Ascension 24

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WZCW's First Triple Crown Champion
Meltdown 49 said:
Harrys: The following contest is a fatal fourway scheduled for one fall and it is to determine the Number One Contender for the World Heavyweight Championship at the Lethal Lottery!

Barbosa walks out onto the stage

Phoenix makes his way out to a loud chorus of boos.

Blade slides into the ring and immediately goes for Phoenix as they unload on each other

Gordito bursts straight down the ramp.

Gordito hits a chop block across the chest of Barbosa and again before knocking some rights, he goes for an Irish whip but it’s reversed by Barbosa and then Phoenix leaps up onto the apron to pull the top rope down

Blade gets Phoenix up to his feet and lifts him up in the air with a vertical suplex with a delayed action

Blade tries to grapple Barbosa but he elbows him in the abs and follows up with an STO

Phoenix and Gordito stand for a moment with a short stare down

Phoenix obliges by going for an enziguri but it’s ducked by Gordito who gets a dropkick in to take Phoenix down and follows up with a Samoan drop

Blade tries for a clothesline but Phoenix ducks under it and counters with a German suplex

Blade goes back to Phoenix who was playing possum and rolls up a small package, 1…….2….kickout by Blade.

Both men get back up as Gordito has ascended the turnbuckle and goes for a flight with a crossbody

Barbosa throws Gordito into the steel steps as a possessed look appears on his face as he gets into the ring and grabs Blade and picks him up to put him on the top rope.

Barbosa hits a couple of rights to keep Blade in a dazed position and feels ready to go for the victory, only when he turns around to check on the situation, he’s met with a Rebirth from Phoenix who was standing there waiting. Phoenix doesn’t go for the cover but climbs up the turnbuckle to Blade as he hits some rights of his own as he looks ready to superplex Blade from the top rope, but Gordito gets up onto the apron and tries to distract Phoenix who only kicks him away, leaving him lying on the apron. This allows time for Blade to knock some rights of his own, he pulls Phoenix up to his level and hooks both arms in a lower position and hits The Halo from the top rope which has the crowd cheering in awe as all four men are down. Barbosa reaches out slightly, still reeling from the effects of the Rebirth as Gordito budges himself to the fallen two. With the strength they can get, Barbosa gets a hand on Blade while Gordito gets an arm over Phoenix at the same time, the ref is unsure what to do and goes for a double count, 1……..2…….3!

Harrys: Ladies and Gentleman, the referee has just informed me, as Barbosa and Gordito made a cover at the same time, they have both been rewarded with the victory. Therefore your Number One Contenders are Gordito and Barbosa!

Cohen: Wait? Two Contenders? That can’t be right?

Copeland: It’s the referee’s call, he double counted the pins, he could have restarted the match but has opted to give both men the title shot.

The titantron suddenly shows Ty Burna’s who’s standing on top of the arena’s roof with the World Heavyweight Championship.

Ty: I would offer congratulations to the both of you, but my attention is on Ascension with taking apart the Crashin Movement. While you both are guaranteed to be at the Lethal Lottery, I will do everything in my power to be there, I imagined that the both of you would provide a challenge individually but the fact of the matter is this. Come the Lethal Lottery, I will be walking into there as champion and I will be walking out in the same position…

The titantron goes to black as the arena stays dark with "Blackened The Sun" continues to play throughout the arena.

Copeland: Ty has made his guarantee to be there no matter what and leave there too, the first message has been sent to his challengers.

Cohen: I may like Ty, but he’s got a hell of a challenge, he surely can’t deal with these odds?

Copeland: It will be a tough challenge no doubt.

*Pryos go off*

Connor: As we edge closer to the Lethal Lottery, Ty Burna not only has to get past Everest at Meltdown 50, but he has the obstacle of Gordito and Barbosa awaiting him come the pay per view. Cat Connors alongside Jack Cohen here at ringside for Ascension and a lot of eyes are on the World Heavyweight Championship as well the Lethal Lottery itself.

Cohen: Indeed, we got some more qualifiers here tonight but our Main Event has got some attention as Ty Burna teams up with Everest, his opponent at Meltdown 50, to take on the Crashin Movement. Quite a match and no doubt something on the psychology front there in regards to momentum going into next week.

Connor: That's for certain here, it's all about momentum and both men are certainly carrying it going into tonight and neither will want to slip up.

The crowd cheers as Everest makes his way down to the ring, he has a smile on his face as he enters the ring. He has a microphone handed to him as he waits for the cheers of his name to quiet down.

Everest: I just thought that while I await for my match tonight and the title shot at Meltdown 50, I thought I'd get some thoughts out. Ever since I have been with this company, I've been in more World Championship matches than the rest of the locker room. And interestingly enough, despite being with this company since Meltdown 3, I have not been in the Lethal Lottery match once. But as much as I would like to be in it, I plan to be in my third straight World Heavyweight Championship match at that pay per view.

The crowd cheers

First time, I was unsuccess at challenging Joseph Rios, second time, I buried Lars Reidar alive, now I have the possibility of facing the up and rising Gordito and Barbosa at the next Lottery. With all due respect to Ty Burna, I want to be able to promise that I will be walking into the Lottery as the Champion, but I can promise that will be giving nothing short to become the first ever three time World Heavyweight Champion. But then since tonight I have to focus on the Crashin Movement, there's one other problem I'd like to address...Big Dave.

The crowd boos heavily.

Now it's no secret that Dave and I can't get along and while I relish the chance to face Dave in a rematch, I got myself a dilemma. In the event I win the World Heavyweight Championship, Dave can't go near until after the Lottery. The problem I have with that is I want to face Dave as soon as possible, but I know that I can't have it both ways. So in the event that challenge fails at Meltdown 50, maybe I should the following Ascension to take him on? Or maybe at the Lottery himself, I'm sure Myles and Bateman have no objections to having me compete?

The titantron suddenly changes to Big Dave on the screen who's somewhere outside and the crowd boos heavily once again.

Dave: Everest! If there's one thing I've learnt more about you is that you're nothing more than a coward. Even before we faced off at All or Nothing, you had a habit of sticking your nose in my business and costing me matches, and you did it once again last night on Meltdown. I have every right to screw you out tonight even though taking your head off with the trash can would have sufficed even better! However, I'm not going to sink to your level, I'm actually not even in the arena tonight, I want you to enjoy the beating you get from the Crashin Movement because I rather see the hope go from your eyes before you even enter the Meltdown arena next week knowing you lost and it wasn't because of me. As for facing me sooner or later, you'll know soon enough.

Dave's feed cuts out as Ty Burna comes onto the stage to "Blackened The Sun".

Ty Burna: I hate to interrupt this little reunion, but I would like to interject my thoughts on the matter. Everest, yes, you have a World Title shot and I appreciate the modest approach by accepting that you could not possibly walk out with the win next week. But I want a guarantee that our focus tonight is not on what happens then but what happens now, we got the Crashin Movement to take care of and whether you're with me in taking them down or just want to get a sneak peak of your title shot, that's all fine with me because I will take anyone down. And that includes Big Dave, if he comes anywhere near the ring during our match tonight, I will see to it that my size 15s are imprinted in his face!

The crowd cheers heavily, and Everest smirks.

Everest: That's fine with me Ty. Let's show the Crashin Movement that there's nothing stopping the Pinnacle of Perfection and the World Champion from taking them down a peg!

"Supernova Goes Pop" hits as Everest leaves the ring and heads up the ramp to the awaiting Ty Burna. They go off into a discussion as we head off to a commerical break.
Anderson: The following Lethal Lottery qualifying match is scheduled for one fall!

“I Made It” hits and Justin Cooper walks out and stops at the top of the ramp, looking around at the fans. After a moment, he begins running down to the ring.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Sydney, Australia and weighing in at 253 pounds, Justin Cooper!

Cooper gets up from sliding into the ring and climbs onto the turnbuckle where he looks out at the crowd with a blank stare. He gets down and goes to a corner as “The Saints Are Coming” starts and Johnny Sherman comes onto the stage.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Down Under and weighing in at 255 pounds, Johnny “First Class” Sherman!

Sherman climbs into the ring and the two Australians check each other out as the bell rings to start the match. They lock up and Cooper gets the advantage with a side headlock. Sherman forces him off the ropes. Cooper rebounds and they collide in the middle of the ring, with neither man budging. Cooper signals to Sherman to try his luck at a shoulder tackle. Sherman runs the ropes, and they collide once more with the same results as before. Sherman runs once more, but this time Cooper catches him with a European uppercut. Sherman stands for a moment, dazed, and Cooper scores with a snap suplex. Cooper floats over into a pin, 1… and a kick out by Sherman. Cooper goes right into a rear chinlock, trying to wear down his fellow Aussie. Sherman is able to fight back to his feet and hits Cooper with a knee to the gut. He follows that up with a flapjack. Cooper bounces back up to his knees, but is hit with a drive-by kick by Sherman who follows it quickly with a pin, 1…2.. Cooper rolls his shoulder up. Sherman waits for Cooper to get up and is able to hit a swinging neckbreaker and he goes for another pin, 1…2… Cooper kicks out. Sherman traps the arm and tries to lock in the Shermanator. Sherman fights to get Cooper’s head locked as well, but Cooper is able to fight back to his feet. Even with his arm locked, Cooper hits Sherman with a jawbreaker. Cooper sees that his opponent is stunned and hits Your Final Verse. He rolls Sherman over for the pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner and next qualifier for the Lethal Lottery match, Justin Cooper!

Connor: Johnny Sherman went for his submission too early and Justin Cooper took advantage. The rookie will have a shot at winning the Lethal Lottery.

Cohen: I don’t like his music, but I can’t argue with those results. Sherman messed up, and Cooper made him pay.


We're backstage with Mr. Baller and Hunter Kravinoff who are in mid-discussion over coffee

Baller: ...the Lottery this is year is going to be complete different for me.

Kravinoff: Why? You're not going to try and pin anyone this time?

Baller: OK, I was an idiot then, but, hey, you weren't even there at the time.

Kravinoff: Doesn't mean I didn't watch it. But doesn't change anything, Freud has faith in me and we're going to take this week's victory and go into the Lottery and win!

Just as Baller is about to protest Mark Hancock taps both of them on the back.

Hancock: Guys, regardless of whether Freud, you, or your mother thinks. I will be the next to qualify into the Lottery, thus guaranteeing that your claims for victory are null and void!

Hancock walks on as Kravinoff and Baller look on.
Anderson: The following contest is a Lethal Lottery qualifying match scheduled for one fall!

Rooster by Alice in Chains hits and Mark Hancock walks out onto the entrance ramp, staring ahead of him.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Chicago Illinois, Mark Hancock!

Hancock slowly walks down the ramp looking focused for the match ahead. He gets into the ring and sits on the turnbuckle, waiting for his opponent. Wake up hits and the lights go out. They come back on to show Sam Smith standing on the entrance ramp. He makes his way down to the ring.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Washington DC, Sam Smith!

Smith gets into the ring and looks out into the crowd before turning to his opponent. The ref calls for the bell and the two men lock up. Hancock gets Smith in a headlock, but Smith manages to reverse it into a Snapmare and follows up with a chin lock. Hancock breaks the chinlock and hits a headbutt on Smith, making Smith stumble backwards. Hancock gets up and runs at Smith, but Smith catches him with a kick to the gut and follows up with a Northern Lights suplex with a bridge, 1... 2... Hancock gets out of it. Smith gets up and starts stomping on Hancock’s head. Hancock tries to crawl for the ropes, but Smith picks him up and hits a quick Snap Suplex before floating over into the cover, 1... 2... kick out by Hancock. Smith gets up and taunts Hancock, who is trying to get to his feet. Smith runs at Hancock, but Hancock Back Body Drops him over the top rope. Smith lands on the apron but Hancock turns around and hits a Forearm Smash, sending Smith flying off the apron into the crowd barricade shoulder-first. Hancock rolls out of the ring and pushes Smith into the corner post. Again Smith hits his shoulder and falls to the ground. Hancock rolls him into the ring and goes for the pin, 1... 2... kick out by Smith.

Cohen: Hancock is clever, taking advantage of the shoulder injury.

Hancock picks up Smith and headbutts his shoulder before Irish Whipping him into the ropes. Smith returns off the ropes and Hancock scoops him up and slams him down onto the hurt shoulder. Hancock goes for another pin, 1... 2... kick out by Smith. Hancock climbs the turnbuckles and stands up straight. He leaps off, looking for the elbow drop, but Smith rolls out of the way. Hancock crashes to the mat and the referee starts to count. Both men get to their feet at 7 and start to exchange right hands. Smith then goes for a clothesline, but Hancock ducks under it before hitting a Tiger Suplex. He goes for another pin, 1... 2.... Smith gets his shoulder up. Hancock signals for the Sator Ultionis, waiting for Smith to get up. Hancock grabs his arms but Smith lifts up Hancock and hits a Spinebuster out of nowhere. The two men get up and Hancock goes for a clothesline but Smith grabs his arm and counters into an Armdrag. Again the two men get up and Smith hits a quick kick to the stomach of Hancock and hits a DDT. Smith goes for the pin, 1... 2... Kick out by Hancock. Smith goes up to the top rope to try the move Hancock attempted earlier. He jumps off the rope and nails the elbow drop! He goes for anoter pin, 1... 2... Hancock gets the shoulder up. Smith looks frustrated as he gets to his feet. He lifts up Hancock’s legs for the Double Jeoprady, but Hancock rolls up Smith, 1... 2... Smith gets out of it.

Connor: Smith looks like he was caught off guard there!

Cohen: Well that’s what happens when you spend ten minutes trying to get someone in a Sharpshooter.

Smith gets Hancock to his feet, but Hancock quickly goes behind Smith and attempts a German Suplex, but Smith counters and goes behind Hancock. Smith goes for the Sleeperhold, but Hancock manages to grab onto the ropes. The referee breaks up the hold, and Smith starts arguing with him. Hancock comes from behind and tries to roll up Smith from behind, but Smith rolls through and manages to end up on his feet before grabbing Hancocks’ legs and locking in the Double Jeopardy! Hancock reaches for the ropes, but he can’t get to them and taps out! Smith releases the hold and falls to the mat before rolling of the ring. He walks to the bottom of the entrance ramp and gives a cocky grin as Hancock looks annoyed with himself inside the ring.

Anderson: Here is your winner, Sam Smith!

Connor: A good win for one of WZCW’s newest acquisitions!

Cohen: Hancock couldn't even win with the ref distracted and his opponent's back turned to him...

We're backstage in the locker room of Showtime Cougar and John Constantine, both are in their match gear as they have a laugh amongst themselves.

Cougar: Regardless of whether he's qualified or not, he stands no chance in getting a victory at the Lottery. I'm actually so tempted to put my title up on the line at Ascension next week just to destroy his hopes even more. Maybe we could put on a handicap match!

Constantine: Well there's nothing like setting up momentum for one of us to win the Lottery itself, I got my qualifier up in a moment.

Cougar: Well you're against Baez, but you got to be cautious, he did beat Big Dave recently!

Constantine: I could do that with my eyes closed, as could...oh yeah...

Cougar: Forget it. As said, our focus for then and maybe afterwards Reynolds.

Constantine: Right. Well I'm heading to my match now, I'll catch you later.

Constantine leaves as Vance Bateman enters in.

Bateman: Sorry to intrude Showtime. But as you're in the Lottery itself, I'm thinking Ascension has its own anniversary thing happening with episode twenty five, so I will be planning on having you defend the Elite X Championship so you're not overworked at the Lottery.

Cougar: Well I would have had any opponent covered if it was at the Lottery, but that's no problem to further my chances of winning that World Title shot. Any ideas of my opponent?

Bateman: A couple, but I'll let you know. Just you focus on your match for now, will speak later.

Cougar: Ok, thanks Vance!

Bateman leaves as Showtime puts some music on to prep himself up.
Anderson: The following match Lethal Lottery qualifying match is scheduled for one fall!

“Hero” hits and Constantine makes his way out onto the ramp, his head dipped and chin touching his chest.

Anderson: Introducing first, from Washington D.C. and weighing in at 265 pounds, “The Power Trip” Constantine!

He reaches the ring, climbs the steps, and goes through the ropes. He stands in the middle of the ring again and throws his arms up in the air again as he waits for his opponent.”Goodbye” begins to play and Baez comes out from behind the curtain and paces frantically around the stage.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Rat’s Ass, America and weighing in at 225 pounds, Baez!

Baez enters the ring and sizes up Constantine as the bell rings to start the matchup. They circle each other and lock up, collar and elbow style. Constantine is able to take control with a side headlock. Baez backs Constantine up and tries to shoot him off the ropes, but Constantine holds on and wrenches deeper with the headlock. Baez clubs Constantine in the back and causes Constantine to loosen the hold enough for Baez to escape the headlock and control Constantine with a hammerlock. He keeps control of the arm and moves around to a front facelock while still holding the hammerlock and drops down, DDTing the upper arm/shoulder region of Constantine. Constantine clutches at his shoulder, as Baez starts stomping away at it. Constantine is able to roll under the ropes and to the floor, ending the onslaught from the masked man. The referee begins to count as Constantine seems to be in no rush to return to the ring. Baez slips out under the bottom rope without Constantine noticing and runs and clubs him in the back of the head, sending Constantine to the ground. Baez connects with a couple more boots to the injured shoulder of Constantine. He is able to fight back by connecting with a right hand to Baez’s midsection. Baez stumbles back and balances himself against one of the ring posts. Constantine charges at him, but misses a lariat and drives his already injured upper arm hard into the ring post. Baez rolls Constantine back into the ring and goes for a pin, 1…2.. and Constantine kicks out.

Connor: Great strategy thus far by Baez. He found a weakness on Constantine and is now exploiting it.

Cohen: I guess he’s doing fairly well for a Mayhem guy. The Power Trip is just making Baez believe he can win, giving him false hope before he destroys him.

Baez rolls under the bottom rope to the apron, and waits for Constantine to get back to his feet. As Constantine starts getting up, Baez springboards and hits a dropkick directly to his injured arm. Constantine screams out in pain and uses the momentum from his opponent’s attack to try and roll to the floor once again. He stands on the floor, leaning against the ring, as Baez comes over and hits a quick kick to the shoulder. Constantine scrambles away again as Baez hits the floor and begins chasing him. Baez begins catching up, as Constantine stops and catches Baez with a drop toe hold, sending him mask-first into the steel ring steps. Both men are down on the floor as the referee’s count reaches 6. Constantine slides back in at 8, clutching at his shoulder still and signaling for the ref to count faster. Baez gets back in just before the ref gets to 10, but is met with boots to his head and chest by Constantine. Constantine gets pulled back as Baez is still under the ropes. Constantine backs off and waits for Baez to get back to his feet. As soon as he does, Constantine kicks him in the gut, takes him over with a vertical suplex, and floats over into a mount and begins throwing left hands at Baez, as his right arm is still compromised. The referee begins a five count, and at four Constantine floats into a pin, 1…2… Baez rolls his shoulder up. Constantine quickly gets back to his feet and drops a knee to the skull of Baez. Another pin, 1…2… Baez kicks out. Constantine looks up at the referee, shocked that the match isn’t over. Constantine picks up Baez and attempts to pick him up for a fallaway slam, but his shoulder gives out. Baez runs the ropes and attempts the Smashmouth, but Constantine counts with a flowing DDT and both men are down, Baez seemingly out and Constantine holding his shoulder.

Cohen: CC, I told you Constantine would turn it around! He’s going to pin Baez any moment now and get the 1,2,3.

Connor: I wouldn’t be so sure, Jack. That shoulder looks extremely sore and I don’t know if he will be able to use either the Axis of Evil or the Collateral Damage with that injury.

The referee begins the 10 count, and both men get up around 8 or 9. Baez hits Constantine with a right hand, and Constantine answers with a weak left. Baez senses an advantage in the exchange and connects with another right. Constantine is stunned for a moment before winding up for another left hand, but hits a headbutt instead. Baez stumbles backward and bounces off the ropes back toward Constantine, still dazed. Constantine’s eyes light up, and he lifts Baez for the Axis of Evil. His shoulder gives out, however, and Baez runs the ropes and hits the Smashmouth. He falls into a pin, 1…2…3!

Anderson: The winner of the match, and next man in the Lethal Lottery match, Baez!

The referee checks on both men, who are still down. Baez is able to get back to his feet and gets his hand raised by the referee as a trainer comes in to check on Constantine’s shoulder. Baez poses on the turnbuckles as Constantine is helped to the back.

We're backstage as Showtime Cougar is standing in wait for Constantine as he's still assisted backstage.

Cougar: John, I don't want to rub salt or anything, but what's your problem? Worried Reynolds is going to sneak up on you?

Constantine is placed on a chair as he takes a moment to relax while holding an ice pack on the shoulder.

Constantine: Didn't you just see what happened there? Baez almost cost me my career with my shoulder here, we need to take him out! But I need to try and get another qualifier, I'm not going to be the one who lets us down. Can you sort it out next week for me?

Cougar has a think in regards to what Bateman said earlier and his partner's request.

Cougar: I'll see what I can do!

Constantine: Thanks!

Showtime walks off as an EMT goes to check on Constantine's shoulder.
Anderson: The following contest is a Mayhem Rules match, scheduled for one fall, and it is for the WZCW Mayhem Championship!

Mr Baller by Royce the 5"9 hits and the crowd boo's as Baller jumps out from behind the curtain, pumping himself up for the match with basketball in hand. He walks down the ramp bouncing the ball, doing some cross-overs and fake passes to random fans to taunt them, will with a smile on his face.

Anderson: Making his way to the ring, first, the challenger, from Miami, Florida, weighing in at 220 pounds... Mr. Baller!

Baller is perched on the top rope showcasing himself before Unstoppable by E.S Posthumus blasts through the speakers, the lights go blue and the crowd cheers. Baller faces the direction of the ramp as Ferbian appears and the lights return to normal. Ferbian stands on the stage and waves to the fans, carrying his championship belt over his shoulder. He proceeds to walk down the ramp.

Anderson: And his opponent, from Copenhagen, Denmark, weighing in at 264 pounds, he is the new WZCW Mayhem Champion... Ferbian!

Connor: That's right folks, it's Ferbian's first title defense tonight against one of the men he defeated to gain the championship, Mr. Baller.

Cohen: Don't forget CC that Mr. Baller defeated Ferbian in a Triple Threat match to qualify for the Lethal Lottery at All or Nothing.

Connor: This rivalry is really heating up at one a piece. Now the question is, who will be the man to end the tie-breaker? Will Baller get the last shot at the buzzbeater or will Ferbian break the tie with a deal?

Ferbian is in the ring and hands the championship to the referee, who holds it high in the air. He shows it to Mr. Baller, signals for the bell and goes over to the ring assistant.

Simultaneous to this, Baller sneaks past the referee and attacks Ferbian with a clothesline that sends both men over the top rope and crashing to the floor. The referee turns around to tell both men to start, but is confused to find both men on the floor. Baller is up first and delivers a couple of hits to Ferbian's back before attempting an arm drag, but Ferbian counters and hits a knife-edge chop on Baller. The crowd woos as Baller screams in pain. He turns around and is met by a couple more before Ferbian finishes up with a European uppercut. Baller staggers back to the ring apron and Ferbian measures him. He charges at Baller but he moves out of the way, causing Ferbian to hit the ring apron. He turns around and is met with a dropsault by Baller, who rolls through on the descent instead of landing on his stomach. As Ferbian is recovering, Baller goes over to the steps and retrieves his basketball and taunts to the crowd, who boos. He begins bouncing the ball as Ferbian gets to his feet. Baller gives a quick pass to Ferbian who doesn't see the ball and it hits him square in the chest who clutches it and bends forward from the impact, rebounding back to Baller. He gives a hard bounce pass and it smacks Ferbian in the face, knocking him down. Baller does a couple of tricks to the fans and they boo him. Baller takes too much time in the moment as Ferbian steals the ball from Baller's hand. Baller is shocked as Ferbian dribbles off with the ball around the ring post, with Baller following. As Baller jumps over the steps, Ferbian throws the ball hard at Baller that knocks him in the groin. The crowd cheers as Baller is writhing in pain on the ground. Ferbian ascends the steps with the ball and waits on the ring apron. As Baller recovers and gets up, Ferbian jumps off the apron with the ball and swings the ball into the side of Baller's head causing him to fall down again.

Connor: This is quite the... err... unique offense being displayed by both men... did I just see Ferbian do a slam dunk on Mr. Baller?

Cohen: My head's spinning like a basketball trying to keep up with the amount of balls in this match... oh man, I can't even make a simple simile anymore!

Ferbian gives the ball to a kid in the crowd and goes after Baller with a chop block to the back of the knee. Ferbian checks under the ring, then goes to another side of the ring and checks there. He goes under and pulls out a garbage can full of random weapons: kendo sticks, road signs, lids for the cans... and places it next to the steps. Ferbian grabs a kendo stick and goes after Baller. He goes to swing but Baller has a steel chair in hand and rams into the stomach of Ferbian a couple of times. He moves back and puts his chair above his head. He runs at Ferbian and is about to whack him, but Ferbian delivers a big boot that connects to the steel chair, whacking Baller instead. Baller drops the chair and staggers back, prompting Ferbian to smack the kendo stick in the ribs and back of Baller. The cane breaks after several shots and Ferbian throws it away. He brings Baller to the steel chair and scoop slams him onto the chair. Ferbian goes over to the garbage can and empties it. He throws it in the ring and goes to Baller, putting him in the ring as well. Ferbian goes to cover Baller... 1... 2... kick-out. Ferbian applies a half-nelson facelock to Baller, who slowly crawls to the ropes and goes to the outside, forcing Ferbian to break the hold. Baller crawls on the ground to the weapons sprawled on the ground but Ferbian cuts him off and gets a headlock around Baller on the outside. Ferbian picks up Baller and attempts a snapmare, but Baller pushes him into the steel steps and post, causing Ferbian to topple over the steps in an awkward position. Baller uses this to catch his breath and he grabs a trash can lid. He waits for Ferbian to get up and smacks him in the face with the lid, staggering Ferbian. Baller does it twice more before Ferbian falls to the ground. Baller throws the lid in the ring and goes after the steel chair. He grabs it and uses it on the fallen Ferbian multiple times before throwing it into the ring too. He picks up Ferbian and throws him into the ring. He goes for a cover on Ferbian... 1... 2... kick-out. Baller argues with the ref for a moment, but then proceeds to grab the chair and use it on Ferbian some more to keep him grounded. Baller drops the chair and grabs the lid, ascending to the top rope with it. Baller jumps off the top, places the lid underneath his legs in mid-air and delivers a leg drop to the face of Ferbian, with the lid doing most of the damage... the crowd "ooo-ing and ahhing" at the sight. Baller absorbs punishment from it too and eventually goes for the cover... 1... 2... kick-out.

Cohen: It seems Baller is willing to sacrifice himself to win the championship here tonight, I don't blame him. Everyone wants gold around their waist.

Connor: Baller better be careful, he doesn't want to risk injury or give Ferbian an opening to take control of this match.

Baller signals for the end and goes to the turnbuckle trying for the Buzzbeater, but Ferbian is still stirring and Baller switches his play by ascending once more. Whilst his back is turned, Ferbian grabs the steel chair and conceals it. Baller is on the top and waits for Ferbian to turn around. He jumps off the top for a crossbody, but Ferbian smacks the chair into the ribs of Baller to thwart his attempt. Baller clutches his stomach and rolls underneath the ropes as Ferbian discards the chair and grabs the garbage can. Baller uses the rope to get up, but is met with Ferbian putting him inside the garbage can whilst climbing through the second rope. Baller tries climbing through the second rope but is stuck. Ferbian clutches Baller, pulls him with the can still attached and uses the ropes to deliver a backbreaker, crushing the can's cylinder shape with Baller still inside. Ferbian grabs his knee and rubs it whilst Baller is seen flailing his legs around in pain, but tries to get up. Ferbian catches him from behind and delivers the Deal-breaker to Baller who is still in the can. Ferbian removes the can off Baller and goes for the pin... 1... 2... 3!

The referee signals for the bell, the crowd cheers and Ferbian's music hits.

Anderson: Here is your winner and still WZCW Mayhem Champion, Ferbian!

Ferbian is handed the championship and the referee raises his hand in the air. Ferbian celebrates with the title and exits the ring, with Baller gaining his wits about him know. The referee checks over on Baller but he tells him off. Ferbian slaps the hands of fans as he walks back up.

Connor: Congratulations to Ferbian for his first successful title defense, using some innovative offense to get the job done.

Cohen: There was nothing Baller could do unfortunately... it just wasn't his night.

We're backstage with Bateman in his office, he's on the phone.

Bateman: So despite not getting into the World Heavyweight Championship match, you've entered them into the Lottery?

That's fair enough, but what about their problem?

One last match on Meltdown 50. Gotcha, any stipulations?

What do you mean I'll see?

The phone hangs up

Damn that Chuck Myles, always leaving me having to guess his next move. Although, I got a match in mind I'd like to make for next week...

He picks up the phone and starts dialing.
Anderson: “The following match is scheduled for one fall.”

Papercut hits as Hammond emerges to a nice reaction.

Anderson: “On his way to the ring, from London, England, he weighs in at 275lbs, this is Scott Hammond!”

The spotlights around the stage spin around the arena until they all meet in the center focusing on one point as a set of pyros go off as Showtime Cougar arises from the stage with his back facing the crowd. He stretches out his arms as he slowly turns around and stares down at the Elite X belt.

Anderson: “His opponent, from Winnipeg, Canada and weighing in at 219 pounds, he is the Elite X Champion, Showtime David Cougar!”

He walks to the ring, ignoring the booing crowd as he eyes up Hammond in the ring.

David Cougar seizes the initiative as he enters the ring and attacks Hammond with boots to the mid section. With Hammond floored, Showtime goes to pick him up but he kicks Hammond’ in the head and then drops him with a neckbreaker. Cover...1...2, quick kick out by Hammond.

“I think Showtime is eager to get this over with. Scott Hammond is not an easy proposition however.”

“I am sure that David is happy to be facing Hammond, rather his chubbier sibling in arms.”

Cougar picks Hammond up and wrenches the right arm, before forcing Hammond to the mat with a twisting arm drag. He maintains the grip and stomps the elbow. Hammond screams in pain and then Cougar uses the advantage to send Hammond into the corner with a hard Irish Whip.

Hammond is sent flying over the turnbuckle to the floor. He lands with a crash on the outside. He is quickly to his feet but is steaming mad. He kicks a chair and sends it flying across the ringside area. Hammond gets back in the ring but is still clearly frustrated. Cougar takes advantage of Hammond’s distraction with a drop kick to the knee, which he follows up with a twisting DDT and then he covers Hammond.

1...2...kick out by Hammond.

“Showtime is showing exactly how talented he is. He is running rings around Hammond.”

Cougar stomps at him again, as Hammond tries to roll out of the ring. Cougar grabs Hammond by the neck and locks in a sleeperhold. Cougar then drops this out, putting Hammond on his back in the ring. Show then climbs to the second rope and launches himself off with a leg drop but Hammond rolls out of the way! Cougar lands on his backside and stuns himself from the impact. Hammond nips up and drops Show with a full nelson slam! Cover! 1...2...kick out by Cougar.

“What match are you watching? This is a thoroughly even contest!”

Hammond picks Cougar up with ease and tries to piledrive Cougar. Cougar resists this and tries to flip Hammond back with a hurracanrana but Hammond blocks it and hits a powerbomb!!! 1...2...kick out in the last second by Cougar!

“And it’s one that was nearly over right there!”

Hammond picks up Cougar and puts him over his shoulder. He drops him with a shoulder breaker. Without hesitation, he picks up Cougar and hits a snap suplex. He hooks the leg for the cover, 1...2....but Showtime kicks out. Hammond puts on a sleeper. Cougar fights it and almost gets to the ropes but Hammond’s strength keeps him in control. Cougar fights again, getting to his feet and then hitting a jawbreaker! Hammond is dazed and instinctively goes for a t-bone suplex but Cougar rakes his eyes and pushes him away.


“You’re kidding me! The ref didn’t see it but this should be over!”

When he comes back, Show is poised and ready and he hits the Final Act! Cover!! 1...2...3!!

Anderson: “Your winner by pinfall, SHOOOOWTIIIIME David Cougar!!!”

“Showtime did exactly what he had to, to get things done. It’s not pretty but it is damn efficient and that is why he is Elite X champion!”

Showtime has his belt given to him as he smiles in victory, he has his hand raised only it's cut short as Austin Reynolds comes running down the aisle and take down Showtime, unloading with rights. He grabs the Elite X Championship and stands waiting for Showtime to get up, once up Reynolds swings the belt right in his face. As this happens, Constantine comes running down and Reynolds meets him with the Elite X Championship as well, sending him down to the floor. Reynolds then raises his hand with the belt before dropping it down and heading off through the crowd, Showtime lifts his head up to reveal it's been busted open as he looks on angrily. Constantine eventually climbs in and checks up on his partner before heading over to the nearby turnbuckle and mouths off towards Reynolds who is smiling amongst the crowd.

Cohen: What is Reynolds problem? He didn't have them interfere in his match and he resorted to such cheap methods?

Connor: These two have had it coming Jack, and I'm sure they will lock up again soon enough.

We cut backstage to the Crashin Movement who are walking throw the hallway. Doug is standing in a suit with his crutch as Kurtesy and Holmes wait for his motivation words.

Crashin: Guys, as much as it pains me to say this, I won't be out there tonight. Vance Bateman has made it clear that I'm not allowed to be near this match, originally I thought it was for Ty and Everest's sake but he said it's for my protection! Can you believe that?

Kurtesy: That's ok Doug. I know you'll be motivating us on in the back like you normally do and we'll show that fool of a champion that he has no right to mess with our plans! Come on Steven. Get some rest Doug, otherwise you'll strain yourself.

Kurtesy and Holmes walks on as Doug smirks on, he tries to walk on with his crutch but finds it uncomfortable so he chooses to walk on with an uneasy limp.
Anderson: The following tag team contest is scheduled for one fall!

‘Black Betty’ hits to a booing reaction from the crowd as Holmes and Kurtesy appear on the stage with their Tag Team Championship belts around their respective waists. Kurtesy gives a motivational pep talk as they head down the ramp.

Anderson: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 475 pounds, they are the WZCW Tag Team Champions, Dr. Steven Kurtesy and Steven Holmes, The Crashin Movement!

Connor: No Doug Crashin here tonight, but then I must admit Kurtesy and Holmes are brave enough to face Everest and Ty by themselves!

Cohen: What do you mean brave enough? Kurtesy’s already handed Ty’s ass on a platter in that Cell match, what more proof do you need?

Both men roll underneath the ropes as they raise their arms but keep focused, Kurtesy keeps pepping up Holmes as they keep eyes on the entrance way.

The crowd’s reaction is to one of great cheers as the former World Champion makes his way out onto the ramp, he raises his arms up high and paces down the ramp with his eyes fixed on Kurtesy and Holmes.

Harrys: Their opponents, first, from Los Angeles, California, weighing in at 205 pounds, the Pinnacle of Perfection, Everest!

Everest is prepped and ready because after this, he’s got that World Heavyweight Championship shot in waiting.

Cohen: That and Big Dave!

Everest stands outside the ring and keeps eyes on both men as ‘Blackened the Sun’ starts playing to the images of static flashes of white light which goes into complete darkness.

Anderson: His partner, weighing in at 235 pounds, he is the WZCW World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

The lights come back on as Ty Burna has appeared on the opposite side of the ring to Everest and has Steven Holmes in a sleeper like hold, leaving Kurtesy alone in the ring. Everest slides in and heads straight for the doctor as Ty shoves Holmes off and gets in himself as they both knock down Kurtesy while the bell sounds. Ty kicks Kurtesy straight in the face as backs into Everest who’s waiting and throws him over with a German suplex as Ty goes to his corner, as does Holmes in the other corner. Everest keeps up the offence with some hard kicks into Kurtesy’s abs, after the third one Kurtesy grabs it and rolls up onto his feet and goes to drag Everest into the centre of the ring to try and lock a single leg boston crab in but Everest is resisting against the direction Kurtesy is trying to roll him on to. He shoves him away with his feet and gets back up to a vertical basis, he swings out with a kick and Kurtesy grabs it again, hitting a dragon screw and goes for the crab again but Everest rolls through to get back onto one leg and hit an enziguri to drop Kurtesy back. Kurtesy tags in Holmes who runs at Everest and ducks under a clothesline to hit a belly to belly suplex and follows up with a pin, 1…….2…kickout by Everest. Holmes hits a knee drop to the head of Everest to daze him, allowing Holmes to drag Everest up and lay him in the corner. He hits a right before pacing out of the corner and running back at him with a high knee, Everest has a glazed over look in his eye as Holmes brings him out of the corner and hooks his arm over, looking for a suplex but Everest blocks it as well as the second attempt before he rolls over and hits a Russian leg sweep to take down the aristocrat.

Everest uses this free chance to tag in Ty which has the crowd in an ovation as he kicks Holmes in the back of the head while he tries to get back up. He gets Holmes up and against the ropes before hitting a right and then irish whipping him, on the return, he drops Holmes with a reverse STO before following up with a knee drop and a cover, 1……2… Kurtesy drags Ty off of Holmes. Everest tries to get in but the referee distracts him as Kurtesy has Ty’s attention and then drops him on the top rope as Holmes is behind him and goes for a school boy roll up, the referee turns, 1…….2….kickout by Ty as Kurtesy looks on is disbelief. Ty sits up but Holmes is right on him as he applies a sleeper hold on the champion and keeps his body between Ty and Everest as keeps a tight grip on Ty.

Connor: Could we see an upset? Steven Holmes earns a victory over Ty with a sleeper?

Cohen: Anything can happen as you know it CC and I think there’s a high likelihood it will!

Everest tries to get the crowd going which motivates Ty to try and resist the sleeper, he clenches his fist and swings a kick up at Holmes before throwing him over his head to get himself free out of the hold, Kurtesy quickly tags the back of Holmes to run and take down Ty with a clothesline on the floor. Kurtesy then applies the Hypnosis, a sleeper of his own, but this time he has his legs wrapped around Ty in a vice grip, wearing down the champion as his arms are flailing very weakly until the referee grabs his it, he raises and drops it, he raises it a second time and it drops, he goes for a third time but it remains high and clenched once again as Ty rolls up onto his feet Kurtesy still holding on from behind. Ty gets up to a full vertical basis with Kurtesy still on as goes around trying to reach the doctor who refuses to leg go, that’s until Ty decides to fall backwards and Kurtesy is pancaked underneath him, letting go of his sleeper.

Ty staggers up to his feet after the long effects of the sleeper, he heads towards his corner but Kurtesy grabs a leg and Ty stops to drag Kurtesy up to hit him with a right, he turns him around and crosses his arms over and throws Kurtesy over with the X plex to take down his opponent. Ty looks at Everest but sees an opportunity so he goes over and locks in the Muta Lock on Kurtesy who screams in agony, he reaches out at the ropes but he’s still quite a distance away, which prompts Holmes to come in and hit Ty to let go of the hold, sliding out on Everest’s side who tries to make a grab at him but is too slow as Ty and Kurtesy are both down on the matt.

Cohen: The CM seem to have the champion in a tight spot here!

Connor: That’s purely down to the cheap tactics they’re pulling here though Jack.

Both Ty and Kurtesy start crawling over to their corners as they have to make the tag, Everest is waiting anxiously to get in while Holmes is keeping an eye on his opponents, hoping Kurtesy gets to him before they do. Kurtesy tags Holmes and as he climbs in, Ty tags Everest who leaps in and meets Holmes with a clothesline, he then kicks Kurtesy out of the ring and then catches an immediate upright Holmes with a spinebuster. He feels fired up as he gets Holmes up, he locks his leg and throws him over with a fisherman’s suplex, 1…….2….Kurtesy pulls the referee out of the ring, much to the dismay of the crowd. Despite that he’s taken a beating, Ty’s had enough and drops out of his corner, running around to knock Kurtesy down with a clothesline as the referee still staggers to his feet, Ty rolls him back in before grabbing Kurtesy and looking around before he throws him onto the announce table with Connor and Cohen moving out of the way just in time.

With the referee still down, Everest goes back onto Holmes who then low blows Everest, allowing him to come back up and hit the Imperial Impaler, he goes for the cover as the referee is regaining consciousness, Ty is unaware as he beats down on Kurtesy, 1…………2…..

Holmes stops his cover and gets to his feet in confusion as he looks at the ramp, waiting for Wasabi Toyota and Scott Hammond to come out. The titantron then shows backstage that the Brothers in Arms are heading up but they get jumped from behind by the Motor City Psychos, Hammond is exchanging lefts and rights with Bowen as Allen runs at Toyota who just lifts him up and drops him on the ground, the feed cuts as Holmes looks on with a smirk. Only that during the commotion, Ty has got back in the ring and standing in wait, Holmes turns around and walks into a Consecrated Banishment from Ty who rolls out of the ring and goes back to Kurtesy who’s lifting himself out of the announce table, Ty grabs the bell and slams it into Kurtesy’s face, he then paces off to go back to his corner. Everest is now up and ready as he stands poised behind Holmes who is slowly rolling onto his feet, Everest then decides to stop waiting, grabs Holmes, turns him around and hits the Rock Slide and goes for the cover, 1…….2……3.

Anderson: Here are your winners, Everest and the World Heavyweight Champion, Ty Burna!

Connor: What a match, we still Kurtesy out cold right next to us as Ty and Everest got the victory here.

Cohen: Victory? They cheated! The CM should have won had it not been for that stupid music video and the need to see Brothers in Arms get jumped on the way down.

Regardless of that, the victory still goes to Ty and Everest, the latter getting the pin and getting some huge momentum going into Meltdown 50.

Ty gets back into the ring as he and Everest have their hands raised in victory, Everest then goes to the turnbuckle to celebrate the victory as Ty has his title belt handed back. Everest climbs back down and stops in front of Ty, eying up the gold that’s in his hands. They both look at the belt before turning eyes directly into each other, Ty then smirks, grabs his hand and raises it one more time as the crowd cheer in happiness.

Connor: They seem to be holding off the pursuit of gold for now, but you saw for a small second that while they won here tonight, they haven’t forgotten what’s at stake come Meltdown.

I am personally surprised that neither men has taken the first shot. The other thing I’m shocked by is the fact Big Dave didn’t show in revenge. He kept his words!

Connor: I’d say that’s a relief for now, but I doubt things are far from over in any case. But that’s it tonight for another episode of Ascension, we’ll be celebrating our 25th show with Meltdown 50, which will no doubt be an excellent watch as the final stop before the Lethal Lottery. Until then, I’m Cat Connors, alongside Jack Cohen. Have a pleasant evening!
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