King Of The Ring – the Hiatus Years

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed
As we all know, the King Of The Ring took a break in 1990, 1992, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2009, and so far this year, 2010. Anyone can go anywhere and look up who wore the WWE Crown in the years the Tournament took place, but my question to you, fellow WZers, is who would you have wanted to see crowned as the WWE King Of The Ring in the years there wasn’t a King??

Assuming the King Of The Ring Tournaments would have taken place in either June or July of the respective years, my picks are:

1990 – Dusty Rhodes – Already in a feud with the then current “King”, Macho King, Randy Savage, this could have put the feud up to the next level. New King (via tournament) vs. Old King (via beating Hacksaw)

1992 – Shawn Michaels – HBK did not win his first singles Title till October of 92. He was in a feud with then Intercontinental Champion, the British Bulldog after Davey’s SummerSlam victory over the Hitman. Though history shows that Shawn didn’t need the Crown, it could have made for a better storyline with America’s Heart Break King vs. Britain’s IC Champ.

2003 – Goldberg – Coming fresh from a debut feud against the Rock, right before his feud with Jericho, crowning Goldberg King Of The Ring would have made the feud with Jericho just that much more exciting. It could have been the perfect time for it. Goldberg, at the time, was already “above” the Intercontinental Title, but with Triple H feuding with the Kliq, a World Title match wasn’t in the picture for Bill until what would have been 2 months from the KOTR PPV, SummerSlam August 2003.

2004 – Batista – Orton was already IC Champ at this point, and was making a Face turn and gunning for a World Title run. This could have been Batista’s opportunity to finally go from “Pony Boy” to “Horsemen”.

2005 – Rey Mysterio – This was pretty much the Cena / Batista year coming off of WM 21. With Rey feuding with Eddie at the time, adding the Crown would have been an extra treat.

2007 – C. M. Punk – The original “Internet Darling” could have added a King Of The Ring Crown to his list of accomplishments. His feud with Elijah Burke could have been the final match of the Tournament that year. He could even have tried to become the first Superstar to win Back to Back K. O. T. R. tournaments in 2007 and 2008.

2009 – The Miz – Around this time in 2009, the Miz was just “racking up wins” against Cena only to get a just under 6 minute loss at the Bash. Instead of this, Cena and Miz should have been kept apart with the Miz just trash talking Cena from a distance. Imagine what a crown would have done for the Miz in 09.

2010 – Chris Jericho – The Best in the World at what He does. He’s on his way out. He’s done it all except for win the Royal Rumble, King Of The Ring, and Money In The Bank. In a match against Evan Bourne, everyone would have thought “Air” would walk away as King, but with the help from “my” 2009 K. O. T. R., the Miz, Jericho could have walked out with the Crown and Bourne could have been looking for revenge afterwards (staying relevant and on TV).

So there are my picks. Who would you have picked for the years there was no King??
There are a bunch of years to comment about and I don't feel like it LOL... So what I will do is comment on a few of them...

In your 09 Scenario... I think that year I would have given it to Morrison. I think another feather in his cap wouldn't hurt at all. I don't think The Miz would have been ready. And it would have just been a wasted victory. Sure it would be another feather in his cap too. But I think at that time, they could have done more with Morrison winning it.

2010 would have been an ample time for Miz. Being US Champ, holding MITB and being this year's KOTR would be huge.

I can see Rey winning it in 05. Just because of where he was at. People weren't so tired of him yet and his feud with Eddie was great. He was really over and less than a year later won The WHC. It would have given a little more credibility to his Title win.

07 - CM Punk works for me too... I could see him winning it right now. They don't have him going for a title, so having him win KOTR right now would be sick. But also 07 would have been a perfect time for him too. He was really on the rise and I can't think of anyone better at that time to win it over him!

In 03 I think Chris Benoit was a better choice than Goldberg. Goldberg didn't need any of those things. He was already too over as it was. He came in and demolished from the start LOL. Benoit could have used this win to propel him to winning the WHC at WM 20 which he did. It would have just added to an even bigger year for him. As the year of 03 rolled in, he was teaming with guys like Rhyno and was in The Tag Team Championship Scene. He lost in US Title tournaments and really could have benefited from being KOTR.
Well since we agreed on most, I’ll just talk about the two we didn’t agree on. I use the word “didn’t” only because you’re right.

Benoit winning the Crown in 03 is in the same type of scenario as Mysterio’s, but at the time Benoit was gunning for the US Title against Eddie. I know, I know, storylines would have changed. Good choice, though.

Morrison was indeed the HBK of M&M at the time. My opinion on the 09 K. O. T. R. is now a tie, because if it were these two in the finals, I wouldn’t have been able to pick a side.
My answers are going to be people who, if given the KoTR title, could have gone on to be successful main eventers based on the momentum and crowd responce they were getting at the time.

1990 - Ted DiBiase. Could have easily bought the KoTR crown, even if someone else won the tournament,
1992 - Mr Perfect. He was just so deserving of a world title, this could have helped that happen.
2003 - Rhyno. Had a decent following following his arrival, could have had a short fued for the WWE title.
2004 - Shelton Benjamin. Moved to Raw in the draft this year, was IC champ and defeated HHH clean. 3 TIMES IN A ROW!!!
2005 - Mark Henry. Just returned from injury, would fued with both Kurt Angle and Undertaker over the next 12 months. Should have done that as KoTR.
2007 - John Morrison - Let him be KoTR instead of his ECW singles run.
2009 - Christian/Matt Hardy. They will never be champion, but let them have something before they retire!!
2010 - Alberto Del Rios. What better way to make a debut than by winning KoTR??
WWE doesn't need to do KOTR every year, sure they're fun in general but the concept looses steem after a while, hence it being ceased from PPV in 2002.
I do believe WWE would benifit from KOTR every 2 years, keeps it relivent and creates and instant star.
Miz doesn't need it, Punk doesn't need it, at this very moment with the current influx of stars WWE doesn't need KOTR and should hold off until 2011 and considering giving it someone new, maybe after 4 seasons of NXT bring the 8 best guys who DIDN'T win NXT and put them in the KOTR and see what happens.
1990: Dusty Rhoades as he was fueding with Macho King at the time
1992: HBK since he was originally supposed to wrestle Bret at SummerSlam but didn't because of Bret's wanting to wrestle The Bulldog instead, it would of given Shawn a little more spot light even though he really didn't need it i guess
2003: Randy Orton. He'd just comeback from a injury & was getting pushed wrestling Goldberg, HBK, Kevin Nash & fueding (in a non wrestling capacity) with Austin. Even though he was in Evolution, the crown would of made him a bigger star against said opponents
2004: Batista wasn't doing much other than being Evolution's muscle so why not give him the crown that year.
2005: Carltio would be a good choice even though he was IC champion that yr, the crown would of made him extra special.
2007: CM Punk as it would of given ECW some crediblity
2009: Miz as it would of given his credibilty to actually challenge Cena
2010: Christain as he's got nothing really going on worth talking about & dammit, he deserves a real solid push.
1990: Kerry Von Erich - Bring him in a couple of months early and make the IC title match at Summerslam for the IC a bit more interesting... If it was a heel, Rick Martel...
1992: Tatanka - He was undefeated and would have perhaps given him more of a main event push quicker. Owen Hart would also have benefitted from this... I think Shawn was going to the top without it...
2003: I'd have gone with Matt Hardy- During the Mattitude Era he would have been perfect as the cocky king and that was arguably his peak as a performer.
2004:Muhammed Hassan - His gimmick was perfect for this and it would have gained him massive heat... Batista would have been a waste, as an alternative, I'd have gone with Shelton Benjamin.
2005: Muhammed Hassan again - First guy to retain the crown... I could have seen him holding that for the 2 years easily...
2007: Finlay - The guy deserved something for all his work over the years... that was his chance...
2009: HBK - Would have made the WM retirement this year even more dramatic if he was the KOTR.
2010: I'd have given it to Wade Barrett right after NXT 1 ended... Nexus is good, but if Barrett was King... even better...

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