Matt Hardy - Jeff Hardy fued discussion thread


Getting Noticed By Management
This could be a pretty intresting feud dont you think? these two were the hottest tag team in the world. Together they were so fucking popular that marks and smarks alike were glued to the TV when they were on. But now that Matt is the heel i wonder what's gonna happen. One things for sure i like it. Matt was becoming so boring as a face, and his gimmick NEEDED to change as well it was always the same. Well not that it was any different with Jeff but Jeff was just more of a spot monkey than Matt so changing that would have no effect at all.

Well as I was saying I wonder what's gonna happen in this feud? are they going to involve more people in the storyline or maybe family members? or hell maybe they will even blame Matt for killing Jeffs dog because of jealousy, that would generate some hellish heat right? Anyway i do really hope that they change Matt's theme, gear and his fucking hearcut. I mean now that he's a heel he IS suposed to act like one right. You cant imagine a Matt coming to the ring with the same lame pants and his long Hardy-Style haircut. I would lose any faith in this feud if Matt decided to show up with OOHHHHHH YEAAAH!!!! as his theme on Smackdown... <_<

Anyways what do you think of this feud? Opinions Discussions are welcome!!
I really like this feud and if the WWE doesn't drop the ball this could be huge for both of them. The fans will be drawn to this feud since The Hardyz were one of the most over and loved tag teams of all times. Then you add in the personal aspect and with what Matt did to Jeff you have a very interesting feud, that to me will probably the best feud that Smackdown has had for a while.

You have Jeff Hardy one of the most over and loved stars, being betrayed by his brother and the fans are going to be glued to this feud. I'm glad Jeff dropped the belt, since this feud doesn't need the belt to make it interesting it will automatically get the fans interested. Now I'm torn on who I think should come out on top with this feud. You have Jeff Hardy who is the hottest star in the WWE today(with the exception to Cena and maybe Taker)so if Matt could take him out and end up winning the feud it might just be enough leverage to put Matt in the mainevent ranks just like Jeff is. But will is destroy all of Jeff's momentum? All I know this is the feud that will make me interested in Smackdown again.
I'm at least intrigued by this. To the best of my knowledge they've never had a real feud in WWE. They had a few matches but that was it. Now with Matt as a full heel that the audience could hate things could get really good. Change Matt's finisher though. The twist of fate is used by Jeff already and just doesn't make me think of Matt as a heel. Not sure what to give him, but change it up. Either way well done and should make a great Mania match unless they do it at NWO, which I doubt.
First of all, I have Dishnetwork and my subscription doesn't carry SD on it's new channel. I finally want to watch and I can't!! This fued, if handled correctly, will be ginormous. Huge. It's honestly been a long time coming and I'm sincerely shocked that it's happening. Both brothers have been teetering between upper midcard and main event status for the past 2 years and the history between the two just in the wrestling business alone is amazing. The angle has been well done thus far, as I'm sure that no one was expecting Jeff's assailant to be Matt. That was brilliant. I just hope that a storyline with this kind of potential is played out intelligently.
If this match happens at wrestlemania then it has a big chance of stealing the show. This if done correctly could be just as good as Owen and Bret, i for one didnt see Matt Turning on Jeff, what intrigues me is the Why. i think a Gimmick change for Matt is Needed maybe give him a Jericho Type character wearing Suits.

KB - I dont think Matt needs a finisher change as it was his move originally, Maybe giving Jeff a differant Set up for the swanton would be a better idea.
... or hell maybe they will even blame Matt for killing Jeffs dog because of jealousy

Or maybe it will be revealed that Matt burned down Jeff's house........after first counseling Jeff to drop his homeowner's insurance.:wacko:

However they go about it, this could be the best feud in years. You've got Jeff, the risk-taker and high-flier going against Matt, the solid technical wrestler. Add some genuine emotion in the form of two brothers going at it and you've got the makings of an exciting few months of action. It's not just the wrestling; there should also be some dynamic interaction outside the ring.

Remember how much we enjoyed the Bret and Owen Hart conflict? And when that ended, I enjoyed the two of them even more as a team.

That should apply here, too.
Well for once, I will actually be wanting to watch SmackDown, which rarely happens because I'm usually more interested in RAW but now something interesting is going to happen on SmackDown.

I could see Matt Hardy blaming Jeff for living his life on the wild side, partying, alchohol, drug abuse (The heat Matt would get for blaming his brother for drugs and suspensions would be big, I reckon). Matt could then say how he taught his brother a lesson by burning down his house and killing his dog to show him that he can't take everything for granted, but he still does so he took away the one thing he'd been working for his entire life, the WWE Championship.

As for a gimmick change for Matt, I don't know, I think they could keep Matt's finisher as The Twist of Fate, but make Matt's entrance more heelish, what I mean is don't throw up the hand signs, don't get on the ropes and throw the hand signs and just become more serious in general.

As for who should come out on top, I think it's what Matt needs more but I can see Jeff coming out on top, but I would put Matt over at WrestleMania.
The theme song that Matt uses today was the same theme song that he used after he started his heel run a few years back. Anyways if anything don't let Jeff use the twist of fate as the set up to the swanton cause Matt is the one who used it first. Matt should become a little more serious like Jericho or get back to his Version 1 gimmick that helped him become a pretty good heel a few years back. I do think that Matt could blame Jeff for the life that he has lived & being jealous of Jeff for getting in the spotlight more than he does.
This is highly unlikely, but wouldn't it be crazy if Matt wasn't behind the attacks. Like, he could could come out and say that he'd always been jealous of Jeff's success but kept it to himself to be a good brother. Then when he lost the ECW title and was unable to get it back at the rumble he could say that was the last straw. After all, how much did Matt help Jeff get the WWE title? Matt is really the only reason Jeff even got into the match at Armaggeddon by holding off Kozlov in the beat the clock, and Matt stopped Koslov from interferring during the title match. But during all of Matt's championship matches, Jeff was nowhere to be found. Hell, at the rumble after he lost, Matt was looking like ".....Where was Jeff??" *sob*

Matt could say that he's had it with helping Jeff when he doesn't deserve it BUT he was not behind the attacks. Then Jeff would come to the ring and the Hardy's would have a stare down. Then the lights cut off, cut back on, and Christian Cage is behind Jeff and attacks him. Matt, looking somewhat surprised but generally indifferent, just leaves and Christian beats the shit out of Jeff, revealing himself as the attacker. Not sure where that would go, but it sounded cool in my head, lol

If it's kept between the two of them, Matt should definately go over. Beating his super popular brother would really push Matt as a credible heel and towards the main event scene, especially if he destroys Jeff. Jeff winning would do nothing for him and only make Matt look even more like the lesser brother than he already did.

On a side note, if they do say that Matt was behind Jeff's house burning down and killing his dog, then damn. Matt's a heel for life, because that's fucked up, lol.
On a side note, if they do say that Matt was behind Jeff's house burning down and killing his dog, then damn. Matt's a heel for life, because that's fucked up, lol.

Matt is very over as a face, if the betrayal by Matt was just over the championship and jelousy then I don't think it would generate enough heel heat for Matt. Burning down your brothers house to teach him a lesson and thus killing his dog, I would think would be able to get the fans to boo the hell out of Matt Hardy because that's pretty bad. I think it's neccesary.

Matt's been a face for a few years now since like 2004? It's now 2009, I say keep him heel for a while now, it will be good for him.
I have an amusing little feeling that Jeff's title win was done simply to push his more reliable if slightly blander brother into the main-event with him. I've always been a Matt Hardy fan, more so than Jeff for a long time. So it would be good to see Matt beat him in order to finally gain that ME status, lets face it, if Jeff wins it's going to do nothing for him and make Matt look like the inferior brother.

Failing that it would play out like all the other Hardy fueds, both guy's win an even amount of matches before something ends the fued.
I still think their is a possibility that Matt Hardy is not behind the attacks of Jeff, but that Matt simply snapped at losing hist itle and the mere jealousy of Jeff being the champion. Or it could be simply that Matt was responsible for the latest rounds of attacks, but not the original perpetrator. Think of the real world situation with 9/11. The Terrorist attacks hit, and all of a sudden Anthrax laden envelopes are sent to different areas of the governement. In actuality those two things had nothing to do with each other, but the conspirator behind the latter event simply used the 9/11 attacks as a time to strike a weakened foe.

How will this work out? Instinctively I'm going to say that this is going to help Matt Hardy more in the long run. Matt Hardy has been the vocal piece for Jeff Hardy over the last few months. When something happens to Jeff, his inability to cut a respectable promo in front of a live crowd leaves Matt Hardy answering the questions. Without Matt being the vocal piece for Jeff anymore, Matt's going to have the awesome responsibility of cutting promos good enough to get both of the brothers over ni this feud.

In the end, though, I think Jeff is obviously coming out on top of this feud. Matt is going to bump and sell and do as much as he can to put his brother over, and Jeff is going to do what he des best, jump off of something high and look pretty cool in the process.
this will be a good feud, although it will labour in the shadow of Bret/Owen. While Jeff Hardy is good, he's no Bret Hart, and Matt Hardy is not even fucking close to Owen Hart. Ultimately I don't see much future for Matt Hardy as a heel. Sure, he'll get over by feuding with his crazy over brother, but they can't feud for ever, and what then? Matt doesn't have the mic skills of a Jericho or Edge, or the badass aura of Orton, or the brutal wrestling skills and charisma of Swagger or Angle, or indeed anything much that makes a successful heel. He's over as a face because he's a hard worker and because his brother jumps off high things. How he's going to retain much heat after he's finished with Jeff I really don't know.
this will be a good feud, although it will labour in the shadow of Bret/Owen.

I dunno man, no one expected Owen to stand a chance against Bret. Matt has been booked as strong and in some cases stronger than Jeff, I think this is a completely different set up.

Ultimately I don't see much future for Matt Hardy as a heel. Sure, he'll get over by feuding with his crazy over brother, but they can't feud for ever, and what then? Matt doesn't have the mic skills of a Jericho or Edge, or the badass aura of Orton, or the brutal wrestling skills and charisma of Swagger or Angle or indeed anything much that makes a successful heel.

Jack Swagger's best match was against Matt Hardy, up until then Jack wasn't anything special really. Matt's mic skills may not be fantastic but they are far and away better than Jeff's, as Shocky said Matt's done the talking so that Jeff dont have to. Which also makes me think it's Jeff's turn to help Matt out a little. Besides he seemed pretty hated as Version 1.0.

He's over as a face because he's a hard worker and because his brother jumps off high things.

Matt was over as a face and a heel while the wrestling world had more or less forgotten about his crazy brother because he was fired.

How he's going to retain much heat after he's finished with Jeff I really don't know.

Well he's an obnoxious cunt in real life much as I love him, he'll keep his heat as a heel the same way he did last time. By being that obnoxious little dipshit you wanted to give a good fucking kicking.
This has the makings of a great fued, but the problem is it might not fit into the current time spot. This will be a Wrestlemania match. They have No Way Out for some more build up, then the month or so up to Wrestlemania will be the fueding, then Wrestlemania. I have no clue what the build up will mean, but it will be Matt sabotaging his brothers title shots and Jeff getting beat up. But I think it will end up with Matt winning. Jeff has solidified himself, but Matt still needs that last little push to bring himself to te next level, and make him a real heel. If Jeff wins, it is just another fued. The heel winning makes it so much more. Maybe Jeff will win at Backlash or something, but this fued will be a Matt win.
Matt Hardy needs to win this fued. Hes always been seen as the lesser of the two in many peoples eyes, as far as ability and career accomplishements and predictions. Their fueds in the past were short, but Jeff seemed to end up on top. Matt Hardy has been the loyal, dependable hard workerwhile jeff did get in trouble, fired suspended, etc. Went to TNA. But still won the big one, while Matt went to ECW. Jeff should be the heel in this fued, I just feel that Matt deserves a break, and at least win if they go at it at Wrestlemania.
it will not suprise me in the slightest if this feud ends with Matt coming around and being a face again, possibly with a short period of the hardys teaming again.

the way i could see it happening is Matt wins a singles match, then Jeff wins the rematch which would be Hardcore or something, and then Matt drives home that he's a better wrestler, Jeff needed ladders and weapons to beat him, and then they have a rubber match of some kind...possibly a cage match or something... and i could see it being drawn, - which sounds a bit shitty, but it wouldnt surprise me.

i dont know why i just feel like this feud will end with them kissing and making up, and both being faces. this feud will likely engage those people who before thought matt was boring, but i dont know what it will do for current hardy boys fans.
It seems Matt has been reading the Chris Jericho guide to heeling. Blaming the fans and Jeff for his recent actions, being a role model while the person that gets cheered for is a fuck up etc. Good for him, he's copied a winning formula. After all Jericho was a 2 time World Champ in the year 2008.

What does this mean for the fued? Well it means that the Hardy's will continue to do what they always have done, only this time against each other. Matt will carry the matches and mic work and Jeff will jump off shit and paint his face. It's worked for them for the past decade so it cant really stop now.
I must say I was very very impressed with Matts promo on Smackdown, what added to it was the video package that had clips of the Hardyz through the years together. This gave fans of our age a reminder of what they'd been through together and showed the kids their history.

I can only see this going one way and that's a Matt face turn round about SummerSlam helping Jeff to either win the title again, or in some other rather big match with it coming out of nowhere probably ending in them having a big hug and a short Hardy reunion.

Either way this feud can only be good for Matt, he's back on Smackdown and things really are looking up for him.

Just please don't fuck it up WWE or Jeff!
I think this fued, will be epic if done right. I have always wanted to see this happen ever since hearing of the Hardyz. Matt as a heel can only be a good thing, It will help him in the long run, but will also help them both. We all know that Jeff will be the one put over in this.

I think that is stupid though, Jeff is Insanely over and wouldn't be affected by a loss at all. where as Matt winning could do some crazy (good) things for matt.
I recall them doing this feud at least once before, and it ended up being a major flop, the lone ppv match between the two of them was complete shit, and both were taken off TV for bit, before coming back a reuniting to take on the deadman, I see absolutely no reason to beleive that the second attempt at a feud between these two will end any better than the first one did
Since then though they've both grown into singles stars and not just a tag team that's having a match. Jeff's popularity is through the roof and for some reason Matt's was as well. Matt's turn was huge because it cost the hero the title. Since they're both singles guys it could be much better this time with the emphasis on the could. Austin and Rock feuded many times and the better matches came towards the end.
It really depends on the promo work, and the build here. Both have improved miles since the last time they interacted as workers, and are both at a very different level now. If Matt can convey the emotion, the hatred, then itll work. The matches will probably be fine, carried and directed by Matt, as will the promo work and build. It will be on him if this thing succeeds, or fails miserably.
Have they ever fought as face vs. heel? Not that I'm aware of. That adds a whole new dimension to this feud as it can go the route of who is the better brother. Matt as the heel is the obvious choice and he will carry the match in the ring as Norcal said. Jeff can sell his ass off as he always does and make Matt's offense look great. Jeff is super over already and if Matt wins he'd get a great rub. Good choice and I hope it goes off at Mania and not NWO.
iv not seen any1 else say it but matt screwed his brother in favour of the guy that stole the love of his life and effectively cost him his job. surely that is ultimate heel bitterness? yet some memories in wrestling are conviniently short....

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