Motaste Junk - Stop your brain thinking for 168 seconds

I've realised that most my posts in here were written when drunk or begin with "I was so drunk last night..." so here's some sober thoughts:

A. I just did some topless DIY. The bathroom light now works.

B. I've got my first placement school. To say it's nice would be an understatement.

C. Isn't this brilliant?

Backstory: My uni mates and I do a pub quiz every Monday and we invariably win. This is, quite rightly, attributed to my obvious genius. This week, it went to a tie break, and naturally I was designated the representative. The question was to guess the price of a round at the bar, I was 10p off, and won. In possibly the greatest twist of fate in my life, I had an extra t-shirt on underneath my t-shirt, because my hoodies are all dirty and I've lost my coat, thus enabling me to reveal the undershirt when the winners were announced at a perfectly opportune moment. Photo evidence below.

Found a weirdly comprehensive family tree online. It goes back to the 1600s and I finally have an answer to the question "how many cousins does Tastycles have on his mother's side?" Answer: 44. I still have to add my father's side in, but it's at least 6, probably closer to 10.

Also, in keeping with my rooted sense of place in the world, my grandfather's relatives all lived and died in exactly the same place since the Stuarts were on the throne.
I saw someone's heart visibly break today, when the girl he'd obviously been pursuing for about 3 months asked him if he was gay.

That in itself is of moderate interest, but then I get home to find out that the girl in question was in halls with my friends. Small world and all that.
Yes, precisely.

To be fair, she was one of the most magnetic people I've ever met.

I don't know what that means, but it sounds about right.
Staying in the spare room of the girl I was seeing until recently. Can fully hear her sister having sex. I have nothing to add.

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