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MD61: Ty Burna vs. Saboteur

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The scene opens in Saboteur's apartment. Sabotuer is lying on his couch, with his head propped up by a pillow, and the back of his hand is resting upon his forehead.

Saboteur: Ohhhh woe is me! I am so woeful and my nights and days are full of… woe. OHHH WOE IS ME!

Garrett is sitting on a rickety wooden chair next to the couch. He is visibly annoyed with Saboteur’s behavior.

Garrett: You know Sab, whining never got anyone anywhere.

Saboteur: Ohhh young Garrett, you would not understand the harshness and unfairness of lie. OHHHH WOE IS…

Garrett: You’re holding me hostage against my will.

Saboteur: Then perhaps you may start to understand how it feels to be me… woeful, pitiful me. OH WOE IS…

Garrett: Oh will you knock it of!? Why don’t we watch some TV? There’s a Mary Tyler Moore marathon on channel 15.

Saboteur: Alas, not even Miss Richards’ spunk and beauty can lift me from this woeful mood.

Garrett: Sab, you’ve been doing this since Apocalypse. Can you just explain to me why you’ve been a wreck?

Saboteur sighs and sits up. He cracks his neck and then sighs again.

Saboteur: It’s become quite obvious that the folks in charge at WZCW don’t appreciate my talents. Despite my commercial for Apocalypse being a wild success, I was relegated to wrestling in a dark match Battle Royal, which I didn’t even win. I was feeling down, so my buddy Hollis suggested we form a tag team, but once again the powers that be shunned this idea as well.

Saboteur puts his head back and throws his hands up in the air and cries

Saboteur: OH! WOE! IS! ME!

Garrett: Well maybe they have other plans for you besides the tag team division.

Saboteur snaps back into his normal persona: delightfully insane. He pops up from the couch and starts stomping around the room.

Saboteur: Oh Garrett, don’t be naïve. I’m just going to go back to facing some scrub noobie next week. It’s not like I’m going to get a phone call in a second telling me I have a match with Ty Burna.

The telephone rings.

Saboteur: Huh, what a timely and unlikely coincidence. Still! I’m sure it’s just Chuck Myles calling to say (Saboteur does a pitch perfect Chuck Myles impression), “Hey, Sabby, next week we got you in a curtain jerk cattle prod on a poll match against Jack Skinner.”

Saboteur walks over and picks up the phone.

Saboteur: Yeah what?! … Huh? Who’s Alvin? I don’t know any Alvin… OH RIGHT! The chipmunk guy with glasses. What do you want? … Oh, so Chuck Myles can’t even call me himself to tell me what stupid match he has for me this week? He’s making an intern do his dirty work. I’ll tell you, I have the good mind to go down to his office and show him my shish kabob making skills. So what is it? A tuxedo match? Pillow fight? Battle to the death with nothing but q-tips!?

Saboteur’s face suddenly goes from enraged to shocked.

Say what now? … Oh, well then… what a timely and unlikely coincidence. I MEAN, you’re darn right I have a match with him, or rather, he has a match with me! I’ll see you this weekend, Alvin. AND DON’T EVER CALL HERE AGAIN!

Saboteur slams the phone on the hook and turns around and is grinning like a little girl. He runs over to Garrett and starts hopping up and down and flapping his hands.

Saboteur: Ohmygodohmygodohmygod! Garrett! I have a match with Ty Burna!

Garrett is uncomfortable with how close Sabotuer is getting and is attempting to shield himself with his hands.

Garrett: That’s great. I think you should be spending less time celebrating and more time planning for your match.

Saboteur: You’re right. How do you beat a champion, especially one that’s reigned as long as Ty Burna? They say that he can’t be beaten, but there’s got to be a way. If I learned anything from my time in the frozen tundra of Russia, it’s that you should never drink vodka that’s been sitting in the sun… but I also learned that even titans falls.

Garrett: So how are you going to take him down?

Saboteur opens a drawer and pulls out a handgun and cocks it.

Garrett: SAB!?!?! You can’t shoot him!

Saboteur: What?! Oh! No, I just wanted to make sure this still worked, and now that that’s off of my mind, I can think about how I’m going to beat Ty Burna.

Saboteur strokes his chin and taps his foot for a few seconds, but then sticks his finger up in the air and lights up.

Saboteur: I know! I’ll do an 80’s training montage!

Garrett: NO! You already tried that, remember?

Saboteur: Oh yeah. Well then I’m out of ideas. Let’s watch some Mary Tyler Moore!

Garrett: Come on Sab, don’t give up. If you want to beat Ty Burna you’re gonna have to take this seriously, because he’s not going to take you lightly. He might be the champion, but he’s a messed up guy that wants to hurt people. He’s gonna learn everything he can about you so he knows your every weakness.

Saboteur: Well then it’s a good thing I haven’t done an origin story yet.

Garrett: If you don’t figure him out, if you don’t get in his head, you don’t win, it’s that simple. Luckily, he may be the most unbalanced guy in all of WZCW, except for maybe you of course.

Saboteur: So what you’re saying is… I’m going to need to get serious.

Garrett: Exactly.

Saboteur walks over to Garrett and extends his arms to form a cross with his body.

Saboteur: Garrett, you know what to do.

Garrett grins and stands up. He raises his hand and slaps Saboteur.

As Garrett’s hand makes contact, the camera abruptly cuts. Saboteur fades in from the black, and he’s sitting on a steel chair in front of a brick wall. As he starts to talk, to camera will show various close-ups of him.

Saboteur: I may have only been in WZCW for about a month now, but don’t let that fool you, I’m far more experienced in fighting than anyone here. I know I talk a lot, but there is truth to what I say. I’ve fought for heroes and tyrants, diplomats and despots, militias and mercenaries. I have killed for money. It’s what I did for a long time, probably before you were born.

I’m talking to you, Ty Burna. I’m not just sick of you as champion, but I’m sick of you in general. I don’t know if it’s because you’re champion or because you’re just a piece of crap human being – I’m leaning towards the latter – but you simply disgust me. You can’t play with people as if they’re toys. Your actions have consequences for both you and those you act upon. Unfortunately for you, the sum of all your actions have one major consequence… and that’s me.

For every one of your crimes, I will inflict pain upon you to remind you that your actions have painful… VERY painful consequences. For all the pain you inflicted to fulfill your own fantasies, for all the bones you’ve broken and blood you’ve spilled, for all the darkness you have brought to the lives of others… I will inflict that pain upon you, I will break your bones and spill your blood, and I will bring darkness into every last corner of your being!

You think you know darkness and death… you’re just a Hot Topic teeny bopper that is taking their Goth phase too seriously. I’m a soldier, a warrior, a fighter, and a killer. I’ve done things that you couldn’t dream of, and I’ll do them to you.

Right now you might be thinking I deserve payback for the crimes I’ve committed as well. Well I’ll tell you, Ty Burna, I’ve paid in full. I’ve been shot, stabbed, cut up, beaten down, and tortured. Ohhhhh have I been tortured.

Woe is you, Ty Burna, for I will show you how one properly pays for their crimes. Everything that was done to me, I will do to you.

I hope you don’t shrug this off, Ty Burna, because I have a feeling we’ll be seeing a lot of each other in the not too distant future.

Saboteur gets up and walks off the set, and the camera fades to black.
Do you all understand now?

Do you understand the depths of my rage?

The feed flickers momentarily, a quick glimpse of Ty can be seen with his head down and the WZCW World Heavyweight Title hanging from his grasp.

Is it clear to everyone now?

Black and white shots of Hayley being tied to the Chaos Symbol flash across the screen.

I will bring wave after wave of anguish.

Another black and white shot, showing Reynolds tapping out to the Final Seance.

This is the path chosen so long ago.

A picture of Ty standing on top of the tron, holding the WZCW World Title high into the air as he stares down into the camera.

A path that will lead every person to ruination and yet my dominance will remain a constant, slowly becoming the equivalent to time itself. Always there, never changing.

A lighting bolt strikes down on the blackened screen suddenly and fire begins burning away the screen, revealing the true scene below. Serafina sits in a darkened corner, a violin to her chin and a somber yet chilling tone playing from the instrument. Ty sits in a rather ornate chair covered in gold and blood red jewels across the back and the sides. The WZCW World Heavyweight Title rests comfortably in his lap and he looks to be contemplating something as Serafina's song suddenly comes to an end.

Ty: Another contender that ultimately fails Serafina. Another contender that claimed it was his time to take my World Title, and so it has been for a year now. They have all fallen by my hand, yet now I sit here wondering who is left to challenge me. Barbosa no doubt would take the same path his ill begotten partner Kravinoff and try to attack me from behind, but there is no worry in that regard. Not just yet. I have dealt with him before, and he will be dealt with in the future in the same manner. I will break him and watch whatever personality of his wallows in despair as his opportunity slips past him once more. Wasabi Toyota, he provides an interesting challenge. Yet I have already defeated a giant and destroyed men with more fortitude then him so he would be cast aside just as they were.

Serafina: With the clones out of the way, there is no one worthy enough to oppose you master.

And that my dear Serafina is why I cherish your brilliant insight. So, I have come up with a grand idea for Unscripted. To make it even for whoever my next opponent is. But to reveal it now would not be suiting of me. My card shall be played at the right moment, the right time to strike and further deflate the arrogance of those that whisper my downfall. A single flame has caused an explosion, and the rampant fires still burn across WZCW even to this day, and it started all at Unscripted last year.

The false prophet fell to the true soothsayer and led way to the iron clad grip on the greatest trophy the soothsayer enjoys.

Vengeance was nothing more than my greatest pawn. While I allowed him to take the World Title, he was merely a place holder. Someone to keep the title while I fooled everyone into believing me a changed man. His demise was necessary for the rising King of Darkness. I grow wildly amused thinking back upon such memories, how I was the great warrior who fought to honor this title, how everyone soon forgot how I hate materialism, yet failed to realize I never said one word about my likeness creating so much for this company. The egotistical fools Myles and Bateman were more than happy to have their cash cow, yet how do they feel now that their great champion is seen as a snake in the grass? Coiling to strike and poison the masses? They tried to force a new hero onto the people, a hero they gladly hooked to, yet watched as even the newly anointed champion of the people was unable to slay the monster.

A new generation has arrived master. They look to make an impact by using your name to propel their careers.

Of course you speak of my opponent, Saboteur. I know very little of this peasant, but what I do know of him speaks nothing to me. An individual who has been nothing more than a failure all his life. Nevertheless, an opponent who will do what is necessary to get the victory. His motivation matters not to me, he will soon the rest of those in WZCW that have been broken and destroyed, another head to spike in front of my throne.

Ty slowly stands and lifts the WZCW World Title off his lap and drapes it across his shoulder, slowly walking towards the camera as the wind begins to pick up outside. Shutters on the windows begin to slam against the house, creating an eerie rhythm to the night. Ty stops in front of the camera, his head lowering while the World Title hangs from his grip still.

Saboteur, I know you just started in WZCW, I know you want to make a name for yourself, but your exuberance will be extinguished the moment you walk down to the ring. You were nothing, you are nothing, and you will forever be nothing. An insignificant gnat that will get crushed against the brick wall. While you continue with your sideshow antics, I'll be one step from squeezing every bit of precious air from your lungs so the rest of us don't have to listen to you ramble on. In fact you're the perfect opponent at this moment. A competitor no one cares about, someone that I can utterly destroy with glee. I can smell the blood pouring out of your head right now, your vision blurry and coated red, consciousness slowly pooling out of your mind, and finally your soul will be mine, yet another play thing for the Ouija. Torture shall be paradise compared to what the Ouija will instill into you.

Ty suddenly throws his head back and begins laughing maniacally. Rain begins pounding against the walls, lightning crackling in the sky. The lights dim momentarily before returning to their dull illumination. Ty's voice begins to deepen as he continues speaking.

Do you honestly believe you stand a chance Saboteur? You will show up and be beaten into submission. You will be just like Austin Reynolds and Alex Bowen before you, nothing but hot air and your neck the resting place for my foot. Your blood will become the shine and what remains of your face the towel I wipe my boot off with. The spirits of the night will tear not into your flesh, but the very fragile realm your mind resides in and you will bow your head, begging for the blade to end your miserable existence. The blade will never come Saboteur, and your eternal anguish will be the display necessary to warn those that conspire against me, a proper example of what happens when you step up to face me. Your head will be placed upon my mantle, just one more feather in my cap as I continue my unholy reign over this company, and the wrestling world. Already you can feel the dying gasp of hope being choked away by the tendrils of my darkness, every opportunity dashed across the rocks like a broken corpse. You have the audacity to raise up against me Saboteur, and I will make sure to destroy you just as I have everyone else. The nights grow longer with each passing day, the severing of light nearing its completion. You will learn from this Saboteur, you will learn that your place in the world is to be just the next cobblestone on my path, cracking under the pressure and soon after, becoming nothing but dust.

What about the traitorous friend? The one who understood us the most master?

Ty stops laughing and his eyes begin to glow red, a sneer forming on his face. He slowly raises the World Heavyweight Title up to the side of his face.

The rat will burn for how quickly he's flipped on us Serafina. Here is a man I confided in and taught the ruthlessness necessary to succeed, and what does he do? He confides in that hypocrite Austin Reynolds. If anything your words have angered me more than you simply failing me at every turn Gordito. I want you to watch what I do to Saboteur, because at some point in time, I will do far worse to you. Worse than what I put Reynolds through, your life will lie in ruins at my hands with no chance at redeeming yourself. You were someone I considered a confidant, yet the moment you return you run off to share what I confided in you with Reynolds? I see now that I must put you in your proper place, 6 feet below my feet with the dirt being your only barrier against any further punishment. You have become another faceless victim Gordito, another person that must be crushed under the heel of the King of Darkness. I will make sure to banish you to the dregs of my own cell of misery where my own whims and thoughts will be like a thousand needles piercing your skin at every waking moment. Do you get it now Gordito? You have turned your back on me and now it's time to sink that dagger you struck me with into whatever you call a spine. I want to see you crumble at my feet, begging for the mercy you know you don't deserve. Reynolds finally understood that it is better to submit and survive then to continue to fight. Will you learn from that lesson Gordito? Or will I have to destroy the one man I felt was worthwhile to consider an ally?

Suddenly lighting strikes the window and the window shatters. Rain begins to pour into the room as the wind swirls around begins knocking over items resting on shelves. Multiple bottled potions shatter against the ground, a candle resting on the end table falls off and ignites the mixture on the floor. Serafina walks forward and wraps her arms around her master, her hand idly caressing the World Heavyweight Title.

Everyone is a target, every person in WZCW will be crushed within my grasp. Mere pawns that I maneuver into whatever game I want to play. Yet another round has begun, and the first casualty will be you Saboteur. Soon you will bow before your King of Darkness and plead fealty to the man who holds your jugular in his hand, a mere twitch and there will be nothing, nothing but the cold harsh reality that your failures have continued on even in this profession. You should feel relieved it is yet another failed opportunity for you, but this failure will lead to far worse consequences then in the past. Once I am done with you, I will move on to find the next player in my deadly game. The question is, who will want to enter the parlor next and be dealt a hand that has no chance of winning? The deck is shuffled, and I stand alone, the dealer of your demise.

The lights all suddenly go out as the flame spreads around the room. It consumes everything leaving Ty and Serafina standing alone amid the flames. A maniacal laugh breaks out from Ty as he reaches out and the fire swirls around and forms an orb in his hand. He looks down at the ball of flame before suddenly throwing it at the camera. The screen goes black.

The anniversary of my great victory draws near, I shall celebrate with the skulls of my enemies as the decorations for the grand feast. The cleansing of WZCW has continued unabated, and thus it shall continue on for I am the King of Darkness and the Great Ouija has spoken your fate.

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