Miz, which championship should he lose first, and which will he lose first?


Simple enough thread. Miz is the current United States and Unified Tag Team champion. Which of these two championships do YOU think he will lose first, and which one do you think will be lost first?

In my opinion, I think he should lose the United States Championship first, because there are a few people who could use that championship to make a name for themselves with it. It's no good being dragged around by Miz if he's, at the moment, working with Big Show to have any decent singles fueds going...

But I think he'll lose the Tag Team championship first because he and Big Show have been working them so much, they're bound to lose them soon, even if it's not too soon.

What do you guys think? No wrong or right answers here...
He should lose the US title first, for one simple reason. When was the last time he defended it? Since he won the unified tag team belts with the Big Show, the US title has been all but forgotten. Let someone else have the US title, if you aren't going to put it to use. That is what should happen...which means it is also what won't happen.

He will lose the unified tag team titles first. Obviously, if he never has to defend the US title, he can't lose it, can he?
United states title, he hasn't held that in a match since the rumbble (I think) and that was one of the first times, his title is only on his shoulder to make Shomiz look more dominant, he should lose it.
That being said he will lose the title he does defend, the Tag Team championships, I just can't see them holding it that much longer.
I think he should lose the tag titles first yeah he doesn't defend the US title but when he loses the tag titles he could focus more on the US titile. I also think he will lose the tag titles first because like Davi323 said you can't lose the US title if you don't defend it but he does defend the tag titles with bigshow.
I'd say have him lose the US title first. That way at least they can have someone decent with the mic work all 3 shows which i believe is the whole point of the Unified Tag Titles anyway.

Apart from the Colons, each team that's held the belts has had decent mic workers involved eg Jericho, DX, Miz

So i think he'd serve them better as a heel who can work the stick well on both shows, rather than dumping the belts on two random guys and only having Miz's obvios talent restricted to being on only one show.
He's already been a successful tag team champion as has Big Show, so drop the tag titles to the Hart Dynasty or Miz/Truth and move on. Big Show could use some main event time while Miz builds credibility as United States Champion. The guy has really improved over the last year and a singles title run with the United States Championship would propel him so much higher than holding onto the tag team titles right now.

As to who he should drop the gold to, it should be the Hart Dynasty. Nobody is buying into the Morrison/Truth team, especially after Wrestle Mania 26. That match was way too short to help Morrison and Truth as a credible tag team. Strike while the irons hot with the Hart Dynasty and put the tag titles on them.
Has he even defended the US Title since winning the Tag Titles? I'm sure he has, but no matches come to mind. There's plenty for him to do with Big Show, as they are usually the main focus of Raw and do a lot of interacting with guest hosts. Because they're built as being higher profile stars it means they feud with main-event teams as well as the regulars, which actually makes the tag "division" quite interesting in my opinion.

In theory there are other stars that could benefit more from being the US Champion than him. He would be just as over and prominent without that third title belt, although he does look pretty cool with one on each shoulder and one around his waist. The problem is, it's only a theory. The mid-card has collapsed in on itself as of late and I can only think of three Raw stars who would be candidates to take the belt from him. Kofi Kingston is perhaps the runaway vote-getter, and that's fine, but the next two names are Christian and Ted DiBiase who seem to be feuding over Ted's unofficial Million Dollar Belt.

Those three would be a decent enough start for a mid-card division, and if you throw in appearances from Zack Ryder, William Regal, MVP, Mark Henry, Evan Bourne and perhaps Miz occasionally trying to reclaim the title, it looks solid enough. Sheamus winning it might be a step-down, or equally he could win it and dominate to shore up his status as a main event level talent. Vladimiz Kozlov could use it to finally cash in on all that domination he's done and let it amount to something.

So yeah, Miz is being a belt hog and they should take the US Title off him. A popular theory a week or so ago was that Daniel Bryan would win NXT and beat Miz for the US Title as ultimate revenge on his pro for all that bullying, but given his loss to Darren Young I'm doubtful he'll even win it anymore. He'll get a main roster call-up for sure, but he's going to do an Evan Bourne and get over with the fans, get a short push and then be jobbed out to bigger stars.
I think the last time he defended the US Title was at the EC PPV against MVP. But he should lose the US Title first, either at the draft or on PPV so he and Show can feud with HD over the Tag Titles, but at the same time kinda having a long run, maybes til the end of May early June because HD are long over due for a Tag Title run.
Well I could see Miz losing the US title to Bryan Danielson in the coming weeks. Build it up that Bryan can't beat anyone and doesn't deserve a chance to be on the main roster. Have Michael Cole continue this mini feud and then setting up this match. Good way of Miz losing the belt at the same time can push the career of Danielson up.
Really can't see Miz losing the tag titles any time soon, there really isn't a team to lose them too. Apart from the Hart Dynasty, there is nobody and even then they missed a golden chance to give them a feud with the champions.
I think he should lose the tag titles first, because showmiz isn't nearly as dominant as Jerishow, especially since the big show is a former multiple-time world champion, and the miz isn't, so basically the big show is carrying the miz, but he will probably lose the us title so the big show has something to keep him busy:banghead:
what about something similar to what the WWE did with MVP and Matt Hardy some years back?

MVP had the Tag Titles and US Title at the same time too.

he lost the Tag Titles with Hardy and set up a great feud with Hardy over the US Belt not long after.

Maybe Miz could do the same thing with Big Show. cost them the Tag Titles (most likely to the Hart Dynasty) and then feud with the Big Show over the US Title.

that could set up a pretty good feud and possibly give Miz some more credibility as a top contender, main eventer, championship material kind of guy.
What I think would be great would have The Miz lose BOTH titles the same night. Lose The U.S. title first by having Big Show screw up with an interferance and Daniel Bryan or Christian win it. Then later in the show have a tag match with the Hart Dynasty or Morrison/Truth, Miz mad at Big Show walk off allowing the other team to pick up a win. This would start a great feud between The Miz and Big Show that could last for months and move Miz into Heavyweight contention.
The wrestlers I mentioned are just my opinion, they could be filled in with anyone.
I think he should lose the US Title first but I think the way it should be done is he should be drafted to smackdown (only because raw has no consistent authority figure other than McMahon who is suppossed to be turning face) The miz should be stripped of the US title by Vickie Guerrero for not defending it and the Miz and Big Show could fued with some handpicked opponents by Vickie but I dont think the WWE is intelligent enough for that any more and I think they will lose the tag titles first
First, I think The Miz will lose the Tag Straps first. Logically (since when does that matter in the WWE) losing the Tag Titles first and then having ShoMiz feud with each other over the United States Title would probably be the way to go. I wouldn’t do it that way since it was done before (see MVP/Matt Hardy), but that looks like that’s where they are headed.

In my opinion, it’s not a matter of should The Miz lose the United States Title or the Unified WWE World Tag Team Title first. It’s a matter of which Title should The Big Show win next. I think, because of being able to work on Monday and Friday (Tuesday, whatever), the Big Show should gun for the Intercontinental Title. This move will give ShoMiz even more to brag about. Big Show never won the Intercontinental Title yet and this could be a fresh situation for Show. They could play him as the Man to beat to get past the Mid-Card, almost like a rite of passage. This gives Miz more fire power for promos as the top Team in WWE history.

On a side note, I’d like to see Jericho rejoin the Big Show and form JeriShoMiz. “The best and most awesome athletes in the world at what they do.” It would almost be reminiscent of when Bret “the Hitman” Hart was WWE Champion with Owen Hart and the British Bulldog as Intercontinental and European Champion respectively and WWE World Tag Team Champions together. It would almost be reminiscent of when the Rock was WWE Champion with Ken Shamrock and Big Boss Man as Intercontinental and Hardcore Champion respectively and WWE World Tag Team Champions together. They could even include the ECW Champion, or the Million Dollar Champion, or both for the added effect of a “Championship” Stable.

This will also give Drew a chance to slightly move up to the next level, by taking the Mid-Card Title off of him and placing him in feuds with Main Event / Main Attraction names, like the Big Show himself. He has had the IC Title long enough in today’s world. We could have Miz help Show win. Have Drew pissed and then have Regal calm him down, maybe say something like, “Welcome to America. Now do you want to fight America alone, or do you want Europe to back you up??” I think it’s time for Regal to step into a Stable leader role again and take Finlay, Sheamus, Drew, Vlaimir, Maryse and even Santino under his wing as the Roundtable (sorry can’t think of a better name at this time). Maybe have Regal as the second two time King of the Ring winner, with the help of his team of course.

In conclusion, The Miz shouldn’t lose...yet. The Big Show should win!!
I would personally like to see The Miz drop the United States Championship and retain the Unified WWE Tag Team Championship. While ShowMiz may not be the best tag team there ever was, it is not as though there actually are any better teams out there currently. The golden age of tag team feuds, rivalries, et cetera has long since been gone, and the unification of the titles as perhaps the best sign of how little emphasis tag teams are receiving and set to receive in the near future. In little more than a year the WWE effectively dismantled its tag team division. ShowMiz is probably as good as it gets. I mean, what also is there right now? John Morrison and R-Truth? In the words made famous by yours truly, The Miz: Really guys? Really?
How's this for an idea? Have him lose the tag titles and then a returning Cody Rhodes or someone else who really needs a push could feud with the Miz over the US title. Let's face it, as much as I hate the Miz, he's a good heel and he's good at putting people over. So I think the WWE has an opportunity to push one of the younger guys against Miz for the US title. The tag titles are going to collapse soon anyway. OR...MAYBE Big Show gets pissed off because Miz costs them the tag titles and challenges him for the US title and then Big Show can help put over that title again like he did for John Cena when he won it the first time. Look what that did for Cena's career. I mean Miz is good at putting people over but any time you beat a legitimate giant who's held all major world titles like the Big Show, that really launches your career...IF they do it right. So yea, I say one of those things should happen, but WWE will probably do something much gayer and more disappointing so whatever...
to answer the question which should he lose first? That is definitely the tag team titles. He simply doesn't need him, and with his gimmick right now it makes Big Show seem more superior with the constant "saving". Miz was doing fantastic on his own, and while I'm excited to see all that gold on him he just does NOT need the tag titles.

Which will he lose first? Well that's hard to tell. I think he will lose the tag titles at Extreme Rules (if they have a match), or the ppv afterwards.

I'm hoping he holds onto the US title for a few more months. LIke the poster ahead of me said with Daniel Bryan...I think Bryan could ultimately win NXT and cash in his shot and take the title off of Miz. That would immediately solidify his place and it allows the Miz to move onto the upper mid-card, lower main event scene (ie. Punk).

I think they are trying to make Daniel Bryan the goat on NXT and then he'll come out of nowhere when eliminations start and just begin to dominate. I don't think WWE wanted Darren Young to be that low and that's possibly why he went over Bryan.

Well I'm starting to get off topic, but I think the Miz should and will lose the tag titles first. The perfect team to take it away from them....Hart Dynasty.
Now i Know this probably won't happen, but what if at say like night of champions, the miz lose all of his gole, and over the next two wweks invokes both of his rematch clauses, fails to reclaim any gold, showmiz starts feuding with whoever they lost the tag titles to, and the miz forgets about the us title untli showmiz breaks up for good, more likely then not this will not happen, but hay, beggers can't be choosers
I like the way he's being pushed, and with the talk of a 3 hour raw in June, it makes me think WWE are considering doing a King of the Ring again like they did back in 2008 on RAW.

IF they do that I'd like to see Miz and Big Show in there, and face off maybe in the quarter finals with Big Show going over, and Miz over the next 2 months showing a jealous side to him and maybe at the MITB PPV cost him and Show the tag belts, then come Summerslam have them in a US Title match, with Miz going over.

The tag belts need to be the first belt off of him, simply because he's not a tag team guy nowadays, he's a single star, and the tag belts could lead to a main event higher mid card feud with Show, who has no problems putting guys over, that said Miz is fresh and pretty exciting at the moment and WWE should keep the US belt on him, he's not stopping any mid carders moving up on RAW it's keeping a belt on him for the long run that plays into his heel character and I could see him having a year long reign as US champ.
I think he should lose the tag titles first, and I think he WIll lose the tag titles first. This pairing with Show is to then catapult him up further. If he ditches the tag titles and Show but still has the US Title he still retains momentum. You could easily flip him into a singles feud after this. I don't think he even needs to fued with Show after this. Go againts the grain and keep them on good terms. I like the aspect of Show being the vet giving Miz advice and admonishing him for his mistakes. Break them up later...it'll mean more.
I think he should lose the United states title first. Why???...Simple really. If MizShow lose the belts, there goes yet another tag-team from an already derilict tag division...we'd only be left with Hart Dynasty, Dudebusters( Really?? lol) and ....no thats it!!! Whereas if Miz loses the US title to say, Christian or Dibiase, that could actually establish the US title as a stepping stone to the ME. Imagine having the likes of Christian, Dibiase, Rhodes,Kofi, Shelton(who hopefully gets drafted to Raw btw), Carlito.MVP etc etc feuding over the US title. I think we could have a great feud between Christian and Dibiase, as we've seen the last 2 weeks on Raw. Any thoughts???
Well this is a hard one, if I had it my way then it would be the Tag Titles because he needs to shine not in Tag Team wrestling but by himself.I think that his tag team with Morrison was great but I think he would do better by himself.

But I say he will drop the US Championship as most people have said it has not be put on the line since EC.That's the only problem of given a guy multiple titles.So it will be the US title as it has been lost in the mixed of things.
I wish he loses the US title first, for the one reason, he isn't doing anything with it, i mean there have been a lot of guys who have held multiple champions at once but Miz by far is the worst. He's too focused to the tag titles and the us title isn't being used. He has had it since October, correct me if i'm wrong, and has at least 200 days of reign. I say lose the title to someone who will defend it i.e. kofi kingston, and then when he isdone with the tag titles then have him win it back. He isn't doing anything to help the US title.

As for which he will lose first, I'm gonna have to say the tag titles, I want them to lose the titles at extreme rules...

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