Obscure WWE Theme songs that should be re-used


Championship Contender
WWE's Youtube channel did a thing recently about entrance songs that have been used by multiple wrestlers.


Kurt Angle and The Patriot
Windham & Rotunda and Hulk Hogan
Orton used CM Punk's original song for one week.

It made me think, what theme song was good enough that it should be re-used/re-vamped, which was for a guy who didn't make enough of an impact for it to be "identified" with him that much?

My pick is Luther Reigns' old entrance. (No relation to Roman ;) ) Simple but awesome.

Great thread! I truly believe it adds so much to a wrestlers character to have an awesome entrance song, it seems to be almost an afterthought at WWE at this present time, nowadays they seem to crank out one generic theme after another and it takes away from the overall feeling and vibe that helps Me immerse Myself in all things Wrestling related. Now for My reply I have always loved the "Smoke & Mirrors" theme Cody used during his dashing days(I even enjoyed the damaged remix after Rey Mysterio broke his nose)and with the right character existing or non I think it could work. Also considering just how horrible Samoa Joe's NXT theme is, I would love for him to start using the "Bad Man" theme used by Rikishi during his i'll conceived heel turn or Tazz's old WWE theme "13". For whatever reason I always loved Undertaker's "Big Evil" theme from his American Bad Ass Championship days, Chris Benoit's "Whatever" theme and last but not least Kane's "Slow Chemical" theme. Any of these great theme songs would be a welcome addition to the WWE's currently bland status quo of underwhelming forgettable seemingly random theme songs.
None. Personally, I think nobody should be using an old theme. They should be using a new song that gets them over, not an old one that failed to get somebody else over.

Sure, there are a few occasions when it worked. But it was rare. For any song to be reused, it would have to have been used so little, that it won't be recognized. And any song that isn't recognizable, is usually generic rock. And generic rock tracks can be made like that in this business. There's no point in recycling old music for new guys. Just use new music.
I saw that video and had the same thought about theme songs that would have been better on current WWE guys than who previous had it. For the most part I don't think these would work for obvious reasons, but here it goes.

Drew McIntyre's "Broken Dreams" for Randy Orton - I liked Randy's first post-evolution theme, but "Voices" is a little kitschy - like a late 80's hair band song. Broken Dreams was pretty awesome and fits Randy's stalking ring personality.

Chris Benoit's "Whatever" for Dean Ambrose - Obviously this song will never be used or acknowledged again (sucks since it was one of the few from a real band). It's basically a better variant of Ambrose's current generic theme that has some decent/applicable lyrics.

Val Venis' Theme for Dolph Ziggler - Would never happen in PG, but would be an entertaining character refresh to play off porn's joking overtures to Ziggler by having him take up Val's mantle. Some might think it insulting to saddle a great wrestler with a gimmick, but he has never fully gotten over and while he is good on the mic, is somewhat vanilla. This gimmick would play off the cocky (no pun intended) personality Dolph does best, and make him a really entertaining heel that people would pull for. (Disclaimer: Recently YouTube's Val Venis clips and forgot how entertaining some of his promos/feds were).
My pick would be Alex Riley's Entrance theme, Say it to my Face.... It was a great song that was just unfortunately given to the wrong guy.... I reckon WWE has learnt from this which is why they give most new guys generic themes just in case they dont become successful.
The Brood theme song

It's so creepy and kind of awesome. Would have loved to see some odd superstar with a weird gimmick use that theme. Maybe even bring back the gimmick. Doubt it'd work with Christian as the Gangrel role but holy shit would that be fun to watch. Christian/Leo Kruger/Some other darkie = The new brood?

Also considering just how horrible Samoa Joe's NXT theme is, I would love for him to start using the "Bad Man" theme used by Rikishi during his i'll conceived heel turn or Tazz's old WWE theme "13".

It's funny that you say that in this thread. Listen to Reigns' theme and then Tazz'. You'll realize that Reigns' is the pretty much the same but slowed down. When Crush was the big Hawaiian, his theme was Sid Justice's, just slowed down.

Personally, I would like somebody to use Raven's old theme. Unfortunately, he was relegated to mostly Sunday Night Heat, so his themed today would still be fresh to most audiences.

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