No Reaction For Dolph Ziggler


Dark Match Winner
I don't know if you guys noticed, but Dolph Ziggler gets almost no reaction during his entrance. It is not only this night, but every night when his entrance plays and when he is by himself and not with Vicky. When he is standing by Vicky, he gets a loud reaction, but they are booing Vicky, not Dolph. After months of his dominant IC reign and main eventing, Dolph still doesn't get a reaction when he is walking by himself.

Did you notice this?

How can this be solved?

Do you think this will stop Dolph Ziggler's push?
I been saying this for months. Dolph might be a good wrestler but the guy is not ready to main event as champion anytime soon. The guy has potential and a lot of talent in the ring, but his character and mic skills are far from where they should be if he intends to be a top tier player. Honestly if it werent for his wrestling skills, this guy would do nothing for me. The crowd obviously is not into him. His character is so bland and his mic skills are virtually non-existent. Its obvious they paired him up with Vickie for this reason. When he is on his own, however, the guy is pretty much the same guy who nobody cared about although he loved telling you his name. WWE needs to go back and work on these things before they get him back into the main event scene.
More people are starting to notice just how... bland he is in the ring. There's a reason they paired him with Vicki. She can give anyone heat. On his own, Dolph is BORING.
Dolph is gonna be this years Jack Swagger, relevant for 2 months then dumped and demoted to Superstars by May. Unless they make a move to get the US title or MOTB on him, but I don't think his heat is gonna last long enough for it to make a difference.
following Vickie is a tough act for anyone, I have a feel that the crowd was booed out from her by the time his entrance happened.
I think at this point she's hurting his career because hes becoming too reliant on her heat. It was painfully obvious tonight.
Dolph has never been charismatic, I don't even think he's good. The only reason why he was ever booed was because he was with Vickie but I don't even think he got heat it was Vickie's heat. I knew this would happen too, because when Dolph was all alone he couldn't do shit on the mic in terms of getting a reaction. Vickie was supposed to put heat on him, but all she ended up doing was magnifying her own heat.

I don't think the problem can be solved and I hope it ends his push, he's so talent-less that he can't even get over as a midcard heel. Zack Ryder gets more heat than he does.
Dolph's become waaay to reliant on Vicki's heat in order to get him over. He was a lot better and more charismatic when he was by himself as a Pro on NXT Season 4, especially when Byron Saxton got eliminated. I thought Dolph was going to pop a blood vessel, he was screaming so much.

He's got the in ring talent, but his first big feud was more between Vicki and Edge rather than him.
finally somebody on this forum acknowledges ziggler doesnt draw any reaction. Ive been hearing fanboy making up ridiculous excuses about his no-reaction entrance and praise he is a great heel. This isnt the indy show where you made some pretty moves and become success. Fans interest = Reaction = long term success in wwe.

Dont believe? Just look at where the miz is. And now look at morrison.
Dont believe? Just look at where the miz is. And now look at morrison.

Miz and Morrison BOTH get reactions, just for different reasons. I'd say more at this point Ziggler's reaction = Primo Colon. If he's supposed to be part of the next gen (Miz, Sheamus, Morrison, Bryan) he better do something drastic, and QUICK!
I agree with an earlier poster. Vickie is more of a hindrance than a helper. She draws so much heat that its hard for Dolph to look relevant. Also, considering the match he is in, where a lot of the focus is on Snooki, Laycool and Trish, than Dolph (and John Morrison) get lost in the mix.

The WWE need to find a way to get Vickie off Dolph whilst keeping them both heel (if they are to remain heel). Maybe the draft.
Finally!!! more people who think the same thing I do, i was beginning to think I was the only one who thought he was boredom perfection. He needs to do something with his persona and quick because he will sail away faster than Matt Hardy adds weight.
Guys, I have an idea. Apparently, Snooki, Trish, and Morrison get some pretty big pops. At Wrestlemania 27, I would have Dolph Ziggler take out the referee and knock out Morrison. This leaves Snooki and Trish Stratus by themselves. Vicky is watching, Laycool are outside the ring, knocked out, so Dolph does something monstrous. He uses a steel chair and hits Trish in the face with it! Trish is left bleeding outside the ring. Then, he gets Snooki and push her to the steel pole and does the Sleeper-Hold on her. Dolph's team wins the match. After this, Trish will no longer wrestle again. She can still train people at Tough Enough, but she will have to wear some protective stuff. Snooki never makes an appearance in WWE again, and Dolph Ziggler will be over as an over heel.
Not a fan of Dolph Ziggler myself. He's never seized the moment, despite the opportunities he's had. Time to drop him down, or put him in a tag team or something. He has no mic skills whatsoever, although he certainly does have the look and the ability to carry himself, if only he could nail the mic skills part.
What are you people watching? I've read things like Dolph is bland in the ring?? and BORING? I'm no Ziggler mark, but I feel like I know a good worker when I see one considering I been following this business since 1988. If your measuring stick on "entertaining" and "edgy" is The Miz, then thats your first problem. The guy doesnt look like a wrestler and doesnt talk like a wrestler (except for when he steals Jericho's monotone voice gimmick). Ziggler is bleeding charisma and the fact that he has likened his ring style to a hybrid of Curt Hennig and Shawn Michaels just speaks to the mans taste. He is above and beyond the talent of The Miz and it seems thats who the IWC has voted (by default, and out of desperation) to be the "leader" of this new generation. Sad that you people cant see behind The Miz's extremely basic and unoriginal mic work. He looked out of place with The Rock tonight and rightfully so. He is rewarded with a championship run because he is a company man like Cena. Thats it. Its not about talent anymore, if it were Ziggler would have gotten a serious run with the world title. Ziggler is underrated and the fact that so many of you think he is worthless speaks to the demographic watching the WWE today. Vince always says he gives the audience what they want, and apparently this is why wrestling blows these days... Cause you all want shit...and you get shit in return from Vinny Mac. Have fun cheering for mediocrity.
Guys, I have an idea. Apparently, Snooki, Trish, and Morrison get some pretty big pops. At Wrestlemania 27, I would have Dolph Ziggler take out the referee and knock out Morrison. This leaves Snooki and Trish Stratus by themselves. Vicky is watching, Laycool are outside the ring, knocked out, so Dolph does something monstrous. He uses a steel chair and hits Trish in the face with it! Trish is left bleeding outside the ring. Then, he gets Snooki and push her to the steel pole and does the Sleeper-Hold on her. Dolph's team wins the match. After this, Trish will no longer wrestle again. She can still train people at Tough Enough, but she will have to wear some protective stuff. Snooki never makes an appearance in WWE again, and Dolph Ziggler will be over as an over heel.

What? Your pushing JoMo, why would you make his mania match end like that? Also, why would Trish come back for that? Another thing why the hell would ssnooki agree to that? No way, plus how would his team win the match he cant touch a girl, whose gonna pin her? Vickie cant, and laycool are knocked out, so that idea is all around poorly planned i get what you mean but that is a horrible way to establish ziggler
Easy way to solve this is a face turn. If Dolph explodes on Vickie one day and says hes fed up and just rips her a new one, what fan wouldn't cheer for that? Use Vickie as the major heel that gets Dolph elevated as a top face.
Ziggler is great in the ring. The problem IMO is that he's not getting pushed. If he was more people would start to cheer or boo him more. IE like Swagger did when he got his push. People really cheered him when he cashed in his MITB. It's all about getting a chance. If the WWE gives it to him people will start to notice more.
Ziggler is great in the ring. The problem IMO is that he's not getting pushed. If he was more people would start to cheer or boo him more. IE like Swagger did when he got his push. People really cheered him when he cashed in his MITB. It's all about getting a chance. If the WWE gives it to him people will start to notice more.

He hasn't been pushed?! He's been in more World Title matches recently than Morrison Sheamus and Barrett have been combined in the same time span. Ziggler's technically a former world champion, was the main event of a ppv (the same ppv that they didn't trust Morrison to headline) yet he hasn't been pushed? Ziggler has been pushed to the moon but he has absolutely no charisma and cannot connect with the WWE Universe so they don't care about him at all.

WWE gave him everything possible, including the biggest heel in the WWE Vickie Guerrero, and he has no heat to show for it. I'm not going to say he sucks in the ring because he doesn't, he's above average in the ring but he has no charisma and that's not good enough to cut it in the WWE
1) i havent noticed this, dolph is booed when vickie is there, and when she isnt there.
2) i dont think it could be fixed, unless he turns face (by helping beat the nexus (if they return) or if he helps beat a dif group of heels), but even that i couldnt guarantee that he would get a positive reaction. oh and of course drop vickies sorry fat ass on the street somewhere and dont let her come around you.
3) dolph hasnt really had much of a push, he was champ for less then 2 hours, and then was fired, only to be rehired a month later so its safe to say that his push (if he had any) is over.
No counting for taste I guess... Ziggler is a phenomenal performer.

He is so crisp in the ring and fluid I don't really know who is better in the ring right now in the WWE when you think about it. Morrison botches, Rey clunks around, Cena is by the numbers, Orton is a 3 move wonder, Miz's inring is boring and Daniel Bryan still seems to have stage fright with the bigger crowds. Ziggler is a bretahe of fresh air in the WWE and IMO has carried Orton and Edge to solid matches and had great ones with Bryan, Morrison and Rey.
Dolph has great in ring work, i'll admit to that but I believe he has the same problem as Morrison as far as what is holding him back from breaking out of mid-card rank and IC/US title contenders to being taken seriously as main eventers and major title holders, and thats mic skills. they both have the charisma, morrisons in ring work has been a bit sloppy as of late (especially the over jumped Starship Pains), but if they both got their mic skills up and learn how to captivate the crowd for pops or heat then they would both definitely be on the next level of their careers. As far as Dolph getting more of the Universe behind him, He either has to leave Vickie and turn face or even tag with another popular face of the same caliber of in ring performance, or He's gonna have to turn it up a notch with the heel angle. For a while he was convincing but like i said his mic skills kinda screwed that up for him, and idk if its because of the fact that everyone knows he's a former Spirt Squad member so they can't take him seriously, but i do know that since his move on RAW he's not goin to be able to get the same amount of opportunities to break out as he once was on Smackdown. i believe a face turn would MOST DEFINITELY point his career in the right direction as far as gaining support, as soon as his mic skills becomes academic (via new catch phrase etc.) he has the potential to break out.

I think if they were to move Randy to Smackdown to contend for the World Title again, and try to build up Dolph to turn face and have a potential angle where he has rivalry with The Miz, that could potentially put him over as well.
finally somebody on this forum acknowledges ziggler doesnt draw any reaction. Ive been hearing fanboy making up ridiculous excuses about his no-reaction entrance and praise he is a great heel. This isnt the indy show where you made some pretty moves and become success. Fans interest = Reaction = long term success in wwe.

Dont believe? Just look at where the miz is. And now look at morrison.

Huh? JoMo was screwed over when WWE turned him to a face. And Morrison STILL gets the biggest reaction of almost all faces. WWE dropped the ball with him. It was all their fault, you can't expect one of the best heels in WWE to just drop his act and be a goody goody all of a sudden. EVEN WITH THAT... he gets great crowd reactions, and has his face pressed against the main event peephole.

As for Ziggles, this guy NEEDS to step it up. He seems to be a bright future star, but with no reaction comes no future.
What is his character, anyway? He doesn't seem to really have one. I think that Dolph is another example of how the WWE doesn't develop actual characters any more. He's been likened to Mr. Perfect. They could have totally pushed him in that mold, but he was basically a jobber after he debuted (as Ziggler). I liked the little, "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler," thing. That could have been his little gimmick each match, but I just think that it is hard for the fans to take someone seriously when he had been getting his ass handed to him for over a year.
Did you notice this?

How can this be solved?

Do you think this will stop Dolph Ziggler's push?

I don't usually notice Ziggler.Vickie's the focal point of this heel pairing,not Ziggler.The lack of a reaction just makes me notice him less.

I don't have my hopes up for Ziggler.There's nothing to hate about him,other than the fact that he's with Vickie.Once the WWE split them up he'll either stay where he is or go down.Maybe if the WWE made him unlikeable for a different reason.Let's say Vickie's annoying,but Ziggler's brutal and cruel.He can attack his opponents before or after matches.He'll treat everyone like a piece of crap.

If he carries on like this,then yes,he won't get another push.Let's face it,he's not getting a push now,and in all likelihood he won't get a push with the number of bigger stars on Raw.Morrison would probably get a push soon because he's starting to get crowd reactions,even though he keeps going up and down the card,but Ziggler's going to get lost in the mix.
In all honesty his reaction is a product of what he'd doing...NOTHING. Even in this 3 way mixed tag BS. He seems to be just going through the motion. He's not believable right now and is depending WAAAAY too much on his athletic ability. He needs to break away from Vicki and develop his character a little more and try to connect with the fans to where they can hate him.
I agree, dolph ziggler is boring without vickie. his mic skills suck, his finisher sucks, and his character has been done so many times. i think that these are the reasons that his one world title reign lasted ten minutes, they gave him a major push to see if could get a reaction and he failed. he needs to change is gimmick as soon as possible if he wants a reaction

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