Motaste Junk - Stop your brain thinking for 168 seconds

I got a text on the way home today from an unknown number: +44 etc. "Nice shades." I assumed it was you and responded as such. You can imagine my horror when the person on the other end started, ahem, 'flirting' with me. Turns out it was a girl I gave my number to in a pub the other night. Whew. That's a relief.
So, I've realised that I spend the day at home making music in my pyjamas whilst my flatmate is socially awkward in an office somewhere. All I need now is an American girlfriend looking for a visa and I'm sorted.

No but we will cease talking on that unprofessional event and big thanks to the big man upstairs (klunderbunker) for changing my post.

In other news my father had a heart attack and needs to have a heart bypass. As if that wasn't bad enough, I'm on a train on my way down to hospital to see him and am trapped in a table booth with two people on what appears to be a first date on a train through Woking.
I hope your dad is alright - or as alright as you can be after a heart attack. If you need someone to talk to, the couple on their first date on a train through Woking is probably a better bet than me, but I like to think I'm as emotionally mature as most people you could meet over the internet.

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