A Few New Changes

Viola Moonlight

I'm Literally Just Here for WZCW
Hey guys,

Over the past week or so, we've had a few new changes be implemented for WZCW and we figured right now is the time we let you all know about these changes - they aren't ground-breaking or earth-shaking ones but they are still big enough to put in an official thread.

New Creative Members

We would like to announce and welcome both Ty and Yaz to the Creative team, following a couple of former members leaving our ranks over the last week or so (whom we'd like to thank for their contributions to the team - we couldn't have done it without you guys [/mushy speeches]). Ty has been a huge influence in WZCW and we are glad to have him back on board as well as introducing some fresh new blood to the team in the form of Yaz who has proven time again that he has the tools to be a member of creative. The only problem I see hiring Yaz for the job would be that 3 out of the 7 creative members are bronies... looks like WZCW will be called Equestrian Championship Wrestling soon. :p

I'm looking forward to working with Yaz as well as Ty once more. Congratulate these two guys for making the cut (although Ty threatened to CB me if he didn't).

An Extra Round Added To The Lottery Cycle

Normally, the Lethal Lottery cycle consists of the Roulette Round to kick-start, followed by two more rounds before we head into the Lethal Lottery PPV. However, considering that the Roulette Round is more of a fun round (a la All Stars), we decided to add an extra round between then and the LL PPV so we have an extra set of shows to work with and not rush to the PPV. This is how we are planning the cycle:

  • Roulette Round
  • Round 2
  • Round 3
  • Round 4
  • Lethal Lottery PPV

We will be hosting the RR very shortly and once those shows are up, we will resume a normal schedule. We thought we'd let you know right now about this change so you guys know what is to be expected and not be confused when the Lottery boards go up 2 weeks later.

Side Note - More information about the Lethal Lottery will be announced during the Roulette shows (most likely the opening of Meltdown or something along those lines). Make sure you pay attention to those.


There will also be a few other things happening around the fed such as updating old threads and jazzing up the place to make everything look more presentable and newer. We've cleaned up a bit in the Backstage area as well as adding (very soon) a more detailed Title History to the currently existing thread.

Other than that, hope you guys are excited for the Roulette Round randomness! I know I am - I can't wait!
It's great to see Yaz be noticed for the ass ton of work he puts into the fed, everyone I talked to about who they thought the new creative was going to be, his name always popped up first, and with Ty returning it is just a massive improvement. Can't wait to see how the fed shapes up with more and more brainpower being added to the creative team.
I already thanked the guys in the back, but again thanks for having me. I'm not sure if I feel privileged or pressured to be brought on at the same time Ty comes back, but I can assure everyone I will work hard to push our pony agenda.
I'm glad that Yaz is on board, but this Ty Burna guy? I'm not convinced. I'd like to see someone with a little more of a track record with WZCW and WrestleZone as a whole be made part of the creative team. I'm thinking Darren Bull.
Congrats to both. Deserved.

However, I'm not convinced about the extra round going into the Lottery. This is simply because the Lethal Lottery doesn't need any build whatsoever. The only thing that needs built up is the World Heavyweight Championship match and that can be done within two rounds. Still, you guys are the decision makers, I am merely the voice of the minority.

Carry on.

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