[OFFICIAL] Miz In The Bank Thread

How long till miz cashes in?

  • In the coming months

  • In the lead up till wrestlemania 27

  • After wrestlemania 27 and just before his year expires

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The best part about this whole thing is how believable and logical it was. Many of us called Miz's win due to the fact that he's ready to main event, and has been improving leaps and bounds on the mic and in the ring and is doing a fantastic job staying relevant. It made perfect sense to give him the briefcase, so that's exactly what they did.

The Miz's build has been absolutely spot on. he broke out of a tag team, won some titles, improved himself, and is now a small jump away from being a main eventer. And he deserves it! He has passion and talent and is pushing himself as hard as possible. He improves every week, and loves what he does.

I am over the moon right now. I can't wait to see what happens with Miz and the briefcase.
I said this last night and I stand by it. Please bear in mind this comes from one of the biggest Miz-Marks on the forums.

Miz will become the first guy to cash in the breifcase and fail to convert.

This isn't a bad thing. And it's not an indication that he's "not ready" by todays standards. (I'd argue he's vastly further along the learning curve than Jack Swagger was when he won.) But Miz is a character who will not win the title and will become so much better as a result of it. He will get screwed some way and turn it into the biggest conspiracy in history, and he won't shut up about it. He'll play it to a T, and we'll all eat it right up.

Because he's awesome...KENNE, er, I mean AWESOME!
This is awesome! If there is one person in the 8-man match who deserved it, it was The Miz. Although I believed The Miz would be victorious, I didn't necessarily believe that he should have been.

First off, I love The Miz. I think he's great. He is exceptional on the mic and solid in the ring. He is the next big thing in WWE. But, he didn't need to win MITB. He could just as easily been built to be a main eventer. He was getting close, there is no doubt about it, and he could have been a world champion by this time next year. To me, the main point of MITB is to launch the main event careers of midcarders. Could Jack Swagger have been built? Possibly but it would have taken a very long time.

Like I said though, The Miz definitely deserves it. I can't wait to see him carry his briefcase around. And I can't wait to see him cash in the contract.
I hope Miz keeps the briefcase to Wrestlemania and give him the Kennedy storyline. i would hope that this will prime Miz for the big league and let him keep it for months so that we think Miz keeping the briefcase is for real and then surprise!! Elimination Chamber PPV ends and the Miz cashes in on the WWE champion giving a wtf moment as he had us going all the way to wrestlemania. Miz will be saying he will be the champion at wrestlemania and he wouldn't be wrong. I think this would be the feud btw him and Cena and finally for the Miz to get even and for Cena to give him the nod.

Or Miz can lose the Money in the Bank because of some new drama that he can complain about but I think that would take off too much steam on his rise. McMahon is definitely a Miz fan and believes in him a lot. Michael Cole was the clear indicator for the match saying Miz is the future of RAW. Regardless, Miz rise is being done picture perfect. If they do actually do the Wrestlemania storyline then I hope he wins clean. He only gets better everytime he enters the ring. he'll have the chance to feud with the likes of Orton, Edge, Jericho, and Cena again. Miz is in Cena footsteps according to McMahon and the rest of the WWE Powers and thats powerful.

I hated the Miz when he first came in and then he teamed with Morrison and caught my attention. Since the split I saw how better he was becoming and grew respect for him. His work ethic will make him the next star. He has to further his heel character as his is compared to jericho alot but he has something different than Jericho. He needs a new finisher and I want him to call the finisher: Future Endeavoured :lmao: It would be great and a further play on the IWC behalf.

Time will tell how successful the Awesome One will become.
Simply put The Miz is AWESOME sorry had to do it but honestly with Miz winning the money in the bank i cant wait for Raw he is one of the 2 reasons every one is watching (if they want to admit it or not) other being the whole nexus story line. Now i was excited when he was drafted to raw and you saw flashes of what was to come with the whole Cena story and then the goal to become united states champ and the man just continues to grow in the ring. Heres hoping Miz will hold on to it for a while because it can only lead to great promos great feuds and hopefully one day we can all hear I AM THE MIZ AND THE REAL CHAMP IS HERE.
I said this last night and I stand by it. Please bear in mind this comes from one of the biggest Miz-Marks on the forums.

Miz will become the first guy to cash in the breifcase and fail to convert.

This isn't a bad thing. And it's not an indication that he's "not ready" by todays standards. (I'd argue he's vastly further along the learning curve than Jack Swagger was when he won.) But Miz is a character who will not win the title and will become so much better as a result of it. He will get screwed some way and turn it into the biggest conspiracy in history, and he won't shut up about it. He'll play it to a T, and we'll all eat it right up.

Because he's awesome...KENNE, er, I mean AWESOME!

I said the same thing last night. I am also a huge Miz-mark and I think you have it spot on.

As much I would love to see him cash in and win, I just really get the feeling he is going to fail. Like you said, it isnt that he's not ready. Maybe its just that they need to change it up a bit. With all the previous winners cashing in and winning, it might be time for someone to actually fail, and that someone is probably The Miz.

At first, I know I'll probably really upset if he fails, but like you said, tons of good is going t follow if he does fail. I first became a fan of The Miz when he began his determined chase for the US championship. If he fails, we could see that determined persona once again. He'll be great to watch.
I'm going to go ahead and say it. Miz is going to be the first to lose a MITB cash-in. Yes he deserves it, but I don't think he's ready.
I'm going to go ahead and say it. Miz is going to be the first to lose a MITB cash-in. Yes he deserves it, but I don't think he's ready.

I will have to agree he is not ready just yet, he still needs to find that spark, he is missing that spark, like what HBK had back in the day,
no doubt the Miz deserves the wwe belt, but he still has a fued with R-Truth so this will make it kind of hard to cash in
Who cares if it's hard to cash in now? He has a whole year and the further build won't hurt him anyway.

So, I'll be God damned: I enjoyed Miz last night. His promo skills are there and always have been. He flowed very well on the stick last night both times he got the chance and played the fake cash-in up to a T. The ring work could still use some work though. I can remember one singles match of his that I enjoyed. He should spend the next while working on that. At this point, MITB should only serve as a reminder that making him a headliner is a priority and he'll be there in twelve months at the latest. Past that, they shouldn't rush him.

While they're working on that, everyone else should work on not comparing him to the Rock or blabbering on about HBK's "spark." Such lines of thinking don't do him any good.
I don't think Miz is going to win with his title shot, as much as they stressed 7 out of 7 last night would make you think "oh they are just telling us that Miz is for sure going to be 8 out of 8" but I seen it as Miz is going to be the first too lose with the MitB contract. Just hear me out with this scenario because this is honestly how I see it all taking place...

The Miz is going to slowly build to his main event caliber with on and off semi main event level feuds until Feb, Elimination Chamber PPV. Miz will qualify for the Chamber match on RAW and will run his mouth about how he has the briefcase too as an insurance policy to make sure he leaves with the Championship. The Chamber comes down to Cena and Miz, which Miz loses in a buyable showing. Cena then becomes WWE Champion and heads in for The Champ vs. The Streak, Cena vs. The Undertaker. Miz will then defend his briefcase at Wrestlemania against some top babyface. After The Undertaker beats Cena to keep the streak intact in an awesome match to end 'Mania he drops down to one knee the lights go out and...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Miz runs to the ring after his match opened the show. The Undertaker is tired, worn out, and shocked that he has to defend his newly won WWE Championship and The Streak AGAIN for the first time ever twice in one night!(awesome way to stack the deck against Taker.) Taker can barely stand, the bell rings Miz charges at the Phenom takes him out hits a SCF, Taker kicks out. One more SCF, Taker kicks out. During the attempted third SCF Taker counters into the Tombstone and thats all she wrote. The Miz is the first to lose with the MitB contract, but still loses almost no credibility becasue even Cena can lose to Taker at 'Mania.
Good one on The Miz vs Taker at WM. It will be gold.

Personally I think that he will cash in the MITBB on a heel champ. Miz its getting a lot of pops, last night the most. Miz WWE Champion as a Face, but still be an annoying little crybaby I hope.
I also believe Miz will be the first to lose a MITB cash in. He's improved vastly over the past few years, I just don't see him as one of the two major champions... yet. He's getting there, he just needs to be built up more.
I don't think Miz is going to win with his title shot, as much as they stressed 7 out of 7 last night would make you think "oh they are just telling us that Miz is for sure going to be 8 out of 8" but I seen it as Miz is going to be the first too lose with the MitB contract. Just hear me out with this scenario because this is honestly how I see it all taking place...

The Miz is going to slowly build to his main event caliber with on and off semi main event level feuds until Feb, Elimination Chamber PPV. Miz will qualify for the Chamber match on RAW and will run his mouth about how he has the briefcase too as an insurance policy to make sure he leaves with the Championship. The Chamber comes down to Cena and Miz, which Miz loses in a buyable showing. Cena then becomes WWE Champion and heads in for The Champ vs. The Streak, Cena vs. The Undertaker. Miz will then defend his briefcase at Wrestlemania against some top babyface. After The Undertaker beats Cena to keep the streak intact in an awesome match to end 'Mania he drops down to one knee the lights go out and...

AWESOME!!!!!!!!! Miz runs to the ring after his match opened the show. The Undertaker is tired, worn out, and shocked that he has to defend his newly won WWE Championship and The Streak AGAIN for the first time ever twice in one night!(awesome way to stack the deck against Taker.) Taker can barely stand, the bell rings Miz charges at the Phenom takes him out hits a SCF, Taker kicks out. One more SCF, Taker kicks out. During the attempted third SCF Taker counters into the Tombstone and thats all she wrote. The Miz is the first to lose with the MitB contract, but still loses almost no credibility becasue even Cena can lose to Taker at 'Mania.

You know what, that sounds pretty god damned AWEEESOMMMEEEE. Could be the start of an AWWWEEEEESOMMMMMMEEEEEE Miz/Undertaker feud.

My friends and I marked out when Miz won. He was the most logical person to win it but also the guy I wanted to win the most... but I didn't think he'd ACTUALLY win it. I didn't think they'd actually give Miz a chance to have both US and a major title.

Seeing him get emotional once he got the 'case was great too. You could tell that it all hit him at that moment. He finally did it, he finally proved all the haters and the naysayers wrong. All his hard work culminated to that moment
and theres nobody more deserving than the Miz. That promo at the end, while kayfabe, definitely had truth to it. I'm sure he has been fed up with the juvenile hate that gets flinged towards him and for him to tell all those ***** off must have felt AAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Well done Miz. I firmly believe that THE next big guy. I mean like Rock/Austin/Cena level.
How long do you think the miz will keep the money in the bank briefcase, do you think the wwe will rush the title on him in the coming months or keep the briefcase on him for a long time to build more interest in his character. I ask this because i have seen many threads of the miz great qualities and why he should be champion now but to me i dont think hes ready to be champion.
I have been wondering, with them teasing Miz cashing in the case, is this just to make us think Miz will get it, and then have him lose it? I can't imagine so, but I was just thinking that it might be possible.

I kinda hope they stop teasing it, and have Miz wait and let us kind of forget about him being the MITB winner, then he could cash it in on us in the most random time.
That is exactly how I would Book it, I would wait until people kind of forget about it, and then cash it in out of nowhere! And I can not see him losing the MITB match.
The thought crossed my mind a few times as well. The way they have been making Orton look immortal lately I wouldn't be surprised if he beats Shaemus, then Miz attacks Orton with briefcase and goes to cash it in, Orton kicks out of pin and RKO's him for another win then does that crazy downward fist pump while everyone goes nuts.

I'd personally LOVE that because I do NOT want Miz to become WWE Champion. He is just too annoying for me.
It would make for people to stop thinking that anytime your Money In The Bank winner will automatically mean your going to win the WWE/World Heavyweight Championship when you cash it in. Besides I like the Miz but I don't think he is top level yet, making him champion will have the same effect as Rey's 2006 WHC reign.
So what your saying is build up The Miz for months, have him Main Event two Raw's in a row, have him branded as the future of Raw then when he finally decides it is the right time to cash in and break through to the main event properly he looses and is pushed back down to the mid card, no way in hell will that happen.

I do like the idea of teasing the cash in's though it keeps you thinking will this cash in actually happen, is he really going to win the title here. So when he finally does actually cash in it adds to the surprise.
I think it really depends on who the champion will be. I honestly don't see the Miz cashing in the briefcase on Sheamus as that would set up a heel vs heel feud. If Orton does become the new WWE champion at Summerslam I also doubt the Miz will be successful in cashing in the contract. Orton beat Miz clean last week and Orton looks too good now for him to win a title and lose it right afterwards. Bottom line is if the Miz cashes in on Sheamus or Orton I think he will be the first MITB winner to lose. Otherwise I see him becoming world champ.
So what your saying is build up The Miz for months, have him Main Event two Raw's in a row, have him branded as the future of Raw then when he finally decides it is the right time to cash in and break through to the main event properly he looses and is pushed back down to the mid card, no way in hell will that happen.

I do like the idea of teasing the cash in's though it keeps you thinking will this cash in actually happen, is he really going to win the title here. So when he finally does actually cash in it adds to the surprise.

You mustn't have read my post because your answer didn't coincide with anything I actually said, I was calling him high mid card. In this case losing won't hurt him, if anything the rub he has been getting from Orton is helping his case. He is young to the wrestling business and has plenty of time to get to the top. I'm not a hater in fact I consider myself a fan of his work but I'm only being a realist and making MITB a guaranteed winner will take all the surprise of the case away.
I think it will happen. IMO Miz isn't main event material he proved it on raw against
Orton when all he did was kick and punch and a couple of moves. He reminds me of Cena. I think Cena got the green light because The Rock and Lesnar were gone. Somehow I see the Miz as so one dimensional. I'm not buying his new mean streak style its to disguise the fact that he can't wrestle just like Cena.
Come to think of it he reminds me of WWE's Version of Kanyon (may he R.I.P.)
You can put any belt on him and he still wouldn't be over with the fans or even convincing. He's building his rep by beating NXT "rookies".
John Cena definitely deserves to be a main eventer i dont care what anyone says, he's very strong, he has a big heart and he knows what he's doing. I guarantee you put any of you in that ring with Cena you would have no idea what to do. The Miz is tiny with no power, putting Miz into the main event picture would be like putting Kofi Kingston as a world champ, a complete joke. But the way they always talk about the MITB winner is 8-0 when cashing in and no one has ever lost, i think Miz WILL LOSE when he cashes in, and i think it will be at SummerSlam. Come on, honestly Miz would never beat Cena or Sheamus, you got to keep it somewhat realistic. Its bad enough a runt like Mysterio beats Kane all the time.
Im not a huge Cena fan but he CAN wrestle and he's good at it, or else he wouldnt be champ for half the year, every year. Your just being a follower and following what all the Cena haters say, i bet you dont even know what your talking about.

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