Official Raw/Smackdown Aftermath, Ratings and Review Thread

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Result's 23rd March

Match Results:
Paul London (o) & Brian Kendrick beat Johnny Nitro & Joey Mercury (x) via
pinfall - WWE Tag-Team Titles
Jimmy Wang Yang beat Chavo Guerrero via pinfall - Non-title
MVP beat Cedrick Von Haussen via pinfall
Bobby Lashley beat Mr. Kennedy & Randy Orton in a Tables match
Chris Benoit beat Gregory Helms via submission - Non-title
Undertaker beat King Booker & Finlay via DQ

I did'nt watch it this week on account of the worst hangover in history.

I hope they get MNM, London, Kendrick & Helms on the card but I think that's just wishfull thinking.
They're going to do something with the tag titles for sure... and since the tag titles on raw are... errr... kinda tied up at the moment, I think that opens things up for some RAW teams to jump to Smackdown for Wrestlemania and have a turmoil.

They're not doing anything with the Cruiserweights either... either another invitational or (considering what happened the other night), maybe a one-on-one match (which would be nice to see for once as a cruiser title match, lol), with Chavo vs. Yang. It would suck for Helms but I wouldn't mind seeing it.

But I feel like they're just going to do one of those battle royals like they did a couple of years ago and just put it on the DVD with all these smackdown (and raw) guys they're not using but deserve to be there.
It is only a week away though. I think Carlito/Flair will be added on Monday but that's it. I expect the usual pre show Battle Royal. I heard rumour's of a tag battle royal on the show. But personally I think they should just have MNM vs. London & Kendrick. It's been done plenty of time's before but they still put on quality match's. Which is what W.M. 23 is in desperate need of.
Raw is bad, of course it starts at the top. The wrong champion (Cena) and pathetic storylines and matches spells doom. Same wit smackdown , only they have better in ring action at the moment. But Michael Cole all but kills that fun with his boring whining predictable commentary. Back to raw- fire John Cena, you'll see a better show. Push the real talent, aka Benjamin,Nitro,Dykstra,Carlito,Orton. Forget about over the hill HBGay and Flair. Stop pushing edge, his in ring abilities are still not what they should be. His cheating abilities are the only reason I watch him. He has the charisma, I like him, but technically he isn't half the wrestler of say a Randy Orton... Stop pushing rainbow brite hardy, he is annoying, repetitive, and very one dimensional. Give umaga some fresh meat, not eugene, but decent competition. Stop with the vince mcmahonnican promos, he is a waste of space.
Raw is bad, of course it starts at the top. The wrong champion (Cena) and pathetic storylines and matches spells doom. Same wit smackdown , only they have better in ring action at the moment. But Michael Cole all but kills that fun with his boring whining predictable commentary. Back to raw- fire John Cena, you'll see a better show. Push the real talent, aka Benjamin,Nitro,Dykstra,Carlito,Orton. Forget about over the hill HBGay and Flair. Stop pushing edge, his in ring abilities are still not what they should be. His cheating abilities are the only reason I watch him. He has the charisma, I like him, but technically he isn't half the wrestler of say a Randy Orton... Stop pushing rainbow brite hardy, he is annoying, repetitive, and very one dimensional. Give umaga some fresh meat, not eugene, but decent competition. Stop with the vince mcmahonnican promos, he is a waste of space.

everything except edges supposed lack of ability is completely true , oh and just get rid of khali and NEVER let bobby lashley feature on any brand again.
I see vicky is selling her car. Gotta find that auction site so I can see if I can msg her :). There has always been something about victoria that turns me on. Even as a heel she always has this quality where she is just irresistable, at least to me... And a hell of a wrestler and performer to boot... Also I see mercury is gone, can I get an amen? I told you he was holding back poor jonny lots 'o talent nitro. Now Nitro can make his mark without little joey matthews fouling things up for him anymore...
Well after watching my raw tape from yesterday I guess my thoughts were validated and right after all. Guys take a look at the "cutting edge" segment again with all the participants in ladde rmatch. It was like a chance for vince to evaluate who he wants to turn babyface soon. Put them on the mic and let the fans react. And sure enough edge gets a positive response from audience despite his mr. cocky personna. Finlay an even better response with his never back down attitude.. Then came Randy orton, a really nice babyface type pop for him. And for kennedy as well. You see where I'm going wit this don't you? Just as I predicted many of those named wrestlers or maybe all of them will be turning face soon, mark it down... Refer back to my orton turn face thread for my other picks of guys turning heel from face or face from heel...
I really hope Orton dosent turn face as he will be neutered much like Cena was as his skills ar eonly medicore and what gets him over is his mouth. He is not flashy or devestaing so without his cocky legend killer person he is nothing.
Finlay could turn face but doubtful as he is always a guy who is a tough guy.

Kennedy will most likely turn face but again i worry about him being neutred but at least he has talent to back it up.

Edge as a face that would be fine as he plays both roles well but I dont see it unless he goes to Smackdown as Raw already ahs enough top faces unless they turn Shawn

Well after watching my raw tape from yesterday I guess my thoughts were validated and right after all. Guys take a look at the "cutting edge" segment again with all the participants in ladde rmatch. It was like a chance for vince to evaluate who he wants to turn babyface soon. Put them on the mic and let the fans react. And sure enough edge gets a positive response from audience despite his mr. cocky personna. Finlay an even better response with his never back down attitude.. Then came Randy orton, a really nice babyface type pop for him. And for kennedy as well. You see where I'm going wit this don't you? Just as I predicted many of those named wrestlers or maybe all of them will be turning face soon, mark it down... Refer back to my orton turn face thread for my other picks of guys turning heel from face or face from heel...

* Matt Hardy vs. The Great Khali (No Contest)
* Jeff Hardy def. Randy Orton
* Finlay def. Mr. Kennedy
* Ashley, Maria, Mickie James, Candice Michelle & Torrie Wilson def. Women's Champion Melina, Michelle McCool, Kristal, Jillian & Victoria
* MVP def. Viko Batomango
* CM Punk def. King Booker

Good show. Was that D-Ray who faced MVP? This is the worst Mania card in year's. 2000 was pretty weak but this one's awful. No match's intrest me. Still going though. I actually enjoyed the women's match. Kristal, Michelle McCool & Jillian sold really well for Ashley. She almost looked mediocre.
It was just another meh SmackDown with nothing much happening around it, although I think it did its job setting up most of the Mania matches (which are so bad that no one even cares whether or not there is a backstory good enough or not) but there were some decent matches on the card. The womens division is pathetic and that match proved it because none of the divas look even close to being called a decent wrestler.

Of course the Playboy girl is made to look the strongest, and I think that was just a waste of time. We don't need Khali on the show and Edge is becoming repetitively annoying. MVP is becoming repetitive as well, which is a word that basically sums up SmackDown lately. I think Hardy and Orton did a good job but they are two of the worst sellers in the company.

It was a very fast match and a good quick one, so I was happy enough with that because I don't come to expect much from Hardy anymore. No Chris Benoit is a joke because he has a mania match and is the US champion and a really popular, exciting guy, yet they can find time for squash matches and Khali, but can't put him on for 5 minutes. What a joke, because he could save SmackDown if booked right. The interview was a 20 minute waste of time with no point at all, and I don't even care about the match as long as Batista loses.

Stone Cold was pointless in just coming out and doing the same thing he has done in every return he has done, and that is just attempt to get quick heat and leave. Punk and Booker put on a very competitive, enjoyable match that the fans were into. Nice to see Punk get the win though and Booker looked good as well and had some speed. I hope Punk gets a good showing because he is the best young guy in the company. A meh show with not much excitement, but it had some decent matches, so a B from me. Bring on WM.....not.
What are you talking about michigan? Orton is one of the most talented young stars the WWE has to bank on. This guy is going to be consistently delivering a hundred percent in main event matches for the next ten years atleast. His skills speak for themselves, but I'd agree with you that he probably shouldn't turn face. He just works better as heel, though than again we haven't really ever seen him given a chance to be a face except for when he first won the title, and now that I think about it he was actually pretty well recieved than.

I didn't even watch Raw this week, I was afraid of what I was going to see. I'm just gonna catch AM Raw after the HOF ceremony tonight, so I'll see what I missed.
I liked the Money in the Bank matches, especially Punk vs. Booker, but Finlay vs. Kennedy was pretty good as well, and Orton vs. Jeff Hardy was decent. However, the interview at the end of the show completely sucked... I mean come on, who cares about Batista running through security... They could have made the Punk vs. Booker match longer, or put on a main event mixing up with some Raw talent... Overall a good Smackdown show though, but not what it should be just a few days before Wrestlemania.
I still say finlay,kennedy,mvp,orton,edge,nitro, k dysktra, gregory helms will all be turning true babyfaces in the not to distant future. Many are already acting like faces in my book.
Result's 2nd April

* The Hardys become the new World Team Champions after eliminating Cade & Murdoch in a Tag Team Battle Royal
* Ric Flair & Carlto def. World's Greatest Tag Team
* The Great Khali def. Super Crazy
* ECW World Champion Bobby Lashley def. Intercontinental Champion Umaga & Armando Estrada (Handicap Match)

I thought it was a bad show. I was expecting a lot. Usually the post Mania show is more intresting.

I think The Hardys did all they could as a team 5 year's ago.

And I dont think Backlash is going to be anything other than W.M. v.2
I gotta agree, for being a post Mania Raw, it was a let down, although HBK turning on Cena during the second tag team battle royal was hilarious! Not to mention, yeah, the Hardys, been there, done that, but seriously, who else that was in those matches has earned their stripes like the Hardys? With the exception of WGTT, no one. I say that they should have had London and Kendrick win and unify the titles, since it is painfully obvious that there aren't enough teams to cover both brands.
I think the battle royal was a cheap way of getting the title's off them. I think they should have kept on feuding. They could have had Coach make them defend the title's each week. Have it so that they hate each other but they want to keep the title's. Having title's should be an honor so I dont see why HBK relinquised the title's. It make them look like worthless pieces of crap. It could have been a really good way of elevating the title's.

You have two wrestler's who hate each other but they protect each other in tag match's because the title's mean that much to them.
Very disappointing show. I fast forwarded most of it on Sky+.

The Battle Royales pissed me off because Battle Royales usually are crap because it's twenty guys kicking and punching each other for 15 mins. I knew Michaels was going to betray Cena but it was when he'll do it was interesting. Obviously the Hardys winning was the top spot of the show.

Poor WGTT. They were once the top tag teams of the wwe but they're just a pair of jobbers. They better get a feud with the hardys. No one gave a shit about this match. Writers please make carlito heel.

Vince is a very ugly man. Poor Lillian.

Then the next wwe champion in action, The Great Kahli!!...cough. Pointless. No Kane.

Bobby lashley sucks. That's all I have to say about that match. He's turning into Cena.
WOW... the first hour and the second hour of RAW were like Night and Day. I LOVED the first hour. It's always nice to see a Battle Royal, and got to see two! I kinda took a peak at the results for the first hour before I watched the show (it only comes on at midnight here in Montreal on regular cable) and saw that the Hardys were new Tag Champs after a Battle Royal but that's it.

Considering they weren't in the first one it was kinda obvious there would be a second one, but it was still a nice touch and very well done, and it got me excited, as it should for any real wrestling fans. Battle Royals are the shit.

Cena getting dumped by HBK was well done I think too. It's not about the Tag titles at all, and if you know anything about HBK you know he doesn't give a crap about anything else when he has his mind set on something, in this case that's the WWE championship. I don't think it demeans the Tag Championships, I just think it puts over HBK's intensity and the hatred between the two men.

The McMahon stuff was awesome and very well done. The backstage segment was hilarious. I think that was the best "DAMN!!!" since Ron Simmons started appearing again. You know he's going to say it... you know it's coming... but I still get excited for it! There's nothing better than the look on his face and everyone else's face when he says it!

And Vince in the ring was hilarious and well done as well.

But after that the show just went downhill. Three crappy matches in the Flair match, Khali match (which had no point other than to bury Super Crazy), and a main event which was ok but could've been much better and would've been better if something actually happened or if it was on ECW.

Hopefully they'll rebound next week. Strong start but weak, weak, finish.
I still say finlay,kennedy,mvp,orton,edge,nitro, k dysktra, gregory helms will all be turning true babyfaces in the not to distant future. Many are already acting like faces in my book.

So they're going to turn literally all their heels into babyfaces for no reason?

What the hell are you on man?
I think The Hardys did all they could as a team 5 year's ago.

Dont Agree With That
The Hardyz Are the Best Tag Team In The WWE at this time only team that comes close is london and kendrick

Plus ive seen alot of new moves and double teams from matt and Jeff

This Friday night, the new World Heavyweight Champion Undertaker will be on SmackDown just days after defeating Batista at WrestleMania 23. What will happen when The Phenom invades Ft. Wayne, Indiana with championship gold around his waist?

Also, Mr. Kennedy - or Mr. Money in the Bank as he likes to call himself - will be in action against one half of the new World Tag Team Champions when he faces Jeff Hardy this Friday. Will Kennedy continue his impressive streak and continue to climb the ladder of WWE?

* Matt Hardy def. King Booker
* Mr. Kennedy def. Jeff Hardy
* United States Champion Chris Benoit def. The Miz (Non-title)
* Kane def. Dave Taylor
* WWE Tag Team Champions Paul London & Brian Kendrick def. Gregory Helms & Cruiserweight Champion Chavo Guerrero (Non-title)

If there building toward J.D. then I see the folowing taking place.

Kennedy vs. Finlay
Benoit vs. MVP
Jillian vs. Ashley
Paul London & Brian Kendrick vs. Deuce & Domino vs. Chavo Guerrero & Gregory Helms
Booker vs. Taker

Although that would just be far too orginised for WWE. To actually start booking several week's before the event? No way.
Hardy Boys as tag team champs is ok with me. I am not a big babyface fan in general but I like them. They have paid their dues in this business and are more than adequate wrestlers that can represent that title alot better than HBGay and No Talent Cena could ever have hoped to. I am glad HBGay turned heel again and dumped that loser over the top rope. All that's left is to rid raw of cena's other belt...
And the Hardys need to feud with Deuce & Domino and Challie Haas an Shelton Benjamin... I see great things out of those feuds. But most of that raw show was a letdown I agree. Heck you couldn't even get commentary from jr towards the last half because of his voice problems. I like King but he cannot do play by play and color and make it come off well.
This week's Smackdown was a really good show in my opinion. It was way better than Raw... The Kennedy vs. Jeff Hardy match was pretty good, and the London/Kendrick vs. Helms/Guerrero match was REALLY good... I'm happy they actually got to put on such a good match without it being a PPV. The whole show was good though, I liked Booker's role too. In the near future, I see Smackdown becoming even bigger than it was a few months ago, beating Raw in the ratings too.

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