000). I never watched WCW or ECW, they were both pretty much dead by then anyways. But i have always been a WWE fan. Personally i hate the direction WWE is going right now, and i like TNA. But i dont pick sides because i LOVE the sport of professional wrestling! I dont like WWE but i watch it, some things in TNA i dont always like but i watch it.

The news of Hogan and Bischoff signing with TNA (and possibly Flair in the mix) and a new Monday night show for TNA gets me really excited because TNA could become competition to WWE. I never got to witness the Monday Night Wars but i know about it all, and the sport of pro wrestling stepped up. Fans and wrestlers alike have all said that those were the best days to be a fan and to be in the bussiness.

I say stop complaining about this. Nobody knows what Hogan/Bischoff/Flair's role will be yet. I hope we dont see Hogan or Flair in the ring beating the young guys. But this move could catipult Pro Wrestling into a new era (a great one), we as fans should be excited for this, and just sit back and wait to see whats gonna happen. Stop being negative about it all
There was a report on WZ about Vince being apparently furious about this whole Hogan/TNA ordeal. Whether TNA has sunk it's own ship in the long run with this move is irrelevant, as it's already sparked Vinnie Mac's ire. This can only be good for business. Of all people, Vince knows what Hogan can bring to the table in terms of drawing power. Regardless of the fact that he can barely walk up a set of stairs, there's still those die-hard 45 year-old Hulkamaniacs that'll follow Hogan where ever he goes, whether it be reality television, TNA, WWE, or anywhere. That means Vince knows he's gonna have to up his game and do it quick. Which can only mean a better WWE product. And who knows, maybe the Bischogan connection might make a good splash in TNA. No one knows what they're going to do except Hogan himself, so you can't really judge. It's obvious alot of people are trying to, but everyone should just sit back and see what this whole ordeal bestows upon us. Boys and girls, it's a great time to be a wrestling fan.
Does anybody here remember what Hogan having creative control in a company leads to? And he will have creative control, it would be the only way Hogan would sign with the company. The wrestling industry's problem as a whole is relying on the old guard instead of building and developing new stars to take the reigns. Bischoff never created a single star, he bought all of his. TNA is in the middle a youth movment and this will certainly quash it. TNA has been moving in the right direction lately, highlighted by the brilliant debut of Desmond Wolfe. This may lead to a spike in the ratings for a short while but I don't see this is a move in the right direction. TNA needs to focus on creating it's own brand, building it's own wrestlers and creating a distinct alternative to WWE programming. You will never out WWE the WWE, WCW learned that and so will TNA.
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