AS 45: Steven Holmes vs. Triple X (Elite Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Ascension is home to one of two title matches this week as it hosts the Elite championship being defended. Steven Holmes showed how much punishment a man can take with his run in the Lottery as well as Triple X making a name for himself during the event with his performance, earning him a title shot that formerly had an X in it's name as well. Can X be able to restore the belt to its original prestige or will the Elite warrior continue to reign as the Elite champion?

Deadline is Tuesday, March 20th at 11:59 PM Central Time.
The beats and rhythm of the 300 Violin Orchestra can be heard as we find ourselves backstage at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, California. Ty Burna has risen to the top, victorious in the 30 Man Lethal Lottery match for 2012. He has a guaranteed World Heavyweight Championship match. Everyone else has dismay, despair and disappointment. Big Dave certainly feels that, and perhaps Steven Holmes should too. We see him entering the backstage area, a sly, sinister grin across his face having just cost his arch-nemesis a spot in the main event of the biggest show in the company. Also lurking backstage, with a camera and a microphone is Stacey Madison. She is there to capture the responses of the WZCW alumni as they exit the Lottery event. She is quick to move towards Holmes. His face droops as he notices her approaching.

Madison: Mr. Holmes, you shattered Big Will’s marathon man record, eliminated several of your opponents and made it to the final three participants in the match, and still you were eliminated by a returning Big Dave, how does that feel?

Holmes’ face offers little emotion. He certainly isn’t prepared for this following a rollercoaster of emotions out on the arena floor. Madison seems to realise this question will offer her little and she decides to offer a different one.

Madison: Well what was running through your mind as you heard the music of Dave hit the arena? For many, I think they will have noticed the obvious fear in your eyes.

This question seems to strike a sore spot on Holmes. His face becomes alarmed, before screwing up into one of anger. Colour changing from a shade of pink to bright red, Holmes prepares to scream and shout, casting a tall, dastardly shadow over Ms. Madison. He may even strike her. However, Holmes notices something in Stacey’s eyes as she looks on in horror. This allows Holmes to relax, his colour returning to normal, and he rediscovers that grin he had before the interview. He snickers slightly before walking off camera. Madison looks exceedingly flustered before we fade-out of this portion of our story.


We find ourselves in Dallas, Texas. The airport to be precise. Many passerby’s are stopping, whispering under their breathe as they notice the slight media circus that has developed around one individual. Many camera-phones and multiple flashes on of light, all pointed at this one person; Steven Holmes. Holmes is in town for the upcoming news conference from Cowboys Stadium. One particular camera-phone holder is quite aggressive getting in Holmes face with the camera. He clearly works for some sort of tabloid website. He starts trying to talk to Holmes, firing questions at him. He continues to get in Holmes’ personal space before stopping right in front of him and grilling him.

Tabloid Reporter: What do you have to say about Big Dave’s return? What about how he eliminated both you AND Constantine? Or maybe you’d care to comment on the rumours that you assaulted a homeless man a couple of weeks ago?

That final question enrages Holmes, who sternly grabs the reporters flailing fingers, crushing them with great strength. He is about to unload on the reporter when he notices something in his eyes. The same thing he saw in Stacey Madison’s eyes. A morbid grin slithers its way into place across Holmes’ mouth, before he bursts out laughing, relinquishing the reporters fingers in the process. Like Moses and the Red Sea, the rest of the mini-media-circus dispels, allowing Holmes to pass through. The reporter languishes on the floor, slightly whimpering, traumatised, perhaps for life.


Now we are in New York City, on the set of a morning talk show, the host of the show is being counted in to resume broadcasting, returning from the commercial.

Sofia: Hello and welcome back to the Sophia Rodriguez Show, broadcasting LIVE from the world’s greatest city, NEW YORK CITY!

While the host continues to talk, waiting in the wings is her next guest; Steven Holmes. Holmes has his Elite Championship draped over his right shoulder, and a sour look on his face. He has yet to even step foot on this set, and already he recognises that this woman if quite probably a narcissistic moron. He shakes his head as she speaks loudly and panders in part to the New York crowd, but Holmes’ face begins to unfurl as she begins her introduction of him.

Sofia: WZCW, the premier wrestling organization in the world right now, has just announced the location of its biggest show of the year; Kingdom Come IV!

The crowd cheers at the mere mention of the Kingdom Come show name, and Sofia beams brightly. Holmes is less impressed and is getting slightly antsy, waiting to be allowed on.

Sofia: So right now I have in the studio with us one of WZCW’s best superstars. He’s the current Elite X Champion...

Holmes takes a page out of his former friend Doug Crashin’s book, faceplaming at the glaring mistake of dubbing his championship “Elite X”.

Sofia: ...let’s hear it for STEVEN HOLMES!


Suddenly, a remixed version of Beethoven’s 5th hits the studio. This is neither an improvement nor a welcome surprise as it quite frankly disgusts Holmes. He contemplates abandoning this stupidity, but instead goes on, realising he could potentially turn this situation in his favour. He enters to a mixed reception. He is dressed impeccably as always, raising his Elite Championship for the world to see. Sofia goes in for a peck on the cheek on Holmes, seeking him to return the favour. Holmes merely stares at her, somewhat alarmed. He pats her on the arm, still a bit concerned by this media appearance malarkey. They both sit down as the horrific theme dies and the crowd begins to get more relaxed. Holmes sits in his chair, uneasy, as he awaits the brain-dead host to continue showcasing her imprudence.

Sofia: So Steven, how are you enjoying NEW YORK?

Before Holmes can even fire off an answer, the crowd responds by cheering for the mention of the city. Holmes rolls his eyes and shakes his head. Sofia picks up on this.

Sofia: What, you don’t like New York?

Holmes contemplates this thought for a moment before answering. He chooses his words carefully, knowing that he is still aching from his double duty at Lethal Lottery and that a full-scale riot in studio wouldn’t be the best way to heal up.

Holmes: I have no issues with New York or its “fine” inhabitants, I just think it’s a tad ludicrous that you all cheer for the name of a city you most likely cuss and despise every other moment of your existence.

Sofia: That’s not true. We all loooove NEW YORK!

Before the cheering can erupt again, Holmes is quick to qualm it.

Holmes: Yes, yes, I understand. My apologies.

Sofia: That’s okay, maybe we got off on the wrong foot. Let’s start by talking about Kingdom Come and what you’ve got planned for then.

Holmes: Ah, yes. The Road to Kingdom Come is a long winding one that I hope to achieve many great things on. We recently just had our Lethal Lottery event where I successfully retained this glorious piece of silverware on my shoulder; the ELITE Championship. I omitted the “X” my dear. I was victorious in not only that, but I was able to last from the #2 entr--

Sofia: Did I say your championship’s name wrong?

Holmes: Well...yes. I got rid of the “X” in the title, you see I--

Sofia: Why?

Holmes: Why what?

Sofia: Why would you do that?

Holmes: Well if you’d let me explain I can tell you it--

Sofia: Does it have anything to do with Triple X? Aren’t you defending your championship against him this week?

Holmes: No it had nothing to do with him and yes I am defending my championship against him. You see, Triple X had a fine display in the Lethal Lottery and I will be sure to treat him with a great deal of respe--

Sofia: So you don’t like the letter “X”? Why is that? Does Triple X know that?

Holmes: Look, can you just remain quiet so I can finish at least one point? I mean, I’ve come on here and not been able to finish a single thought because you, the host, keep stopping me every sixteen seconds to talk about the letter” X”. Triple X and the Elite X Championship are mere coincidences, however, I have no doubt that he, much like my last challenger Gordito, believe that this championship deserves to be renamed as the Elite X Championship. I wholeheartedly disagree with them, and much like I annihilated Gordito, I shall pulverise and demolish Triple X. He put in a fine performance at Lethal Lottery, showcasing his many talents, and I think he impressed many, hence this shot here and now.

However, he has shown himself to be nothing but a flash in the pan at this moment in time. He is nothing but an extended highlight reel of aerial moves. My job is as always to crush my opponent. He will come at me from upon high, flashing me with a variety of spin themed moves, using springboards and his body to try and knock the wind from my sails; however I will not allow this to happen. I will catch him and throw him around the ring with my numerous suplexes. I will demonstrate my vastly underrated strength, and I will most certainly capture Triple X in my deadly finishing hold; The Aristocracy Reigns.

The crowd is surprised by the tirade, likely not too accustomed to the format of the show being disrupted quite like this. Sofia however is surprisingly unfazed. She is calm, relaxed even. Holmes is partially out of breath following his outburst, and so is caught off guard by Sofia’s next question.

Sofia: Do you have an anger issue?

Holmes swiftly moves his head towards Sofia, some of the crowd laughs, but Holmes can tell that she is not attempting to make a fool of him. She is serious.

Holmes: Excuse me?

Sofia: Let’s roll the tape.

We see a video comprised of both of the earlier incidents captured in this story. We then cut back to the studio where Holmes looks a little puzzled.

Sofia: So I’ll ask again, do you have an anger problem?

Holmes: I could have done much harsher things to either of those two individuals, but I stopped myself before the situation got out of hand. If anything, I have complete control of my anger, so no, I don’t have anger issues.

Sofia: Then what did we just witness in those videos?

Holmes: That’s actually an intriguing question. The correct answer to it is fear. Not from me, but from those I towered over. I strike fear into the hearts of many. I am a violent person by nature, but deep down, so is everyone. I am only assumed to be more violent because of my profession and because I know how to inflict pain & punishment upon others. I strike fear into the hearts of many through this. You could say I get a sick pleasure from seeing the fear in a person’s eyes. The reason? Because I know that in that one singular moment, I have complete and utter control over another being’s thoughts feelings and emotions.

I know that they are consumed only by the desire to crawl up into a ball and die. They are my property in that one fleeting moment as they ask me, not through words, but with their eyes, they ask me for forgiveness and they grovel at my feet wishing for me to not to obliterate them from existence. That is what we just witnessed. My complete and utter dominance once more exposed. I shall demonstrate this again on Ascension 45 and at Kingdom Come IV, regardless of where I fit in. Triple X may not fear me now, but come the end of our encounter, he will.

Sofia: A very interesting point, but could one not suggest that you had fear in your eyes when Big Dave entered the Lethal Lottery. Were you his “property” as you so aptly put it?

This is another sore spot for Holmes and he pounces out of his chair, tossing it aside, before moving in close to Sofia’s face, a bit too close for her liking as she attempts to climb out of the seat. She can feel his breathe on her face; she is sinking ever deeper into the abyss of fear. Then Holmes begins to speak, through his teeth and in a harsh whisper.

Holmes: I am not afraid of Big Dave. I never have been, and I never will be. I was responsible for his extended time away from WZCW. I was responsible for his dreams of main eventing Kingdom Come IV being destroyed. I will be responsible for his ultimate extinction. Do you understand me?

Holmes stares directly into her eyes as Sofia nods, the fear completely and utterly engulfing her. Her stupidity act let Holmes’ guard down, but ultimately she paid for her deception. Holmes straightens his tie, brushes himself down and takes his championship, leaving to a stunned silence. He grins knowing he has struck fear into another’s very being. EXCLUSIVE!

Triple X, holding his neck, is walking through the curtain back to the backstage area.

Leon Kensworth: X! Triple X! Can I get your comments on an impressive performance in the Lottery match?

Disappointment is clearly flowing from Triple X, yet he stops for the camera whilst clearly not in the mood.

X: Comments? I got eliminated, 'banished' off the apron by Ty Burna. Any idea how that feels?

Kensworth: Well, actually-

X: No, course you don't. Well, it hurts like a bitch, let me tell you. But hell, at least I got eliminated by the guy who won the damn thing.

Kensworth: Many watching in the back were impressed with your performance. Is this the start of something special for Triple X?

X: (smiling) It was the start of something special when I stepped foot into the company. Tonight was a stepping stone, no doubt, but tonight was all about going out there and having some fun, showing people what I can do, and seeing how far I could get against the best. My first Pay Per View, and tonight I pulled off one of the most memorable performances of the evening. And trust me when I tell you, there's plenty more where that came from.

Kensworth: Triple X, thank you for your time.

Cameraman: And cut!

Kensworth: Thanks a lot X. We're trying to get as many eliminated stars reactions as possible.

X: No problem, man.

Triple X carries on walking past Kensworth and the cameraman, down towards the locker room. The happy-go-lucky nature has all but evaporated, as the realization sets in that, good performance or not, X's shot at the big stage is, for this year at least, at a likely end. And so, for another year, is the promise he swore to uphold.

A few days later...

A crisp, winters morning. The sun is shining down through the clouds, as the ground is covered in the shadow of the looming branches of the trees. A graveyard in Arizona. A lone man walks down the path between the tombstones. The fans of WZCW know him as Triple X, but here, in this graveyard, he is simply Xander Knight.

Flowers, a bunch of them in his right hand as he walks, average pace, towards a place he knows far too well. Twelve rows up, three from the end, seventy two steps from the beginning of the path. He walks across the grass, reaching the destination of his journey. A grave. The name 'Abigail Park' engraved in the cold, grey stone. X crouches down and places the flowers against it. By his own admission, he has no idea what kind of flowers they are. But they're purple. Her favorite colour.

Six years. Six years today. Not a day goes by where I don't think about it. All the distractions in the world can't hide it.

He pauses, staring at the ground, as if he can't face the stone memorial before him.

I did it. WZCW. The bigtime. Like I always said I would, I made it. It just sucks you aren', actually it's a kindness. It's a kindness you don't have to keep seeing me fail again. 'Cause that's all I've done since I walked into the damn place.

X takes his glasses off. The blue, usually strong-willed eyes are red, slightly bloodshot. He drops the glasses, and looks back up at the grave.

I went into the Lottery as a huge longshot, and somehow I ended up emerging from it with one of the moments of the night. And yet, I still lost. I know, I know, I've always said I'm here to put on a show and entertain. I'm here for the adrenaline rush. But......does it mean anything without a win? I mean, it's human damn nature. You always said I'm not a selfish person, but I guess that just ain't true. And it was my shot at keeping my promise. And I blew it. I let you down, Abi. I'm...sorry.

As X stops talking, he feels something brush his shoulder. He turns to look, but there is nothing. Just the emptiness of the graveyard. He turns back, placing a hand on the top of the grave, looking down again.

I've got my match for this week. Steven Holmes. Elite X Title. My first match on Ascension, and my frist title match, can you believe it? Man, I remember we used to dream of winning titles. We'd sit in front of the TV on a Saturday, we'd dream that it was us on those turnbuckles, with the big gold belt, soaking the applause up. Hell, why am I telling you, you were there. But now I've got a shot at making that a reality. And...I want you to know that I'm gonna give it my best shot. I know that sounds stupid but...but I'm gonna do what it takes to keep that promise. Nothing is more important than that promise.

He grabs the glasses and stands up. He looks up to the sky, and mutters under his breath:

X: I won't let you down again.

The morning of Ascension 45...

The arena door opens, and X, holding his kitbag, walks in, sunglasses on, fresh smile on his face. Before he can do anything however, a firm hand clasps his shoulder.

Vance Bateman: X!

X turns around to see the GM of Ascension holding a hand out, which he accepts.

Bateman: On behalf of everyone here, welcome to Ascension.

X: Thanks, Mr Bateman.

Bateman: Well, you've earned it. Your exploits in the Lottery match more than warrant a place on one of the top brands in the company.

X: Thanks. I appreicate the opportunity at the Elite X title. I won't waste it.

Bateman: The "Elite" title.

X: Sorry?

Bateman: The Elite title. Mr Holmes has made somewhat of a name for himself with the belt, and has truly made it his own. Indeed, his own Lottery performance was nothing short of magnificent. It'll take a lot more than pretty spots and crowd approval to beat 'the Elite'.

X: Believe me, I realise the challenge I have. Some of the greats, people like Big Will, Titus, Austin Reynolds, Showtime, have all carried that belt with pride, and given their all to bring prestige to it. But trust me, I know what it takes.

Bateman: No, I don't think you do. Now, you've only been here a short time, so I'll cut you a little slack. You won't have seen the people that have come and left in the companies' time, but many have tried. Many like you. And just as many have failed. Only a handful succeed. With all due respect, what makes you think that you'll make it?

X stands there for a moment, digesting what the Ascension manager, his boss, has said.

X: Nothing that I say will convince you. Or anyone. It's what I do in the ring that matters. Maybe Steven needs to think about that each time he gets asked to go on a talkshow. Holmes holds that title because he deserves it, his exploits in the ring are what earned him the right to wear it around his waist. Not his words. His words had nothing to do with his Lottery performance. But what would you rather be remembered for; hiding in a corner and lasting the longest, or making an impact with the time you use. I'm here to make an impact, and to make an impact now.

Bateman:An almost bored look on his face Many people have said that, X. Many who have failed. You really think you're any different?

X: That belt he so happily holds, the belt he renamed for himself, is gonna be my way of making an impact. I remember watching Austin Reynolds win that title at Ascension 14, watching him defend it against Chris Beckford, and thinking to myself "Soon, I'm gonna be one of those guys." That's the image I get when I see that belt; an exciting, young up-and-comer who leaves it all in the ring and excites the fans in the process. That is the spirit of that belt. Not Steven Holmes. It's a stepping stone to greatness, and greatness is what I'm aiming for. I thought my chance had gone with the lottery, but this is my shot at the big time, and nothing, nobody, is gonna get in my way. Now, I can say that all I want, but only one thing will make it happen, and that's getting it done in the ring. Besides, he looks down at the necklace around his neck, and the tattoo on his wrist I have a promise I need to keep.

Bateman: Well, you got guts, kid. I'll give you that. You're a longshot, but, best of luck anyway. Vance extends his arm again, to which X accepts. The Elite title is an important one. Make sure you do it justice in your match.

X: Don't worry, I will. Oh, and Mr Bateman? Vance goes to walk away, but X holds on. It's the Elite "X" title. Always will be. After tonight, even more so. Ciao, Vance.

X finally lets go, and continues walking towards the locker room, a broad smile on his face as he looks ahead towards his date with destiny.
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