My response

So I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. For days now, mods, former mods, respected experienced posters, and others have been calling Dagger a pussy, suggesting he didn't have the balls to debate his positions. So he responds to all of them that I could think of (except the Tastycles matter), admittedly much later than he should have, and he's still taking grief. Why don't some of you detractors debate the guy on what he has said, rather than just mindlessly attack the fact that he said anything? He may be offline, but I imagine he'll be back on at some point later to respond.

Have you read the thread? Pretty much everyone is doing just that.
So I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. For days now, mods, former mods, respected experienced posters, and others have been calling Dagger a pussy, suggesting he didn't have the balls to debate his positions. So he responds to all of them that I could think of (except the Tastycles matter), admittedly much later than he should have, and he's still taking grief. Why don't some of you detractors debate the guy on what he has said, rather than just mindlessly attack the fact that he said anything? He may be offline, but I imagine he'll be back on at some point later to respond.

Not only are people debating him, but all he's saying is, "You're wrong, guys. I'm good, I swear!" He has nothing of substance in that post of his.
So I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. For days now, mods, former mods, respected experienced posters, and others have been calling Dagger a pussy, suggesting he didn't have the balls to debate his positions. So he responds to all of them that I could think of (except the Tastycles matter), admittedly much later than he should have, and he's still taking grief. Why don't some of you detractors debate the guy on what he has said, rather than just mindlessly attack the fact that he said anything? He may be offline, but I imagine he'll be back on at some point later to respond.

Not only are people debating him, but all he's saying is, "You're wrong, guys. I'm good, I swear!" He has nothing of substance in that post of his.

What Crock said. He isn't debating here; he's denying. He's denying that his posts MEANT what they clearly meant. He's denying that his homosexual child post was essentially a "NIMBY" declaration. He's denying that his "mods can deal with me or quit" post was meant to sound like he was saying "mods can deal with me or quit", despite that being near exactly what he posted (with a whole "they surely aren't too stupid to realize that" comment thrown in afterwards). He's pretty much denying that anything said about him in JGlass's thread and anything after that has been valid criticisms of his readiness to take a mod spot, and that all of it is just personal attacks. He's just denying everything, once again trying to take a high road and come off as above everything.
Just a couple points on top of what Dirty posted:

I do make quality posts and try to ensure that each non-spam post is worth posting before I submit it. Otherwise I close the tab and move on to the next thread.
I'm pretty certain this has never happened.

Last but certainly not least, my threads in the video game section have been criticized heavily. "They only get one page of responses".... Well, low response rate or not, I am providing discussion for a section that is in dire need of it.
If a section isn't generating discussion, maybe it's time to get rid of it. We don't need starry-eyed saviours who lack the skill to make their vision a reality. We need practicality and realism. If you're incapable of getting the section off of life support, why shouldn't we move on?
Why people still support him is beyond me. He's show time and time again that he'll flip flop on just about anything. Sure, today he says he'll be a good mod and will help out new poster, but he's shown he can't be trusted. Who knows what's going to happen if he does get modded. He'll probably just flip flop. He'll just claim he never said that and once he's shown a quote he'll probably just say that we misunderstood and that that's not what he meant at all. Get real. Most of us have a high school education or higher and knew exactly what he meant. No one misunderstood anything or twisted his words. They are right there in black and white.

Do you people really want Dagger as your next mod? Do you really want someone who can't be trusted at all. For now he says he's you're friend and that all of you supporting him are in this together, but if he ever gets modded he would drop you all like a bunch of dead flies. He'll stab you in the back and you'll be the first ones he'll go after.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I have no reason to lie to you. On the other hand, Dagger has lied and flip flopped multiple times around. Vote for Coco or Crock. At least you know that when they say something they mean it. They won't go around later saying the complete opposite. What you see is what you get with them.
I enjoy Booker's commentary. He is funny and says very random things. I can see why some people might not like his commentary, he is pretty weird with his rambling. It could be worse though.... It could be Mike Adamle. Striker should never have lost his spot but Booker is better than people give him credit for because if you ignore his odd ramblings he does offer some good insight every now and then.

My main problem if the Hardcore Championship came back would be the 24/7 rule. The title was better off without that rule because that eventually turned the title into a joke. The title could provide something to do for some of the guys further down on the card or those who currently have nothing going on. I don't think it should come back but if it does then I am ok with it as long as the 24/7 rule is no longer in place.

When people complain about quality, they refer to these kinds of posts.
So I guess this is a case of damned if you do, damned if you don't. For days now, mods, former mods, respected experienced posters, and others have been calling Dagger a pussy, suggesting he didn't have the balls to debate his positions. So he responds to all of them that I could think of (except the Tastycles matter), admittedly much later than he should have, and he's still taking grief. Why don't some of you detractors debate the guy on what he has said, rather than just mindlessly attack the fact that he said anything? He may be offline, but I imagine he'll be back on at some point later to respond.

Edit: my apologies to Savage Taker and Dirty Jose. I wrote my post, had friends drop by, and by the time I returned to it to post it, you guys had responded. I don't care if people agree or disagree, but at least you guys did actually respond. Again my apologies.

I don't think you know what debating is.
Loathe as I am to defend Dagger, that's better than about 90% of the WWE sections' posters.

Doesn't matter. He's trying to come off as some posting machine who constantly busts out long, analytical essays, when I'm certain about 4000 of his posts are all that size.
Doesn't matter. He's trying to come off as some posting machine who constantly busts out long, analytical essays, when I'm certain about 4000 of his posts are all that size.

No, I get that. He is a pretty shitty poster.
Hmmm. I went to dig up the original post. Here it is in all it's contextual glory.
You can feel this way if you want. But don't lie about not having these beliefs and don't play dumb when someone calls you out on this bullshit.

You want to talk context? I'd like to point out something you conveniently didn't mention.

This post was from five months ago. I know someone young like you has little to no understanding how this world works, but people's viewpoints and stances on things change. Have you ever seen something from a different perspective, and said "Hmmm, I understand what they're saying" and changed your vantage point? I have. Hell, my wife gave birth ten days ago, and my views on some things have changed since then. To take this further, before I found out my wife was pregnant, I never wanted to have kids. When she told me, I defy you to find someone happier. My mind changed by all of two words.

So either you truly don't understand context, which makes you an idiot, or you intentionally left out when the post was from, making you the one full of it.

I don't agree with that idea either. If my daughter brought home another girl, the only thing I would care about is if she made my daughter happy, and treated her well. But don't pretend you know what Dagger thinks today, citing a post from five months ago.

I'm not defending anyone here, other then the idea that judging someone based on something they said in the past is still what they think today. If you don't like Dagger for his posting or a hundred other reasons, that's your prerogative. But dragging his personal beliefs, ones that you don't know in the present, is foolish.
You want to talk context? I'd like to point out something you conveniently didn't mention.

This post was from five months ago. I know someone young like you has little to no understanding how this world works, but people's viewpoints and stances on things change. Have you ever seen something from a different perspective, and said "Hmmm, I understand what they're saying" and changed your vantage point? I have. Hell, my wife gave birth ten days ago, and my views on some things have changed since then. To take this further, before I found out my wife was pregnant, I never wanted to have kids. When she told me, I defy you to find someone happier. My mind changed by all of two words.

So either you truly don't understand context, which makes you an idiot, or you intentionally left out when the post was from, making you the one full of it.

I don't agree with that idea either. If my daughter brought home another girl, the only thing I would care about is if she made my daughter happy, and treated her well. But don't pretend you know what Dagger thinks today, citing a post from five months ago.

"Hay guys; about that comment I made five months ago that has been all over the forum recently... it's was stupid, and I don't think that way any more."

^^^ Time taken, approximately thirteen seconds.
You want to talk context? I'd like to point out something you conveniently didn't mention.

This post was from five months ago. I know someone young like you has little to no understanding how this world works, but people's viewpoints and stances on things change. Have you ever seen something from a different perspective, and said "Hmmm, I understand what they're saying" and changed your vantage point? I have. Hell, my wife gave birth ten days ago, and my views on some things have changed since then. To take this further, before I found out my wife was pregnant, I never wanted to have kids. When she told me, I defy you to find someone happier. My mind changed by all of two words.

So either you truly don't understand context, which makes you an idiot, or you intentionally left out when the post was from, making you the one full of it.

I don't agree with that idea either. If my daughter brought home another girl, the only thing I would care about is if she made my daughter happy, and treated her well. But don't pretend you know what Dagger thinks today, citing a post from five months ago.

I did indirectly reference the fact that it was from a while ago (although five months isn't exactly a long time). But that isn't the main reason why you're wrong. To show you where you went wrong, I'll do a quick reconstruction of my original post.

I am not, nor have I ever been, homophobic.

Blah, blah, blah... clever segue into a quotation...

I do try to be open about all types of lifestyle choices, and have no major problem with gays. However it would be different if I was raising a son who made that decision. There's a difference between being tolerant and what you allow in your house. That lifestyle goes against my personal and religious beliefs. I would be very uncomfortable with it, especially given how my family is obsessed with gender roles and what's considered "manly". I would perceive it as me failing as both a father and a man if my son in this scenario ended up being gay. Granted once he is over 18 and has moved out on his own he can make any choice he wants, but as long as he would be under my roof I would not tolerate such a lifestyle in my house. Call me oldschool or any other term all you want, but this is what I believe and I do not compromise on my beliefs. It would be a much tougher issue for men to accept than women and there certainly is a difference in how they would deal with this scenario due to the intense pressure on men having to be "manly" whereas a mother is more likely to have an easier time loving everything about her child no matter what choices the child makes.

Quick summary utilising the term "bullshit".

Can ya' tell what it is yet? And by "what it is", I mean "where you went wrong". Just to give you a quick heads up, I put it in bold for you.

You see, D Double claimed to have never been homophobic. Regardless of how he feels now (although he probably does feel the same way, as it is to do with his "religious beliefs" which I assume he still holds close to his heart), that post reeks of homophobia.

Like I said previously, I don't care if he still holds these views (as repugnant as they are). I'd just like a bit of honesty from The Threadliner.
For now he says he's you're friend and that all of you supporting him are in this together, but if he ever gets modded he would drop you all like a bunch of dead flies. He'll stab you in the back and you'll be the first ones he'll go after.

I used to respect you, but you lost every ounce of respect I ever had for you when you started saying shit like this. We have only talked a couple of times, therefore you don't know me. It's no wonder you faded into obscurity if you spread lies about people. I happen to treasure every friendship I have. I don't believe in backstabbing or dropping people because it HURTS them. These are real people with real feelings. If you EVER read any of my posts then you would know the high value I place on friendships. Try getting your facts straight before making accusations about someone next time.

hathabs is making himself look just as dumb or dumber then Dagger for trying to defend him.

Or maybe he's just trying to help a friend out.

Verbal diarrhea does not a good poster make.

Which is why you are one of the worst posters this forum has ever seen.

You missed the bit where you respond to trying to get me fired.

I did NOT try to get you fired. I already addressed this. Someone told me you might be stepping down, thus I asked a staff member so I could confirm the rumor and asked for a recommendation.
Did Dagger just call Kong boring in that other thread? Has he forgotten everything that I tried to teach him about women's wrestling?

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