Kurt Angle: Favorite WM Match

Angle: Favorite WM Match

  • WM16 vs. Benoit vs. Jericho (European & IC title)

  • WM17 vs. Benoit

  • WM18 vs. Kane

  • WM19 vs. Brock Lesner

  • WM20 vs. Eddie Guerrero (WWE title)

  • WM21 vs. HBK

  • WM22 vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Randy Orton

Results are only viewable after voting.


Cody Rhodes is an excellant
Like all the rest

WM16- Two-Fall Triple Threat Match for the WWF Intercontinental and European Championships: Kurt Angle (c) vs. Chris Jericho vs. Chris Benoit (13:35)

* Benoit pinned Jericho following a diving headbutt in the first fall to win the Intercontinental Championship. (7:54)
* Jericho pinned Benoit with a Lionsault in the second fall to win the European Championship. (13:35)

WM17- Kurt Angle defeated Chris Benoit (14:02)

* Angle pinned Benoit with a roll-up using Benoit's tights for leverage.

WM18- Kurt Angle defeated Kane (10:45)

* Angle pinned Kane with a roll-up using the ropes for leverage

WM19- Brock Lesnar defeated Kurt Angle to win the WWE Championship (21:04)

* Lesnar pinned Angle after an F-5.
* During the match, Lesnar received a concussion after he missed a Shooting star press on Angle.

WM20- Eddie Guerrero defeated Kurt Angle to retain the WWE Championship (21:32)

* Eddie pinned Angle with a Small package.
* During the match Eddie slipped his boot off and used it as a distraction.

WM21- Kurt Angle defeated Shawn Michaels (27:25)

* Angle forced Michaels to submit with the Ankle Lock.

WM22- Rey Mysterio defeated Randy Orton and Kurt Angle in a Triple Threat match to win the World Heavyweight Championship (9:18)

* Mysterio pinned Orton after a 619 and a West Coast Pop.
* P.O.D. performed Mysterio's entrance music live.

Ok for me, it's Brock/Angle at WM 19, when I was think about this thread and all the Matches Angle has had at WM, that was the match the popped in my head first, for me it was the one that stood out the most, the match had everything, great build go in, great back and forth action, high spots, technical wrestling, great crowd energy, just everything you need for a great match, though his matches with HBK, Guerrero, Benoit, and the two fall triple threat with both Jericho and Benoit should not be over looked all were also great matches, though his match with Kane, is all but completely forgettable, and is Triple threat match at WM22 was just a joke, I mean you had three great wrestlers in Angle, Mysterio, and Orton, and the match was given a whopping 9 mins. and 18 sec., wow...just fucking wow, this match pisses me off simply cause they could have done so much more with it, and with those three guys, the match could have lasted much longer and been much more entertaining, WWE really dropped the ball on that one...interesting that Angle's last WM match was him dropping the belt though...and without getting pinned too
Why no Savage Justin? :(

This ones obvious. Easily HBK/Angle from Wrestlemania 21, Hell I voted it HBK's best WM match, and it's fucking HBK the man who's had many many many classics, so of course I'm voting for it here. One of the better matches I've ever witnessed, had me on the edge of my seat throughout as said in my previous post in the other thread....

I picked HBK/Angle. Damn that match had me on the edge of my seat through basically the whole match. They both brought their A-Game and delivered a thriller. It's rare to see HBK submit but when he did my jaw dropped. Both are so damn good and can make anyone look better than they really are, but both made each other more respected by everybody after that match. It's the last 5 star match I can remember. So it had to be my choice.

On the other hand people cream over the Lesnar/Angle match at 19. Why? I saw nothing spectacular. Sure Brock almost snaps his neck. Why is a botch the highlight of a match? And did you hear that crowd? Dead. The match was pretty boring to be honest and the finish was nothing memorable.

One of the more overrated matches in Wrestlemania history IMO.
I hate to say this but I agree with Wes. About HBK/Angle being the best one of the lot, not about Lesnar/Angle being overrated.

Now, I'm not of the mindset that Shocky has described recently, that Shawn Michaels craps bars of gold. I am, however, of the mindset that Kurt Angle sweats diamond-coated francium. I mean, look at that list! His last match at WrestleMania 22 is probably the low point but it's still pretty awesome.

Angle/Michaels at 21 is probably one of my favourite matches ever, as are numerous other Kurt Angle matches. Michaels is also one of my favourites, too. It has everything for me. The first time I saw it I couldn't believe I was watching and when Michaels hit Angle with that surprise superkick near the end I was out of my seat. Sly might call it poor because the heel one fairly and all of his pro-business, anti-fan bullshit that keeps us oh so entertained, but that just made it all the sweeter. Why? Because I fucking love Kurt Angle. Well, I think I've established that.

For me, Angle's first WrestleMania matches, while very good, can be very overrated. For instance, I really don't understand why Angle/Benoit at WrestleMania 17 is held in such high regard. It's good but it's not "Holy shit, did you see that!?" good, as many make it out to be. My second is probably Lesnar/Angle, just for the aftertaste it's left in my mouth. I haven't actually seen it in years and can't remember that much about it. I should probably get that elusive WrestleMania 19 DVD. It is Jake's favourite, after all.

EDIT: Kane is probably the low point, but let's just forget about that.
When I think of Kurt Angle, and WrestleMania only two matches come to mind right away. Those matches are WrestleMania XIX: Vs. Brock Lesnar, and WrestleMania 21: Vs. Shawn Michaels. Both those matches were done to perfection, they both showed how 'Mania matches should be like. The WrestleMania XIX match was great, and is remembered by many, but the WrestleMania 21 match was not as popular as it was more of a technical match, but I loved them both.

The WrestleMania XIX match had everything. From high spots, to techinal wrestling, to amazing energy. That's how a WrestleMania main event should be done. The crowd was into the match, it was back and forth, and had many styles compiled into the match. That was definately Brock Lesnars best match of his career, and high up on Kurt Angle's list. During the match Brock Lesnar attempted a shooting star press, but it was botched, and he landed on his neck. That botch was probably the most famous wrestling botch of the new millenium. Then, at the end of the match when Brock Lesnar fought back from injury, and won the match, and the title, it was truly a great moment.

Now the WrestleMania 21 match. This match was technically genious. To many fans (non IWC) this may have been a dull match. As it was a slow-paced technical match. But in my opinion, this match was amazing. HBK never fails to amaze me at WrestleMania, and this match was definately not a letdown. Kurt Angle also impressed me, showing his amazing technical skills. This was an amazing feud, and an amazing match. They definately deserved the right to say that they were in the 2005 PWI Match of the Year.

When it comes down to it, I know that the WrestleMania 21 match was an absolutely amazing match, but I admit, that I enjoyed the WrestleMania XIX match more. Both matches are two of my favourite 'Mania matches ever, but I'm gonna go with WrestleMania XIX.
I actually voted for the WM 16 match. I really enjoyed this match, and in my opinion, it stands out above all the rest. I loved the 'I lost both my titles even though I wasn't pinned' bit. I also enjoyed his match v. Lesnar and his match v. HBK.
I would go with his WM 21 Match with HBK first followed by his WM 20 Match with Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Title second. His Match with HBK was amazing nuff said there. His Match with Eddie was pretty damn good too I thought,that one had everything as well. I loved the ending when Eddie kicks his boot off and rolls up Angle for the win,classic Latino Heat. His IC/European Title Match with Jericho & Benoit was pretty good also.
Of course, I have to pick, one of the matches I consider to be one of the best of all time, The WM 21 match between Kurt Angle Vs HBK.

Just an amazing contest all around. Amazing drama, amazing crowd involvement and atmosphere, incredible near falls, and a jaw dropping Clean submission finish. No matter who was face or heel, both men were being cheered for ferouciously in this, out of respect by the fans. Truly what WM is all about, as it is a showcase of what our sport is supposed to be about.
It's HBK again for me. This match wasn't about a title or anything specific, just seeing who was the better man, which a lot of the time is exactly what is needed. These two are two of the best of all time and they put on a wrestlign clinic. Just a war that went back and forth and there was no way of knowing who would win. Michaels tapping still suprises me. THis match wins without anything else really being close to it.
Ill have to go with what the majority of people say. His fight against Shawn Michaels was one of each of the mens careers. I dont think a single person would have gone home unhappy after this match. The knew going in that tihs match was gonig to be one of the best ever. Both men are soo strong in the ring. The match build up was not about any material rewards, it was all about respect. Kurt Angle making Shawn tap out to the ankle lock at the end, made me get goosebumps. The crowd was wild, I was wild, the bushmen of Africa were wild. Just another amazing match at Wrestlemania for these two. Like I said for JEricho, I also loved the Wrestlemania 2000 match with Benoit
The moment I saw this thread title, Shawn Michaels vs Kurt Angle came to mind. This match was amazing filled with back and forth action and superb ring work. The crowd was hot and loved this match. I think I screamed like a little girl meeting the Jonas Brothers when Michaels tapped out. I never expected the Showstopper to submit at Wrestlemania.

The other match was Lesnar vs Angle. It really doesn't get much better in the WWE than two of the greatest REAL wrestlers going at it. There was a superb display of technical knowledge and powerful moves. If only Brock didn't botch that Shooting Star Press. It would have been a great ending to the match if he hit it.
When I first saw this thread, right away I thought of Kurt v. Eddie from WM 20
Most people remember WM 20 for Benoit winning the WHC
But to me this match was better than the Triple Threat
It had mat wrestling mixed with sig moves and it was a great story as well

Although I also love HBK v Kurt
I really loved the Triple Threat with Benoit and Jericho. For some reason this match had me on the edge of my seat. For being such a new guy Angle really brought it in his first Wrestlemania. I don't care that Angle lost both of his titles. All three men simply brought it in this one.

I also got to give some love to the uber amazing Angle vs. Michaels. Its a good match, great even. But I simply love the Triple Threat at Angle's first Wrestlemania.
Hbk vs Kurt angle is his best performance at a wrestlemania, It had everything a great fued leading up to it Lots of near finishes and you really didnt know who would win all the nearfalls like Kurt frequently putting HBK in the angle lock made you think it could be over at anytime. Even though im a HBK fan i wasnt even phased in the slightest that Kurt won becouse it was a great entertaining match. His worst match would have to be the Wrestlemania 22 match with randyortan and Rey it. I dont know what was wrong with it i just couldnt get into the match.
Only choice Angle vs HBK WM 21.NO belt/championship on the line but was certainly the best match of the event.The match showed great in ring skills,some amazing moves like never before.Both man fought for pride which pushed both to limit.

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