Numbers' surprise #2 is....


WZCW's Mr Excitement
OK so I’m going to try and make this short and sweet but I am going to fail. This is surprise number two.

I’ve decided to step down as head of creative. Due to a decrease in the time I have to spend on the fed and a new job which I start in less than a week, I feel it is better to step back now rather watch my efforts dwindle away, I don’t want to bedgrude the fed and I am staying around to RP.

Most of you know I became a dad before Christmas and like Showtime, Red Skull, Ty and others I can absolutely confirm that kids are a massive distraction. It’s a fairly big reason behind by decision; I underestimated quite how much effort she would take. I’ve been distracted recently so I want to focus on that.

I really wanted to stay on through this cycle and onto KC. We really improved this cycle, the effort from all was fantastic and it showed in the PPV. But ultimately I want to hand over now to give the guys the best possible opportunity to kick on, replace me and create the best road to Kingdom Come cycle that they can.

This has been a really difficult decision but I think it’s going to be in the best interests of the fed because I have absolute trust in the guys to find a great replacement and work on without too many distractions.

The funniest thing about this whole thing is this:
FalKon if you're ever Head of Creative, I quit.
Got posted within hours of me announcing it to the guys.

Falkon is going to be an excellent Head of Creative. He has a fantastic team behind him who are now working as well as any group has while I have been on Creative.

So enjoy the break, enjoy KB's review; I know the guys are working on some big plans for the cycle but the Roulette Rounds (my favourite shows) could throw everything out the window. Here's hoping.
Lies. I have an infant with me reading this post this very second. You sonofvabish. Rnjoy fatherhood. I know I am. Even though I'm not a father.
There goes my push. I have done nothing but kiss your ass since KC and this is how you repay me? Breaking my heart you old fucker.

I honestly can't say I'm super surprised by this. I've had a few talks with you the last couple months and I know how busy you could get.

Your tenure didn't get off to the best of starts, but you had some ambitious ideas, and through a lot of reasons out of your control they didn't work as well as possible. It took a while but things did get a lot smoother.

Under your watch the star Krypto built has been able to outshine nearly every member of the Mentor Program dropping out, you played parts in the Mayhem and Tag titles regaining some prestige, and I think there is less of a divide between creative and us normies.

Eventually I am going to find the right emotional tone for an RP and kick GM's ass, until then enjoy being a regular member again.

Oh wait. FalKon is head of creative and I have waited sooooooooo long to do this, because your old man rules no longer apply.

There goes my push. I have done nothing but kiss your ass since KC and this is how you repay me? Breaking my heart you old fucker.

Why do you think I was so excited to join a stable with him? I'm fucked now.

In all seriousness, you've done a fine job as fed head, and I'm glad to see you won't be following in the unfortunate tradition of fed heads leaving not only Creative, but WZCW altogether. You left a very capable group in charge and WZCW is in a very good place right now. Thanks for all your work.
I have already said what needs to be said in the back, but you will definitely be missed. You got way too much crap, and no one but the boys in the back know how much effort and time you put into the fed.

On a side note, we need to make sure that Prophet sticks to his guns and remains a man of his word.

FalKon if you're ever Head of Creative, I quit.
After a few stressful days, I had sort of a feeling this was coming. You've always seemed incredibly chill and awesome. Cheers to you, my friend.

I await the day Grand Mystique returns.
Good luck, Falkon. And, at least you are sticking around Numbers. You're writing is great, and I can only imagine you will put even more into your RPs.

So, is another member going to be added to creative?
So, is another member going to be added to creative?

Luckily, Barbosa's split personality allowed us to side-step the usual process of having to find a replacement. We have the smoker handling the complaints department.
So are you leaving completely, or just stepping down from Creative? Either way, a shame. I know you and I didn't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things but this entire cycle was great and at the end of the day your run was pretty damn good. Didn't expect this to happen so soon, but I suppose life happens.

As for FalKon, well, I couldn't think of anyone else who would take over, really. It makes sense, and as long as our shows aren't constantly late again I'm sure he'll work out. I know he does a lot of work behind the scenes.
After a few stressful days, I had sort of a feeling this was coming. You've always seemed incredibly chill and awesome. Cheers to you, my friend.

I await the day Grand Mystique returns.

...he's staying in the fed as GM.

This blows, man. I'm incredibly grateful for the chance you and the rest of creative have given me here, and for the times I've PMed you with something, and you've gotten back to me virtually straight away each time. That, and you've been a great head of the fed since Ty took over, all be it with a few teething issues at the start.

Still, awesome that you're sticking around with GM. Would love for our characters to cross paths soon :)
Tip my cap, Numbers. I as well as everyone really appreciated the time you devoted to the fed. Enjoy fatherhood and good looking out, man.
Yes, my plan is coming to fruition, soon modship and then supremacy Sorry to see you go Numbers. I've already said enough back in the Creative section, but good luck with life (and being just a regular fella')
Numbers my man, I came into this fed when you were nothing more than just a simple member of creative that bugged constantly because I was too scared to ask Ty Burna for advice, and after RRR, and our feud afterwards. It's a bummer to see you step down from head of creative. Best of luck with the kid man, and be sure to get on Skype more often so I can annoy you some more. :D
Last cycle was the balls, you did good work. Good luck with the product of your loins and I hope you have fun with her and continue to do so here.
We didn`t see eye to eye mostly but you did come up with the Mentor Program leading to my success now and people becoming a fan of Krypto so to that I say cheers.

I look forward to bugging Falkon with my problems now.
You did good, man. I know you had a hard act to follow but you managed it. Sad times.

And then there was one (more fed head that I have to wait out before I'm off the shit list).

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