Making DX the Unified Tag Team Champions was a big mistake

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Fuel The Fire

Getting Noticed By Management
Ok i was thinking about how great a tag team Jerishow where. They weere a serious tag team and not for jokes and fun.

I feel like the Big E is doing a great job and bringing prestige back to all of the midcard titles, but as soon as DX won the tag team belts, I felt like the prestige was gone.

I'm not taking any credibility away from Trips or Shawn, but I feel like they have turned into a different version of Santino Marella. I don't see how I can take them as a serious tag team anymore, as painful as it is to say it.
When they are getting their ass kicked by the people in Little People's Court, what is that doing to the tag team titles? I don't think I'm the only one that feels that DX is not as prominent as they used to be back in
the day.

When Jerishow were still the tag champs, they where bragging about how they were the best tag team champions of all time and they actually looked strong together. I could take them serious. I think a younger team would have been able to use the Tag Team titles more then DX, to help bring more prestige.

I seriously think that when DX drops the belts to whomever they do, it's not going to be as good as if Jerishow would have dropped the belts to them because Jerishow was taken more seriously.

So with that in mind, what do you think? Agree or not?
agree with you 100% they have had what 2 defenses. once against jerishow and once against the dynasty. if they don't lose the titles soon then we will have to go with out a tag title match at mania for the second year in a row. that's just sad. how does the wwe expect us to take the younger and mid-card serious when the intercontinental title was lost in a 5 second match and the tag titles weren't even aired at mania. they've continued a pointless feud with jericho and haven't even talked about defending the titles against any1 in the future. shawn is obsessing on making peace with people and losing to the undertaker at mania, for a second year in a row......???? terrible

absolutely terrible
i agree. wwe titles barely have any prestige anymore. I respect shawn and triple hhh is ok but together they are SO overrated its not even funny its sickening. and the whole unified title thing is a disaster just have 1 tag title for raw and 1 tag title for smackdown put yoshi tastu and goldust together or put miz and morrison back together.
I think its pointless in the sense that these guys are already well-established legends, and if they're not going to be presented as unstoppable forces, who when beaten by a younger team for those belts that team will look seriously credible. Instead they are in asinine skits where a midget plays a major part; its over kill. I can't see Shawn Michaels agreeing to some of this stuff, but apparently he has a lot of say in the production meetings on skits and such. I'd like to see them lose the midget, focus on the matches, portray themselves as deserving of the belt and taking the role seriously, seriously putting a beating on opponents until they reach that young team deserving a break and a push to which they drop the belts to.
I'm Sorry Fuel, normally I agree with a lot of what you have to say, but I have to vehemently disagree here.

I'm not taking any credit away from Trips or Shawn but them being a tag team together, I feel like they have turned into a different version of santino marella.

Well I'd say comparing two of the greatest wrestlers of all time to Santino Marella is taking quite a bit away from both of them.

As soon as dx won the tag teams belts I felt like this prestige was gone.

And that is taking even more away from both guys. I just don't get it. How does having two guys who are not only two of the best wrestlers in history but also represent arguably the greatest faction in history hold your tag titles make them less prestigious? That's like saying because The Undertaker is a "Character" from the Hogan era technically, having him hold the WHC devalues that title. It's just not true.

When there where getting there ass kicked by the short people in the peoples court what is that doing to the tag team belts?

Good question. Answer: Nothing really, that was just a comedy skit meant to cater to the amusement of kids. If the kids like DX and they are the tag champions, that is actually a benefit as kids are the real fan base of the WWE and are the target audience for the most part. That's like saying The Mega Powers (Hogan and Savage) would have devalued the tag titles because of their weird promos and cheesy gimmicks.

I don't think I'm the only one that feals that DX is not as powerful as they use to be back in the day.

No not at all, they are obviously not the power stable they were in the day, but it is still a tag team consisting of two of the greatest of all time. Need I mention that they are still main eventers ? It's not like these are guys who are at the bottom of the heap or something, it's fucking Triple H and Shawn Michaels, you can't get much better of a team. Just because the group DX is now devoid of a few mid carders doesn't mean they are necessarily weaker either, it means they only need two people to still be a threat. Is the DX thing getting a bit old, yeah I'll give you that. But, they are still two of the top guys in the company carrying that division.

When jerishow where still the tag champs, they where bragging about how they where the best tag team champions and they looked strong together and I could take them serious.

The reason that they were such a great tag team, and so believable though is that they were two top tier singles competitors united to make a tag team, the same as DX. So, why is it a good thing when it is Jericho and Big Show, and a bad thing when it is two bigger stars in Shawn Michaels and Triple H. The only difference is the persona's of the two. DX is supposed to act funny, Jerishow was supposed to act serious all the time because of Jericho's character. You are also talking about very different styles in the ring with the same components. You have a smaller more technical guy, and a bigger powerhouse. The difference though is that Michaels sells all day long and takes an ass beating opposed to Jericho's more dominant style, and Triple H also sells a lot in comparison to Big Show being very dominant. It makes DX no less credible, it just creates a different feel for their matches.

I think a younger team would have been able to use the tag team belts more then DX to help bring the prestige.

Like who? It's either Legacy, Cryme Tyme, or The Hart Dynasty? That's the only ones you could be talking about because there are no other younger tag teams. Besides them, you have Worlds Strongest Tag Team and that's it. I'd hardly call any of them more prestigious than DX. The whole idea behind restoring some meaning to the tag titles was what they did and are doing, having bigger more established stars carry the titles to eventually hand them off to someone not as established in the hopes that having those established guys carry the titles would elevate their prestige, elevating who ever won them next. This is just apart of the process.

I seriously think that when dx drops the belt to whom ever they do ,the rub from champion to new champion is not going to be as good , if Jerishow would have droped the belt to someone else besides dx.

On the contrary, a win over DX will be huge for who ever wins the titles next instantly making them credible. Remember when Legacy beat DX a few months ago, that was a big big win for them. If that match would have been for the tag titles imagine how much bigger it would have been. I would have to say that since the last two tag teams to hold the titles will have been DX and Jerishow, the people who get them next will be looked at much more highly. I think that team will have a lot on their plate because they will have to live up to that, but I don't think their rub will be any less, it in fact would be more because of DX consisting of Shawn Michaels and Triple H.
I agree definitely.

watching raw yesterday and seeing hornswoggle running around in his dx outfit, i thought to myself "what happened to the old dx?" they are certainly no the dx of the 90's. they don't have the "anti authority" attitude to them. Ever since Hornswoggle and the little people court, i just cant take this as legitimate title contenders, which is a shame. I think the titles should of stayed with jerishow and they drop the belts to hart dynasty
DX being Champions does nothing to benefit WWE's failing Tag Team Division right now. Mind you, neither did Jerishow, but it's highlighted even more by DX's lack of Title Defenses so far, especially after jobbing the next best Tag Team to Jerishow and DX, The Hart Dynasty.

It's a shame, it's just more of a pull from the WWE for them to make money if you ask me.

(Also, my first post, so yeah, hello everyone. :))
DX got the belts because DX wanted the belts and never held them. They didn't get them to make them seem more important, they didn't get them to work with newer guys and help them improve. They got them because they wanted to.

The WWE Unified Tag Team Championships are now an accessory to Triple H and Boy Toy's clothing. They toss them aside when the match begins and we all even forget they ever existed.

Have you noticed that Trips did a hat trick in one night?

In the night DX won the tag belts Trips' "workout" buddy ( guess that's what you kids call a homosexual today ) became the freakin' "Doblio Doblio" E Shampion! The night DX and Sheamus won belts, freakin' Drew McConstipated won the IC title, and we know how much he loves to sit on some people's ding dongs and rotate.

Basically, Trips runs the joint and butt rapes us whenever he wants. Period.

WWE doesn't recognise Tag Team Wrestling, it doesn't recognize Cruiserweights, it recognizes DX and their merchandise ONLY. Period.
Making DX the tag team champions was about the worst mistake WWE could come up with. I loved Jerishow, and their promos always had me convinced they were unstoppable. Then they drop the belts to two 40 year old guys getting closer and closer to retirement who have a midget as their mascot? It's sad, really sad, and a Jerishow vs. Hart Dynasty match at an upcoming PPV would have been much, much better. When shit like this happens, it makes it blatantly obvious that all Vince McMahon cares about nowadays is making money through selling merch, because that's all DX is really back for. I mean think about it: their promos suck, their wrestling as a tag-team is stale at best these days, and they carry around glowsticks? It's ridiculous. Jerishow should never have lost the titles, and HBK and HHH should both go back to singles competition. At least then I'd take them seriously.
i like the idea of dx being tag team champions but i would like to see them lose one of the unified titles to a smackdown team like hart dynasty cryme tyme or cm punk's new tag/stable. i say this for 2 reasons.

first, dx doesnt take advantage of the unifed titles. they can appear on any brand since they have both titles but they always stay on raw. thats a waste.

lastly, it gives a better chance for other tag teams to win a title. lets say hart dynasty won the world tag title from dx, it would be easier for a team like cryme tyme to win it from them afterwards. also, if dx were to lose the title, it wouldnt be as bad losing the wwe tag title to legacy or mark henry and mvp than losing the unified title.
I think the funniest thing is that Jericho is actually an SD superstar and he ALSO hasn't hasn't been a major fixture on SD since he lost the titles. Hell he hasn't been since SuSe. It seems to me like the Unified Titles we're just used to elevate Raw some more. I mean, as history has shown, both Triple H and Shawn Michaels seem to be alergic to Smackdown anyway, HBK's never been there(and I'm assuming his special schedule probably allows him to veto many SD appearances) and Triple H had like a month long stay, its sad to me.

All in all, the Unified Tag-Titles have defied any purpose that may have been intended. They haven't elevated the Tag-Division if that was intended at all and now its hurting Smackdown.
I definetly agree with u. dx winning the tag team titles was a huge mistake.

Though i think they did need to win the titles, just because they are one of the most famous and well known teams in the wwe, if they wouldve never won the tag titles as a team, it wouldve been sad, but i think they shouldve won them, but then dropped them quickly.

WWE was on its way to bringing worth, value, and prestige back to the tag titles with jerishow. jerishow did great promos and actually acted like they were the best tag team and defended the titles numerous times. they were always serious as a tag team, and dx is the exact opposite. all dx does is run around with their midget, have annoying and boring segments where all they do is advertise merchandise, and fool around. they hardly take anything seriously. i have all the respect in the world for hbk, a little less for triple h, but thats for another time. but these guys are ruining dx. they cant be taken seriously, and therefore the tag titles cant be taken seriously. dx needs to stop fooling around and acting childish and actually start a feud with another team and defend their titles.

So yes, i very much agree with u.
I feel like the Big E is doing a great job and bringing prestige back to all of the midcard titles, but as soon as DX won the tag team belts, I felt like the prestige was gone.

Don't quite agree there. DX is a good team that fans have liked for over a decade. If anything, I think giving them the tag team belts increased the prestige because two main eventers are in an actual tag team and holding the Unified Tag Team Championships.

I'm not taking any credibility away from Trips or Shawn, but I feel like they have turned into a different version of Santino Marella. I don't see how I can take them as a serious tag team anymore, as painful as it is to say it.
When they are getting their ass kicked by the people in Little People's Court, what is that doing to the tag team titles? I don't think I'm the only one that feels that DX is not as prominent as they used to be back in
the day.

Ok, I see your point on that one. They are different than Santino though because they are just as good in the ring as they are silly in their segments. Sure some of their segments, especially the Hornswoggle ones, have been cheesy sometimes.... but they are still more than able to get things done in the ring. They are among the very few who are both funny AND great in the ring.

When Jerishow were still the tag champs, they where bragging about how they were the best tag team champions of all time and they actually looked strong together. I could take them serious. I think a younger team would have been able to use the Tag Team titles more then DX, to help bring more prestige.

You do make a good point there. JeriShow was a better team, but DX still brings prestige to the titles. Look at it this way.... if you were in the WWE and in a tag team, you could go for the tag team belts with your partner, knowing that those were the same belts that JeriShow and DX held. Most of us as fans can admit that it would be really cool to hold the same tag team belts that DX did, that's part of how they are still giving prestige to the belts. Maybe not as much as JeriShow, but still.

I seriously think that when DX drops the belts to whomever they do, it's not going to be as good as if Jerishow would have dropped the belts to them because Jerishow was taken more seriously.

Not necessarily. I honestly think that it was good for DX to get the belts. They are a great team and deserve to have their run as tag team champions. JeriShow was indeed a better team and the storyline of them using the belts to jump brands added a ton of prestige to the belts, but it's going to take more than a couple of silly segments for DX to take that prestige away. It's still there and I say it's been increased.

I understand if you don't like how they act silly compared to JeriShow whose reign was about their dominance.... but that doesn't mean any prestige has been lost. WWE has been doing a great job of bringing back prestige to the tag team titles and DX being the Unified Tag Team Champions helps that because they are a VERY popular tag team that many fans wanted to see as champions.
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