Meltdown 47

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Meltdown 46 said:
Copeland: Back and forth action starting here. Phoenix is using his speed to his advantage and keeping Everest off balance.

Cohen: Of course he is, he uses his speed every match Seabass. Don't you ever pay attention?

Phoenix pulls Everest up and flips him over with a snapmare followed by a kick to the back. Everest winces in pain but gets dropped with a low dropkick from Phoenix. Phoenix bounces off the ropes and hits a dropkick across Everest's chest. He gets up and stands over Everest momentarily before locking in a figure four headlock! Everest quickly reaches out and grabs the ropes and the ref forces Phoenix to release the hold. Everest slowly pulls himself up on the ropes and Phoenix bounces off the ropes again. He goes for a flying clothesline but Everest quickly pulls the rope down and Phoenix goes over the top rope to the outside. He crashes hard in front of the announcing table. Everest rolls out of the ring and picks Phoenix up, slamming him head first into the table. He whips Phoenix towards the steel steps but Phoenix hops up onto them and jumps back towards Everest. Everest catches him in mid air and drops him down hard with a spinebuster!

Copeland: A nice array of moves from Everest, showing his veteran savvy to counteract Phoenix's attack.

Cohen: I'm sure it's past Everest's bedtime, you know how those nurses don't like old men being up past a certain time.

Everests poses for the crowd as Phoenix holds his head in pain. The ref's count gets up to 7 as Everest rolls Phoenix back into the ring. He follows up and stomps away at Phoenix before dropping an elbow. He hooks a leg and gets a two count as Phoenix kicks out at the last second. Everest drags Phoenix up and whips him into the ropes and hits his own spinning heel kick, knocking Phoenix down to the ground hard. Everest follows up and locks in the Mountain Climber! Phoenix struggles in the hold and tries to get a foot on the rope. Everest drags him back to the middle of the ring and locks in the hold tighter. Phoenix continues to struggle in the hold but is able to get to get a kick up to Everest. He continues the kicks and Everest loosens the hold just enough for Phoenix to escape. Phoenix rolls towards the ropes as Everest gets up and gives chase. He goes to pick up Phoenix but Phoenix pulls him down and Everest gets dropped throat first on the ropes. Phoenix rolls him up and holds onto the tights without the ref seeing and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner, Phoenix!

Later that night....

Kurtesy gets Ty up and bounces him off the ropes to his an irish whip, he goes for a clothesline on the rebound but Ty ducks under the attempt, as well as the second and hits a high knee to knock Kurtesy back down who then rolls out of the ring to take a moment to recover. Ty leans over the top rope to try and grab him but Kurtesy is up quickly and pulls him down onto the top rope to get Ty off his feet, Kurtesy then quickly moves around to the opposite side of the ring to wait for Ty to get up, the moment he does, he comes at him with pace but is met with a sudden spinebuster from the champion who staggers over with a light cover 1……2…Kurtesy counters it into a package 1…….2…..kickout by Ty. Both men are back up to their feet and Ty tries to end it with a Consecrated Banishment but Kurtesy catches the boot and counters with a dragon screw which is rolled into a single leg boston crab that has Ty wincing in pain, Kurtesy holds on tightly as he paces himself into the centre of the ring before he lets go of the hold and without Ty being able to do anything, he locks on the Kommon Kurtesy on his head, given the earlier damage to the neck area, Ty is in even more pain here.

Ty is stuck in a problem as he tries reaching for the ropes but it’s difficult with the doctor holding on strongly, he tries to reach for the ropes again but it’s no use, he lifts his hand up high before he gets up on his leg and starts to sway Kurtesy from side to side, eventually using the momentum to roll across the ring, with Kurtesy still holding on but Ty manages to sneak a foot under the bottom rope to get the referee to tell Kurtesy to break the hold, who does so after a four count. Kurtesy gets up and starts debating with the referee about how Ty could have legally reached the ropes, nothing will change what’s just occurred as Ty uses the ropes to get to his feet. Kurtesy turns and charges at Ty who counters it into the Mo’ Murda, the effects of the move slows down his cover attempt which is weak again, 1…….2……kickout by Kurtesy, Ty looks surprised somewhat as he gets back to his feet slowly right before Doug Crashin and Steven Holmes make a run to the ring. Ty is quick to counter them as he knocks Holmes out with a running knee and then counters a Crashin clothesline into a Russian legsweep, making both men roll to the outside.

Cohen: So much for team mate support!

Copeland: Ty Burna showing that he can stand up to the attempts of the Crashin Movement to swing the momentum.

Ty turns around is caught by a revived Kurtesy who goes for the Prescripted Sedation, but Ty shoves him away and Kurtesy stops himself before the turnbuckle, he turns and is met with a Consecrated Banishment to the face, taking him out as Ty goes for the cover 1……2…….3

Harrys: Here is your winner, the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Ty is up to his feet again as he is given his championship belt and has his hand raised by the referee. He surveys the damage as the Crashin Movement look deflated and refuse to attack despite the numbers advantage. Instead they all regroup and carry Kurtesy back towards the ramp. Ty points at the Movement to let them know he does back down from anyone, he raises his championship and points to the sky once more. He takes a few paces around the ring before the lights go down and the titantron shows a series of flames blazing away as Ty watches on, the flames slowly fade to reveal Phoenix on the screen who’s staring intently at Ty, until he finally speaks…

One more step remains. All or Nothing.
The titantron clears and the lights are restored to normal as Ty looks from side to side before he exits the ring and gets back to the motorcycle.

Ascension 21 said:

Everyone’s had a pin attempt so far, but who’s going to get the decision?

Cohen: As said, I still can’t believe this match is taking place, none of these men should be here right now. But if I have to pick a winner, I’d say Phoenix!

Beckford gets Constantine to his feet and moves him into the corner, slamming his head against the turnbuckle pad, he uses the chance to ascend the turnbuckle and hold onto his foe’s head, signalling to the crowd that he’s going for a DDT, only he’s having trouble launching it, when he finally does he’s overpowered by Constantine who lifts him over the ropes, making him fall to the outside, leaving Constantine and Gordito in the ring for the time being. Gordito is up against the ropes as Constantine turns to meet the Californian with the two exchanging fists, both take it in turns with the crowd booing Constantine and cheering Gordito until Constantine stamps his foot and lifts him with a sidewalk slam, getting good impact and going for a cover 1……2…kickout by Gordito.

Constantine looks frustrated and kicks Gordito in the hurt knee a couple of more times before dragging him into the centre of the ring and locking on the STF which has Gordito screaming in pain as he tries reaching for the ropes but is still fair away, the crowd is chanting on Gordito as Constantine is shouting at him to tap he continues to reach out, edging nearer and nearer but his opponent keeps the hold on tight. Suddenly Beckford is up outside the ring, he reaches in and grabs Gordito’s arms and drags them both to the edge of the ring, allowing him to grab the rope which has Constantine annoyed and he eventually lets go before he unleashes some stomps on Gordito’s bad knee right before Beckford slides back in and hits a dropkick on Constantine, as Constantine gets back to his feet, Beckford runs at the ropes before springboarding off of them to catch Constantine with his feet with a hurricanrana, dropping the politician in the sitting corner, Beckford then runs at the same corner, using the ropes to lift himself up and planting Constantine with a corner dropkick before taking a moment to recover.

Cohen: This isn’t fair on Constantine, this isn’t a handicap match!

Connor: Anything goes here and it certainly looks like these two want to shut him up for once.

Gordito is up on his feet, despite some staggering, he notices Constantine in the corner and with a rush of a adrenaline, he runs towards him and hits the bronco buster which has Constantine look in disgust so he rolls out of the ring. Gordito gets up back up and spots Beckford on top of the turnbuckle, he runs at him but Beckford leaps straight over, landing on both feet, he turns and lifts Gordito up with an atomic drop but Gordito uses the momentum to power himself over to standing behind Beckford before hitting him with a back body drop. He slowly staggers back up and limps slowly to the corner, climbing up the turnbuckle sluggishly, he reaches the top and leaps off with an elbow drop, but Beckford rolls out of the way, leaving Gordito’s elbow to meet the canvas. Gordito holds his arm in pain as Beckford takes a moment to recoup before they both get up to their feet. They turn to face each other right before they run at the ropes to knock Constantine off the ring edge and bouncing off the barricade, preventing him from getting back in the ring. They turn towards each other as Gordito kicks Beckford in the gut and hooks one arm and then the other, looking for the Meteor of War but Beckford unhooks one of his arms and uses the other to twist him out and counter with the Cross Drop, taking both men down temporarily as Beckford staggers back to his feet.

Gordito’s down as Beckford slowly ascends the turnbuckle, he’s somewhat dazed after all the energy that’s gone into this match, he reaches the top, looking for the Cross County, he has himself poised and ready only for Constantine to pop up from outside the ring, sliding in, pacing up the turnbuckle and slamming Beckford down to the match with Collateral Damage, both men are out of it as Gordito starts to move and get to his feet slowly, he drags Constantine up to his feet who’s barely able to stand, he places him up against the ropes and bounces him off to irish whip him, but Constantine powers out with a counter, on the rebound he lifts Gordito up looking for the Axis of Evil, but Gordito grabs one of his arms placing him down, he grabs the other and hits the Meteor of War, all three men are down Gordito rolls over and places a hand on Beckford, the referee counts 1…….2…….3.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Gordito!

Cohen: No! No, I don’t believe it! He shouldn’t be even in this but he’s now in the final?!

Connor: A superb display by all three men, but Gordito managed to go that one extra and is now one step from reaching All or Nothing and that World Heavyweight Championship shot!

Gordito is slow to his feet before his arm is raised by the referee, he limps slightly, still feeling the effect of the pain to his knee, he celebrates with the crowd until the lights go down and the titantron shows a series of flames blazing away. Once again the flames slowly fade to reveal Phoenix on the screen who’s staring intently at the victor, until he finally speaks…

Congratulations Gordito, but this is where your journey will finish, that World Heavyweight Title shot is mine! Quit now before it’s too late!

The lights and titantron return to normal as Phoenix is standing in the ring with a steel chair, he makes a swing at Gordito who ducks under, leaving Phoenix to hit a revived Constantine in the back, Phoenix drops the chair as Gordito hits him with a Meteor of War which has the crowd cheering. He staggers back up to his feet staring at Phoenix only for Constantine who’s overcome the sting of the chairshot comes in, irish whipping Gordito and hitting the Axis of Evil before he leaves the ring looking frustrated as Beckford, Gordito and Phoenix are left down and out in the ring.


Copeland: Welcome ladies and gentleman to Meltdown! We're live from Seattle, Washington and we certainly have an exciting show for you tonight.

Suddenly The Beginning is the End is the Beginning hits and Phoenix makes his way out to a cascade of boos. He walks down the ramp and makes his way into the ring and grabs a mic from the ringside assistant.

Phoenix: Soon....very soon after I defeat that garbage wrestler Gordito, I will be WZCW World Heavyweight Champion! At All or Nothing I will torture Ty and break him more than his imagination could comprehend. The rise of the Phoenix will be complete.

End On 9 hits and Gordito makes his way out in a haste and quickly enters the ring with a mic to cheers from the crowd. The two men circle each other until Gordito speaks.

Gordito: I know I own a bar now, but I'm really getting sick of freaks like you Phoenix. You walk around with a sense of purpose to cause pain for your enjoyment. Tonight is the night you get a taste of your own medicine and I will be the one moving on to All or Nothing.

Phoenix: If you're looking for a beating right now Gordito, I can do just that for you.

The two men drop their mics and look to square off when suddenly the lights go out and the all too familiar flickering lights begin going off in the arena. Blackened The Sun begins playing and the crowds energy suddenly rises and they begin cheering loudly. Suddenly the lights turn on and Ty stands right between Gordito and Phoenix, the WZCW World Title draped across his shoulder and a mic in hand.

Ty: Your bickering about who is going to lose to me at All or Nothing is getting rather boring. You both claim you will be World Champion yet what evidence do you provide that you will be successful? I have defeated countless men, crazed men, men that are far more dangerous than the both of you combined. And I promise you, this title will be mine after All or Nothing, and it doesn't matter which one of you pulls the short straw.

Phoenix: The same old cat call isn't it Ty? You boast about your previous accomplishments and promise to hurt whoever you face. Is that all your mystical Ouija has to say?

Ty: My past accomplishments speak for themselves, how about you Phoenix? Other than relying on Garth Black carrying you with the Tag Team titles you have done nothing.

Gordito: After tonight he will be able to claim he lost to the future World Champion.

Ty quickly turns and stares down Gordito. He raises his mic to speak when Phoenix suddenly attacks Ty and knocks him off balance. Gordito moves out of the way as Phoenix whips Ty into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but Ty ducks and goes for Consecrated Banishment off the rebound. Phoenix quickly hits the ground and rolls out of the ring and begins backing up the ramp. Gordito claps in the corner and goes to shake Ty's hand when Ty turns around and goes for Consecrated Banishment once more. Gordito does just as Phoenix and quickly rolls out of the ring. Ty stands in the middle of the ring as the crowd cheers. He picks the mic and the WZCW World Title up.

Ty: You insignificant pests. Either of you will feel my wrath at All or Nothing, and I promise you will not get away this time. What was it you said Phoenix? That a bug out of place get's stepped on? I will bring down the hammer and while my opponent lays on the ground wondering what went wrong, I will walk over their broken body and I will be heralded by the fans with a rise akin to the beginning of a new world. Thus the Ouija has spoken, so it shall come to pass.

The lights go out and come back on soon after, revealing an empty ring. Phoenix makes his way to the back as does Gordito shortly after.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

We Fly High begins playing as Baller makes his way out, spinning a basketball on his finger and the crowd begins booing. He makes his way down and fakes tossing the ball to a kid at ringside before setting it down next to the ring steps. He enters the ring and tears off his warm up suit and tosses it to the outside.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Miami, Florida. He stands 6'3" and weighs 220 lbs, Mr. Baller!

Invisible Wounds begins playing and Michale Winters walks to the entrance ramp. The crowd begins cheering as Winters makes the Sign of the Cross at the top of the ramp before making his way down to the ring. He enters and removes his trenchcoat and hands it to the ringside assistant.

Harrys: And his opponent from New Orleans, Louisiana. He stands 6'6" and weighs 267 lbs, Michael Winters!

Copeland: This Michael Winters has been very impressive since debuting in WZCW a few weeks ago Cohen, but now he faces a seasoned veteran rather than a fellow rookie. Can he follow up with a win tonight?

Cohen: I doubt it. Winters is nothing but an indy darling that made the Mayhem division look great. Baller wrestles the right way and should pick up the easy win.

The ref signals for the bell and Winters looks to lock up but Baller slips behind him and kicks away at his knee. He hits a few more kicks before ducking a clothesline attempt from Winters and connects with a dropkick to the same knee. Winters drops to one knee and Baller bounces off the ropes and hits one more dropkick tot he head, knocking Winters to the ground. Baller gets up and poses as the crowd boos him while Winters slowly gets to one knee. Baller walks up to Winters and hits a few punches before attempting an Irish Whip but Winters reverses and hits a powerslam. He hooks a leg and gets a two count.

Copeland: Looks like Baller got the cobwebs cleared out from that powerslam.

Cohen: Nonsense, Winters just got his one bit of good luck. Baller has him on the ropes already.

Winters gets up and drags Baller along with him. He walks him over to the corner and slams his head into the turnbuckle before hitting a few punches to the midsection followed by a kick. He whips Baller hard to the opposite corner and follows up with a clothesline. He drops an elbow across Baller's chest and covers him, getting another two count. He applies a rear chin lock to Baller and wrenches in the hold tight. He continues with the hold until Baller gets to one knee and hits a few elbows to the midsection to break the hold. He catches Winters off guard and connects with a swinging neckbreaker. Baller gets up slowly and covers Winters, getting a two count when Winters powers out of the pin. Baller gets up and exits to the ring apron and waits for Winters to get up. He springs off the ropes and goes for a back elbow but Winters catches him and repositions him before dropping him down with a sidewalk slam. He hooks a leg and gets a two count.

Copeland: Classic speed vs. power matchup here, Winters seems to have Baller well scouted.

Cohen: At least the rookie does his homework, I don't know if I can say the same for Baller unfortunately.

Winters gets up and waits for Baller to get up. He rushes forward and goes for a clothesline but Baller ducks and kicks Winters in the midsection as he turns around and hits a jumping DDT. Winters lays motionless on the ground and Baller sits up with a smirk on his face. He gets up and poses for a moment before connecting with a standing moonsault. He hooks a leg and nearly gets a three count. Baller gets up with a frustrated look on his face and gets in the face of the ref and begins arguing. Winters still hasn't moved and Baller motions to the top rope. He walks over to the turnbuckle and jumps up and comes flying off with The Buzzer Beater but Winters moves and Baller crashes hard into the mat. Winters gets up as does Baller who stumbles backwards right into Winters who locks Baller up and connects with The Crucifix! Winters covers Baller and gets the three count.

Harrys: Here is your winner, Michael Winters!

Copeland: Another impressive showing from this young man Michael Winters. I think he has a great future in WZCW Cohen.

Cohen: He fought Baller! He might as well have faced a broom and would have barely won that match. Let's see him face some stiffer competition first.

Winters gets up and the ref raises his hand as the crowd cheers. He exits the ring and makes the Sign of the Cross once more before heading back up the ramp as Baller slowly comes to his senses in the ring.

We cut to the back as the Crashin Movement sit in their locker room, Crashin pacing back and forth.

Crashin: How dare they keep us off All or Nothing. We are the Crashin Movement after all. We deserve to be at that pay per view.

Holmes: We've tried multiple times to capture that horrendous Mayhem title Doug, we've lost our opportunity to be on the pay per view.

Crashin: No you failed us multiple times Holmes. We even handed you the title and you still couldn't come through against Baez.

Holmes: And what have you done exactly Doug? you've done nothing but lose and then take time off due to injuries.

Crashin and Holmes stare at each other until the unusually quiet Kurtesy stands up and gets between the two of them.

Kurtesy: I have an idea gentlemen. We will be at All or Nothing if we stick to the plan. Now listen closely...

The three begin conversing and eventually Crashin and Holmes nod and smile.

Copeland: What does the Crashin Movement have planned? Does it involve the Mayhem Title match later tonight possibly? Coming up next we have the former Mayhem Champion Baez taking on the newcomer Барбоса.
Harrys: The following contest is scheduled for one fall!

"Lithium: by Nirvana fills the arena as Барбоса eerily comes from behind the curtain. He skips back and forth along the sides of the entrance ramp, extending a hand that receives no slaps back. Барбоса is sporting a sick and twisted smile on his face. He gets to the ring and stops in front of it. He starts to breath heavily as he continues to stare at the ring.

Harrys: Introducing first, from Bedlam, weighing in at 237lbs, Барбоса!

"So What" by Metalica plays and the arena flickers between being totally dark and a set of red lights flickering to where Baez is at. He appears from a large cloud of smoke backwards before turning around holding his arm as if he was shooting from an arm cannon. He walks down the aisle pointing to the floor with every "So What". He slides into the ring and goes up the turnbuckles doing the same "arm cannon" motion.

Harrys: “And his opponent, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, The KillJoy, Baez!”

Барбоса seizes the initiative as Baez enters the ring and attacks him with boots to the mid section. With Baez floored, Барбоса goes to pick up Baez but he ducks underneath Барбоса’ reach and drops him with some stiff hard kicks to his legs. Barbosa falls to the floor but Baez keeps kicking him.

Copeland: “Baez is lighting Barbosa up with those kicks!”

Cohen: “Gotta wonder which Barbosa will emerge after receiving a battering like that.”

Baez picks Барбоса up and wrenches the right arm, before forcing Барбоса to the mat with a twisting DDT-like move. He maintains the grip on the arm and stomps the elbow. Барбоса screams in pain but then shouts at him to do it more and then Baez uses the advantage to send Барбоса into the corner with a hard Irish Whip.

Барбоса is sent flying over the turnbuckle to the floor. He lands with a crash on the outside. He is quickly to his feet but is visibly steaming mad.

Cohen: “He does not seem like a happy camper.”

Copeland: “That is like the understatement of the century; he looks like he wants to kill the referee with that chair.”

He picks a chair and brings it into the ring. The referee stops him using it and it ends up in the corner.

Baez takes advantage of Барбоса’s distraction with a drop kick to the knee, which he follows up with a scooping body slam and he covers Барбоса after this. 1...2... Барбоса kicks out forcefully.

Baez stomps again, as Барбоса tries to roll out of the ring. Baez follows to the outside and grabs Барбоса by the neck but Барбоса grabs Baez and throws him over his head to the hard ringside flooring. Baez lands on his backside and is stunned from the hard impact.

Cohen: “Baez is in his environment now, Barbosa needs to get this match back in the ring and not let Baez use his backyard wrestling experience.”

Барбоса picks Baez up and tries to piledrive Baez. Baez is not only able to resist but manages to flip Барбоса back with a huge body drop! Baez gets up and rolls Барбоса back in the ring and then follows himself.

Copeland: “As a dominant former Mayhem champ, Baez knows what it takes to win and getting back in the ring is a smart move.”

Baez stalks Барбоса, waits for him to get up and sets up for a uranage but Барбоса elbows Baez in the side of the head and then kicks him in the gut, lifts him up and then hits a huge powerbomb into the corner, which he follows up with a stiff bulldog slam to the floor. Барбоса goes for a cover! 1...2...Baez just about kicks out

Baez somehow drags himself up by his own hair and he looks ready to snap. Baez is slowly getting to his feet. But Барбоса snaps him back down with the DDT and he holds onto to the front face lock and stands up before repeating the move!

Copeland: “The Duplicity DDTs. A huge move, which looks sets to change the course of this match!”

Барбоса covers and only gets two. Baez brings his shoulder up to break the count. Барбоса looks remarkably calm. He even allows Baez to get up.

Cohen: “We are seeing all the sides of Barbosa’s personalities.”

Copeland: “But you can really see that he is one heck of a talent who is going move for move with Baez.”

Standing behind Baez, he grabs his hands and twists them around his neck. He tries to drop back to hit Split Personality backbreaker but Baez fights it and reaches the ropes. The ref forces Барбоса to break the hold, Барбоса shoves him out of the way but Baez rebounds off the ropes and levels him with a huge clothesline! Both men fall to the floor from the impact.

The ref begins to count but they slowly get up. They begin to slug it out; the crowd boos Барбоса and cheer loudly for Baez. Барбоса ducks a huge right hand from Baez, connects with an STO and tries to transition it to the Bipolar Disorder! Барбоса tries to lock it in but Baez is fighting too much so Барбоса cannot lock it in! He grabs his legs and flips over, the referee counts....1....2....3!!!!! Baez gets the pin out of nowhere!!!

Copeland: “What an incredible move by Baez; he turns a potentially devastating submission move into a successful pinning move!”

Cohen: “Maybe he does possess a brain after all?”

Copeland: “But how great did Barbosa look – a great match at the start of a potentially great career.”

We cut backstage to Chuck Myles' office, he's currently on the phone

Myles: For certain, the EurAsian Championship is going to have a new home at All or Nothing.

The case has truly been about who is deserving, I could name at least six guys who should have a chance at the belt!

You let me worry about that, I will be making an announcement before the end of tonight, don't you worry!

Myles hangs up as he searches through the papers on his desk.
Harrys: The following contest is a tag team match scheduled for one fall!

"We Are One" by 12 Stones blasts through the speakers and the crowd cheers loudly as Scott Hammond appears from behind the curtain. He stands at the top of the ramp and raises his arm, before looking back to see Wasabi Toyota come out. They begin walking down the ramp slowly.

Harrys: Making their way to the ring, first, at a combined weight of 825 pounds, they are Scott Hammond & Wasabi Toyota... Brothers In Arms!

Copeland: Last week, the B.I.A. picked up a victory against the WZCW World Tag Team Champions and are riding a wave of momentum. I wonder if they can keep it up against the rookies?

Cohen: Absolutely, no-one can out-match Toyota in a pizza eating contest.

Hammond slides underneath the ring as Wasabi enters via the stairs. They pose in the middle of the ring and go to their corner, discussing the match. "Becoming the Bull" by Atreyu hits and the crowd cheers for newcomer Brad Bomb who has his hood up. He laughs and throws the jacket into the crowd before heading down to the ring.

Harrys: And their opponents, first, from the United Kingdom, weighing in at 261 pounds... Brad Bomb!

He gets into the ring and ascends to the top rope, holding his hands high to the crowd. Bomb begins getting ready for the match, waiting for his tag team partner. "Seven Nation Army" by White Stripes hits and the crowd begins to the cheer, awaiting the arrival of Bud Dakota.

Harrys: And his tag team partner, from Sioux Falls, SD, weighing in at 330 pounds, Bud Dakota!

A pick-up truck arrives from the side of the entrance way with Dakota in the back arms up in the air. The driver is going a bit too fast and stops abruptly to avoid the barricades, causing Dakota to flip off and smack the ground. Bud slowly gets up and clutches his back. The referee goes over to check on Dakota who insists that he start the match. The ref shrugs, signals for the bell and slides back into the ring.

Copeland: It seems Dakota is okay and needs a couple of moments to recover before competing. Let's hope Bomb is able to fend off his opponents before Bud gets a chance to get into the match.

Cohen: I don't care what happens, as long as that hillbilly doesn't come near me. My nose is about to bleed from the stench.

Bomb and Hammond lock-up in the middle of the ring, with Hammond getting a side headlock on Bomb. Bomb pushes Hammond back to the ropes and irish whips him across the ring. Hammond is met with a shoulder block by Bomb. Bomb runs to the ropes, Hammond switches to his stomach, Bomb jumps over and Hammond gets up, waiting for Bomb. Hammond tries for a clothesline but Bomb ducks and Bomb returns with a crossbody. Bomb goes for a cover... 1... kickout by Hammond. Bomb tries for an armbar submission, but Hammond rolls out the way. Bomb gets up and tries for a clothesline on Hammond, but he ducks and delivers a German suplex. Hammond goes to his corner and tags in Toyota. Hammond immediately gets on the apron as Toyota picks up Bomb and puts him in the corner. He delivers a couple of back elbows before moving backwards. He tries for a body avalanche, but Bomb moves out of the way and performs a schoolboy roll-up... 1... 2... kickout by Toyota. Bomb quickly gets up and positions himself as Toyota gets up, delivering a dropkick taking the big man down near Bomb's corner. Dakota has made it to the apron and begs for the tag from Bomb. He shrugs and tags in Dakota, who is still feeling the effects and gets in the ring. He walks over to Toyota as Bomb slowly exits the ring. Toyota performs a small package pin catching Dakota by surprise... 1... 2... 3!

Wasabi gets up slowly and is shocked, along with everyone else that he was able to perform that move. Their theme music hits as the referee signals for the bell and Hammond comes in to celebrate. Dakota is stumped as to what happened, with Bomb in disbelief.

Harrys: And the winners of the match, Scott Hammond & Wasabi Toyota... Brothers In Arms!

The B.I.A. exit the ring and walk up the ramp, with Bomb asking Dakota what happened. They exchange a couple of words before Bomb pats Dakota on the back, gives him a friendly hug and leaves behind B.I.A.

Cohen: Did I just witness Toyota pull off a small package?

Copeland: Don't think you'd call it "small" by any means, but the B.I.A. leave with the quick and decisive victory tonight.

The theme music dies down as Dakota is ashamed as he makes his way up the ramp. He gets to his pick-up truck still parked on the side of the stage. The door opens and Steven Holmes exits the truck, smirking at Dakota. Bud realises who it is and begins yelling at Holmes. The crowd begins booing as Steven Kurtesy appears behind him without Dakota noticing. The doctor locks in the Hypnosis submission and Dakota struggles, with Holmes delivering some high knees to the midsection of Bud. Dakota manages to shove Holmes away and roll Kurtesy over, but Holmes hits a knee to the side of the head of Dakota, dazing him. Kurtesy gets up and hits some stiff kicks to random areas of Dakota, followed with a Rolling Savate Kick. Holmes locks in Aristocracy Reigns and keeps it held tight until Dakota passes out. Kurtesy looks at the pick-up and tells Holmes to help him. They pick him up and roll him on the bonnet of the car, with Kurtesy applying a headlock and drags him forward leaving only his feet suspended from the car. Kurtesy looks around into the crowd and drops Dakota into a DDT. They stand and pose before Wasabi Toyota, Brad Bomb and Scott Hammond come out running to chase off The Movement. Hammond and Toyota get a few shots in before Kurtesy and Holmes scamper away. B.I.A. go after them as Bomb checks out Dakota who is not moving. He begins calling for help.

Copeland: What a cowardly assault on an innocent person by the Movement. What business do they have out here? What has Dakota done to aggravate them?

Cohen: My guess is not what Bud Dakota has done, but what Dakota was involved in. It was just a matter of wrong place, wrong time.

Copeland: Whatever it was, we need some help.

The referee holds up the "X" sign and begins talking through his head-piece as Bomb continues to tender Dakota, who has not moved in the slightest.

We cut backstage to Becky Serra who seems to be looking for someone. Finally she spots Big Dave making his way towards the entrance curtain. She runs up to him quickly.

Becky: Big Dave, before your match against Jalapeno, do you have any words about your opponent tonight or your match with Everest at All or Nothing?

Big Dave stares at Becky for a moment before shaking his head, his face showing an intense fury and he brushes past Becky and makes his way to the entrance.

Becky: I guess I'll take that as a no.....
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall!

A spotlight focuses on the stage, and out comes Big Dave to a chorus of boos. Dave slowly walks toward the ring, seemingly oblivious to anything and everything around him.

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England and weighing in at 268 pounds, Big Dave!

Cohen: I feel bad for whoever is getting fed to Dave this week, Seabass. He cannot be happy after that loss last week and will be looking to take out his frustrations.

Dave stands in the ring, staring at the stage as “The Next Door” hits, and Jalapeño comes dancing out onto the stage and down the ramp.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Albuquerque, New Mexico and weighing in at 209 pounds, Jalapeño!

Big Dave charges at Jalapeño as soon as he steps through the ropes. The referee calls for the bell as Dave pulls his opponent’s vest over Jalapeño’s head and pounds away at him. The ref steps in to stop the closed fists and to free Jalapeño from his vest. As soon as Jalapeño is freed, Dave runs at him again and drops the rookie with a spear. Dave picks Jalapeño up, and shoots him off into the ropes. Jalapeño ducks the big boot, and makes his way out of a powerslam. He runs off the ropes one more time, but is greeted with a catatonic backbreaker for his troubles. Dave stares blindly out to the crowd as the referee checks on Jalapeño. Jalapeño tries to use Dave’s legs to get back up. As soon as he does, Dave plants Jalapeño on his head with a DDT. Jalapeño is seemingly out on the mat, but Dave isn’t done yet. He picks up the lifeless body of Jalapeño, and plants him one final time with the Stamp of Authority. Dave floats into the pin, 1…2…3!

Harrys: The winner of the…

Dave rips the microphone out of Truman Harrys’ hand, and signals for him to leave the ring. Dave looks at the referees checking on the condition of Jalapeño before speaking.

Dave: Everest, this is nothing compared to what I am going to do to you.

Big Dave throws the mic onto the lifeless body of Jalapeño and heads out of the ring, just leaving the referees to check on the rookie.
A huge star is displayed on the Titantron. The words Ratings Winner appears and the crowd cheers. "Showstopper" By Toby Mac hits as The Elite X Champion Austin Reynolds comes out to a huge ovation. He stands on stage as his new music plays. He raises the Elite X Title and Pyro shoots out from the stage. Austin walks down the ramp holding the title up. He lets the fans touch the title as he can be heard shouting, "One Night Only Baby, One Night. It's All For You".

Harrys: Introducing first, from London, England, weighing in at 190lbs, he is the Elite X Champion, Austin Reynolds.

Austin climbs into the ring and stands on top of the turnbuckle and posses on the corner. "Ladies and Gentlemen" cuts in and Showtime walks out dressed in usualy business attire. He holding a couple of papers in his hand and a mic. He smiles and waves at the crowd who give him a very mixed applause. Austin gets down from the corner and grabs a mic and speaks first.

Reynolds: Showtime, I know why you're out here. You're out here to try and say that you somehow got screwed out of the match. That you either blinked twice, or your cell went off in your pocket, before I hit Ratings Killer on you. But the fact is that didn't happen Showtime. I beat you cleanly in that ring... 1... 2... 3... everyone saw it, I have proven myself to be the greatest Elite X Champion ever... and if you're out here demanding a shot, then move to the back of the line because you had your shot.

Showtime gets into the ring as Austin is speaking. He smiles the whole time and speaks only once Austin has stopped.

Showtime: Who are you Austin Reynolds? Really. Who are you? A biased WZCW Editoral littered with factual errors? You almost have to wonder if you wrote it yourself, or perhaps your biggest fan did. Maybe Hayley should be more worried about what you do outside the ring... as opposed to inside the ring. The Foundation for the longest-reigning Elite X Division Champion? Egotistical. Because Ratings are here to stay? Insecure. Austin, the reason our match was the highest rated match on Ascension ever is because people wanted to watch me beat you, people wanted to simply watch me. Look at the week before, when you wrestled in a middle of the card match, nobody watched that match. The only reason your ratings are ever high, is when you are wrestling someone the fans want to see you lose to... and your lucky I came out here to boost your ratings because nobody wants to see this guy win any match, let alone beat you.

The fans applaud and boo Showtime as he takes a moment to breath.

Reynolds: Your interrupting my big match on Meltdown. Unless you have some good blackmail under that arm, I suggest you leave before I make a repeat of Ascesnion.

Showtime: Of course Mr. Reynolds. You say the camera sees everything. Mr. Camera man roll that beautiful footage from last Ascension.

The titantron shows the closing minute from the Reynolds vs Showtime. Reynolds hits the Ratings Killer from the top rope. As the ref slides to make the count, Showtimes right leg moves under the bottom rope. The ref makes the 3 count without ever looking up and calls for the bell. Showtimes foot remains under the rope as the video pauses.

Showtime: What is that, what does that look like to you? It looks like my foot is under the rope. So now the camera shows it, the fans now it, and now you know it, that you didn't actually win, you self absorbed, egotistical bloat.

The fans cheer as a sneer of anger crosses Austin's face.

Showtime: But Austin I have your redemption right here. It is a match contract signed by Bateman and me for us to have a rematch at All or Nothing. And this won't be just a regular match... no... Austin I want to beat you more times than anyone else, I want to beat you more times than you beat that tiny Chris Beckford you brag about beating so much. That's why this match is a 30 Minute Iron Man Match!

The crowd explodes as Showtime and Reynolds go face to face.

Showtime: And if you're still a little scared to face me one on one, I'll sweeten the deal for you. There is a clause in this contract I put in myself. If you win this match Austin, then I will retire from WZCW. Something for you to think about, however I know that wont be the case, because at AON the real winner this time will be Showtime David Cougar.

The crowd roars as Showtime hands Austin the contract. Austin looks it over, but before he can sign it “Hero” starts playing throughout the arena. The crowd starts to boo heavily as Constantine makes his way out onto the ramp.

Constantine: No, no, no, don't you dare sign that. The Elite X Championship and Austin Reynolds are mine. You had your chance. I am not letting this happen...

????? ENOUGH!

Chuck Myles appears on the titantron.

Myles: All of you are delaying my show and this important match. Showtime get out of the ring right now. Constantine my hands are tied on this matter. But I'll give you an intising offer. If you beat Reynolds tonight, I will guarentee you will be in the EurAsian Title match happening at AON. Now get to that ring and start this match.

Showtime gets out of the ring and takes a seat by the announce table. Constantine climbs into the ring and the ref rings the bell. Austin meets Constantine quickly and goes for a lock up. Constantine over powers Austin and throws him down to the mat. Austin is up on his feet as Constantine approaches smiling. Constantine goes to grab Austin, Austin slides around Constantine and forearms him in the back. Reynolds runs and bounces off the ropes. Constantine turns with a Lariat. Austin ducks under it. He jumps onto the ropes. Rebound back elbow. Constantine stumbles back, but doesn't fall. Austin is up and bounces off the ropes. He goes for Millions and Millions. Constantine narrowly dodges it. Austin gets to his feet, but Constantine comes up from behind with a chop block. Austin falls awkward to the mat. Constantine garbs a hold of Austin's leg and slams the knee hard into the mat. Austin holds his knee as Constantine starts stomping on it. Austin grabs the rope and the ref counts to 4. Constantine pulls Austin to centre. He jumps up and lands a knee drop on Austins face. Constantine goes to pin Austin, using his knee to hold down one of Austin's shoulder. 1... 2 Austin kicks out. Constantine stays on top of Austin and gets into a mounted position. He starts pounding rights and lefts into the skull of Austin. The ref counts to 4 and has to pull Constantine off.

Copeland: Austin Reynolds is really taking a beating early on in this match.

Cohen: Serves him right actually. He's let that now questionable win get to his head.

Constantine walks over to pick up Austin. Austin swiftly kicks him in the face. Constantine is pissed and grabs Austin as he's getting up and pushes him to the corner. Constantine punches him square across the face and laughs. He grabs Reynolds and Irish Whips him across the ring. Austin two steps to the top rope and goes for an Asai Moonsault. He connects with it. Both men are slow to their feet. Austin reacts first and goes for a Roaring Elbow. He connects with it, sending Constantine back to the mat. Austin bounces off the ropes and goes for a Leg Lariat and hits it on a rising Constantine. He goes for the pin and gets a long 1 count. Austin waits for Constantine to stand and hits a Dropsault on him, causing him to stumble to the corner. Austin raises his hand and paces in the ring a bit. He points at Showtime, shouting something, and runs at Constantine. He jumps up and goes for a Monkey Flip. Constantine catches him and holds him up in mid air. He steps out and then drops back causing Austin to bouces off the ropes neck first. Constantine crawls on top of Austin. Gets a 2 count. He lifts Austin up to his feet and locks his arms around his waist. Constantine lifts Austin up and hits a Backbreaker on his knee. Constantine still holds Austin and lifts him up to his chest. He throws Austin over his head, Fallaway Slam. Constantine goes for the cover. 1... 2... Austin kicks out.

Copeland: Just when Austin gets some momentum, Constantine has moved right back into the driver seat.

Cohen: The pressure is on him Seabass. If I know Austin, he'll really want to show up Showtime here tonight.

Constantine rolls Austin onto his stomach and applies a Front face lock. He reers back causing Austin to cry out. Constantine reaches back and hooks the leg, making it an STF. The ref is checking if Austin wants to tap. Austin refuses to tap. He swings his arms meekly and manages to get his foot free. He gets up a bit and elbows Constantine off. Constantine is back on the attack and stomps on the back of Austin as he tries to stand. Constantine picks Austin up to his feet. Goes for Collateral Damage. Austin rolls over and lands on his feet. He grabs Constantine shoulders and jumps up. Hits a Lungblower! Both men are down. The ref begins to make a 10 count Austin crawls towards the corner. He gets up to his feet by 6 and climbs up to the top rope. Constantine is up to his feet. Austin leaps into the with a Cross body. Constantine catches him in mid air.

Cohen: Austin's been here before. This ride is over for him!

Constantine walks forward and throws Austin over his head for a Fallway slam. Austin rotates in mid air and lands on his feet. The crowd buzzes and Constantine turns around. Turns around right into Millions and Millions. Austin crawls for the cover. 1... 2... Constantine kicks out. Austin gets to his feet and straddles through the ropes and posses to the crowd. Constantine is up on his feet. Austin jumps off the ropes, goes for the Ego Crush. Constantine cathes him in mid air. Austin quickly flips back, hitting a Frankensteiner. Austin goes for the cover 1... 2..... So close as Constantine just kicks out. Austin stands and works the crowd up. Showtime stands up from his chair. Austin kicks the standing Constantine in the gut and goes for the Ratings Killer. He notices Showtime standing and turns to face him, still holding Constantine in position. Austin points at Showtime and yells at him. Austin finally goes to lift Constantine. Constantine is dead weight and stays on his feet. Constantine grabs Austin and lifts him up into the air. Axis of Evil. Constantine crawls on Austin for the cover. 1... 2... 3.

Harrys: Here is your winner, John Constantine.

Copeland: And outstanding contest here tonight. The difference maker, the presence of Showtime, which caused the champ to take his eye off his opponent one too many times.

Cohen: Champions are suppose to remain cool under pressure. I wonder if I'm starting to doubt Reynolds.

Copeland: You'll flip flop on that idea for a while. Regardless of the decision last Ascension, Austin is still one of the best Elite X Champions out there. As for Constantine, his undefeated streak continues and he will get to fight for the EurAsian Title at AON.

Constantine holds his arms up in victory as the crowd boos. He slowly exits the ring as his assistant Mia runs down to check up on him. Showtime grabs the Elite X Title by ringside and walks into the ring. He stands over Austin and places the contract on top of Austin. He yells 'Think about it, Champ' and quietly exits the ring, still holding the Elite X Title. Showtime makes his way up the stage ramp and turns back to the ring. Austin has grabbed the contract from his chest and turns over. Showtime flips the Elite X Title onto his shoulder and smiles at it. He turns to look at Austin once more and then goes backstage.

After a commercial break we cut to Constantine walking into Chuck Myles' office.

Constantine: I did what you asked Myles, now give me that title shot. The people demand their hero receive what is rightfully his.

Myles: A deal is a deal Constantine, you'll get your shot at the vacant Eurasian Championship at All or Nothing.

Constantine: So who's the unfortunate fool I'll be facing? Blade? That loser Beckford? Please don't tell me you're giving him yet another title shot.

Myles: Actually you will be facing both.

Constantine: I'm sick of these triple threat matches Myles. You saw me get screwed last week out of my rightful place in the Gold Rush Finals by that trash Gordito.

Myles: It won't be a triple threat Constantine I assure you. Actually I came up with a great idea to ensure Meltdown has the best representative as the Eurasian Champion. Not only will you face Blade and Beckford, you will also face Michael Winters, Baez, and one person I will announce on later this week. Now get out of my office I have a Mayhem Title match to watch.

Constantine opens his mouth to speak, clearly angry at the announcement. He closes his mouth and turns, stomping out of the office as Myles smirks behind his desk.
Harrys: The following match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!

The German National Anthem begins to play and Wilhelm Wunderbar makes his way out from backstage and toward the ring.

Harrys: First, the challenger. From Berlin, Germany and weighing in at 125 kilos, “Das Kaizer” Wilhelm Wunderbar!

Wunderbar makes his way into the ring and takes off his coat as the lights dim, and “Amaranth” begins to play. Out of the smoke pouring from the entryway comes the champ.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Hamilton, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 227 pounds, he is the WZCW Mayhem Champion, “The Savior” Chris Jones!

Jones climbs the turnbuckle to remove his overcoat, but is jumped from behind by Wunderbar. Wunderbar pounds away at the back of Jones, before climbing to the second rope, and throwing Jones across the ring with a release German suplex. Jones crashes hard on his stomach, the pain magnified by the title belt still around his waist. Jones stumbles back to his feet, and leans against the turnbuckles in the corner opposite from which he began. Jones begins taking off his jacket as Wunderbar charges. Jones throws his jacket at the charging Wunderbar, causing Wunderbar to stumble and trip, falling headfirst in the Mayhem Title belt still around Jones’ waist. Wunderbar falls hard to the mat, and Jones tosses his belt aside and goes for a cover, 1…and a kick out by Wunderbar. Jones starts climbing the turnbuckle, waiting for Wunderbar to get back to his feet. Once Wunderbar gets back to his feet, Jones dives down and catches Wunderbar with a one-handed bulldog. Wunderbar is dropped hard right onto his face, and Jones rolls to the outside and grabs a steel chair. Jones slides back into the ring with the chair as Wunderbar is getting back to his feet. Jones swings the chair at Wunderbar’s head, but Wunderbar is able to avoid it. He kicks Jones in the gut once Jones turns around, and connects with a hard European uppercut. Jones drops the chair, and stands stunned in the middle of the ring. Wunderbar sends Jones across the ring with an armdrag. Jones stumbles back to his feet, and is sent flying again by another armdrag from Wunderbar. Jones gets back to his feet and is met with a forearm shiver from Wunderbar. Wunderbar then grabs Jones’ right arm and pulls Jones down by it, but Wunderbar falls onto his own back, driving Jones’ arm across Wunderbar’s knees. Jones screams out in pain, as Wunderbar looks down at him with an evil smirk.

Copeland: Great back-and-forth so far here. Looks like Wunderbar has chosen the right arm of Jones to work on, setting up for the Kaiserlock no doubt.

Cohen: Glad to see you’re keeping up your high standards of common sense journalism there, CC.

Wunderbar grabs the chair Jones dropped earlier and wedges it between the top and middle turnbuckles. He picks up Jones, and sends him elbow-first into the wedged chair. Jones falls to the mat, clutching his arm and yelling out in pain. Wunderbar begins stomping away at the arm, causing Jones even more pain. Jones is finally able to roll out of the ring and away from Wunderbar’s onslaught. He starts massaging his arm and shaking it out, trying to get blood flowing back through it. Wunderbar slides out under the bottom rope and charges at Jones. Jones picks up the Mayhem title belt he tossed before, and smashes Wunderbar in the skull with it. Jones shakes out his arm some more and goes to clear off the announce table. He drags Wunderbar, who has been busted open, to the announce table and puts him on top of it. Jones climbs up, and sets Wunderbar up for The Lifesaver. Wunderbar counters out, however, grabs Jones’ right arm and drops down, snapping the arm across the edge of the table. Jones is down clutching at his arm once again, and Wunderbar goes and gets the chair from earlier. He puts Jones’ injured arm into the chair and slams it shut. Wunderbar keeps control of the arm, and slams it and the chair hard into the ring post before rolling Jones back into the ring. Wunderbar screams out in German once he gets back into the ring, removes Jones’ arm from the chair, and takes Jones overhead with the Eagle Suplex and chains it seamlessly into the Kaiserlock. Wunderbar wrenches back until Jones taps!

Harrys: The winner, and NEW Mayhem Champion, Wilhem Wunderbar!

The referee pulls Wunderbar off of Jones who calls for help for his arm. Wunderbar screams some more in German as he goes out and retrieves his belt. He walks out of the ring, berating the fans in German, as Jones is checked on in the ring.

The tron cuts to a shot of Ty sitting in a darkened stairway with Serafina sitting just below him. Ty absentmindedly pets Serafina as he stares off into the distance.

Serafina: Are you ready Master?

Ty: Yes my lovely Serafina, let's go see who my victim at All or Nothing shall be. The Ouija has spoken already, but this should be entertaining.

Copeland: It appears our World Champion is going to be joining us next as Gordito and Phoenix battle for the right to go on to All or Nothing for an opportunity for the WZCW World Heavyweight Title next!
Harrys: The following contest is the Finals of the Gold Rush Tournament and is scheduled for one fall!

End of 9 begins playing and Gordito makes his way out to a loud pop from the crowd. He raises his fist up before walking down the entrance ramp and slapping hands with the ringside fans. He enters the ring and raises his fist up once more before pounding his chest.

Harrys: Introducing first, from San Francisco, California. He stands 6'1" and weighs 257 lbs, Gordito!

Copeland: Gordito was able to pick up the victory last week against Chris Beckford and Constantine, and it seems he has a bit of a pretentious situation with Ty Burna.

Cohen: Constantine was robbed but he got his own title shot now, albeit not in the fashion he wanted. Gordito doesn't stand a chance tonight.

The Beginning is the End is the Beginning starts and the lights dim low. Phoenix makes his way out to a booing crowd. He walks down the ramp slowly, his eyes never leaving the ring or Gordito. He slides into the ring and walks right up to Gordito and gets in his face.

Harrys: And his opponent, from Heliopolis. He stands 6'2" and weighs 213 lbs, Phoenix!

The two men trash talk each other in the middle of the ring and begin shoving one another when suddenly.

The lights go out except for the usual flickering lights as Ty and Serafina makes their way out to an extremely loud pop from the crowd. They make their way down the ramp, the World title draped across Ty's shoulder. Serafina walks near him, the Ouija Scroll in hand.

Cohen: Oh great don't tell me he's joining us on commentary. I think I already sold my soul a number of years ago.

Copeland: I don't think he cares to converse with us Cohen.

Cohen: Well that is awfully rude of him. Who wouldn't want to talk to me?

Sure enough Ty and Serafina take a seat next to the announcer's table. Phoenix and Gordito look down at Ty and he nods back to them and holds the WZCW World Title out in front of him almost to tantalize them. The ref signals for the bell and Gordito gets caught off guard by Phoenix who kicks him in the midsection and begins stomping away at him in the corner. The ref gets to a count of four before pulling Phoenix away. Phoenix rushes forward again and hits a dropkick to Gordito's head. He gets up and begins stomping away at Gordito once more before pulling him up and whipping him across the ring into the opposite corner. Phoenix rushes forward and goes for a leg lariat but Gordito moves and Phoenix crashes hard into the turnbuckle. Gordito staggers out of the corner holding his head and tries to regain his balance. Phoenix struggles to his feet and gets caught by Gordito who lifts him up and promptly drops him down hard with a Samoan Drop. He hooks a leg and gets a two count.

Copeland: Already these two are going at it at full speed. There is no feeling out process here.

Cohen: Clearly Gordito was too busy focusing on the World Title, a major mistake and one he shouldn't make again. Phoenix is dangerous enough to end a match at a moments notice with the Rebirth.

Gordito gets up and drags Phoenix to his feet before hitting a few well placed punches. He whips Phoenix into the ropes and sends him flying with a back body drop. Phoenix quickly rolls out of the ring by the announcer's table and Gordito follows him immediately. He slams Phoenix's head into the announcers table before throwing him back first into the steel steps.

Copeland: Gordito is certainly in his element on the outside. He was a major player in the Mayhem division before reaching this point.

Cohen: Nothing but a garbage wrestler, once Phoenix gets flying around the ring Gordito won't be able to keep up.

Gordito poses for the crowd while Ty mockingly claps along with them. Gordito looks over at Ty and walks over to him, staring him down. Ty looks up uninterested and points towards the ring steps. Gordito turns around and Phoenix levels him with a spinning heel kick. Phoenix picks him up and tosses him into the ring at the count of 7 and pulls himself up to the ring apron. He springboards off and connects with a crossbody on the rising Gordito. He covers and gets a two count. Phoenix gets up but quickly applies a cobra clutch and pulls back on Gordito's neck. Gordito yells out in pain and tries to reach the ropes. He shifts his weight and starts inching towards the ropes but suddenly seems to lose consciousness. The ref checks on Gordito and raises his hand and it drops.

Copeland: Gordito looks to be out. I think Phoenix is the one moving on to All or Nothing here.

Cohen: Thank God, I don't think we'd ever hear the end of it if Gordito were to pull off the victory.

The ref raises Gordito's hand once more and it drops again. Phoenix sensing victory begins laughing wildly and the ref raises Gordito's hand one last time but Gordito somehow keeps it up. He starts pumping his fist and begins working his way out of the hold when Phoenix suddenly releases the hold and slams Gordito's head into the mat. The crowd begins booing as Phoenix stands over Gordito before dragging him over to the corner. He climbs up to the top turnbuckle and signals for The Final Flight. He jumps off the turnbuckle but crashes hard as Gordito moves out of the way. Gordito gets up and grabs Phoenix, trapping his arms and begins headbutting him over and over again. Finally one last headbutt drops Phoenix hard to the ground. Gordito stumbles back for a moment before climbing the top turnbuckle. He waits for Phoenix to get up and comes flying off with a crossbody of his own but Phoenix hits a Koppu Kick mid air and lands hard on the mat. Phoenix goes for the cover but only gets a two count as Gordito kicks out at the last second. Phoenix gets up clearly looking frustrated. He stands in the corner and waits for Gordito. He gets up and Phoenix goes for Rebirth! Gordito ducks the kick and hits Phoenix in the midsection and quickly connects with the Meteor of War! He covers Phoenix and gets the three count!

Harrys: Here is your winner of the Gold Rush Tournament, Gordito!

Copeland: Incredible! Gordito is going on to All or Nothing to face Ty Burna for the WZCW World Title!

Cohen: This is a travesty! Phoenix had Gordito right where he wanted him!

Gordito gets up and the ref raises his hand as Phoenix slowly rolls out of the ring. Ty stands up and enters the ring slowly, applauding Gordito's effort. Gordito turns and notices Ty and points towards him and motions for the title. Ty walks up and the two staredown for a few moments before Ty raises the WZCW World Title high up into the air.

Copeland: Our World Title match has now been set. Gordito versus Ty Burna! This is going to be a barn burner of a match.

Cohen: By barn burner you mean Ty's going to torch Gordito right? That Mayhem punk doesn't stand a chance against someone of Ty's caliber. He should go back to the kiddie league.

Copeland: I certainly think Gordito can hold his own, he's proved it in this tournament. Unfortunately we're out of time! For Jack Cohen, I'm Sebastian Copeland. Thank you for joining us on Meltdown, goodnight!

Ty and Gordito continue to stare each other down as the crowd buzzes loudly. The scene soon fades out and we go to credits.
Who wrote what:

Showtime - Reynolds/Constantine
Numbers - Baez vs Барбоса
Thriller - Big Dave/Jalapeno, Jones/Wunderbar
Falkon - BIA vs. Dakota/Bomb
Ty - Winters/Baller, Gordito/Phoenix, Opening, Segments
Phoenix - Editor, segment

You all know the drill. We got this out early for you to enjoy this Saturday, and what better way to show your support by repping us with those magical greens (not those magical greens but I'm sure I can find someone that will take those). Also feedback for the show would be greatly appreciated as well.
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