Miz and Morrison... Who Will Be More Successful?

Miz > Morrison, and it's not even close. Morrison can wrestle, but his gimmick is terrible. Jim Morrison? As the Miz would say.....really????

Again, the difference is that the Miz came up with his own gimmick, and the Miz in real life really is the Miz....turned way, way up. I have to believe in real life Morrison is pretty boring.
I alwayz liked the Miz right from the beginning. At his debut i took a look at him and said this guy is going to be next John Cena and my friends kind of laughed at me. He got a decent undefeated streak at SD but then he fell down flat but i still believed in him. At the time he formed a tag team with morrison, everyone said that Morrison is the next big thing but i alwayz said Miz is better than him. If you watch dirt sheet then you will see Miz is way funnier than Morrison. At a house show here in Vancouver Miz cut an awesome promo with Morrison and he captured everybody's attention. I was waiting their team to split up soon so that Miz can prove the whole world wrong and thats what he did. Now Morrison is a third standard (after Taker on first and Jericho and Punk on 2nd) wrestler on wwe's second rated show while the Miz is continuing to steal the show every week on wwe's flagship show. That itseld shows who is better. Back to your topic both of them will be champion one day but i clearly see Miz a wayy bigger star than morrison in coming 2-3 years.
Tough question. Morrison has some amazing in-ring ability. But is seriously lacking in the promo department. He cant cut a promo for his life. Very dry and bland. Miz on the other hand has been getting better week by week in the ring. On the mic hes a gem. Some of the best mic work on RAW. Hard call. I say they both see a plethora of success in the future
There is nobody more dedicated to improving than The Miz in the WWE right now, and as a result, you have to think that he'll get to the top first. Morrison needs to improve on the mic, and then he will be bona fide star material. The key to this is changing his name. At the moment, nobody buys into the Jim Morrison persona. I know he looks a bit like Jim, but he died almost 40 years ago, and that entire culture is no longer relevant to anybody.

Morrison is a lot more entertaining in the ring, but while he is static in his weak areas, Miz gets better in his week after week. The Miz has to get over further to be a big deal, because of his size, but I think he's destined for the top. They're both very young and a lot could happen, but I think they will be around for a long time.
ok first off i didn't like miz but do respect his talent on the mic with him and morrison its like miz has the verbal skills which hardly any of the young stars in wwe have and morrison has the ring ability that is what has made them both multi tag champs. morrison is on a slow rise to the top i say about 2012 he will hopefully be a wwe or whc and something that is missing is the managers back in the day you had freddie blassie bobby heenan jimmy hart captain lou the list goes on and on
I think they are doing more with The Miz right now, and at this point, he is delivering. He's the only one on a consistent basis that is using edgier mic time and is doing well in the ring.

Morrison has a chance, however. As time goes on he's a high risk guy who has good skills but he's safe. He doesn't get banged up and is reliable. So if he can wait out the next two years, they would need someone who's reliable for the bigger programs. The Miz is in a solid program with MVP right now, and that actually has my attention. Morrison is one angle away from being hugely over. As of right now, however, he still has a good section of the fans who care about him.

It'll all come in time for both of them if they stay on the up and up, stay in shape and get even better and stick with the company loyally, for long enough.
I think eventually they both might get there. Right now I think The Miz has and is been on a Great Roll and is one of the more consistent reasons just to turn into RAW, his mic skills are a good amount better than Morrison as a face. I think if would have been alot easier to push Morrison as a Main Eventer or even just a strong single push, would to have him be as a heel, I just barely see any personality with him in his promos and most of the time they seemed so forced.

Also I think The Miz has a better move set designed for the Main Event, Miz is more physical, while Morrison, although he's improved, has seemed more flashly. I really don't by the Starship Pain as a legit Main Event finisher, I think for a Main Event push, his old Corkscrew Neckbreaker would be alot better.

Anyway Miz will be there first, and is more ready, but if Morrison was maybe heel, he would be a bit more ready.
You hit the nail on the head, The Miz is ready. He has a character that people get, he gets great heel heat, the guy can cut a promo better than most on the roster, and he has improved by leaps and bounds in the ring. The Miz has surpassed Morrison and left him in his dust.

Morrison may be in the Chamber match but he will just be a place holder and a spot guy in the match. The guy (Morrison) can talk in rehearsed segments or backstage bits (unless they involve him and Long..cringe) but in front of an audience; on the mic, Morrison seems lost and uncharismatic.

The Miz on the other hand is improving every time we see him. I loved seeing HBK and Miz mixing it up in the tag team match a few weeks back, I think those guys have good chemistry and could work a great feud. I would be afraid for The Miz to have a feud with Triple H at this point though because he would instantly crush his momentum. But The Miz is the future and the most intriguing character on Raw, so I hope they don't screw that up.
Both Miz and Morrison are great and future main eventers.... It's no question...the only question is who will win the big one first. It is really a 50/50 coin toss at this point...but I'm pulling for Miz...He's been very impressive as of late...not to mention I've been a fan of his since he was on Real World. That doesn't take anything away from Morrison...he has a great look for the business and great in-ring skills. And while I feel Miz is better on the microphone...Morrison has his moments and has a lot of potential.

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