Next Week's Impact presented with limited commercials

Who cares? This isn't a big deal. It's not like it's a commercial free edition of raw. What's limited maybe 3 fewer commercials? That's probly gonna bring more backstage segments if anything or some really long in ring segments. Don't get your hopes high.
So in other words TNA's Knock off version of Commercial free, Oh lord. SO instead of an ad every 10mins we get more Hogan instead ... yep seems like something tna will do now days
I guess you can't please everyone...

I agree that this is a good move by Impact Wrestling. It's a nice bonus for the fans and will (hopefully) provide for some more of the solid content we've been getting out of the company lately. I hope the benefit is not just limited commercials in and of themselves. Hopefully, the company has a plan for the benefit that additional time will allow.

As an aside, the "commercial free" RAW being referenced here really wasn't when you think about it. Instead of breaking the program for commercials, we got "skits" (some spanning several minutes) involving the WWE Superstars with various product placement, utilization, etc. from the sponsors. While I'm not necessarily saying this was bad, it just wasn't quite what was advertised.

In my opinion, commercial-free means exactly that... akin to a PPV telecast where it is 100% content the entire alloted amount of time. While some of the skits and break aways were mildly entertaining, they were still commercials. More unique and creatively composed featuring WWE talent, but commercials nonetheless
In my honest opinion this is just a horrible idea and really puts the viewer in a bad spot. All this means is that TNA...oops I meant Impact Wrestling my bad, will fill that extra time they have to feature even more backstage segments and even more promos that go nowhere and have absolutely nothing to do with anything. Shame.

What they should do is say; "Next Thursday's IMPACT on Spike TV will feature Kurt Angle vs Sting in a 60 minute Iron Man Match with no commercial interruptions"

Although, if that were to ever happen (which it wont) I'm more than sure that there would be at least 5 to 6 separate run-ins during the match from Bischoff or Hogan and each time they would change the match to a "60 minute Chef Boyardee on a pole match" then to a "60 minute Verizon Wireless Contract Renewal match" you know, just to bring in that desperate revenue that they need.
Screw the haters. Some people are beyond help in the stupidity department. How do you know how they are going to use that extra time? Oh that's right you don't. So you can make an idiot out of your self saying stupid things now all you want I guess but quit pretending you have any idea what you are talking about. I would be extremely surprised if this lead to less stopwatch oriented wrestling time. Not that I care much about that to begin with but to suggest the opposite just seems asinine.
Good idea for TNA. For the haters, look i get what you are saying but you don't have any idea about what is going to happen so be quiet until the show airs. Then if there is a problem you can complain, but for satan's sake keep quiet until then.
Right because your a real fucking genuis shattered dreams? Dude shut the fuck up seriously. All I'm saying is I don't expect a ppv quality impact. Tna has a ton of backstage and in ring segments that you can't even deny. Sure recently theirs been a little more wrestling than the past weeks but theirs stilla lot of non wrestling segments and apparently a sting and hogan faceoff has already been confirmed oh and by the way I'm not an impact hater.
Right because your a real fucking genuis shattered dreams?

Yes. I know the difference between your and you're. That qualifies me as a genius around here.

Dude shut the fuck up seriously. All I'm saying is I don't expect a ppv quality impact.

PPVs cost money and are 3 hours with no commercials while this is 2 hours with limited commercials and it costs nothing. Also, that isn't all you were saying because you said

That's probly gonna bring more backstage segments if anything or some really long in ring segments.

I merely commented on how much sense I thought this "assertion" made.

Tna has a ton of backstage and in ring segments that you can't even deny.

Why would I? They are a prowrestling company. Duh?

Sure recently theirs been a little more wrestling than the past weeks but theirs stilla lot of non wrestling segments and apparently a sting and hogan faceoff has already been confirmed oh and by the way I'm not an impact hater.

Did I say you were a hater? Anyway, you say the trend is more "wrestling" and yet you expect them to with more time ONLY add non-wrestling segments? I think that is dumb so I said so.
This looks like a pretty interesting show. Joe should pick up his first win in the BFG Series against D-Von. Really looking forward to seeing the Sting Hogan confrontation I'm really loving Sting's new character and I really enjoyed the little backstage segment they had last week. Interested in seeing what three X-Division stars from the past will be brought in and I'm hoping that one of them will be Low-Ki cause I would Love to see him back. And I'm really interested in seeing the Gunner AJ BFG Series match, I've already seen the match they had at the House Show in Buffalo NY since I'm a member of TNAOndemand I got to see the full match and It was a Good match with Gunner picking up the win. I expect AJ to pick up the win this coming week. The Show looks pretty good on paper hopefully it will be next Thursday.
To be quite honest, I think this is a bad move by TNA. Generally, the commercials are more interesting, entertaining and well-produced than the show.

At the end of the day, this doesn't really matter. People aren't going to tune in just because Impact Wrestling will have "limited commercials". It's not going to greatly effect the quality of the show either, because at the end of the day, TNA is still being booked by the same people who have booked for months upon months. The only thing this may help is the matches. Commercials during matches are a necessary evil in televised wrestling. So if TNA use this to improve the flow of matches by eliminating commercials, I'll be happy.
Meh, who gives a shit. The content of the show matters more than how many commercials there are. Are they giving away a Clash of the Champions type show? That'd be pretty tit. Just a regular show with 'limited' commercials- which could be anything from short 15 second spots for 5 Hour Energy to a regular break every 20 minutes instead of every ~10, that's nothing really appealing in and of itself.

I'd like to see TNA offer some hot cards, live, on the occasional Thursday night. It's starting to look like shooting live on the road is not in their near future (although I hope I'm wrong), but shooting live occasionally, offering a hot card in advance with no bait and switches could be a great way to pull a good number for one night, and retain a small portion of that audience week to week. PPV doesn't appear to be a large part of TNA's revenue stream, so I don't think the normal concerns about hotshotting entirely apply.
In my honest opinion this is just a horrible idea and really puts the viewer in a bad spot. All this means is that TNA...oops I meant Impact Wrestling my bad, will fill that extra time they have to feature even more backstage segments and even more promos that go nowhere and have absolutely nothing to do with anything. Shame.

What they should do is say; "Next Thursday's IMPACT on Spike TV will feature Kurt Angle vs Sting in a 60 minute Iron Man Match with no commercial interruptions"

Although, if that were to ever happen (which it wont) I'm more than sure that there would be at least 5 to 6 separate run-ins during the match from Bischoff or Hogan and each time they would change the match to a "60 minute Chef Boyardee on a pole match" then to a "60 minute Verizon Wireless Contract Renewal match" you know, just to bring in that desperate revenue that they need.

What a bitchy, whiny stupid little troll. If Impact wants to experiment with a special airing of their program then so be it. It can't be any worse than some of the shit we've seen over the past decade from WWE i.e. that lame guest appearances, the shameless merchandise plugs DURING AIR TIME (i.e. the DDP, HBK and Booker T - Nitro DVD segment), and who can ever forget Katie Vick. I know you are not one that praises everything WWE does, but again let's not put Impact in the cross hairs and single them out like it seems you're making an artform out of.

And you're calling posters like myself marks? Get real.

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