Money In The Bank 2012


#1 John Cena Fan and WZ Posterboy
So MITB is already just a couple of weeks away and we already have most of our participants for the ladder match.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WHC Briefcase:
Damien Sandow vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tensai

Do not see the point of these participants, all but Christian are talentless and would just look stupid holding the World Heavyweight Championship, only Christian would be able to pull off a decent feud with John Cena, so therefore, based on my John-o-meter, the potential of this match gets a solid 3/10

Money in the Bank Ladder Match - WWE Championship Briefcase:
John Cena vs. Chris Jericho vs. Kane vs. Big Show

There REALLY is only one deserved winner of this match, John Cena has been working day in day out since he lost his title last year to get back into the Championship frame and therefore really should win this, I'd hate the thought of Big Slow or Kane slowly climbing the ladder and the ladder would most likely collapse, Chris Jericho is a minimal challenge but nobody on the Raw roster is relevent enough to take the case from my Johnnys soft, soft finger tips.

John Cena is in the match, therefore my John-o-meter rating is 9/10 based on Big Slow/Kane bringing it down.

WWE Championship Match:
CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan with AJ as the special guest referee.

Stupid match, Boring Feud, Ugly Woman, Cena deserves Championship
John-o-meter rating 4/10
Cenation™;3982951 said:
WWE Championship Match:
CM Punk (c) vs. Daniel Bryan with AJ as the special guest referee.

Stupid match, Boring Feud, Ugly Woman, Cena deserves Championship
John-o-meter rating 4/10

You think AJ is ugly?!!?

WWE Title - feud should continue till Summerslam and end in a Iron Man Match!

WHC - Save Del Rio for WWE title MitB match. Give Ziggler more chance to shine! Sheamus needs to drop title one way or another.

WWE Title MitB - Mysterio and hopefully Del Rio are added but probably The Miz. Only reason Cena should win should be to lose and FAST! BEFORE SUMMERSLAM! I'd rather see Kane or Mysterio win it and lose to Punk.

WHC MitB - WWE should add Brodus Clay, Ryback, Zack Ryder, Cody Rhodes and Otunga if Barret isn't ready for this match. Either way no one besides Rhodes or Barrett seem close to the title to me and Barrett has been gone and WWE doesn't seem sure on Cody. I'd still like a suprise in this match since the WWE title MitB is SO PREDICTABLE! Damien Sandow should walk out w/the Gold!

Tag Titles - R-Truth is still out. Titles NEED to change hands if not on RAW or SD.
Cenation™;3984235 said:
In all seriousness, I can name 8 divas better looking than AJ.

List them.

I'm curious as to see who you find attractive if AJ, the most adorable diva I have ever seen, is "ugly"....
List them.

I'm curious as to see who you find attractive if AJ, the most adorable diva I have ever seen, is "ugly"....

1. Layla
2. Aksana
3. Alicia Fox
4. Eve
5. Kaitlyn
6. Kelly Kelly
7. Rosa Mendes

Ok theres 7, and thats in no particular order but if I had to pick one for the hottest it would be Eve
Cenation™;3984613 said:

Yeah.... No. AJ is much prettier, I don't even find Layla that attractive.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
2. Aksana

Seriously? She's not attractive at all.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
3. Alicia Fox

Pretty, but not prettier than AJ. Not even close.

Cenation™;3984613 said:

Ok, this one is actually close. Eve is very attractive, but I prefer AJ honestly.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
5. Kaitlyn

Pretty, but AJ is prettier.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
6. Kelly Kelly

Pretty and over-rated, AJ is more attractive.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
7. Rosa Mendes

I've actually met her. She's rather pretty, but once again AJ is superior.

Cenation™;3984613 said:
Ok theres 7, and thats in no particular order but if I had to pick one for the hottest it would be Eve

Out of your list, yes, it's Eve. AJ is more attractive than any girl on that list though. Now had you included Trish we might be having a different conversation. I don't see how you can think AJ is ugly, bro. She's adorable and one of the best looking divas in a very long time.
So AJ is ugly because you can name 8 better looking divas. That's like saying Raven is thick because I can name 10 guys who are more intelligent. Oh my, start again.

Jesus christ I'd heard about you but I didnt realise you were that fucking ******ed, I find her ugly whilst also thinking that divas are better looking. You've basically just said that just because I don't find one diva good looking it means I'm not allowed to find any good looking.

and just to add, John Cena is better than Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg put together
Cenation™;3986309 said:
Jesus christ I'd heard about you but I didnt realise you were that fucking ******ed, I find her ugly whilst also thinking that divas are better looking. You've basically just said that just because I don't find one diva good looking it means I'm not allowed to find any good looking.

and just to add, John Cena is better than Brock Lesnar and Bill Goldberg put together

I'm afraid, then, the issue was with your own phrasing:

Cenation said:
In all seriousness, I can name 8 divas better looking than AJ.

You made it sound as if the only reason you could find to explain why you thought she was ugly was because there were eight divas better looking than her, meaning very little in itself anyway as divas are supposed to be very attractive. If you wanted to demonstrate how ugly you found her, you could have said "I can name eight types of Indian food more attractive than her". But you didn't.... because you're an idiot, if that wasn't already confirmed by your prisoner status, and your obsessive fandom of John Cena.

Furthermore, my name is a parody of the man who lives down the hall from you. You're just glad you and him haven't had a run in yet. Brock Goldberg thinks Bill Lesnar isn't a fan of John Cena.
But in all seriousness, Bill Lesnar does find John Cena very boring. One guy has managed to dry up all of Bill Lesnars interest in wrestling.
Cenation™ does find Bill Lesnar very boring. One guy has managed to dry up all of Cenations interest in the prison.

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