No WWE PPV's for 7 weeks (from TLC to Royal Rumble)!

Seven weeks is too long in my opinion, especially when a PPV happens 3 weeks after Survivor series. You get one PPV rushed and the other drawn out, logic would say make it 4 and 6 weeks and that way you get a decent build for both PPV with Rumble not being dragged out and TLC not being rushed.

While I understand what you’re saying and I agree that it would be better for TLC to receive 4 weeks of hype and for the Royal Rumble to receive just enough time of hype (6 weeks), there is a problem. If they move up the show one week (so that it can receive the 4 weeks of hype) it would mean that it would air on December 20th. Honestly, I’m not sure but I think it’s possible that they would get lower buys because Christmas is just around the corner and people don’t want to waste money for the pay per view because they need to do some more shopping. Like I said though, I’m not sure but it could be a factor as to why they aren’t giving it 4 weeks.

Another thing I wanted to add. WWE is getting an hour for the Tribute to the Troops special the night before the pay per view on NBC so it’s possible that they are going to do some additional hype for TLC during the special.
The thing that many of you are forgetting here is that the buildup to Wrestlemania does NOT start at EC. It starts at the Rumble. Essentially all EC is just a filler. By the time EC happens, we can likely predict most of the matches for Mania anyway. For example, Jeff vs Matt. We all knew that after the Royal Rumble it would be Jeff vs Matt at Mania. Couple years ago, we had Cena and HBK plus Taker vs Batista all settled before No Way Out. I have a feeling that like 2 years ago, at least one main event will be established before EC.

Now about the rest of the card, how long does it really take to build up Money in the Bank? Plus we have a lot of feuds now already in the works that could happen. That Dibiase face turn that everybody is predicting could still happen. Dibiase betrays Orton at the Rumble, bam you have yourself a grudge match. Settle Rhodes and Dibiase at EC to hold the feud together. Guys, back in the day that's what No Way Out was used for. They added the chamber to the PPV to increase buys because I'm sure that everybody thought it was a 3rd rate PPV.

WWE needs the long break from TLC to the Rumble to begin the building process for the Mania feuds. They really can't afford to screw up the build. I see no problem with the 7 week off period to get their ideas together and incorperate them into the biggest PPV of the year.

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