[Official] Anonymous GM Discussion Thread

The Anonymous RAW GM Will Be Revealed?

  • True

  • False

  • I Don't Even Care Anymore..

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If the GM was Cole then why would he have changed the refs decision on raw. Cole hates Bryan so why would he change a decision and make him win?
Especally if he is going through this heel turn, it just wouldnt make sence.

Two words for you and everybody else....


Cole sets Bryan up to thinkin he has it easy and then after that he is hit with the most ultimate challenge. Yes, great thinking but unfortunately, I am not a WWE Creative Team.
I think Cole would be a decent heel GM, I actually like the way he's become more antagonistic. However, I don't think even creative have picked a person yet, and are just wasting time until they do.
its not cole. 100% sure thats not the route they have in mind as of now. i mean unless they really want to swerve everyone.

my guess is that it will never be revealed. someone will be appointed the new GM when the anonymous GM ran its course.
There is no way Cole could be the GM of RAW. With all the stuff and story lines that have been going on lately, I really find it hard to believe that Cole would even be a suspect by now. I mean the GM gave Bryan the victory over Miz, he/she hates Jericho/Edge, and he/she seems to be more of a face by the way he/she words his/her sentences. And none of this criteria fits Cole at all. I think Jericho and Edge will unveil the GM once and for all in the coming weeks, so all we can do is wait and see what the WWE has in store for us.
I agree with what everyone else is saying and why...the GM is not Cole. Even if it were, dont you think that King would see Cole emailing the laptop (or himself) on a weekly basis? Plus on any given night the GM rings in about 4 or 5 times, more if its dealing with certain wrestlers.

I think the WWE has no clue who it is, they are just stringing us along.
Come on guysss!!!!! is WWE, they will not explain how he sent e-mails without Jerry Lawler noting it, they will simply have him as the gm, I was thinking about Cole being the GM for nearly 2 months now, I think he is the GM, but now that you posted this thread and WWE gets knowledge of it, they will probably change the plan.
I agree with the majority here that there's no way it's Cole. It doesn't make sense the GM punishes heel, and he's obviously turning heel. Why would he bash Daniel Bryan then send himself an email reversing a decision in Bryans favor? The WWE has dropped the ball in the past with situations like this, but Cole as GM would be one of the biggest let downs ever IMO.

How many things you've seen in WWE that make sense, they will not explain it, if they want Cole to be the GM they will reveal him as the general manager. Cole is actually a very possible pick.
The WWE has been doing a good job keeping everyone guessing. The GM hasn't chosen sides yet. Let's not forget he's also the one responsible for giving Nexus a RAW Contract...

It may be Cole. It may not. It may be someone completely from left field, and it can even be a current wresler.... We don't know.
What if it's not just one person, but a different person each time, both heel and face? That could explain the reasons for some seemingly heel decisions and some seemingly face decisions, and the different quotes that some leave behind.
The WWE knows who they want as the GM...they've prolly known all along as they write these storyboards well in advance. Plus if they are having Edge and maybe Jericho going on the "GM hunt" they obviously have an idea where they want to go with the angle. The WWE doesn't just wing it that often so they definitely know who the GM is.

As for it being Cole...theres just too much to explain...how would he send himself emails without Lawler noticing for one...for two the GM is not a heel and that's clearly where they're trying to go with Cole. I think the GM is gonna be....wait for it...EUGENE!!! I say this because of two reasons...One the catch phrases the GM would always use at the end of his statements. When Eugene first came to WWE he mimicked all of the most popular wrestlers. For two, this is some stupid shit the WWE would pull to piss everyone off. Im not saying, Im JUST saying...
Cole as GM? Lawlz. Giant Lawlz. You must be slow or stupid to think he is the GM. Cole behind Nexus? Maybe. That's more of a likely scenario. I think the GM is HBK or HHH. Or somebody totally out in left field. Hell... Kenny Powers is a better guess of Raw GM than Michael Cole. Only time will tell but 40242029 people will tell you it's NOT Michael effing Cole.
i really never thought they would put cole as the g.m but over the past weeks i have noticed something. did you ever really look at what happends when the get a "email" form the g.m. cole just walks over and opens to computer and reads it. he doesnt even hit a key or look likes he even moving a mouse i mean that might be just me looking to it to or something but its just something to think about
This will sound ridiculous but for some reason, I wouldn't put it past WWE to name Eugene as the GM rather than Michael Cole. The GM has a tendency to use the catchphrases of other superstars (most notably Stone Cold, DX, and Vince McMahon). I mean, Eugene DID practically make a career doing that. Not saying I'd like that to happen as it's just a shot in the dark. As for Cole, I just think his heelish ways are just to fool us into thinking he's the GM. I think.
Yeah, obviously it's Michael Cole. It's so obvious, like for the last PPV, Summerslam. The E keep giving us hints for the imminent heel turn of John Cena! Gosh! it was so obvious... Just like it's happening right now, it's so fucking obvious! Oh wait, that's right it was "obvious" for Cen'as heel turn, and it didn't happen! SAME HERE!

Seriously! Stop all this bs: "Cena is turning heel, HHH is returning, Miz is cashing in, Cole is the GM of RAW". MY GOD IT'S SO OBVIOUS:disappointed:

Who knows who is really the GM of RAW. By now, I honestly don't care anymore...
Cole is going to be the GM. If anyone has noticed since the new "anonymous" GM Cole has gotten more and more aggressive and cocky. I think that this is because he is becoming more accustomed to his newfound power. If you watched Raw 2 weeks ago and you were paying attention when Jericho told him to "just read the email, you idiot" Cole's looked like he was just about to say something. I marked out thinking he was about to say he was the GM right there. Also, Cole, IMO, has not become a complete heel. He has stated time and again there are faces he likes, i.e. John Cena. As to those who say it's not him because of the GM's decisions some of the decisions I think he's making those moves to throw people off his scent and if you remember not all of the decisions were anti-heel for example when he dissed Bret Hart the Raw after Summerslam.
This idea suddenly came to my mind the other day as well, but then this whole situation with him praising Miz for cheating repeatedly, while Edge is being penalised even when he hasn't truly cheated, made me reconsider.

Now, someone said that it couldn't be Cole because how could he send himself emails, without King noticing. Well, we all know that there are no emails being sent at all, because Cole is obviously just reading off the sheet of paper in front of him.

He doesn't even open the emails to read them, he just just starts 'quoting' as soon as he reaches the podium.

Now obviously that could just be their sloppiness when it comes to executing this stupid angle, or it could indidcate that Cole IS the GM, but basically, i still don't think that this is the case.

Unfortunately this angle, while intriguing at first, has just gotten boring, and when the big reveal is finally made, i'm sure it'll be someone truly disappointing.
Unfortunatly I don't care who the GM is, this has been going on for the best part of 3+ months, I'm all for long storylines but dragging this out it's getting repetitive, more so with the double tapings you know it's going to be 2-3 weeks time before even have an inklin who the GM could be followed by 3-5 weeks of wittling down the contenders for the actual GM to end up being someone like HHH or another let down.

I don't believe Cole is the GM, tho all indications are pointing to him getting some kind of push in terms of tv time I don't see him ending up in the GM spot.
Michael Cole is clearly not the GM of RAW, clearly. Jerry Lawler is more chance, as we dont see him when the email is sent each time. my mail is that Chris Jericho is the GM, and more hints have been dropped supporting this.
A comment on the guy who said 'he can't post email's to himself.'

A) Wrestling is scripted, they would be pre-sent before the show
B) There is a piece of paper with all the GM's decisions on the keyboard of the laptop, if you didn't notice ;)
No, I think you're wrong. While the RAW GM has had a few flip-flop comments and decisions, most of them are in a face manner. You said it yourself that Michael Cole is a heel now, but if he was the GM why would he be doing things such as punishing the heels for cheating, making fan favored matches, not to mention punishing reversing a decision because of a Miz interference. In the end, I don't know who the GM is, and they're honestly dragging it on so long that really don't care anymore. Regardless of whoever it turns out to be, I think they will be a face, and nonot Michael Cole.

In the beginning of McMahon's turn, Austin was a heel. Both he and McMahon were turned.

And out of curiosity, how is he sending emails to himself? Wouldn't King see him typing the emails and then pressing send? And what about when he is already standing in front of the computer? Is he that damn good, that he can stand in front of a computer on national television with an audience sitting right behind him monitoring his every move, and still write an email to himself and send it? Yeah, I see flaws in that theory, though I am not completely bashing you, Cole has crossed my mind several times in regards to being the GM, I just don't see how it is logical though with him being in front of everyone, where they can see what he is up to.l

Blackberry or there aren't any real emails. Notice he wasn't around during the "interview" segment?

But don't you think the GM would be trying to screw over Daniel Bryan if he actually was Cole?

Who's to say they're not in it together and all the trashtalk was not misdirection?

Unless you watched this Monday, where Cole was fawning over Miz at the announce table as they both dumped on Daniel Bryan. Bryan lost as a result of interference, and Cole and Miz celebrated together. Seconds pass before the GM sends an email reversing the decision, declaring Bryan the victor.

This raises two majors problems with the theory that Cole is the GM.

1) How did he send the email while calling the match/celebrating with Miz?
2) Why would he make a decision that helps his least favorite person in the WWE?

You lose. This thread should be locked.

You're kind of a dipshit, huh?

1) Blackberry
2) The Daniel Bryan crap is a swerve

There is no way Cole could be the GM of RAW. With all the stuff and story lines that have been going on lately, I really find it hard to believe that Cole would even be a suspect by now. I mean the GM gave Bryan the victory over Miz, he/she hates Jericho/Edge, and he/she seems to be more of a face by the way he/she words his/her sentences. And none of this criteria fits Cole at all. I think Jericho and Edge will unveil the GM once and for all in the coming weeks, so all we can do is wait and see what the WWE has in store for us.

You're wrong. There's no way Cole SHOULD be the GM, but he certainly could and probably will be. The WWE likes to push the suspension of disbelief to the edge... Look at the current Undertaker angle. Are we really to believe that he and Kane have had meetings with the devil? Are we supposed to believe in 'the power of the urn' again? And the last time we saw Paul Bearer, didn't the Undertaker kill him by encasing him in concrete? How'd Taker escape murder charges there?
No...as INDYJon22 pointed out, there is too much wrong with the way it has played out so far for it to be Cole. The personality is wrong, the timing is wrong, and Cole is way too public each RAW to conceivably secretly write the emails WHILE announcing. Now, obviously, there are no real emails, if you noticed, he always has a small cue card with him telling him what to say, as the contents of the "email" would have been written out ahead of time in order to plan for the storyline...That's real world. In the kayfabe world, Everyone behind Cole can see what he is doing all RAW. Certainly, Lawler would notice...you would think they would have Lawler say something like "Cole, why are you always checking your cell phone" or something like that. The tweener to face content of the emails, helping the face out more than the heels is a problem too. Cole is in the middle of a full heel turn. If you are going to claim collusion on the part of Cole and DB, that their "feud" is a kayfabe work, you need to show at least a little evidence to support it, because right now, it makes absolutely zero sense. I am not saying you are flat out wrong, merely that I remain unconvinced, having seen nothing at all to support that claim.

More likely, it will be someone completely off camera. Triple H would be a decent choice, since it implies that even if he hasn't been seen on TV for months, he is still involved. (talking about his character, not the real world, where we all know he was hurt, got better, filmed a movie, got hurt again). Triple H being the GM could explain his so far unexplained absence to the WWE audience.
the GM is Micheal Cole, you all think he likes the miz and hates BD, well here it is SPOILER ALERT

cole and BD are working together to screw the miz, they are gonna screw the miz out of his money in the bank title shot, BD is gonna turn heel and miz is gonna turn face..

And I bet you have the numbers for the lotto too. Unless you are a writer for WWE, I'm pretty sure you don't know. Anyways on topic, it wouldn't be Cole. If it ends up being Cole, we'll be losing an announcer and I'm pretty sure JR won't be comin back.
I think during this time the WWE has suffered a case of TNA-itis......dragging an UNGODLY boring storyline out for months. :disappointed:I shouldn't complain, because it CERTAINLY takes the place of the even worse celebrity GM's (i.e. Johnny Damon) :shrug:that have no business in a ring at all....maybe wearing a ring, or getting a nipple ring, but not being in a wrestling ring, but I digress. I don't care if it's Cole, Stephanie, the fat dude draped in oil, whomever. Lord...just move on with this angle. At first it was interesting because there was teasers of SCSA, HHH, the Rock....but the novelty has SO worn off...........so....that must mean that the GM is Mae Young?
1. Cole could send emails by the Blackberry the GM gave him. Why would Cole announce on Raw that the GM gave him a Blackberry and include it in the show if it wasn't part of the storyline. These things are VERY thought out and McMahon is talking to the announcers through the headset each show, making sure they say exactly the right thing.

2. Cole likes Daniel Bryan and is working with him. The whole badmouthing him thing is a swerve. When Cole takes over the GM role, Bryan will turn heel and the main guy backing him, Cena (remember the petition), will begin a program with him.

3. Cole specifically doesn't like either Jericho or Edge, because they have constantly badmouthed and embarrassed him for years. It's not a heel vs face thing, it's a personal vendetta thing. The GM's decisions are almost all heel (Nexus, Bret Hart, Cena) with the exception of Miz, Jericho and Edge. Bryan hates Miz and Cole hates Jericho and Edge.

4. When the GM was interviewed, Cole was not at ringside. Check the tape.

5. It's the WWE. Enough said.
All I am saying is bring some logic to defend your argument. The anti-Cole as GM people, myself included, have demonstrated why it doesn't make logical sense. We have all brought arguments that are backed up by using some common sense...I get that you believe Cole is the GM, and that you are stubbornly defending it...just give us more logic behind your thought process. All you have done so far is repeat the same claims, without offering up reasons why.

1. Blackberry...explain why nobody has noticed Cole taptaptapping away, especially Lawler, who sits right next to him.

2. If Cole likes DB, give us your evidence to support it. Michael Cole, real world, might indeed like Bryan Danielson...but Michael Cole, TV wrestling announcer hasn't shown any indication of that. Explain why despite all of the negativity he has shown towards Bryan, that we are all wrong, and you are right. Cole has done nothing but belittle him. If its a storyline work, explain why.

3. Again, with the Miz..same situation as DB, except the opposite. Cole practically *********es every time he sees Miz, so explain why its logical that his praise of Miz is really disdain, why he really hates him, despite the constant gushing.

4. Cole not being at ringside can be explained as simply as he had to take a dump.

5. This isn't really an argument for anything at all.

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