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Matt Screwed By Jeff Again!?


Dark Match Winner
Is Matt going to be screwed once again by little brother Jeff?

Let's look back just a couple of yeas. 2009, Jeff Hardy becomes ALMOST as big, if not as big as WWE Poster Boy John Cena. Hardy leaves the WWE in summer of 2009 and even though Matt wasn't really doing anything special at the time, he was turned into the biggest jobber on the planet until his eventual release.

I can think of another time were Jeff has drug issues as well while in the E, and even though he was depushed and punished appropriately for it, once again Brother Matt was punished and suffered for Jeff (this was while Matt was building steam in WWECW).

I'm sure if it wasn't 3 AM right now I could think of a few more examples. Anyways......

This bothers me to a certain degree, because even though I'm not a "Hardy Mark" or even really a huge fan of Jeff or Matt, I was excited to see Matt in TNA. Why? Well in WWE he was never going to be anything more then a "glorified" mid carder (which hell most people would kill for that chance alone) even though he is by far the more talented in ring performer of the two brothers (Jeff is a spot monkey, but he put people in seats while doing so and I will give the man credit where credit is do there, but Matt can wrestle a clinic when given a chance).

Matt in TNA could be a VERY credible World Champion in my opinion as long as they were willing to separate him from his brother in some form or another, keep them separated, not allied or feuding. I think Matt/AJ match from tonight is a true testimate to what I am saying (they stole the show, then again after that ME, that wouldn't be hard to do ;p )

I am seriously worried though that Jeff fucking up (once again, what a surprise) is going to effect Matt in someway. I deep down, truly hopes it doesn't and I hope the officials in TNA ignore the fact they are brothers and allow Matt to shine on his own. But at the end of the day, I have that gut feeling Matt is going to get pinned down with "guilty by association" and screwed again cause of Jeff. =/
In all honesty with Matt Hardys recent attitude with thinking hes god gift too wrestling and his constant whinning on twitter i honestly hope that it does effects him. A year ago when i was a Matt fan this probably would of bothered me but im so sick of the Hardys now i really hope both of them just quit the wrestling buisness all together.

If Matt was so worried about jeff or even about jeff effecting his spot in the wrestling buisness you'd think he'd try and get his brother some help or atleast look after his little brother. all in all Matt only thinks about one thing Matt and i hope TNA makes him job to everyone on the TNA roster
I think Matt Hardy getting high on Camera with his brother hurts him more than anything his brother does.
If Matt was so worried about jeff or even about jeff effecting his spot in the wrestling buisness you'd think he'd try and get his brother some help or atleast look after his little brother. all in all Matt only thinks about one thing Matt and i hope TNA makes him job to everyone on the TNA roster

The problem I have with this is.....

I don't know how many people you have personally known through out your lifetime that have had a substance abuse problem, but no matter how much you want to, try to, insist to help them it doesn't matter. You can be their mother, father, brother, uncle, cousin twice removed, best friend, etc. It makes no difference unless that person wants to make a change for themselves and wants to clean-up themselves.

As for Matt's attitude, well I've met Matt before; not saying I am his buddy and we hang out like once a month, but I have gotten the privilege to hang out with him several times when it wasn't wrestling related and the guy is actually pretty damn humble. I'm more then willing to lay a hefty wager on Matt's whole "attitude" purely being a work and that makes sense. Remember art doesn't always imitate Real Life.

Prime Example: Hulk Hogan during the nWo days. Out right the biggest prick in the world on TV when the cameras were rolling for WCW. I use to get my morning coffee and breakfast sandwich at the same spot everyday that Hogan would come in and get bagels, donuts, and shit (like you could set a clock to when he would come into the store). When there were no cameras and he wasn't portraying an egotistical prick, he happens to be an extremely nice guy and was signing autographs for every person that would walk up to him and ask (funny enough it was only tourist, since the locals were use to seeing him all the time).

Now I'm not saying that is Matt, but I like to believe he is purely extending his character to the internet fans, cause the guys can't cut a live promo to save his life, but posting Youtube Videos and such is like doing a prerecorded segments, you can do it over and over again until you get it right and some of the things I have seen posted by Matt, seem like they were recorded several times before he posted them.
I truly hope it doesnt hurt matt either. im not a huge fan of his, but i like the guy. the guy plays to the crowd well, and is very good at his character. to people saying that matt has become a jackass with twitter and such, you guys are the reason that wrestlers make fun of smarks. your dumbasses. its his character. he even stated that in an interview. dixie, hogan, and countless other tna performers do the same.

i actually think it may benefit matt. if jeff gets punished, and then matt starts getting punished too, it could fit into his new persona, but actually turn him face. think about it, he always gets screwed so he goes coldblood, but now he gets absolutely screwed so he gets the fans on his side. either way, its a shame to reap what your little brother soes.
i hope it doesnt affect matt...i just hope tna fires him based on his own crappy in ring work, constantly bent knees, inability to ever get over and his crybaby attitude (id never have hired either one of them to begin with).

matts attitude certainly isnt a work. he was the exact same when whining over lita and losing his wwf job earlier in the decade.
I've recently been enjoying Matt's work in the TNA ring. I wasn't originally happy with him coming over because of how slack Jeff has got but the matches his had have been worth watching.

As for his 'I'm better then everyone' gimmick. Yeah I don't like it but it's helped his push as a heal in TNA so i'm all for it. He knows a lot of people don't like his Social Network blogs so why not play on that if you've been set up as a heal.

Matt will get a lot of pressure relayed onto him because of Jeff's current antics but I can see Matt is working hard in TNA so I've currently enjoyed his input into it all.
I would never hire Jeff again if I were a wrestling company. He is nothing but a drug addict. I would have never given him the tna title to begin with, because he doesnt deserve it. Someone like him should not be representing the company as champion. If I were TNA I would fire him for last night.
I used to be a huge Matt fan. HUGE. But over the past year I've lost so much respect for him. But it's not Jeff's fault. It's his fault.

And to be fair, WWE shit on him all the time, even before Jeff made his return. Hell, when Jeff was WWE Champ, Hardy was on ECW. Matt's only had success because of Jeff. I think Matt would have just been another dude on the roster if Jeff didn't come with him. A one year man on the roster before the spring future endeavors.

But I doubt this will plague only Matt. Hogan wants out. Flair will probably swallow his pride and beg WWE back soon. Immortal will split without Hogan. They'll probably kick Jeff out soon. Then Matt will just be stuck in the middle of nowhere again.
I have no idea what the consequences/reprimands for both men will be. To TNA, jeff is their golden child, and they are giving him everything. But after last night, hopefully Jeff will be sent packing. I really hated Jeff after I learned of all his drug problems. I loved his 2008/2009 WWE run though. He got so desperate that he sank low for some reason.
I used to remotely like Matt, and then hated him after his videos. I didn't know they were a work. He didn't let WWE know that, did he? So even though I don't like Matt, TNA shouldn't punish him for his screwed up bro's mistakes
I'm not exactly the biggest fan of the Hardy's, but if Matt gets punished for this, I'll be pissed. Jeff deserves to be fired, there is no doubt about that, even the diehard TNA loyalists believe that, but this isn't Matt's fault. Like someone mentioned before, when someone you know has a problem, it's up to THEM to change. You can't just say "you have to stop because your brother is telling you to" and magically make it all better, and you also can't tie them up and force them into rehab.

So far in TNA, Matt has been good. He's in really good shape (the "Fat Hardy" jokes are stupid because he is in a billion times better shape than you will ever be), his in ring work has improved, and he's playing his character perfectly. For all of the people that whine about his "whining" on the internet, just remember that IT IS A CHARACTER. His character will say that he was held down and this and that, but if you hear him give interviews out of character, he repeatedly thanks WWE for giving him his chance and making him known to millions of people. People just need to realize that what you see on TV is not the real person, no matter what wrestler it is. Undertaker doesn't walk around with fog around him everywhere, HHH doesn't always have a sledgehammer, James Storm isn't always on a scooter, Shannon Moore doesn't really carry that book around with him, THEY ARE JUST CHARACTERS!!!!!
Matt Hardy if OVERRATED plain and simple. Sure, his brothers attitude doesn't help things but at the same time his brother was the biggest reason for Matt's success in the wrestling ring.

The Hardyz were recognized as a great tag team, but everyone knew that Jeff was the real star of that tag team, if there was ever a Jannetty it was definitely Matt Hardy.

Matt Hardy has good skills in the ring but unlike Jeff he is bland. He has no charisma, little personality and only got a good fanbase because of 2 things:

1) His tag team with his brother Jeff
2) His feud with Edge and Lita

Outside of those 2 things he was never anything special. I'm not hating on Matt Hardy, but I hear so many people say that this guy could/should be a world champion and I just don't see it, he was never good enough to be World Champion. Those intangibles that Jeff has go a lot further in the wrestling business than Matt's sound wrestling skills.

Not only that, Matt actually thinks he is some amazing, great wrestler. A rating spike happens in TNA and Matt takes all credit for it when in actuality he had nothing to do with it. Sure, Jeff's actions don't help but Matt has developed quite the ego lately and his own personal attitude doesn't help the situation.

If Matt is being screwed by anybody its by himself. As vince would put it "Matt screwed Matt"
In my opinion Jeff is hurting Matt as well as himself by his behaviour. Then again, another way to look at this is Jeff is keeping Matt relevant with his behaviour. In the Hardy's mind, all press is good press! After 2005, matt was relegated to low mid-card status until Jeff returned and gave the fans a reason to care about any of the Hardy's. I highly doubt Matt would've won the ECW, US or tag-team titles if he wasn't riding the wave of popularity that Jeff was bringing. It's no wonder after Jeff left....Matt once again returned to obscurity in between getting owned by then-rookies Cody Rhodes and Drew McIntyre. There's only one reason Matt is currently in TNA...he's once again trying to sponge of the publicity Jeff gets. So I guess with the good comes the bad so really it's Matt's fault for relying so much on his brother. If he actually tried working hard and being relevant on HIS OWN...rather than being dependant on the popularity of a druggie younger brother....maybe he wouldn't be in this situation! Just saying
I hope Matt Hardy doesn't get screwed for what happened. I say that because its not his fault that Jeff messed up. He could have helped him yes, but as some people said before Jeff Hardy is his own man and if he doesn't want help Matt could say all he wants he won't change his mind.
I think Cameron NC needs to increase their population by 2 permanently. Road blocks should be set up not to allow these 2 to ever leave Moore county. They are an embarrassment to wrestlers everywhere.
I hope Matt is affected by Jeff's dumbass actions. I have been impressed with his work since he switched to TNA and I am interested to see how far he can go in the promotion.
I would like to think TNA will not punish Matt as he cannot force Jeff to change his ways, as much as Matt probably wants him too. It would be pretty harsh to hold Matt down because his spoiled brother is acting like a moron on camera.

The only way I would see this impacting Matt's career negatively would be if he is backstage in TNA defending Jeff. If that is the case then the locker room will turn against him ,and the company will be unable to push him due to the negative reactions he would get from the rest of the roster.
If anything, Matt will benefit from this... they will simply transfer whatever push Jeff is getting to Matt with the angle of "redeeming the name"... this could actually make Matt a massive face... think about it... this is a smokescreen for Jeff doing some time soon... If the whole fanbase is fed "that he was too messed to perform etc" it is no shock when he goes down... Matt was hired for that eventuality and there is a built in redemption angle there...
i agree with this post, jef is screwing mat once again, and to make it worse, matt is getting bashed like crazy for sticking up for jeff and not bashing him. (more recent stuff here). i do agree though, jeffs drug problems are probly going to affect matt hardy's reputation once again. also jeff is good in the ring but matt is way better.
This would be a perfect time for Matt to turn on brother Jeff and do a tell all, clean himself up and step into the limelight. He could go into the ring and say "my brother has a severe drug problem, and he needs help. That's the way I would write it, but Russo is a fartsmeller and wouldn't know how to take advantage of an opportunity to turn things around.
Matt Hardy gave his best performance for years against AJ Styles on Sunday as well as looking physically intimidating. It was the best match of the night (not hnard I know) and Matt Hardy actually looked good, having said that I still think his cardio could do with a bit of work.

I do not think TNA will punish Matt for Jeffs actions but I do think the TNA fans will. I have a feeling that Matt will be getting a lot of antagonising chants about Jeff being a junkie and what not from the muppets at the impact zone.

I also agree that Matt could get into some conflict backstage from the other wrestlers shitting on his brother, either with chinese whispers or direct to his face. As most will know blood is thicker than water and I expect Matt will defend his brother as a person vehemently.

For these reasons I think Matt will be kept of TV for a while to both help his brother mentally with the rehab that he needs as well as to help himself not get into any politics in the back.

In the long run I see Matt becoming a good mid carder and winning a couple belts in his time in TNA, I do not see him in the main event unless he ccontinues to bulk up.

Jeff will return in the future to TNA as long as he cleans himself up.

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