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MD71: Steven Holmes vs. Johnny Scumm

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
One would have to imagine that after Steven Holmes lost his Elite championship, he would be filling with rage and anger almost about to burst. With Big Dave not cleared to compete this week and Triple X already preoccupied, it looks like he'll have to take out all he has out on the newly turned Johnny Scumm. Considering he lost his latest opportunity at the Mayhem title, he'll definitely be looking for revenge and taking out the "X" champion is the thing he'll need to shoot back into business.

Deadline is Wednesday, April 4th at 11:59 PM EST.
We open with a shot of a pair of sweaty palms, rubbing against one-another. They are pale, frantic in a way. We slowly pull out to see the figure of a man, a man normally dressed in wealth and bathed in the best fashion available; “The Elite” Steven Holmes. Holmes however is not this time. He wears a ragged and dirty shirt; his trousers are clearly a little old too. As we continue to pull out of the shot, we see his head is bowed, and that he is sat on a steel chair. Finally, we are far away enough to recognise that Holmes is in fact sat in the centre of a ring. The ring is placed in the middle of an empty arena. Then, Holmes speaks.

Holmes: A tidal wave is approaching.

Holmes begins to lift his bowed head; his eyes drooped with bags underneath them. Its clear something twisted is going on in Holmes’ mind, and it’s probable that a lack of sleep is also contributing to this. He smirks.

Holmes: This tidal wave will hit WZCW like a force not seen in many a year. This tidal wave is not going to clear the impure or anything self-indulgent like that. No, it will merely be a wave...of...destruction.

Pausing between all three of the last words in that sentence, Holmes adds real emphasis to them. His smirk turns into a full blown grin before long and soon he begins laughing, manically. He shakes as he chuckles, nearly shaking himself from his perch on the chair. Once his laugh calms, Holmes begins to talk once more.

Holmes: Everyone in WZCW has their focus on the anger, the rage, and the fire of the Apostles of Chaos. Everyone is so fixated on their war path that they have neglected to pay attention to most others in WZCW. That is why this wave of destruction is so important. It will bring forth destruction and showcase Steven Holmes for what he truly is; a monster. You see, I am sick, and I am tired of people not taking notice of my glory, my grandeur. I am sick and tired of people ignoring my abilities. I am sick of people not paying attention to the man who will soon stand atop the entirety of WZCW and hold its mightiest prize up high for all to see. The World Heavyweight Championship is within my sights, but I will deal with that after Kingdom Come.

For the time being, I must refocus on what needs to happen at Kingdom Come. You see, I had fully intended on walking into our biggest event as the Elite Champion. I was going to defend it on the grand stage and prove myself to be the best wrestler alive today, cementing my place in the annals of WZCW forever, even before I take the top prize. However, that’s not going to happen. Why? Big Dave.

Holmes ushers that name with great bitterness in mind and a foul taste on his tongue. His hatred is exceedingly apparent.

Holmes: Big Dave, a man I loathe. Why? There are many reasons. I would lay them all out right here and now, but my mind is quite frankly not in a state where I can co-ordinate such a detailed and complex story, and as such, I will simply say this; coming back was the single biggest mistake of your career. No! Coming back was the single biggest mistake of your life! Twice now you have robbed me of my glory. Twice now you have stolen my grandeur. Twice, and no more. It is at this point that issue the challenge. It is here and now that I request a one-on-one match with you at Kingdom Come Dave. I care not if you are medically cleared; I want you to face me. If not in a match, I will drag your corpse from the backstage area and face you in a fight.

This wave of destruction that I mentioned, it’s main purpose will be to engulf you for stealing what rightfully belonged to me. I should be angry at Triple X too, but he was working to achieve an upset, and I can understand that. I can also understand your desire to attempt to screw me after I cost you a good portion of your career, but you stole from me, and that cannot, and will not go unpunished. Dave, whether you like it or not, I will destroy you on the grandest stage and your blood will forever stain that event, a moniker of what I did to you. My signature forever printed on Kingdom Come IV.

Holmes takes in a deep breath, as if having just got something major off his chest. He closes his eyes, trying to regain his focus, and does so, opening to continue.

Holmes: This may all seem a little all over the place, but that is because I am frantic, and have not slept in days. My wife is worried that I may do something...drastic. Well that’s why I was pleased to see who my upcoming opponent was; Johnny Scumm. Scumm, you personify what I talked about for years; the underbelly of the Mayhem division. You are nothing more than a common thug who thinks violence is the way forward. It isn’t. You have to cunning, the finesse, the intelligence to become a true champion. That’s why the Mayhem division has a new champion on a regular basis. It’s also why you’ll never amount to anything aside from a piece of dirt I will further grind into the dirt at Meltdown.

You are going to be engulfed by this oncoming tidal wave. It will wash over you Scumm and it won’t “save” you or “purify” you or any of this nonsense, it will merely destroy you, and break you both mentally and physically. There can be no question that I will annihilate you, the real question is, “how would you like to be annihilated?” Which is your preferred method Scumm? Aristocracy Reigns or Imperial Impaler? Or perhaps you would prefer me beating you half to death. I’m happy to go with whichever version of these events you wish, just know that I am going to brutalise you like no one has ever done before. And the scariest thing about it all is that I won’t need any weapons, I can do it all with my bare hands.

Smirking from ear-to-ear, Holmes’ eyes contain madness, a glimpse into the abyss of insanity perhaps even. We should anticipate a creepy piece of laughter or an insane rant, but instead Holmes’ face drops a little, as he realises something.

Holmes: You know what? It feels rather good to get this all off my chest. And the best thing is that it’s going to get all of the attention in the world. I’m going to be told I’m a bad guy for all the things I’ve said. I’m going to be derived and hated. And I’m going to love it, because, to be frank, it fuels my drive for destruction. You will all reign you’re booing upon me and I will enjoy every last second as I crush the hopes and dreams of all your favourites. That’s a feeling I relish, knowing I am causing a little boy, or a little girl deep emotional scarring. They’ll never be the same again because of what I’ve done. Magnificent. Now, I’m tired and need my sleep. I also feel bloody filthy. I need to brush up; I hear I have some sort of Ratings Spike to attend? I might look into that...

Holmes stands up, taking his leave as we are left with the sight of an empty chair, placed in an empty ring, in an empty arena. The point is clear, and now it must be made for all to see.
Kensworth: Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here with newly reformed WZCW Superstar Johnny Scumm, who today will be answering questions posed to him by the public. Scumm has requested the questions and as stated they can be about anything and everything.

A camera finally starts to show Leon Kensworth and then pans around to Johnny Scumm. Scumm looks relaxed in his chair as the camera moves back to Kensworth.

We're on? Great, I thought the people were going to be listening to us! First of all, let me welcome Johnny Scumm, the man who once again, didn't come out on top in a Mayhem Championship match on Aftershock last week. However, the GM's must see something in him, as he will this week be on Meltdown, where he will be taking on the former Elite Champion, Steven Holmes! Again, hello Johnny, have you recovered from Aftershock yet?

Scumm: Allright Leon? Yeah, I've recovered. If there's one thing I do quickly, it's recover. I'm already looking forward to next week and Meltdown.

So, why have you decided to do this today, taking questions from the fans of WZCW? They can be pretty harsh when they wanna!

Look Leon, as I've said recently, I've had a change of heart. I'm still the same Johnny Scumm on the outside, a tough son-of-a-bitch, not taking shit from anyone, but on the inside, I realised that I could appreciate the people and so...that's what I'm doing here today. If we can move onto some questions, I'm gonna hit the gym pretty soon with Ricky Runn, so I wanna try and get through this.

Ricky Runn? You really HAVE had a change of heart. Anyways, lets start with some of the less Wrestling-Related questions. This one struck me as being plain weird, but I'll ask you anyway. "Do you like Cheetos?"

Scumm laughs for a second as he hears the questions.

Well, that's a great start. Cheetos, they're not awful. Can we move on to something a bit more...sane?

Sure thing! Now... I like this one. "If you could have one Superpower, what would it be?"

Leon, Johnny Scumm doesn't NEED a superpower. I'm the most resilient person you'll ever have met and I know I'm one tough cookie. It takes a long to bring me down and granted, some of the guys have done it around here, but I'd never need extra "powers".

I like that Scumm, interesting. Now, this one could be interesting. "If you weren't in WZCW, what would you do for a living?"

Ha. Obviously someone doesn't know me well. To be honest, I'd probably be just scraping my way through life. With the kind of things I used to do in the backstreets, you'd never know if you were gonna see it through to the next day! I mean, I was put up in a Hostel eventually, but I don't think I'd have any money, or even a life.

Erm... well. Let's move on shall we? "If you could have five minutes in the ring with any Historical Figure, who would it be?"

Really? Where have you found these idiots Leon? Hitler. I mean, he's pure bastard, but he couldn't get in the ring and fight me, surely? So I'd kick his ass for five minutes and then maybe he'd think about what he's done.

Kensworth tries not to laugh as he picks up his next question. Now, lets get interesting. "What is your Dream matchup?"

Well I'm gonna assume that they mean a match I wish I could compete it? I'm going to keep it nice and simple here and call Johnny Scumm vs Ty Burna. No matter of the stipulation, I'd just love to see how he reacts to stepping into the ring with me. I'd be a whole new challenge and I think he'd struggle handling me. Someone, book it!

Ty? Really? I know you're good Scumm, but this could be a whole new league, even for you! Now, we've got someone here wanting to know this. "Are you going to be on the Kingdom Come card?"

Leon, I have no idea. I'd love to be. Competing at the biggest Wrestling event of the year, it would be amazing, I won't lie. How will I get there though? Mayhem Championship? Maybe, after I beat Holmes, I move onto Triple X and take the Elite title from him. I will do my very best to make sure I'm on the card for Kingdom Come because I know there are people out there who wanna see me!

I know that the Scummites out there would love to see you on the biggest Pay-Per-View Scumm and well... you just need to work at it! Talking about "working at it", here's another question. "Are you upset at failing to win the Mayhem Championship again?"

It's tough to say upset, because I just get outdone by guys who just either get lucky, yes Ace Stevens I'm talking to you, or guys who don't even deserve it, enter Stevenson Marquel. But I'm not upset. Losing makes me more determined you know? One day, I might disappear back to take those guys on, but for now I'm moving on. Meltdown is where its at and for now, where I'm staying.

You really are putting up a fight Scumm. Verbally that is. I have two more questions, but I'm going to ask them together, because they're linked in with each other. We've got "How does it feel to be off of Aftershock?" and "Do you think you have a chance against Steven Holmes?"

Let's start at the beginning. It feels bloody great to be off Aftershock. I know I could move up in the ranks and finally, WZCW Management have realised my true potential and have moved me up. I might be opening Meltdown, but I'm on the greatest of the three shows run by WZCW. I'm up against Steven Holmes. Do I think I have a chance against him? I have more than a chance Kensworth, I'm walking into this one pretty much the winner. A fellow Brit, Holmes has been through everything since he turned up here. I remember his feud with Sam Smith, that was pretty impressive right? But recently, the former Elite Champion has fallen in the ranks. Losing to Triple X? Come on, that's like losing to Darren Bull, except to lose to to Bull you have to start out as a corpse. Enough about that loser though, back to Holmes. Right now Holmes, you're a loser. I may be just the same, although I wasn't pinned last week, I was unfortunate enough to just miss the opportunity to break one up. Not only that, but you were completely screwed and couldn't do anything about it, could you? From Buckingham, England... the loser, Steven Holmes. Has a ring to it that I quite like and come Meltdown, it's going to be the same result when you come up against me.

So you're saying that you've got this one in the bag then Scumm?

I've got it in the bag so deep that it's nearly fallen through the bottom Kensworth. Meltdown is my new home from now on, mark my words. Holmes, the only thing you're going to remember after our match is a 1...2...3! Thanks for this Leon, I'll say hi to Runn from you?

Yeah, you do that...Thanks Scumm, it's been an insight.

The two men shake hands together as Scumm walks out the room, muttering Holmes' name to himself, all he can wait for now is Meltdown.
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