Jim Ross being replaced? Again?

I think there are a lot die hard fans out there. I think the Die hards out number the casual fans by a lot. This is why you hear a John Cena getting booed out everywhere he goes. It's not just a fad, its a legit issue. People don't like Cena.

Hell the reason I hang around is because there is an assload of talent sitting there waiting to bubble up. As much as Vince is going to try and Shove Lashley and Cena onto people, the cries for CM PunK and Mr. Kennedy are going to get to loud to ignore. There are a ton of young guys there, and those are the ones worth watching.
The Man himself has commented on the issue:

Jim Ross has a new blog entry up. Some highlights are below.

On "rumors" of Michael Cole replacing him on RAW: There sure were lots of internet rumors over the past few days about Michael Cole replacing yours truly this fall as the voice of Monday Night Raw. I have no idea how this sort of information gets out there and then takes on a life of its own as if it is factual. I fully expect to continue my tenure with the WWE for years to come and no one in the decision making process has indicated anything to the contrary to me. Do you actually think these executives are speaking to the wrestling internet world? Me neither. These rumors upset Mrs J.R. and my family more than they do me. I still get excited about going to work every week on Monday Night Raw and I am still having fun. I would also like to think that my work doesn't suck pond water. Perhaps I am wrong. Nonetheless when my run on Raw comes to an end, whenever that may be, I will look back on my WWE career with no regrets. I have had a blessed career and life in our wonderful business over the past four decades. There is plenty of fuel left in this tank, so don't count me out just yet. I feel, for many reasons, that my best years in broadcasting are ahead of me and I feel really good about the future. Finally, I suggest that you don't believe everything you read on the internet.
So, as I had said, this is just more internet 'news' that has got out there with no real grounding. He isn't going anywhere. . . . yet
hi my names JR and OMG im a fat dick who wears glasses what a slobbernocker! get over it you weridos, you people give wrestling a immature and childish name.
JR will never be "replaced." They will get someone to sit in his chair and blab, but he cannot be replaced.

JR has helped build RAW, and his voice in synonymous with the brand. The guys they have waiting in line like vultures couldn't even put the sauce on JR's ribs!

I wish the WWE would give up on this for now. If the man wants to work, work from a wheelchair, or pipe commentary in from a hospital bed, LET HIM WORK! He has never gotten boring, never redundant, and he brings matches to life with subtle humor and incredible insight. Cole sucks, and so do the other guys they have. The only person who could shine JR's shoes was Gorilla Monsoon. So, you tell ME who they'are gonna get. RAW=:crucified:without JR.
If Jim Ross does not commentate then why should jerry king lawer commentate because they are both hall of famers!!!!!!!

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