**MERGED** Money in the Bank 2012 & Aftermath Discussion- Keep it all in here!!

back in 2009 wrestlemania. guys would qualify to get them in the money in the bank. now they automaticly go in there i think they should bring this back it gives you a good time during the matches to really look at their careers.
if they brought this back i feel the matches should be
Justin gabriel vs Heath
Ezekial vs Tyler Reks
Curt Hawkins vs Zack ryder
Kofi vs Titus
R truth vs Darren
Dolph vs Big Show
Cody vs Jack Swagger
Miz vs Daniel Bryan
Kane vs Matt Morgan
I like the concept itself (because I like when they pit two random opponents together from time to time), but I don't think those matches listed are particularly intriguing.
I agree, while w/ Workrate - the matches the OP listed aren't the greatest but I also prefer qualifying matches. It at least explains WHY the people chosen are in the match, gives them an opportunity to earn it on-screen, and can be used to create some decent TV matches if used properly
I think they r going to need 2 matches this year because they have 2 main eveners that NEED TO WIN. Ziggler will win one of the matches and later challenge for the WHC so we need a WWE title contender...OH yeah there's that guy everyone forgot existed...Barrett No question 2 matches are needed and these two are the future of the company.
I really hope that someone outside the box gets the briefcase, even if they were to lose the cash in.

Sure it would be nice to see Ziggler, Cody or a returning Barrett win, but I feel that all of them are at a point where they don't really need it, and this applies to all of the RAW SuperShow usual suspects. Ziggler is so close to breaking the glass ceiling. Rhodes was tangling with main eventers as a MIDCARD champion; the only issue holding Cody back is that he's constantly booked into a corner where he HAS to lose. All of these guys, and even a perpetual jobber like Kofi Kingston or Jack Swagger, are guys who would be always be booked as possible World Title contenders anyway. A Ziggler victory would not be as big of a "breakthrough to the main event" as it was when CM Punk (the first time), The Miz, or Daniel Bryan won, simply because Ziggler is practically already there as it is. A Santino Marella, Zack Ryder, or even an Alex Riley victory would have that huge impact.
Time for WWE to make main eventers out of Dolph Ziggler and Cody Rhodes. To me they are the guys who are just about ready. Give those guys Money in the Bank and watch 2 stars born.
I always thought it would be interesting for one of the ladder matches to have someone (not involved in the match) to run in at the end, climb the ladder and take the briefcase. Then there could be a controversy over who is the true winner and that could carry over for a few months.
I think it would be cool to watch. I would have Wade Barrett be the one to return on PPV and interfere
Vickie Guerrero announced on RAW that only former champions can compete in the Money in the Bank matches. I personally hate this. Half of the fun of Money in the Bank was that new blood would get a chance to become champion; more than likely, we would have somebody who has never become champion do just that.
Vickie Guerrero announced on RAW that only former champions can compete in the Money in the Bank matches. I personally hate this. Half of the fun of Money in the Bank was that new blood would get a chance to become champion; more than likely, we would have somebody who has never become champion do just that.

Wow...what a load of goddamn smelly horseshit!

Remember when the WWE had events that NEW GUYS had a shot? Once upon it was King of the Ring and the Royal Rumble, where mid-card guys could break the glass ceiling and become main eventers.

Then eventually it became Money in the Bank, one of the greatest ideas ever made for not only entertainment value, but on a creative standpoint to shake up the foundation of becoming a top champion.

Now it's over.

The WWE seems to be determined to NOT create any new stars. That's the only explanation for this.

So the WWE Championship Money in the Bank is only for former champions. Well, shit. Ain't that nice? Let's see...that means John Cena, the Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho so far. I shouldn't need to remind anyone that both Jericho and Kane have received WWE title shots this summer already, and Big Show and John Cena can pretty well request title shots whenever they want. So...WHAT'S THE POINT OF THE FUCKING MATCH??!!

Even if we add in the active former champions as well (assuming we can exclude Randy Orton, HHH and The Undertaker for obvious reasons), we add Alberto Del Rio (assuming he loses to Sheamus this week) to the mix, and maybe add a battle royale where some lucky non-former champion gets added (Wade Barrett, this is made just for you), that gives us 5 former champs and 1 main eventer from two years ago who got multiple title shots! Why do ANY of them need Money in the Bank?!

And let's look at the other title, the World Heavyweight Championship. If you assume Ziggler gets another title shot, then you have former champions Christian, Mark Henry (assuming he heals up), Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio (if he returns in time), leaving them with only 4 former champions and a need for more qualifying matches to squeeze in the midcarders there. (stab in the dark - Sin Cara and Cody Rhodes)

Point is...why isn't either Money in the Bank match full of up-and-coming stars like Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Heath Slater, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, or ANYONE else that is hungry for a shot and now must wait until (hopefully for them) next year to maybe a chance of a lifetime.
Wow...what a load of goddamn smelly horseshit!

Remember when the WWE had events that NEW GUYS had a shot? Once upon it was King of the Ring and the Royal Rumble, where mid-card guys could break the glass ceiling and become main eventers.

Then eventually it became Money in the Bank, one of the greatest ideas ever made for not only entertainment value, but on a creative standpoint to shake up the foundation of becoming a top champion.

Now it's over.

The WWE seems to be determined to NOT create any new stars. That's the only explanation for this.

So the WWE Championship Money in the Bank is only for former champions. Well, shit. Ain't that nice? Let's see...that means John Cena, the Big Show, Kane and Chris Jericho so far. I shouldn't need to remind anyone that both Jericho and Kane have received WWE title shots this summer already, and Big Show and John Cena can pretty well request title shots whenever they want. So...WHAT'S THE POINT OF THE FUCKING MATCH??!!

Even if we add in the active former champions as well (assuming we can exclude Randy Orton, HHH and The Undertaker for obvious reasons), we add Alberto Del Rio (assuming he loses to Sheamus this week) to the mix, and maybe add a battle royale where some lucky non-former champion gets added (Wade Barrett, this is made just for you), that gives us 5 former champs and 1 main eventer from two years ago who got multiple title shots! Why do ANY of them need Money in the Bank?!

And let's look at the other title, the World Heavyweight Championship. If you assume Ziggler gets another title shot, then you have former champions Christian, Mark Henry (assuming he heals up), Jack Swagger and Rey Mysterio (if he returns in time), leaving them with only 4 former champions and a need for more qualifying matches to squeeze in the midcarders there. (stab in the dark - Sin Cara and Cody Rhodes)

Point is...why isn't either Money in the Bank match full of up-and-coming stars like Kofi Kingston, Cody Rhodes, Heath Slater, Tyson Kidd, Justin Gabriel, Ryback, or ANYONE else that is hungry for a shot and now must wait until (hopefully for them) next year to maybe a chance of a lifetime.

I think the time you could call Kofi an "up and comer" passed several years ago, he's good but he's far from young blood. Slater, Gabriel, Kidd and Ryback are not ready yet, Rhodes is, Sin Cara definitely isn't. In all honesty, if this leads long term to the title meaning something again I don't see it as a bad thing. Guys like Cody, Dolph, Gabriel, Slater, Kingston, Kidd should be filtered into making the IC/US/Tag titles mean something rather than having everyone in the company be a former world champion. Let's not beat around the bush here, WWE has maybe, MAYBE four legitimate (full time and uninjured) main eventers, CM Punk, Cena, Jericho... WWE has THREE legitimate main eventers. Big Show, Kane and Daniel Bryan are the only guys right now who are legitimately on the cusp of being there themselves.

WWE has two problems right now. One of them is Cena, he's bigger than the title, the only way to elevate anyone to that level is to elevate the title, the only way to elevate the title is to get Cena chasing it. Cena v Punk will be the main event at Summerslam. Not only that, I will lay my cards on the table right now and call CM Punk v John Cena as the main event of Wrestlemania 29. Once you have two guys at that level the title goes with them and then you have a better opportunity to elevate others. Orton, Bryan, Miz, those guys will all Fill out the title picture.

The other problem WWE has is the old guard. It doesn't matter where HHH v Brock Lesnar is on the card. Their presence on the card alone will sell. If you out Punk v Cena on after people will still watch. You can bet your ass if I pay £15 for a PPV I'm watching every goddamn second.

They need to elevate guys like Punk up to Cena's level before they drown the card in even more guys at Punk's level.
Are we really only getting four participants in the Money in the Bank ladder match this year? I hope Del Rio and Mysterio get entered as well; four just doesn't seem like enough.

Of course, there aren't that many active superstars that actually qualify - remember, only former WWE Champions can enter, and since Orton is suspended and Miz is shooting a film, that just leaves Del Rio and Mysterio. WWE could completely pull the wool over our eyes and stick Lesnar in the match, but since he's supposedly facing HHH at Summerslam, I find it unlikely.

It may be announced tonight at Smackdown that a World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank match with a similar stipulation will be made, wherein the superstars eligible to compete would be Jack Swagger :)zzzz:), Dolph Ziggler (Josh Matthews has been mentioning a lot recently that technically Ziggler won it), Mark Henry :)worship:), Christian :)thumbsup:), and *shudder* The Great Khali :)cuss2:). Mysterio would also be able to enter himself in this match.

I can see the complaint in not giving someone new a chance to become a first-time champion, but at the same time, I am very bored of first reigns being a result of a briefcase cash-in, and I'm sure that WWE are acutely aware of how weak it makes that first reign look. For a superstar to acheive the top gold for the first time, it pays off a lot more if they've climbed the mountain first. See, for example, Kurt Angle's first WWF title win.
I can see the complaint in not giving someone new a chance to become a first-time champion, but at the same time, I am very bored of first reigns being a result of a briefcase cash-in, and I'm sure that WWE are acutely aware of how weak it makes that first reign look. For a superstar to acheive the top gold for the first time, it pays off a lot more if they've climbed the mountain first. See, for example, Kurt Angle's first WWF title win.

Who exactly are you basing this on? The only weak first reigns I remember is Jack Swagger, who would have sucked regardless, and CM Punk, who couldn't get elevated far enough up at the time. Del Rio had two reigns, one with and one without, and both sucked because he sucks.

Still, out of the past MITB winners, Edge, Rob Van Dam, CM Punk, Kane, The Miz, and Daniel Bryan all became strong World Champions either during their reigns or afterwards. And as for the payoff argument, let's look at Sheamus's first title reign, which came at the expense of a table. Let's look at Mysterio's fluke reign after Wrestlemania 22. Who's been a stronger World Champion based on first reigns: Mysterio or Daniel Bryan?

And your response if MITB should only be superstars who've been champion? The point of MITB was to give superstars a chance they normally wouldn't. Every superstar currently in or will be has been a WWE or World Champion within the past 18 months. There's no ascension or build-up. There's no climb to the top or any kind of mountain. If anything it's lateral.

In all honesty, if this leads long term to the title meaning something again I don't see it as a bad thing. Guys like Cody, Dolph, Gabriel, Slater, Kingston, Kidd should be filtered into making the IC/US/Tag titles mean something rather than having everyone in the company be a former world champion. Let's not beat around the bush here, WWE has maybe, MAYBE four legitimate (full time and uninjured) main eventers, CM Punk, Cena, Jericho... WWE has THREE legitimate main eventers. Big Show, Kane and Daniel Bryan are the only guys right now who are legitimately on the cusp of being there themselves.

You just made my point. There is only THREE established main eventers, and three more on the cusp. THAT makes the WWE title weak. Think about the 1992 Royal Rumble and how important that was when 30 superstars had a chance to be the WWF Champion. Then Money in the Bank became the new version of that. You are a young, hungry mid-carder who has another legitimate chance to become the top champion. That shows how VALUABLE the title is. The whole point of the match was to partake in a grueling multi-person ladder match just for a CHANCE to be WWE or World Heavyweight Champion. You're saying, "Oh, the mid-carders are not ready, so fuck them." If the WWE took that approach, then Edge, RVD, CM Punk, and Daniel Bryan would still be tolling around waiting for their shot. MITB has its failures like Swagger and Del Rio, but it has a lot more successes. Remember,
They need to elevate guys like Punk up to Cena's level before they drown the card in even more guys at Punk's level.
Punk's first two reigns was thanks to Money in the Bank, and he's the closest full-time guy to Cena.


WWE has two problems right now. One of them is Cena, he's bigger than the title, the only way to elevate anyone to that level is to elevate the title, the only way to elevate the title is to get Cena chasing it. Cena v Punk will be the main event at Summerslam. Not only that, I will lay my cards on the table right now and call CM Punk v John Cena as the main event of Wrestlemania 29. Once you have two guys at that level the title goes with them and then you have a better opportunity to elevate others. Orton, Bryan, Miz, those guys will all Fill out the title picture.

The other problem WWE has is the old guard. It doesn't matter where HHH v Brock Lesnar is on the card. Their presence on the card alone will sell. If you out Punk v Cena on after people will still watch. You can bet your ass if I pay £15 for a PPV I'm watching every goddamn second.

1. Cena doesn't need Money in the Bank. The man just beat Big Show in a cage. You don't think Vince could reward him with a title shot? Or there couldn't be a #1 contender's match vs. Big Show or Daniel Bryan or someone else of high regard? Or the new GM says, "John Cena, have a high profile rematch vs. CM Punk at Summerslam because people want to see it?" It is a WASTE because MITB is completely against Cena's character. I'll tell you EXACTLY what will happen. He'll win the match, then the next night on RAW, cash it in ala RVD and call his shot to be in Los Angeles for Summerslam. If that's a case there are 10 million other scenarios that could put Cena in his own match and let MITB alone.

2. As for the old-guard and high profile matches, I agree. HHH, Lesnar, Cena and Punk sell tickets. But it stems back to my original argument:

What about this for a memorable MITB in a few weeks
We saw how they are going to build the Wwe title MITB match, only former WWE champs can participate. Well what about the Monday before the ppv Rock shows up unexpected and puts himself in the match (he did leave on a note that when he returns it's going to be for the title). So this would skyrocket the ppv buys and set us up with Punk vsRock in LA for SS (rocks home away from home so to speak). Then Brock beats HHH in the undercard then in the main event Brock and Heyman screw Rock, turning Punk heel and aligning Brock, Punk and Heyman. This not only gives Punk his biggest win, but sets the angle for Brock vs Rock at WM and they don't have to do much tv until WM season rolls around (could even have SCSA come back at some point to have Rocks back to set up Punk vs Austin at WM). this would be how I would book SS and MITB, the only other scenario I will accept is a Bryan/Cena SS match or else I'm done until WM season, what say ye for this scenario wrestle zone?
Greetings, fellow man. As we know, on July 16 2012, a new Money in the Bank winner will be crowned. The match will feature only former WWE champions. As of June 29th, there are only four wrestlers slated to compete. John Cena, The Big Show, Kane, and Chris Jericho. Now, this may sound stupid, but I could have sworn that MITB matches usually have, I don't know...more than only four competitors? Unless the 'E is trying to break that mold with this match, we can safely assume that there will be more competitors announced soon. But who will those wrestlers be?
Please allow me to turn your attention to this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1c5bYdcfj54

Familiar, no? "...One vision in mind, don't need no revampin'. The Rock's gonna be...WWE Champion!" The Rock uttered these famous last words on the April 12th edition of Monday Night Raw, coming off the heels of the biggest win of his career against John Cena. Since then he hasn't been seen on WWE television, leaving many fans to ponder if he was just, excuse my language, "speaking out of his ass."
The Rock is a former 7 time WWF/E Champion. Becoming Mr. Money in the Bank could give him a title shot at anytime he wished, but more importantly, anytime he could fit within his schedule. All he has to do is surprise the audience by coming in last at the match, winning the briefcase, and then leaving. He would be able to do his love it/hate it promos to keep interest in the possibility of him cashing it in on any Raw, thus keeping him relevant as he waits for an opening in his schedule to cash it in. I don't think the WWE could go wrong with having Dwayne become their new MITB holder. My questions to you are

#1. How likely do you think The Rock returning at WWE MITB and then winning the briefcase is?

#2. If it does indeed happen, how would you keep Rocky relevant until he could find time to cash it in the for the gold?

#3. Do you think that it should even play out this way? Would Rock having MITB be a poor decision because it would hinder the development of a younger talent?

Let me know what you think!
When I was a kid, I remember watching Saturday Night's Main Event, etc. a ton and one of my favorite memories as a kid was when Hogan was cheated out of his title due to the ref being a twin, Andre the Giant winning the belt, and then selling it to the Million Dollar Man.

I began wondering if something like this could work in today's WWE and I had a few questions that I thought of. I've added my own answers after the questions.

1. Do you think it would work for Del Rio to buy the MITB briefcase from a winner? Del Rio is a heel, but he is not genuinely hated as a heel. He's really more or less not liked. Personally, I think doing something like this would allow Del Rio to really be hated and finally get over as a strong heel.

Del Rio could solicit possible suitors up until MITB, but never actually confirm who, if anybody, has an agreement with him. He can tell people that he believes he will beat Sheamus, but it doesn't hurt to have a back-up plan for the title.

Del Rio can also interfere in the match in some way to ensure

2. What winner could you see selling the case and why?
- Big Show: I think this would make some sense because he has already shown he is all about the money. He wouldn't need to make this kind of move to become a greater heel though. This would also be a play off of Andre doing this years ago.

- Sandow: Considering he hasn't lost yet, it would be a little bit of a swerve. The guy keeps winning, but ultimately sells out. It could elevate him as a higher status of a heel. Perhaps he could continue to hang around with Del Rio to ensure he keeps the belt.

- The Miz: Now, I know he is not yet in the match, but I believe he would be the best candidate for this and I could see this working for a couple reasons. The Miz is already a heel, but he needs something to make him relevant again. I could see this play out in a couple ways...

a. The Miz could win the WHC MITB match and Del Rio would be at the top of the ramp congratulating him. People would then realize that they had talked about a deal. They agree that they would do the deal for the case on Raw the next night. The Miz then comes out at Raw, ready to make the deal. Then as Del Rio gets ready to close the deal, the Miz surprises him and knocks him out. As Del Rio is laid out, he starts off with his "Really?" deal and begins to explain that he realized during his time off that he used to be like Del Rio. He used to expect everything was supposed to come to him because he deserved it. He finally woke up and realized that he had to work hard and earn the right to be a champ. It's a new day for the Miz and it's awesome....
This would in turn start a new feud with Del Rio and make Miz a face for putting someone like Del Rio in his place.

b. The Miz can win the WHC MITB and have this match before the WHC title match. Del Rio congratulates him and shares that he has locked up the title because if he loses to Sheamus, the Miz can run down, help destroy Sheamus some more, make the deal with Del Rio, and Del Rio and hopefully score an easy pinfall. The Miz could sit at ringside, but not be involved in the match. I could see Del Rio some how cheating Sheamus out of the title, only to have Sheamus kick him after the match to see him laid out cold. The Miz could then come in to the ring, destroy his ring announcer for getting in the way, and pin Del Rio for the title.
The Miz could turn face, then shoot a promo in the ring stating how Del Rio was a fool for thinking he would sell the briefcase, doing all of his "Really?" stuff in the process. He could wrap it up saying again that he has changed and not only is he the new champ, but he is the new Miz and that he is awesome.
I think this would help the Miz turn face, have a feud with Del Rio, and even incorporate Sheamus into the feud because he would feel cheated out of his title. Sheamus could cost Del Rio shots at the title and vise versa.

Anyway, just an idea I had and would like to see something done different that the same old, same old.

So do you think any of this would work?
Instead of throwing a lot of hypotheticals out there, here is some WWE reality.

Cena will win the Money in the Bank. Jericho will take most of the bumps and Kane and Big Show will spend half the match resting on the outside after hitting a big spot. In a feat of superstrength, the finish will come when Cena FU's Show off the ladder.

I thinks we will have some sort of a no contest in the title match. Aj will take a bump, and both men will forget about the match to try to help AJ. I think Bryan beats Punk on Raw 1000, Cena cashes in the "right way" at Summerslam and wins the title in a triple threat match. He will hold the title the rest of the year, because that's what the kids want.
I'm pulling for Kidd to win the WHC MiTB match. Ziggler doesn't need the briefcase because he's practically already a main eventer as it is. Rhodes doesn't need the briefcase either for the same reason. We've already seen him go toe to toe with main eventers, so he doesn't need the briefcase as a crutch. I say give it to Kidd, give him a slow build up, and have him cash it in RVD style on a random episode of SmackDown, lose after a hard fought match, and continue on as a heavily featured midcarder/JTTS.
WWE Money in the Bank - July 15, 2012

1. Christian vs. Santino Marella vs. Tyson Kidd vs. Sin Cara vs. Dolph Ziggler vs. Tensai vs. Cody Rhodes vs. Damien Sandow in a World Heavyweight Championship Money in the Bank match - In my view, this was a strong match to start the ppv off with and it ended the right way. Ultimately, what I was hoping would happen in this match came about. Everyone in the match was given a chance to shine and guys like Kidd & Sandow ran with it and had memorable performances. As usual, there were some fun & memorable spots for this match. There were some botches in the match and they did seem to move pretty quickly from one spot to another, which is something we haven’t really seen a lot of in more recent MITB matches. Kidd performed a wild looking powerbomb spot with Ziggler landing on his front rather than his back. It wasn’t the intended outcome, but the fans certainly popped for it and gave it the “holy shit” treatment. Ziggler took several big bumps and sold them like a champ. There really is nobody in wrestling better at selling than Dolph Ziggler in my opinion. In the end, Ziggler manages to knock Christian away from the briefcase and unhooks it himself. Dolph Ziggler wins the WHC MITB match at the 19 minute mark. The match was a bit wild and all over the place, which makes me think that they were using that to make up for the lack of big time star power for the match. ***1/2

The Miz - I thought Miz gave a solid promo upon his return. He didn’t get much of a reaction from the crowd, which is expected given that his stock has been pretty low this year. Miz announced that he’s shaking things up a bit as the WWE Championship MITB match won’t include four former champs, but it’ll include five with himself taking the spot. Miz didn’t come off as his more annoying heel self, which is a step in the right direction as they’ve gone as far as they can in that direction with him. Nothing overly great here, but it was nice to see Miz back. Thumbs In The Middle

2. Sheamus vs. Alberto Del Rio for the World Heavyweight Championship - I enjoyed this match mostly as it did a job of telling a story. Del Rio worked on Sheamus’ arm throughout much of the match. It makes sense as he’s been targeting the arm in recent weeks and he applies his finisher. Little things like that can honestly make a world of difference in matches. It didn’t have the fast paced action of the MITB match and these matches can seem a little dull in comparison but I enjoyed it. Sheamus looked resilient and I’m digging that Del Rio is much more aggressive now. Del Rio hit a couple of good, believable near falls on Sheamus but Sheamus ultimately gets the win at the 14.5 minute mark after hitting the Brogue Kick. Afterward, as Del Rio & Ricardo start to beat Sheamus down, Ziggler comes out and we get a great tease for cashing in MITB. Ziggler & Del Rio get in each other’s face before Ziggler pops him one. Sheamus nails Ziggler with a great looking Brogue Kick before the MITB briefcase can be cashed in, which is great as I wanna see Ziggler carry it around for a while. ***

3. Epico & Primo vs. The Prime Time Players - Pretty solid tag team match in which all four of the wrestlers worked hard. The live crowd didn’t really care all that much for it, but I thought that they put on a pretty decent match all in all. I’m also liking how AW comes across. He does enough to help tell a story and to generate some heat without taking too much attention away from his wrestlers in the match. The end comes when Darren Young goes for a mid-air gutbuster but it’s reversed with Primo rolling Young up for the win at the 7.5 minute mark. The match was pretty much filler, but it was solid filler. **1/2

4. CM Punk vs. Daniel Bryan in a No DQ Match for the WWE Championship - Another flat out excellent outing from these two that featured a great mix of brawling and wrestling. Ultimately, there wasn’t any real major pay off for AJ’s role in this, which could mean that it’s continuing. I’m not complaining about that, however, as she’s done a great job. I also dig the fact that she played her part well but they didn’t make her the ultimate center of attention here. Her presence played its part in keeping people wondering what she was going to do without taking anything away from the match itself. About the 6 minute mark, Bryan shoves Punk and he accidentally runs into AJ, taking her out for a bit. They made great use of the no disqualification stipulation and used the chairs & kendo sticks well throughout without going overboard with them. The live crowd was eating the match up, especially with Punk & Bryan trading bombs with the fans giving dueling “Yes!” and “No!” chants. At one point, Bryan puts Punk in the YES! Lock and even uses the kendo stick to provide a bit of extra leverage. AJ has long since returned by this time and smiles rather sadistically as Punk is tortured in the move. The end comes with both Punk & Bryan on top, struggling for control. Punk manages to crotch Bryan and hit a belly to back suplex off the top through a table that’d been set up earlier by Punk with which to drive Bryan through via the flying elbow. Punk makes the cover and gets the clean three count at the 28 minute mark. The ending with AJ sort of “pouting” that Punk didn’t celebrate with her is an indication that Punk’s not done with her. A great match that was given about twice the length that I was expecting. I don’t see how the WWE Championship MITB match is going to be able to follow this as this match should have closed the show. Punk continues with his strong reign and Bryan continues to look like one of the top overall stars on the roster. ****1/2

5. Ryback vs. Curt Hawkins & Tyler Reks - An ok filler match in which Ryback was actually forced to earn his victory here. The match went about 4.5 minutes and the ending was never in doubt. Still, it’s good that they’re finally moving Ryback up in terms of his competition. The live crowd was pretty brutal with its “Goldberg!” chants, but. Hawkins & Reks used some strategy to get the better of Ryback for a while before Ryback made the eventual comeback. He knocks Reks out of the ring with a clothes line before delivering Shell Shot, his finisher, to Hawkins for the win. *1/2

6. Layla, Caitlin & Tamina vs. Beth Phoenix, Eve & Natalya - As with the Ryback match, the crowd was pretty flat for this. Again, the match served its purpose as filler to give fans a bit more time to catch their breaths from Punk vs. Bryan, go the bathroom, beer run or whatever. It wasn’t your typical 30 second bit of nonsense like we’re used to seeing as there was some actual wrestling going on. The live crowd didn’t care but, as we all know, they haven’t been given a real reason to care about the Divas. Pretty standard formula tag team match with the heels isolating one of the faces, in this case Kaitlyn, before she makes a hot tag. Layla wins the match for her team at the 3.5 minute mark after landing a kick on Beth Phoenix. *

7. John Cena vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Chris Jericho vs. The Miz in a WWE Championship Money in the Bank Match - This match went about as well as could be expected. It wasn’t as good as the WHC MITB match, but it was still a fun match. It shouldn’t have been the match to close the show but, as I said, it was still a good strong match. They told a good story with all the wrestlers ganging up to ultimately try to take Show out of the equation. Earlier on in the match, Show took a barrage of assault from the others including a Codebreaker from Jericho, a DDT from Miz, being knocked over the top by Kane before Cena AA’d him through the Spanish announce table. They all placed a bunch of ladders on top of show, “burying” him basically before getting back into things. They also made good use of the ladders as offense, which got the crowd popping in all the right places. Show eventually gets back into the ring and begins to decimate everyone. He brings in a large ladder, one much bigger than the others, and manages to repulse all attacks and attempts to get him off the ladder before Jericho finally succeeds with chair shots. In the end, it was Cena & Show left up on the ladder. Show goes for WMD but Cena uses the case to block the punch before he then bashes Show in the face several times. The handle of the case then broke and landed in Cena’s hands, giving him the win right at the 20 minute mark. Cena sold shock and it was surprising to see the case handle snap and fall into Cena’s hands the way it did. ***

Final Thoughts - This year’s MITB wasn’t quite as good as last year’s show, but it was still a highly entertaining ppv. All the matches that were expected to pay off paid off, in my opinion, in just the ways they should have. The WHC MITB match was a wild affair with a lot of spots all over the place. Not a lot of star power compared to MITB matches of the past, but several stars hade memorable moments and Ziggler getting the win is just how it should be. Sheamus vs. Del Rio was a good physical match between the two. It might not’ve been some people’s thing, but I enjoyed the action and the story it told. The filler matches were pretty much what you’d expect, though the tag match between the PTPs and Epico & Primo was pretty solid. The Raw MITB match was better than I was expecting, to be quite honest. They continued to book Show looking like a beast and all the men involved shined. Miz looked better here than he’s looked all year. Cena winning the match was entirely expected and I hope that they go the route of him being the first unsuccessful cash in attempt. Otherwise it’ll be a waste of the MITB concept because John Cena doesn’t need MITB. He’s much bigger than the concept itself. The match of the night was the WWE Championship match between CM Punk & Daniel Bryan. They gave another stellar match that was a find blend of top notch wrestling and straight up brawling. AJ played her part well and I’m personally so glad that they didn’t try to ultimately have her overshadow this match. I was worried that they were going to go that route and would possibly ruin a helluva match. It didn’t turn out that way as Punk & Bryan put on a near 30 minute clinic and it seems that the situation with Punk and AJ isn’t over.

Grade: A-
:banghead::banghead::banghead: The title speaks for itself. I am so glad I didn't actually spend the $ for this garbage of a PPV and read the results on WZ. Cena winning MitB, really how many people didnt see that coming. Come on Vince either retire or croke over for god sakes. Stop shoving SuperCena down our damn throats. He doesn't need the title anymore, he doesn't need to close every show and he doesn't need to hold people back. Based on the Punk/Bryan match Cena winning probably was the obvious choice but how about some creativity, oh wait it's the PG era and Vince has to appease to the kids. I have watched wrestling pretty much non stop since 96 and I honestly think I might be done. I can't stand the Cena character and neither can anybody over the age of 12. Vince you think you cut back the boos that Cena gets since Wrestlemania, you put the title back on him and the boos will be worse.

Speaking of Cena and im sure the Cena lovers will hammer me on continuing to bash him but WTF is his match always the main event. This phony, egotistical, selfish prick has to be the final match of every damn ppv. Cena by himself has devalued Punk's title reign. The value of the WWE title is 2nd fiddle to Cena and it's pathetic, because it's suppose to be the most important thing in wrestling. However, Vince and his coddling to the little kiddos makes it's devalued. The title match not closing the show once in a blue moon is okay but 7 ppv's in a row is pathetic. Punk/Bryan should have closed the show not only because it's a WWE title match but it also would have brought a possible surprise element with a chance of their being a cash in at the end. Again predictable boring crap!!!

Punk/Bryan was a great match I can't deny that. However, if your not going to do a title switch at least have AJ more involved. The ending was pathetic a sad look on her face and she's still torn. So what does this mean this feud continues. It can't because SuperCena vs Punk will happen at SummerSlam. Im 100% sure of this. Again WWE how about some creativity, oh wait everything is about the 1000th Raw and this PPV means crap.

Ziggler winning the other MitB again wheres the surprise factor. Ziggler didn't need the case he practically is already a main eventer. So this ending was stupid as well as all the botches in the match.

No cash in's/title changes. I was certain one of the titles would change hand or one of the winners would cash in but nope same old predicable BS.

Ryback and a Divas's match follow the Punk/Bryan match, really? really? really? I think one of those matches is stupid but I understand why you would throw a filler match in there after the title match but two of them including a stupid diva's match. Come on WWE this was stupid as well.

Other then Lesnar/HHH at SS their is really no reason to look forward to SummerSlam. We all know it's going to be Punk/Cena another boring face vs face match. Which everyone in there brother knows that Cena will win and it will probably be clean. We all know Vince doesn't have the balls to let Punk win, especially clean. Again more predictable crap!

The only way this Cena thing can work out and be a plus is if he cashes in and loses. Im sure WWE doesn't have the courage to do that though. Lets say they do and Cena loses, im sure it wont be clean and then they will have a rematch at Night of Champions and Cena will win.

If there is anyone in the IWC that honestly doesn't believe Cena wont beat Punk and win the feud and take the title back please chime in. But sadly I am 100% sure Cena will have the belt in the next two months :icon_cry:

Sorry for the long rant but I am pissed. WWE you disapoint me!
:banghead::banghead::banghead: The title speaks for itself. I am so glad I didn't actually spend the $ for this garbage of a PPV and read the results on WZ. Cena winning MitB, really how many people didnt see that coming. Come on Vince either retire or croke over for god sakes. Stop shoving SuperCena down our damn throats. He doesn't need the title anymore, he doesn't need to close every show and he doesn't need to hold people back. Based on the Punk/Bryan match Cena winning probably was the obvious choice but how about some creativity, oh wait it's the PG era and Vince has to appease to the kids. I have watched wrestling pretty much non stop since 96 and I honestly think I might be done. I can't stand the Cena character and neither can anybody over the age of 12. Vince you think you cut back the boos that Cena gets since Wrestlemania, you put the title back on him and the boos will be worse.
Doubt it the boos were awful at one point and even if they come back it won't be worse than last time. The little kids and the women that love Cena won't turn their backs on him unless he does it to them first. Cena hate has gone as far as it can for the most part in the past because kids and women are loyal to him and always will be imo.

Speaking of Cena and im sure the Cena lovers will hammer me on continuing to bash him but WTF is his match always the main event. This phony, egotistical, selfish prick has to be the final match of every damn ppv. Cena by himself has devalued Punk's title reign. The value of the WWE title is 2nd fiddle to Cena and it's pathetic, because it's suppose to be the most important thing in wrestling. However, Vince and his coddling to the little kiddos makes it's devalued. The title match not closing the show once in a blue moon is okay but 7 ppv's in a row is pathetic. Punk/Bryan should have closed the show not only because it's a WWE title match but it also would have brought a possible surprise element with a chance of their being a cash in at the end. Again predictable boring crap!!!
Cena doesn't do the booking, he doesn't put himself on last, and he doesn't make the line up.

Punk/Bryan was a great match I can't deny that. However, if your not going to do a title switch at least have AJ more involved. The ending was pathetic a sad look on her face and she's still torn. So what does this mean this feud continues. It can't because SuperCena vs Punk will happen at SummerSlam. Im 100% sure of this. Again WWE how about some creativity, oh wait everything is about the 1000th Raw and this PPV means crap.
Or Cena doesn't face Punk at SS, it could happen. I'm not sure but it is possible.

Ziggler winning the other MitB again wheres the surprise factor. Ziggler didn't need the case he practically is already a main eventer. So this ending was stupid as well as all the botches in the match.
Eh, think you're nit picking at this point,

No cash in's/title changes. I was certain one of the titles would change hand or one of the winners would cash in but nope same old predicable BS.
I have to question your logic here? The show is predicable because something you were certain was going to happen didn't happen? Wouldn't it be more predicable if the thing you were certain was going to happen actually happened? To me it sounds like you're more upset that what you wanted to happen didn't happen, and instead of saying that and sounding petty. You just call the whole thing predicable, even though you contradicted that statement in the same exact sentence.

Ryback and a Divas's match follow the Punk/Bryan match, really? really? really? I think one of those matches is stupid but I understand why you would throw a filler match in there after the title match but two of them including a stupid diva's match. Come on WWE this was stupid as well.
Luckily both matches lasted an hour and took up almost all the show.

Other then Lesnar/HHH at SS their is really no reason to look forward to SummerSlam. We all know it's going to be Punk/Cena another boring face vs face match. Which everyone in there brother knows that Cena will win and it will probably be clean. We all know Vince doesn't have the balls to let Punk win, especially clean. Again more predictable crap!
Yes, I'm sure you are CERTAIN that will happen. Just like you were Certain that MITB would be cashed in or a title would change hands. And btw Vince has had the balls to put Punk over Cena at least twice, but I guess if that happens again that'll be predictable to you too.

The only way this Cena thing can work out and be a plus is if he cashes in and loses. Im sure WWE doesn't have the courage to do that though. Lets say they do and Cena loses, im sure it wont be clean and then they will have a rematch at Night of Champions and Cena will win.
You shouldn't even watch the product anymore, you always know what's going to happen.

If there is anyone in the IWC that honestly doesn't believe Cena wont beat Punk and win the feud and take the title back please chime in. But sadly I am 100% sure Cena will have the belt in the next two months :icon_cry:
I don't believe Cena vs Punk will happen, I actually think Punk will lose it on the 1000th episode to bryan, and Cena will right the injustice by cashing in and beating bryan the same night, And so what if he does? he's big time and that's not a bad thing.
Time to make Cena champion again, so he can lose it to The Rock, what a sad thing, that is happening in the WWE at the moment. They have two top guys with Punk and Bryan, that can't take the next step to become this decades Rock and Stone Cold, cause there put in the background, while Cena is still the main event. Fuck this
I'm a little disappointed in WWE here. The show didn't suck, but I feel they could have done much better. Ziggler won the first of the two briefcases, so it started off on a good note. Great call there, as this is exactly what he needs. Sheamus retained, another good call. Did we really need the Epico & Primo VS Prime Time Players match? I thought they were the #1 contenders for the gigantic penny- I mean Tag Team Championships. Why didn't they have Epico & Primo work the dark match while the #1 contenders get their title shot on PPV?

CM Punk is still the WWE Champion but he once again is deprived of a PPV closer, which makes me feel very sorry for him. He's had the longest WWE Championship reign since Cena 6 years ago, but this has to be the longest any world champion has ever gone without main eventing a show. The Ryback match was fine and expected, but why not promote his appearance? I don't care how "obvious" it is. He squashed both guys one on one within a timeframe long enough to announce a handicap match. The 6 diva match was 100% pointless. Then we have Cena winning the second briefcase, which does make sense, but WHY did they have so few people in this match? Miz getting added made sense, but they could have added more. Rey or Del Rio to name a few.

No Way Out still remains the worst show of the year, so Money In the Bank escaped that fate, despite having only four announced matches going in. It was a far cry from the best though not even being CLOSE to Wrestlemania, Extreme Rules, or The Rumble. I'm disappointed and this could have been SO much better, especially since Money In the Bank had become one of the strongest new PPV brands. Here's to hoping they make it awesome again next year.
:banghead::banghead::banghead:Punk/Bryan was a great match I can't deny that. However, if your not going to do a title switch at least have AJ more involved. The ending was pathetic a sad look on her face and she's still torn. So what does this mean this feud continues. It can't because SuperCena vs Punk will happen at SummerSlam. Im 100% sure of this. Again WWE how about some creativity, oh wait everything is about the 1000th Raw and this PPV means crap.

I'm not gonna comment on everything but I thought the way the WWE handled the MITB pay per view was definitely solid considering they are concentrating on the 1000th episode and probably the Raw before the 1000th episode (#999 duh). But regardless of the 1000th Raw the PPV was still a good show.

Anyway the ending of Punk and Bryan's match to me was perfect. Everyone assumed AJ was going to favor someone and the fact that she didn't caught the audience off guard. Also the majority of the storyline leading up to the PPV was solely about her and who she was gonna end up with. But with that in mind everyone was talking about how this undermined the importance of the WWE Championship.

Well it ended with Punk not acknowledging AJ and only going after his championship which switches the perspective of the storyline in that the championship was the most important factor. Also AJ seems lost in the situation as if she realizes she isn't as important to either of them. I may be wrong but in my opinion this doesn't yield predictability at all. AJ has more open to her on the creative end because she isn't stuck under the wings of either CM Punk or Bryan at least as of now.

In addition, Cena winning the MITB doesn't necessarily mean that he will face Punk at Summerslam. Winning the MITB DOESN'T make you the #1 contender at the next PPV it just allows you to cash it in whenever you desire. Most likely Cena will cash it in at an unexpected moment. Cena having the MITB can be crucial in the outcome of Cena's storylines and the direction of his character.
The ppv was much better than I thought it was going to be. WHC mitb was actually very good and I was very happy with Ziggler winning. Now the IWC will cry out in joy.

Sheamus winning was a good thing. It saves me from having to listen to Del Boring drawl on about his destiny. Great match though.

CM Punk winning to me is the right move. They should let him hold it at least until he hits the one year mark. He's been the most interesting champion we've had in a long time. The match stole the show as Punk and Bryan put on another 5 star classic. AJ played her role perfectly and I'm glad to see this story continue.

The two fillers were ok. I could careless about the divas right now. Ryback looked awesome I'm glad he finally is facing a couple of guys who will give him a challenge.

And of course, the WWE title mitb. We all knew who was going to win. The IWC called a mile away...............under a collapsed bridge...................with a 1950's black and white tv. And truthfully, it made the most sense. Jericho was the only other option that would've made sense but we all knew it was Cena's turn once again. I'm fine with it though. But watch by tomorrow someone will post a thread titled, "Why oh why didn't you swerve us this one time!" Someone will bitch and moan as is the nature of the beast. :banghead: Overall a pretty good ppv with a fantastic match and a couple of pretty good matches. Definitely better than last week's RAW and SD!
:banghead::banghead::banghead: The title speaks for itself. I am so glad I didn't actually spend the $ for this garbage of a PPV and read the results on WZ. Cena winning MitB, really how many people didnt see that coming. Come on Vince either retire or croke over for god sakes. Stop shoving SuperCena down our damn throats. He doesn't need the title anymore, he doesn't need to close every show and he doesn't need to hold people back. Based on the Punk/Bryan match Cena winning probably was the obvious choice but how about some creativity, oh wait it's the PG era and Vince has to appease to the kids. I have watched wrestling pretty much non stop since 96 and I honestly think I might be done. I can't stand the Cena character and neither can anybody over the age of 12.

Generalize much? Oh, this is going to be fun. I didn't read all that, but I'm assuming it was full of whining and bitchy complaints because this post seems to be full of that. Anyway, let's get to it.

Speaking of Cena and im sure the Cena lovers will hammer me on continuing to bash him but WTF is his match always the main event.

I wouldn't label myself a cena fan (but I can tolerate the man), but can I still make fun of you? Don't answer that, rhetorical question because I'm going to anyway. You've been warned

This phony, egotistical, selfish prick

You know he's like this...how exactly? You have him on speed dial?....Wait. Bull Buchanan, is that you? How's your dog?

has to be the final match of every damn ppv. Cena by himself has devalued Punk's title reign.

Uh...not really. Let's not be stupid now. But I'll play along, tell us oh great one: how has Cena not being a title match, and being away from the title scene for the last while devalued the great cm punk's 200+ day title reign

The value of the WWE title is 2nd fiddle to Cena and it's pathetic, because it's suppose to be the most important thing in wrestling.

get this man a labar t-shirt, because IT'S STILL REAL TO HIM DAMN IT

However, Vince and his coddling to the little kiddos makes it's devalued.

Yes. How DARE Vince McMahon run the company his way, and how DARE little kids like a certain wrestler, forcing parents to buy merchandise. Let's burn them all. maybe then Vince will croke as you say. Are you even reading what you write before you post it, or are you really this dense? It's not 1997 anymore, maybe take a step outside and come to terms with the fact that things have to change. Just because you don't care for them doesn't make it bad. You can do it, I believe in you.

The title match not closing the show once in a blue moon is okay but 7 ppv's in a row is pathetic.

eh. Okay, one point for you. world title matches probably should close out the show once in awhile, I can't really argue this. Damn it.

Punk/Bryan should have closed the show not only because it's a WWE title match but it also would have brought a possible surprise element with a chance of their being a cash in at the end. Again predictable boring crap!!!

Yes. Because had it happened, nobody would have called a cash in at all. After all, not like they didn't tease it with Sheamus's match, and it's not like the audience was chanting for Ziggler. Nope.

Punk/Bryan was a great match I can't deny that. However, if your not going to do a title switch at least have AJ more involved.

Why? Why have her be more involved, I don't...I don't understand her reasoning her, except it being something YOU want. Screw the people in the match, as long as you're entertained. Do you perhaps subscribe to the Vince Russo guide to everyday life?

The ending was pathetic a sad look on her face and she's still torn. So what does this mean this feud continues. It can't because SuperCena vs Punk will happen at SummerSlam.

Again: You know this how? You get an advanced card, or something? Hook us up? Who's Ryback squashing? Will Clay be there? And for the love of god, does David Otunga have his sweatervest ready?! There's still a lot of time until Summerslam, so cool your tits. Nothing's set in stone

Im 100% sure of this.

and I'm 120% you're just speculating. my 120 trumps your 100. Math's a bitch, isn't it.

Again WWE how about some creativity, oh wait everything is about the 1000th Raw and this PPV means crap.

yes. YOU didn't like it, so it must have been terrible. I can totally understand this logic. Like, someone once said Raven wasn't one of the top promo cutters of his time, so I punched him in the gut, took my toys and went home. That'll teach THEM not to like who I like

Ziggler winning the other MitB again wheres the surprise factor.

Had he won before? It wasn't like it was Punk or Edge who've had numerous mitb wins. so I'd say that Ziggler becoming MITB for the first time was a surprise. Is he who I personally would have chose? Probably not, as I was rooting for Sandow, but Ziggler, even though I may not like him personally makes sense. Who are they going to have win? Christian? Tensai? Tyson Kidd?

Ziggler didn't need the case he practically is already a main eventer

so being stuck in mid card is now practically being a main eventer? KOFI KINGSTON/SANTINO . MAIN EVENT. BOOK IT. Drew McIntyre can sell popcorn in the stands. I'd tend to think that Dolph here would disagree about his "not needing the briefcase." but fine. Let's play fantasy booker: Who do you have winning sd's case then.

So this ending was stupid as well as all the botches in the match.

a lot of things here are stupid. almost none are in the match

No cash in's/title changes. I was certain one of the titles would change hand or one of the winners would cash in but nope same old predicable BS.

Yes. because by law there has to be a title change once per show, or else the show has been a total waste. They added that in at the end of the Obamacare ruling, so I understand your dilemma

Ryback and a Divas's match follow the Punk/Bryan match, really? really? really?

yep. And quit using that overused "really?really?really?" statement to drive your point across. it's beneath y....well it's beneath us, the readers. Either make your point or gtfo with it

I think one of those matches is stupid but I understand why you would throw a filler match in there after the title match but two of them including a stupid diva's match. Come on WWE this was stupid as well.

Well, how can we argue with the word of someone named AttitudeEra? Very easily, I'm finding, but for the sake of argument let's hear it. What would have done to undo this apparent travesty of justice that was a Ryback AND *gasp* a divas match?

Other then Lesnar/HHH at SS their is really no reason to look forward to SummerSlam. We all know it's going to be Punk/Cena another boring face vs face match.

No, you THINK that. there's a difference between what you think will happen and what will happen. Not that I expect you to understand that, but since nobody here is from the future, we don't know for certain what will happen at summerslam. What you're doing, is called speculating. Say it with me: sp-eck-u-la-ting.

Which everyone in there brother knows that Cena will win and it will probably be clean. We all know Vince doesn't have the balls to let Punk win, especially clean. Again more predictable crap!

Yes. Because Cena's won every main event PPV he's been in as of late...Oh wait...

The only way this Cena thing can work out and be a plus is if he cashes in and loses.

How would that work out? At all? Please tell me. Just because you don't like the match doesn't mean that what you propose will be "better" so unless you have verified sources to back up your claims, shut up.

Im sure WWE doesn't have the courage to do that though.

because it would be stupid.

Lets say they do and Cena loses, im sure it wont be clean and then they will have a rematch at Night of Champions and Cena will win.

Sure. why not. Let's also pretend I'm Godzilla and America's next top model. It's always fun to pretend every now and then.

If there is anyone in the IWC that honestly doesn't believe Cena wont beat Punk and win the feud and take the title back please chime in.

Punk has beaten Cena. Numerous times. Logic states that should they happen to face at SS, or NoC, there should be no clear cut winner. so this "100% chance of cena winning" defense of your's is bullshit.

But sadly I am 100% sure Cena will have the belt in the next two months :icon_cry:

We don't care.

Sorry for the long rant but I am pissed. WWE you disapoint me!

I'm sure they'll cry themselves to sleep for losing such a great fan.

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