Mason Ryan & Ezekiel Jackson as a tag team?

CM Steel

A REAL American
Mason Ryan & Ezekiel Jackson are still on the WWE's active roster. They just have nothing to do. But like how the WWE always does to single's stars who are on the sidelines, put them together with another wrestler in the same boat as the other guy and form a tag team. Mason Ryan & Ezekiel Jackson could bring the muscle back into the WWE tag team division. They can be a new era Twin Towers or Power & Glory-like tag team.

They could get over as playing heels or babyface's. And win the WWE tag team championships various times.

What do you think?
Though I don't think Jackson is still on the roster,(news to me if he still is) I think a mouth piece would definitely be needed. Maybe otunga and Ryan, although how that would come together is beyond me.
Maybe Ezekiel Jackson with Titus Oniel. Titus seems to just carry PTP since Young is pretty bland in every department. Titus has good mic skills, he has charisma(especially for a heel), he has intensity, he has that serious look. Darren young just doesn't fit. He always has a goofy look on his face and is really bland in the ring. He would fit better with Otunga since they are both obsessed with how they look. Jackson and Oniel could really dominate. My personal choice however for Titus would be Mark Henry as a tag partner which would still leave the option of Jackson as a 3rd stable member since there are 2 other 3 man stables.
I could definitely see them as a tag team, as long as they have someone to speak for them. Someone like David Otunga or Matt Striker. I could see Striker taking them on as his clients, due to all the abuse he's taken over the past several weeks. Something along of the line of how he's had enough of being treated as a punching bag and now he's got heavy muscle. Ryan and Jackson could work as an APA-style tag team. Nothing pretty or technical, they'll just beat the holy fuck out of you.

Maybe Ezekiel Jackson with Titus Oniel. Titus seems to just carry PTP since Young is pretty bland in every department. Titus has good mic skills, he has charisma(especially for a heel), he has intensity, he has that serious look. Darren young just doesn't fit. He always has a goofy look on his face and is really bland in the ring. He would fit better with Otunga since they are both obsessed with how they look. Jackson and Oniel could really dominate. My personal choice however for Titus would be Mark Henry as a tag partner which would still leave the option of Jackson as a 3rd stable member since there are 2 other 3 man stables.

I agree with Darren Young being bland. Personally, I think they should've went with Percy Watson and Titus O'Neil and Young would be released since I can't see him getting over on his own.
Well since the WWE likes to use cheesey stories lately and "comic" relief. I think a good partner for Darren Young would be Cena. You can't tell me they don't look exactly alike besides the hair cut. I think they can work in some kind of angle with Cena's dad siring an illegitimate child. It sure beats that hornswaggle bit. Then the two could team up. They both have that same cheasiness. They both hav similar builds and it would get Darren out of those pink tights and afro pick. Also Cena's popularity would carry Darren's blandness. This would also bring even more notoriety to the Tag Division and the belts and give DB and Kane a chance to split and pursue the main event picture. I think the kids would get a kick out of seeing Cena with a brother and I think it would give adults a better scandal than this stupid AJ angle. This also provides Cena a lighter work load with his injuries. Heck I'd even like to see a Cena brothers vs Rock and Sock match. I imagine Young would be hilarious meeting Mr. Socko. On top of all that if Cena's dad is brough back into TV, he can feel sympathetic towards Young for the neglect over the years and become more partial to him and it can start a little tear in the family and even in Cena's AJ relationship(if that BS continues) which could ultimately turn Cena heel turning Darren into a big baby face. Or at the least provide a big tease of such. Either way it would be something new and different and unexpected freeing up some main event space and bringing lots of attention to the tag scene while rescuing a soon to be lost young star and lightening the work load of an injured one.:shrug:
The problem is neither one of them has anything resembling charisma. Ezekiel Jackson is basically Ahmed Johnson 2.0 and Mason Ryan is Batista minus charisma. They just strike me as the kind of guys who were meant to be either bodyguards for a charismatic heel or goons in a stable. They'd need somebody to handle the heavy lifting on promos for them.
I could see them as a tag team. They'd be the first real powerhouse tag team WWE has had in a long time. However, that doesn't necessarily mean that they'd be a good team.

The last time I saw Mason Ryan, the guy was so limited in what he could do. He was just a step or two above The Great Khali in terms of ability. The guy's so musclebound that it looks as though he could barely move and was incredibly slow & awkward in the ring. If Ryan has improved dramatically since I last saw him, then it might be interesting to see him form a team with another powerhouse wrestler.

However, I don't expect I'd be all that interested in seeing these two as tag champs. I might be wrong, but that's just the initial feeling I have. I don't see any money in these two and I just think there are several other teams in WWE right now with much more promise and ability than Big Zeke & Ryan.
Why not? Considering the fact that both of them are so busy right now doing absolutely nothing. Some of Ezekiel Jackson's better moments came from his time in the Ruthless Roundtable tag team with Kozlov. Regal was their manager, perhaps he could manage this team too and it could be a bit of a sequel to the Ruthless Roundtable. They'd make an alright team without him too though. I highly doubt they would ever win the giant pennies but it not only gives them something to do but it gives the tag team division more names, which it could always use.

I'd have them be heels. The bigger guys are generally more interesting when they aren't faces. They would get built up for a title shot against Team Hell No only to get squashed and then remain a part of the division so the other teams have teams to face other than whoever the current champions are. Ryan still needs a ton of improvement though so hopefully Ezekiel Jackson would do most of the work if this team were to form, whether that be him working the majority of their matches or speaking during all of their promos.
If they were to be a Tag Team they would need a manager to do the talking since both guys have no mic skills. Also they would not last long as a team they would not keep people entertained for any long matches. What made a team like the Hart Foundation and LOD entertaining to watch was you had 2 different styles the technical wrestler and the powerhouse. Alot of the better teams had the different styles this is also what make PTP an interesting team as well as Hell NO. What was mentioned earlier a David Otunga and Ryan would work and since they were both nexus they have a back story for them to team up.
I can see perhaps why it would seem like a good idea, such a power based pairing is remenicient of them good old Road Warrior Boys, and they were quite the success? But there is a significant difference in the abilities of these two teams. Big Zeke and Mason are quite frankly not as good. I was never too impressed by Jackson, and even less by Ryan, beond the fact that they were huge. Theres a strong chance that they would lack any diversity whatsoever in there styles and leave most people underwhelmed.

Then again surely tagging is a step up from their current positions. I think both are recovering from injuries, but were last seen, when, at the worlds largest battle royale? Truth be told though, the tag scene is already a little flooded. Hell no, rhode scholars, mysterioX2, PTP, usos, mexicans... We have enough. Theyd be equally lost in that mess.

My two cents (afer the five cents above): If they were better at their jobs, we wouldnt have to figure out where to put them. No loss without them.
I am not buying that for a minute! Mason is so super muscle bound (reminds me of that bugs bunny episode) that he is so slow and awkward in the ring its sad to see!! Just a tad step up and i mean a tad above Khali! As far as Zeke goes i thought he was released by now! Seeing these two musclebound guys as a tag team really doesnt do anything for me to be honest.

One guy you can barely understand on the mic and the other guy has no mic skills what so ever! As we all know talking on the stic is a huge huge percentage of getting the audience behind you or against you! Especially mason ryan (although i havent seen him in awhile has to improve alot in the ring.
They should be a tag team. I don't think they're completely useless, and I even think Big Zeke is actually kind of underrated. He's decent on the mic so he can do most of the talking for the team. The team can even be named "Domination" just so they can use Big Zeke's current theme song.

Having them as a team would be better than doing nothing.

I know that they're not everyone's cup of tea, but I don't think they're completely useless. Putting them together as a team adds another team to the tag division, but they wouldn't need to necessarily be seriously pushed. Just keep them as a pair of warm bodies to kill time on SmackDown or Superstars once a week. Individually, each of them could still be used as an enhancement talent, that way the guys with a bigger upside like Tyson Kidd or Alex Riley don't have to be jobbed out.
Why the hell not? They're not doing much else and WWE could use a lower-midcard heel tag team to get its faces over. Matching tights, a combined finishing move, a couple team-oriented moves, and you've got yourself a tag team.

I actually like the idea of a heel powerhouse team. Warlord and Barbarian, among others, back in the early 90s were the prototype of how a heel powerhouse team could really get face teams (Hart Foundation, Rockers) over.

And if the Zeke Ryan team don't work out or end up botching the hell out of matches? Let them go back to doing what they're doing now... whatever that is.

As far as promos go, they can be the big intimidating powerhouses, no need to speak that much unless is something threatening. Short sweet promos with lots of aggression.
I'd team them together and since neither one of them has much mic skills, I'd have Teddy Long as their manager. Think about it, GM's haven't done it in a long time, but they use to turn heel/face, as often as some superstars did. Teddy has been a face for a looooong time. Have him manage these behemoths and you have your heel faction.
I can’t seem to find it, well, I really didn’t try, but I know I’ve mentioned my idea of having these two behemoths team up. Being that they were the muscle of the Corre and New Nexus, I thought it would have made a great storyline for these two to turn on CM Punk and Wade Barrett at the same time, in the event that the New Nexus and Corre reformed the Nexus Elite, similar to the Hollywood / Wolfpac reunion tour. I think it would have worked out well at the time. It could still work today, but being that they’ve been out of action for a while, it could fall flat on its face. Hmmmm…maybe they could be the Tag Team in a Stable led by Ryback. HAHAHAHA!!
As much as I love the tag team division being re-built, both Zeke and Ryan will be horrible together. I mean, lets be honest here, would you honestly been drawn to a bunch of meatheads, with no personality as your Tag Team Champions? That and the fact Mason Ryan cannot put 5 moves together without hurting someone, or even himself...I could picture him even actually hurting Zeke during a tag team match, without him even being in it. In the end, with all jokes aside, I'd rather talented teams, like the PTP, then pointless nonsensical tag teams being formed
I would love to see a heel powerhouse tag team. I'm not sold on Mason Ryan though. If they could find someone a little better to team up with Ezkiel Jackson I think it could work. I would have Teddy Long manage them.

I think McGillicutty and Ted DiBiase should also form a tag team. I think they could be a good tag team. Henning use to tag with Ted's brother.

None of these guys are doing anything. Lets see if you can stick them in the tag division and maybe one of these teams get over with the crowd.
I think yes it would be an impressive sight, two power houses tagging it up, like the old days..they should really work on their in ring skills for now..they could use them as Brad Maddox's boby guards against The Shield??, they dont need the mic right now - if i recall correctly when Farooq and Bradshaw first teamed up they didnt say jack for a while, they were rough n powerful beating people up. Mason and Zeke could be dominating angry heels, while maddox held the mic/called the shots...etc etc.
Well I have to say I think doing ANYTHING with these two is a 50/50 chance...neither have proven to be overly great, but their on the payroll so might as well do SOMETHING with them.

And frankly the tag division could use some more talent.

I think the big question is who would be their manager because frankly I don't believe either could cut promo if their jobs depended on it.
I've said it numerous of times, pairing the most irrelevant superstars on the roster is nothing but a wonderful idea. If it doesn't work out, then so be it; it's not like they were doing anything significant anyways. With that said, these two definitely need some work done. While they would definitely be a dominant and powerful force in the tag team division, Ezekiel Jackson and Mason Ryan are so blocky and uncoordinated in the ring that I fear this type of push wouldn't last long at all. Neither possess the mic skills to really connect with the crowd so it’s likely their in ring work would have to speak for itself; and sadly, it doesn’t. They definitely need a mouthpiece, or at the very least some developmental time, but what's the harm? Unless the WWE has something better for them to do, I say pair them up.
it looks like brodus and tensai are next in line for the belts. at the very least, a team like this could put up a fight. even if was only for a couple weeks.

while we are throwing out crazy tag teams. Brad maddox and Otunga?
while both could use a body guard. i think they would get a fair amount of heat together.
I really really hope big Zeke and Ryan do form a powerhouse dominate tag team, they are being wasted at the moment and the tag team division is very light, so why the hell not? I would also love a title feud with Clay and Tensai. Four powerhouses fighting over the tag belts is appealing to me.
While they would make a impossing Tag team, They would need somebody like Paul Hayman to manage them for it to work. Neither guy is really any good on the mic, so would need somebody like Hayman to do all there talking fore them. other then this I don't have a problem with the idea as it would help beef up the tag division a little.
Whew. Some fans are just impossible to impress.

In the pro-wrestling world, any two individuals can make a decent tag team. I honestly get a kick out of the Brodus Clay/Tensai tag team, that one came out of nowhere for me.

I think that Mason Ryan and Ezekial Jackson have similar builds, therefore in the wrestling world they qualify as a marketable tag team. Maybe get them some face paint or masks and bring in a Mr. Fuji type manager, done.

They would be a unique addition and could put over other tag teams with the classic David and Goliath routine. Have them no sell the shit out of a match with Primo and Epico, flex menacingly in ways reminiscent of the original Blade Runners and have the evil manager throw out a grudge challenge to Brodus and Tensai. Later on maybe have them fued with the Prime Time Players to put them over.

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I think that Mason Ryan and Ezekial Jackson have similar builds, therefore in the wrestling world they qualify as a marketable tag team. Maybe get them some face paint or masks and bring in a Mr. Fuji type manager, done.
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Doom 2.0 w/ Teddy Long as manager. Old school Teddy Long, the guy that most people who are watching don't know about.

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