**Merged** All Jim Ross Discussion

JR Holds a lot of pulling power in the WWE, he's responsible for some of the biggest stars in the companies history and has a devote fanbase attached to him name sake alone. If he didn't like what was going on with these humiliation angles I'm certain he could get them blocked.
No, of course he doesn't hate him. Do you forget that he was pulled off of WWE tv because Vince feared for his health? As for being embarrassed, it's called entertainment. It might not be funny or enjoyable, but humiliating him is a good way of drawing heat and building up a story/feud. People need to learn to relax a little. When it's all said and done Vince will hug him when he's inducted into the WWE HOF and thank you probably more than we will ever know.

I disagree completely. Its not even entertaining. I can understand them trying to draw heat but this is annoyance. When Vickie comes i boo her, but shes good at it. However people like Cole and Laycool take it too far where its like "oh... i better stay away from this one." Vickie gets me fired up because i dont like her, however shes doing a GREAT job at making people dislike her.
I disagree completely. Its not even entertaining. I can understand them trying to draw heat but this is annoyance. When Vickie comes i boo her, but shes good at it. However people like Cole and Laycool take it too far where its like "oh... i better stay away from this one." Vickie gets me fired up because i dont like her, however shes doing a GREAT job at making people dislike her.
You're speaking from a selfish perspective. Fact is, cole is very over as a heel. If it was a "change the channel" hatred, they would see the quarter hour splits and see that people change the channel and stop doing it. They don't though, they keep going, because Cole gets heel heat. JR gets a ton of sympathy. Doesn't matter what you think, matters what the general audience thinks.

Also, all this "Vince hates JR because JR knows more about wrestling" is fucking insane. Like ****** level "lol you know this is a work right?" shit.

Pro wrestling is a business. Vince knows more about business. JR might know more how to please a certain segment of the audience, however, JR couldn't do what Vince does.

Who's the guy who quoted Mark Madden? Mark Madden is a fat idiot who hates Orton because he thinks Orton is a "twink". In a nutshell, that explains Madden's stupidity. He's a mark.

Vince doesn't hate JR, if he did, he wouldn't employ him. If JR truly felt like he was being exploited, he would quit. If he DOES feel like he's being exploited and still stays with the company for years then he deserves to be exploited for not standing up like a man and saying something.

You guys act like WWE is the same company you see on Raw. Crazy people humiliating each other and doing otherwise illegal acts to each other. Fact is, they're a billion dollar, publicly traded company. If anyone actually felt harrassed or like they were being exploited, legal measures could be taken. Defamation, etc. IT'S NOT REAL.

Thinking that Vince hates JR because he "humiliates him" is just as markish as saying "I can't believe Nash hit HHH with a sledgehammer, I hope HHH beats him up".
I seriously believe that JR enjoys being ridiculed and is being told to post his disdain on twitter. The amount he complains about being fired 3 times and how they embarass him yet he still takes it astonishes me.

I had had a thought...

Ross vs. McMahon

Ross could probably do an excellent shoot on him for treatment talking about how he was the best announcer yet he gets treated like garbage... embarassed in Oklahoma. How the ppl watch Raw to listen to him and Lawler yet he gets dumped on...

Anyone think that will happen?
I think the way McMahon, Austin, Cole etc have treat Jim Ross in the past is hilarious!!! The beatings, the mockings, the firings etc.

Why do people get so precious over Jim Ross and the way WWE treats him? It is make believe and scripted is it not? Ok, so they have made fun of him a few times but I also think the entire WWE locker room has had fun made of them on screen at some point.

I really hope Jim Ross is 'working' in his tweets when he moans about this stuff on Twitter. Otherwise he is just an ungreatful son of a bitch who wants to be greatful WWE keep wheeling him back out.

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