[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

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  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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Dude, you're dumber than a sack of hammers. If you've watched last monday's raw, you can see that he was cheering when edge won his match vs daniel bryan. and then he got the e-mail saying that bryan won the match. so obvious that it wasnt cole.

it could be:

Jim Ross

Triple H

Bret Hart

Vinnie Mac

And a 1% chance of Joey Styles OH MY GOD!
I really do not want it to be Cole. He was already a horrible commentator. Now he could possibly be gm. In my opinion, he's a waste of Vince's money and us wrestling fans time. I'm sick of hearing about the Miz, who is also a waste of time, talking about him being the greatest U.S. Champion of all time. If I remember correctly, didn't Ric Flair hold that belt multiple times, and he is consider one of the greatest of all pro wrestling history. So if he's is saying that the Miz is better than Ric Flair, then Michael Cole is a ******. Storyline or not, Michael Cole needs to get off TV because he is an embarassment. If WWE does not get him off TV soon, they will have lost a die hard fan since 5 years of age.
No...as INDYJon22 pointed out, there is too much wrong with the way it has played out so far for it to be Cole. The personality is wrong, the timing is wrong, and Cole is way too public each RAW to conceivably secretly write the emails WHILE announcing. Now, obviously, there are no real emails, if you noticed, he always has a small cue card with him telling him what to say, as the contents of the "email" would have been written out ahead of time in order to plan for the storyline...That's real world.
i agree, first off, WHY does ANYONE want Cole as the GM???? Remember how Mike Adamle did??? i do, Cole would be bad if not worse, leave him as a heel announcer AND have King make fun of his rooting for heels.

In the kayfabe world, Everyone behind Cole can see what he is doing all RAW. Certainly, Lawler would notice...you would think they would have Lawler say something like "Cole, why are you always checking your cell phone" or something like that. If you are going to claim collusion on the part of Cole and DB, that their "feud" is a kayfabe work, you need to show at least a little evidence to support it, because right now, it makes absolutely zero sense.
Agree, the fans would see Cole tapping on the phone, Lawler would notice and say, "Cole, put your phone down, we have a match." It doesnt make any sense to say Cole is e-mailing himself. As for Daniel Bryan and Cole being together, get that out of your mind, WHY turn Bryan heel??? Why turn Miz face??? I could understand Cole being a GM, although they would HAVE to explain ALOT, but Bryan turning heel and Miz turning face makes ZERO sense.

Triple H would be a decent choice.
that's who i think the GM is (if i had to guess) because it makes more sense now, although, WHY is he hiding from the Nexus (which is why the GM wanted to be anonymous).
1. Blackberry...explain why nobody has noticed Cole taptaptapping away, especially Lawler, who sits right next to him.
yeah, i agree, how would Lawler not see Cole e-mailing himself??? that's the biggest issue with Cole being GM.

2. If Cole likes DB, give us your evidence to support it. Michael Cole, TV wrestling announcer hasn't shown any indication of that. Cole has done nothing but belittle him. If its a storyline work, explain why.
i agree, if Cole really is a fan of Bryan and was making fun of him as a swerve, why??? What is the point of having Cole belittle Bryan, just to have him as his Rock of the PG era???? McMahon and Rock at least showed evidence of a swerve, McMahon was annoyed at Mankind and he wanted to hurt the people, it made sense to turn the Rock, it doenst make sense to turn Bryan.

3. Again, with the Miz..same situation as DB, except the opposite. Cole practically *********es every time he sees Miz, so explain why its logical that his praise of Miz is really disdain, why he really hates him, despite the constant gushing.
I agree, this isnt like McMahon was with Mankind, he was annoyed at Mankind and then he screwed him out of the title, McMahon didnt basically call Mankind the future, Cole has called Miz the future of RAW, so why love on him, just to turn on him???
its not cole. i dont think the wwe knows what they r doing with it yet
i think that they may be trying to get a few different ppl in the role
like micheals, or another hall of famer but have failed to do so so far
I agree, first off let me tell you why i dont think it's Cole. First off, how is he e-mailing himself when the fans are right behind him and he's sitting next to King, i COULD agree with him being behind the Nexus, but not being the GM. IF Cole was the GM, why would he reverse the decision on Daniel Bryan vs. Edge??? he wouldnt and no i dont think that is a WWE swerve to get us to think the GM isnt Cole, i dont think the GM is Cole. As for who it is, i agree, i dont think WWE knows who the GM is yet because if they knew wouldnt they reveal him instead of having him e-mail and having the fans boo the GM??? i think the new GM thing was thrown together at the last second and WWE hasnt found out who will be the GM.
One of a kind
It's time to play the game
Time to play the game!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha
Ha, ha, ha

It's all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it...

I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, no way you can change me
I am have heavy debts, no way you can pay me
I am the pain, and I know you can't take me


The GM told US title will be defended in the match he recently done with- Submissions count anywhere match. At Last Year Breaking Point, DX vs Legacy had this match :p:suspic:

Shawn or HHH who will be the GM? I go for HHH
well whoever it is, doesn't seem to like canadians very much , jericho and edge are both getting a bit of rough treatment these days, could be just a coincidence they're both canadian , which could point to bret hart , hopefully the angle ends with something explosive, and not something we all expect
4. When the GM was interviewed, Cole was not at ringside. Check the tape.

But he was there when the GM restarted the Edge/Cena match and when Edge smashed the computer. I think this proves that Cole is not the GM. You can maybe make some thing up about the emails. Like he did it under the table or something but we see him not talking while the GM is talking. Plus we hear Cole during the segment. I re-watched the segment I didn't see where you can even clearly see the announcers table. IT IS NOT COLE.

Anyway the GM is clearly GLaDOS. :p
But he was there when the GM restarted the Edge/Cena match and when Edge smashed the computer. I think this proves that Cole is not the GM. You can maybe make some thing up about the emails. Like he did it under the table or something but we see him not talking while the GM is talking. Plus we hear Cole during the segment. I re-watched the segment I didn't see where you can even clearly see the announcers table. IT IS NOT COLE.
Agreed, the whole GM talking and the GM being Cole would require great technology and great hiding. That's why i see the GM being someone else. I dont know why HHH would be hiding, but that's who i see being the GM right now, BUT i hope i am wrong because it wouldnt make sense.
I'm hoping the GM reveals himself next week. Well there's no laptop now, unless they get a new one, and the strange alien voice. I think the GM is an alien, well there really is life out there lol. Also the GM said ha ha ha, and k3villa33 pointed out Triple H's music has the ha ha ha in it. Could it possibly be Triple H? Reveal yourself already, please.
did any one listen the the voice it had on the computer? although it was disguised, it was Verne Troyer! go on youtube, listen to that segment again, and hear the voice. I will bet 100 bucks it's him! (JK):lol:
I bet it's Mike Adamle because he can use spell check if he messes up and uses the computer because the computer can't botch anything.
Now I know this is incredibly out of left field but I think the GM could be Zack Ryder. I know this sounds weird but hang with me a bit.

The GM last night said that he has been trying to be Edge's friend and that Edge hurt his feelings. When I heard that it sounded familiar. For the last three weeks Edge and Ryder have been together doing promos with Zack Ryder hanging around Edge trying to be his friend. When Edge called Ryder a tool he said that it hurt his feelings.

If anyone follows Ryder on twitter you know that he, aside from being hilarious, can use a computer and obviously the GM can too.

Unless I'm wrong I can't remember Ryder being in the ring when the GM sent an email.

Now I may be reading way too into it but it seems a little more than just coincidence that the GM would say he's trying to be Edge's friend and that he hurt his feelings when Ryder said the same thing. what are everyone's thoughts on this
I was getting bored of the whole anonymous GM angle, but Edge has kind of breathed new life into it, at least for the time being. However, sooner or later, they need to reveal who this person is. I don't think it's Rock or Stone Cold. I am leaning towards Triple H, as I feel that they're going to push him as the "mastermind" behind the Nexus angle. Even if he's GM, HHH can still compete as an active wrestler.
Now I know this is incredibly out of left field but I think the GM could be Zack Ryder. I know this sounds weird but hang with me a bit.

The GM last night said that he has been trying to be Edge's friend and that Edge hurt his feelings. When I heard that it sounded familiar. For the last three weeks Edge and Ryder have been together doing promos with Zack Ryder hanging around Edge trying to be his friend. When Edge called Ryder a tool he said that it hurt his feelings.

If anyone follows Ryder on twitter you know that he, aside from being hilarious, can use a computer and obviously the GM can too.
funny enough, i have heard this lately and honestly, i wouldnt mind this. Ryder would be a good GM because his mic work has improved and it would be a swerve.
Crippler CrossFace, that's a good point you have made. Didn't the GM say Yo to Edge? Why do you have to hate me yo? Does Zack say yo, I'm not sure. But I think that's a good mention of Zack Ryder.
Now I know this is incredibly out of left field but I think the GM could be Zack Ryder. I know this sounds weird but hang with me a bit.

The GM last night said that he has been trying to be Edge's friend and that Edge hurt his feelings. When I heard that it sounded familiar. For the last three weeks Edge and Ryder have been together doing promos with Zack Ryder hanging around Edge trying to be his friend. When Edge called Ryder a tool he said that it hurt his feelings.

If anyone follows Ryder on twitter you know that he, aside from being hilarious, can use a computer and obviously the GM can too.

Unless I'm wrong I can't remember Ryder being in the ring when the GM sent an email.

Now I may be reading way too into it but it seems a little more than just coincidence that the GM would say he's trying to be Edge's friend and that he hurt his feelings when Ryder said the same thing. what are everyone's thoughts on this

You're not the only one. I was sitting there when this interview took place and this was the FIRST thing that popped into my head. At first, I kept asking myself if this particular thought was stupid, but then I started to realize something; it's not a horrible idea, they've been cutting promos with Edge and Ryder, Edge has been picking on Ryder, the GM keeps fucking with Edge, and Ryder has honestly improved on the mic.

I was actually going to post something about this, but didn't want to seem like a complete ****** in case I was just living in fantasy drunk land.

Since two other people have posted, I'll say it, I thought the same damn thing.
I think it's time we predicted when the GM is going to be revealed. Could it possibly be next week? Come on, Edge destroyed the laptop, please don't get another because that's a sign that it's time to reveal all.
You're not the only one. I was sitting there when this interview took place and this was the FIRST thing that popped into my head. At first, I kept asking myself if this particular thought was stupid, but then I started to realize something; it's not a horrible idea, they've been cutting promos with Edge and Ryder, Edge has been picking on Ryder, the GM keeps fucking with Edge, and Ryder has honestly improved on the mic.

I was actually going to post something about this, but didn't want to seem like a complete ****** in case I was just living in fantasy drunk land.

Since two other people have posted, I'll say it, I thought the same damn thing.

As odd as it sounds the pieces almost fit here especially Edge's reaction when the "yo" was said, it's as logical a theory as i've heard - just apart from the segmenn where Vince was on the phone to the GM and he said that he can trust him to run the show. That's the bit that doesn't sit right with me... but I DO love the thinking on this!

I still hope and pray for a Coach return...

As odd as it sounds the pieces almost fit here especially Edge's reaction when the "yo" was said, it's as logical a theory as i've heard - just apart from the segmenn where Vince was on the phone to the GM and he said that he can trust him to run the show. That's the bit that doesn't sit right with me... but I DO love the thinking on this!

I still hope and pray for a Coach return...


Inconsistency has been a problem with the WWE for a long time. I agree with you and maybe this is just another "give me a hell yeah" by the "anonymous" GM.

It's just not a bad guess.

Let's be real, would any shoddy idea surprise anyone who's been following the WWE/F for as long as most of us have?
I agree...when the 'puter started talking to edge about "I thought we were friends 'yo'. why you gotta do me like that 'yo'?" It took me a second or two to think about it, and I was like ZACK FREAKING RYDER!!! :wtf: I mean, it could just be a swerve, you never know, but it did kinda make sense, because why would Zack had been hanging with Edge all of a sudden backstage from outta nowhere? Of course the history with La Familia, when him and Hawkins were the Edge twins, but after so long and then he comes up to him to just start shooting the breeze randomly? :confused: Then all the verbiage from the android voice, the 'Yo's' and the 'crazies' for the looks, seemed almost TOO convenient when he kept saying "You and I know each other better than you think." I mean, I'd like to guess Zack, but then again, it could still all be a ruse when you think about the other sayings we've heard, from DX, The Rock, Stone Cold, and other legends...so, its almost a wait and see game sadly, but if its Zack Ryder, the only question I have is "How on God's green Earth, did he get to become the GM of RAW?!!" :wtf:
I know they've been teasing other people to keep people interested in the storyline but why tease Zack Ryder. I know some fans that are high on Zack Ryder (myself included WOO WOO WOO) and some who think he is "the most useless wrestler in the locker room", a friend of mine. So I can't see the point of teasing Zack Ryder cause it wouldn't cause as big a reaction as Stone Cold or Roddy Piper, guys who are universally liked.
This is my first proper post on this forum, so I hope all is well.

I've been reading through this thread as a guest for a while and, I have to say, some of these ideas are really logical. I think Zack Ryder seems like a good choice right now. He's low enough on the card that he can be a coward and hide behind a computer screen; I mean, I don't think it'd go down well if he made all the matches himself. Also, he seems to be getting semi-pushed on the screen right now, in his segments with Edge. Another thing, which I think sticks out most to me: wasn't it the GM who made him the number one contender against Sheamus? It seems like something Zack Ryder would do, as well as him hyping up the 'former number one contender' on Twitter.

Yes, I do really think Zack could be the GM. Before reading these posts I didn't, but a lot of the things the GM seems to have done, 'yo' most notably seem to fit him. I mean, I can't see Triple H saying that, nor hiding behind a computer screen.
My guess would have to be The Rock just due to this quote:

He said he does not just want to come back and guest host but he wants to entertain the fans in a way they haven't been entertained in years.

Now to me if The Rock was to come back as the GM it would be amazing, fans of this generation (PG) would recognize him from the disney movies and well I don't need to say anything about the attitude era fans.

In my opinion he would be a great choice as the GM he has the charisma, the mic skills and the ring presence!
The GM has basically been built up enough to be either 1 of 2 things.

1. a Wrestler whos in the main event status (ie: not Zach unless the E pushes him up the level of Edge/Jericho)

2. Somebody with HUGE grapefruits, somebody who will stand and rule with an iron fist to where they will go out to the ring face to face with Jericho/Edge and still boss them around without worrying.

i cant think of any examples for the 2nd idea.

My true guess is there is no GM and nobody has any idea who it should be. Which is im right this could end as Stephanie being the GM (since Vince is the owner it would be stupid for him to be a GM) or The Rock (which is very unlikely since Rock said he wont come back as a PG-Rock and would want 100% freedom on the mic)
Stephanie would be the perfect GM.

I've long been under the impression that even the 'E doesn't know who the GM is, though. Milk it while they can, but eventually they're going to have to get a plan together. It's one of the longer running stories recently anyway, so good for it.

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