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Kingdom Come IV: Elite X Title: Johnny Scumm vs. Triple X (c)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Triple X has been on a roll since entering WZCW, showing impressive skills in the Lethal Lottery and managing to defeat the bloodthirsty Steven Holmes for the Elite X title. He steam-rolled through the entire competition heading into Kingdom Come but he has yet to face off against the man who won the right to claim himself the Number One Contender to the title, Johnny Scumm. Will Triple X continue his undefeated streak or can Scumm finally win his first championship in WZCW?

Deadline is Sunday, May 20th at 11:59 PM EST. No extensions are allowed.
From the outside, a typical American Bar can be seen. Lights are on inside, many shadows can be seen at the windows and a hell of a lot of noise is seeping out into the streets. Moving inside, the American crowd has been taught the typical British cheer of "Here we go, here we go, here we go". They're shouting and singing it out while they hold Johnny Scumm high above them, not only celebrating his win over Justin Cooper and Mick Overlast, but his 26th Birthday. The beer is flowing and the food is almost gone. Scumm is manouvered by the fans onto the bar. His legs are wobbly, but he retains enough composure to raise his hands in the air.

"Kingdom Come... HERE I COOOOME! Yes, not only are you here with me tonight to celebrate the day I was born, but you're all here to celebrate with me, my win on Aftershock just a few nights ago! With that, I'm moving onto WZCW's biggest Pay-Per-View of the year... Kingdom Come! I'm m-m-mmoving on to face Triple X in a, an Elite X Championship Match! Now, I've got a lot of respect for X, after I stopped Justin Cooper beating him down, I saw that he respected me and that I respected him in return. But come the time our match rolls around, respect is nothing. It's all down to the fight from there on, where I'm going to become the... NEW ELITE X CHAMPION! Its gonna be my first title win in WZCW and when I get it, who's gonna celebrate it with me?!"

The crowd go crazy with cheers, followed by yet another "Here we go" round. Scumm grabs a shot and downs it before continuing his speech.

"I've only told one other person this, but at Meltdown a few weeks ago, when I beat Phoenix, I saw a person in the crowd that surprised me with their presence. I'm taking the time from now to Kingdom Come to track that person down. I'd tell you all who it was, but it's something I'd rather keep to myself for now. I wanna say thanks to all of you guys for turning out, but for my 26th, this is it! The next time you guys are gonna see me? KINGDOM COME!"

The rabble start with "KINGDOM COME" chants as Scumm hops down from the bar and leaves. Slightly staggering, he walks across the road and into his apartment block.

"Am I glad this is the distance or what? Holy shit my head!"

Scumm looks from downstairs up the centre of the stairwell, realising he has to climb up 13 flights of stairs, not in the most sober of moods.

"Jeeeez. Either this place needs an Elevator or I need to drink less."

Scumm clambers up the stairs slowly and very cautiously, making sure he doesn't trip up. Eventually, he reaches his apartment door, going through a pocket of keys and loose change looking for the right key to open the door. He pulls the key out and puts it in the door, opening it and slamming it behind him.

"How much HAVE you had to drink Scumm?"

Chris Kline is sitting on the sofa looking as Scumm walks through the door.

"I could hear you complaining all the way up the stairs, you really need to keep it down sometimes"

"Oh shut it Chris. Everyone's allowed some fun on their Birthday, especially when they're heading to Kingdom Come to win the Elite X Championship, don't you think?"

"Yeah, allright. We still off out in the morning to... wherever it is you've got planned?"

"About that mate. I've made my mind up, this is something that I've gotta do on my own. Sorry, but it's not something that I want to drag you into, or something you'll want to be involved in."

"O..k. Just don't let it get in the way of you and Kingdom Come. If something's going to put you off of winning the Elite X Championship, don't do it."

"Look Kline, I'll be fine with it. I've found out where I'm going, I'm going to go there, sort things out once and for all, then I'll finally be focused on Triple X and beating him. For tonight though, I think I'm gonna have to take some rest."

"Sounds like you need it. I'll catch you in the morning."

"You probably won't, I'll be gone by 5. Gonna be an early start for me. Night Kline, you can head home if you wanna."

Scumm shakes the hand of Kline and walks off out to his bedroom as Chris jumps up and heads out the door, shutting it behind him.



Scumm slams his hand down on the Alarm Clock that's flashing "5:00am" as he groans, lifting himself out of bed.

"Morning, I hate you."

Scumm grabs a pair of jeans off the end of his bed and slips them on. He picks up one of a few white tops that join it, but changes his mind and drops it back down on the pile. He opens his Wardrobe door and pulls out a black, long sleeved shirt. Looking at it, he decides to put it on. Standing in front of a mirror, he start buttoning it up.

"First time in a long time that you've looked smart Johnny. Almost a joke."

Scumm walks out of his bedroom and into the bathroom. Pulling his usual Mohawk back into a ponytail and washing over his face, he leaves, walking towards his door. Picking up his leather jacket and keys from the side, he exits and slams the door behind him. Scumm now runs down the stairs he could barely climb the night before and gets out into the street.


Scumm puts out his hand as a Yellow Taxi pulls up to the sidewalk. The drivers face turns to a smile as he realises who has just hailed a Cab. Scumms jumps in the back as the driver is obviously wanting to talk about everything WZCW-related. The Taxi speeds off as it takes Scumm to his destination.


The Taxi finally arrives at the destination Scumm had given. It's a run-down area, with a Motel standing in the centre of the street. Scumm jumps out the back of the car and goes to pay the driver, who won't accept his money and says that it's a pleasure to take his favourite WZCW Superstar around town. Scumm shakes his hand and turns around, walking towards the Motel.

"Ready Johnny? Time to get this over & done with, once and for all."

Scumm walks into the Motel & up to the Reception desk, where a 30-something year old lady, cigarette in hand is sitting in a swivel chair, playing with her hand with the free hand.

"Hey there darlin', how can I help you?"

"I'm not your.. "darling". I'm looking for a man, goes by the name of Stephen, or Steve James."

"Yeah, he's here. But I can't just tell you where he is now, can I? That wouldn't exactly keep the customers privacy. How'd ya know him, he someone special to you?"

"You might say that. Look... he's my Father. Gonna let me know where he is or what?"

"Room 204, up the stairs, turn left, about three quarters of the way down."


Scumm follows the directions that were given to him by the receptionist and he eventually arrives at a door... Number 204.

"Time to do this... Johnathan."

Scumm knocks three times on the door. He hears someone moving around as they near the door from the inside. Then, a latch clicks and the door opens. At the door is Stephen James, Johnny Scumm's father. The man who was watching Scumm at Meltdown is now standing face to face with his son for the first time in years.

"Johnathan. Strange, I was expecting you... but not because I knew you were coming. I knew you had seen me at Meltdown, I made the eye contact with you when Phoenix had you down and I thought that he was going to take the win right there and-"

"Stop talking Dad. What are you doing here? You hated me, you knew I was nothing but trouble and you decided to deal with me in any means possible, which is the reason I am how I am today. You have no fit reason to be over here, I want an explanation and I want it right now."

"Come in, sit down. I'll talk."

Scumm walks into the room and slams the door behind him. The emotions running through both mens heads are visible through their expressions. His father looks very nervous to be around his son as Scumm sits down on a chair in the corner of the room.

"Look Johna... Johnny. I know, when you were a kid that nothing ever went right. I was a terrible father, you weren't the greatest of sons though, it has to be said. You were a right little tearaway, constantly scrapping and never doing anything to benefit yourself. When you were sent off, it was for the better. Me and your Mum, god rest her soul got on better. We lived in peace and quiet and it was all for the sake of you being gone. But as we found out you'd gone walkabouts, we tore down again. We never knew if you were alive or dead. Only recently have I even heard of your past, your back alley brawls and scraps for money. It was thanks to WZCW I even knew you were alive. Believe me, I'm still a channel hopper like I was in the day, I'd not have seen you otherwise."

"Right, I'm getting you. Why you coming all the way out here then?"

"Two reasons. One, I wanted to see my son after all these years of never having him around, no matter what had happened in the past. Two, I wanted to put things right between us once and for all. You'll be fighting at Kingdom Come against Triple X for that Elite X Championship thing of his. I want to accompany you to ringside."

"Ha! You want to accompany me? More like you wanna screw me out of a victory against X, I know what you're like."

"Really? After all of these years, you think you still know your own father? Wrong boy, absolutely 100% wrong. I want to be there, by ringside for you when you go out for your match on that Sunday night. I'm trying to make amends for you here."

"So... let me get this right yeah? My music hits and I come out onto the stage, with you? Then I walk down to the ring, with you, I fight Triple X. We come to the closing minutes, I hit him with the Facebreaker, then I lock him into the Memory Loss... he taps and eventually, "Ding...ding...ding". Your winner and NEW Elite X Champion, Johnny Scumm. What are you doing?"

"I'll be there, at the side of the ring, cheering you on. Triple X is a great opponent, the crowd love him. The crowd are warming to you right now, this win and our relationship could win you over even more."

"Hang on now, I'm meant to be using you to make people like me?!"

"No Johnny, that's not what I'm saying! I'm saying that the crowd are starting to like you. But remember, they never used to. Triple X? They love him, he's the Elite X Champion, soon to be the former when you beat him at Kingdom Come in the greatest match of the night!"

"You... have faith in me?"

"Yes Johnny. This is what I'm trying to drill into you."

Scumm stands up out of his seat and puts his head into his hand, shaking it continuously.

"Well then... I don't even know what to say. After all these years of me thinking that my parents were nothing, non-existant people that didn't really care for me or matter in my mind and world, I haven't got words to describe this. Someone caring about me, wanting to be back in my life, what am I meant to do?!"

"Say yes to me? Let me accompany you to ringside? Hell, I'll even shake Triple X's hand and prove there's no dirty business going on here. I'll be there for one reason and one reason only, helping my son."

"I hope Triple X knows, when it comes to the action in the ring, that feelings are out of the window permanently. When we fight, we fight til the bitter end and until there's one of is making the pin and leaving with the Elite X Championship Belt. Unfortunately, for Triple X, on Sunday, it's gonna be me. Backstage X, I've got no problem with you. After our match, I will gladly shake your hand while I hold the title over my shoulder. Call it a passing of the torch if you want, but there's no way that I am walking out of Kingdom Come without that title belt around my waist. Which brings me to you, Dad."

Scumm turns around and faces his Father. He extends his arm to him and puts out his hand, his father latches onto it as Scumm pulls him up. Putting his arms around him and embracing him in a hug, Scumm utters one more word.

The Night Of Ascension 48…

‘My Curse’ is still reverberating around the arena, as Triple X, Elite X title on his shoulder, walks through the curtain to the backstage area; a big smile on his face. He spots a familiar face, and walks up to Frank, who warmly embraces him.

THAT is how it’s done!

Frank chuckles. Nice job, kid. He passes X a towel.

Thanks. He buries his head in the towel, as Leon Kensworth walks by with a camera man.

Triple X! Another huge win here tonight to propel you onto Kingdom Come, do you think you have what it takes to win at the biggest event of the year?

X grabs the mic straight out of Leon’s hand. He looks directly into the camera, cocky grin in full swing.

THAT (he points towards the curtain) is my answer. To every single doubter, every person who’s doubted my ability, every single person who labelled my title win a fluke. Tonight, I beat one of the greatest Eurasian champions there has ever been. I stood toe-to-toe with Blade and kicked his damn head off. (to Kensworth) You wanna know if I have what it takes to win at Kingdom Come? Ask me on Ascension, when this belt (he holds the Elite X title up) is STILL around my waist. (He looks back into the camera). Nothing personal, Scumm

Kensworth takes the mic back. Speaking of your Kingdom Come opponent, Johnny Scumm won the right to face you one-on-one earlier tonight. Afterwards, you went and congratulated him on his victory. Your reasoning behind that?

My reasoning? Leon, this may come as a shock to you, but I like Johnny Scumm. He’s not normally the kind of guy I’d look upon in a positive light, sure, but I have a tremendous amount of respect for the guy. He helped me out a few weeks ago, and he didn’t have to. I haven’t forgotten, and for that Johnny, I’m grateful. And I’m happy it’s you who has the Elite X shot. And you and I are going to tear the house down at Kingdom Come, no question. But make no mistake Johnny; I intend to walk out the way I walk in. Head held high. Title in my hands. May the best man win.

With his last words, X turns away, and he and Frank head back to the dressing room.

Well, someone seems confident.

You saying I shouldn’t be?

No, not at all. But Scumm is a serious challenge. You know that right?

Since when do you get off of telling me how dangerous my opponents are? You don’t even watch wrestling.

I watch it when you’re on. And I’m serious. This Scumm guy is gonna give you a hell of a beating.

Trust me, I know. Tonight was a big enough challenge, but Scumm is hungry. Fighting a champion and fighting for the championship are two completely different things, and he knows he’s one fall away from a title. But I’m one fall away from ruining his big night, and that’s what I intend to do.

They get to the locker room door. Sounds like you have a plan.

I do. It’s called winning.

He goes to walk through the door, but Frank grabs his arm. Xander…I have a favour to ask.

You? A favour? Like what?

You’re not gonna like it.

Probably not, but lest have it anyway.

…your parents-

-goodbye Frank.

-no, I’m serious X. If there’s ever a time you should see them, it’s now.

Why the hell would they-

-because you’re their son.

Frank…all mushiness aside here, you’ve been more of a parent to me than they have.

And is that entirely their doing?

Excuse me?

You know what I mean.

Frank, they said, flat out, if I went to go and wrestle, I was as good as disowned. They wanted nothing to do with me, and frankly, that suits me just fine. Why the hell should I go and visit them? I have way too much to think about at the-

-look, just…just think about it, alright. (He goes to walk away as X stands there, thinking about what just happened. He pauses.) Leaving Phoenix doesn’t mean you’ve left your problems too. Maybe now’s as good a time as any.

He walks off, leaving X alone by the door, with nothing to accompany him but the memories of a haunting past.

Three days later...

It’s a bright, warm day in the suburbs of Phoenix. East Vermont Avenue. A giant tree stands in front of the drive leading up to the garage. X walks up it, to the red front door, sliding the key into the lock. He hadn’t seen his mother or father in over five years, and they hadn’t exactly parted on the best of terms. But Frank was right, and X knew he had to face the music sooner or later. And like Frank had said, now was as good a time as any.

He enters the hall; pictures of a childhood that seems almost an eternity ago line the walls, as he follows them through to the living room. No-one there. He checks the kitchen. Again, nothing. He looks by the front door again. Both sets of keys are gone.

They’re out. Dammit Frank, I tried.

Slightly dejected, yet a little relieved, X makes his way back to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water and taking a seat at the table. He had no intention to wait, yet he felt the need to take a moment to breathe in his surroundings. So many memories in this house, he thought. Not all good, but certainly not all terrible.

He looks round to the wall, and notices a big, empty space. His mother used to have a huge notice-board; wooden frame with green felt backing, with a host of pictures, certificates, and other accomplishments that X had gained at school. Most were…well, before X fell into the bad crowd. It didn’t overly surprise X that the board had gone; the last time he had seen his mother he’d told her she was the worst excuse of a mother in existance. He wouldn’t be surprised if she’d actually burned it. His father would have, no question. After taking a hammer to it.

He stands up from the table, not even touching his glass of water.

This was a mistake coming here. What was I thinking? As much as I miss them, my parents won’t wont want to see me. We all made our feelings pretty damn clear the last time. What would I have said, anyway? “Hi guys, just thought I’d let you know I’m still dong that shit you don’t like. Not bad at it now, got a belt and everything. Just thought I’d drop in and say hey.” Yeah, right. They don’t care about anything I do in wrestling. Kingdom Come isn’t gonna change that. Nothing will.

He turns to walk back through the hallway, until his eyes fix on the door leading into the garage, the door ajar. In the gap, he catches a slight glimpse of green on the otherwise bare wall. He moves towards it, and opens to his door. To his surprise, he finds the old achievement board, green felt, wooden framed, on the wall. He takes a closer look. At first glance, it looks much bigger than he remembered. Maybe his memory wasn’t as good as he thought. Only…


He looks closer, and cannot believe his eyes. Pictures of him, younger, in tights with long hair, in a Japanese ring, holding a championship belt. The board is now covered in them. Pictures of him in Mexico, where he briefly wrestled under a mask, again with title belts and trophies, amongst a lot of pictures from independent shows he did before going to WZCW, with newspaper and magazine clippings dotted about. Each picture had a label by it, denoting the match it was from, and the date. There was even a picture of X mid-way through hitting the X-Rated on Blade. And then the big one; right in the middle of the board a picture of X on the turnbuckle on Ascension, holding the Elite X title high.


X stood there, probably not for long, but to him it seemed like a lifetime. He couldn’t even smile, he was so taken aback. They’d followed him. Even to Japan, they’d kept track of his career. He had absolutely no idea, and he was pretty sure Frank knew little about it (he was on as bad a terms with them as X was). He felt his eyes begin to water at the sight of his career before him, as he turned back to the door.

Words could not describe his emotion, but one thing burned away in his mind as he headed for the door. And that was that, going into the biggest match of his entire life at Kingdom Come, he may be walking down that isle, entering the ring in the Cowboys stadium on his own.

But no longer will he be entering alone.
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