Ken Anderson's Contract is Expiring; Should He Leave?

What should Ken Anderson do?

  • Resign

  • Leave

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I really have no opinion of Anderson either way.. Thru my years of watching wrestling, I have learned 1 important lesson.. The second you think you know what should happen. The business will do everything in its power to do the opposite. No matter what company.
Anderson is a good fit in TNA where he is now. He never fit as the top guy in the company but as second in command of a heel stable he's fitting in quite well. Anderson is an asset to TNA as most of his major success has been there.

As for going back to WWE, I don't know if they'd take him. he hasn't exactly lit the world on fire in TNA and he left WWE because of injuries and not being trustworthy due to wellness issues. Anderson is 37 years old and I don't think there's enough value there for a big WWE run. I'd get it if he tried, but he's probably better in TNA.

I think KB has got it spot on here. Anderson has never accomplished much in his career after looking like he was going to be a major star in WWE. He has a decent role in TNA in the Aces and Eights, so I think he would be best served staying where he is. If he goes from TNA, what options are there that will pay him the same money? Japan? ROH?

I highly doubt WWE will want him back. He is injury prone, and wasn't there issues with him and other members of the roster before left? He's late 30s so not a young guy any more, and he really isn't that great in the ring. WWE have so many midcarders at the moment and alot of good talent in the developmental territories, so they have absolutely no need for Anderson. He isn't a huge name, so a return would get little reaction from the crowd.

If I was Kenny I would be sticking in TNA. It's his best option for now.
Where will Anderson go if he leaves TNA? I think that has to be the question he asks himself and comes up with a true answer to, as his options are seemingly limited.

Would WWE want him back? I doubt it. Not only is Ken 37 years old, but he's shown himself to be injury prone and disliked by top stars such as Randy Orton and John Cena, both who rumoredly strongly encouraged WWE to rid themselves of Anderson. Anderson's sloppiness in the ring was the cause both of John Cena's pectoral injury and almost re-injured Orton's shoulder. It would be a tough environment for Anderson to return to, both due to those personal conflicts and Wellness Policy violations. If he did return, he would likely find himself in mid-card purgatory rather then challenging for titles or involved in major storylines.

Anderson is a two time TNA World Champion, something he received only two attempts at during his time in WWE. Both times, he was defeated soundly by Batista, and lost his MITB contract to Edge due to injury, and never truly received a push again. Although there have been times where Anderson has disapeared from TV while in TNA, he's also been involved in major storylines, faction warfare, and is, as already stated, a 2 time TNA World Champion.

If TNA wants Anderson to stay, it's the best place for him. He's involved in the major storyline of the show, and is a major player in the upcoming implosion of Aces and Eights as Vice President. With his reputation , injury history and Wellness policy issues, where else is he going to receive such a push?

If TNA is willing to keep him, Anderson should stay, regardless of offer. It's the best overall deal he's going to get.
GameOver said:

Originally Posted by hatehabsforever

If I were Ken Anderson, I'd stay exactly where I am and count my blessings that I'm still employed in the professional wrestling business, with the number two promotion no less. If that meant taking a slight pay cut, then so be it.

I doubt WWE has any interest in him whatsoever, so if I were him, I think I would be very careful about burning my bridges in TNA on the expectation that he is heading back to WWE. Even if the powers that be took a collective brain cramp and took him back, he's never going to be a major player in WWE. I think he should stay where he is. Otherwise he is likely looking at either premature retirement, a career step backwards, or finishing up his days in jobberville.

At least in TNA, he's Vice President of Aces and Eights. Small accomplishment but likely more favourable than the alternatives.

Agreed, to if he was given a decent storyline he might be able to work with it, he's not totally useless he just lacks any engagement to the fans other then the KENEDY or ANDERSON chant, no way in hell would WWE want him back and as you said if they did he would be lower midcard at best.

Agree. WWE, almost certainly, would not bring him in. Both his act and his in ring ability has become extremely stale. He is better off taking a pay cut and trying to drastically improve. Maybe he can earn some leverage. Another thing working against him is that, I believe, TNA probably is well aware that his options are limited.

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Anderson has done a good job despite being misused and randomly stuck in meaningless storylines since his arrival into TNA. I think he has shown he is worthy of being resigned and kept since he does contribute to the shows. Honestly, the second TNA took him out of his element with the lone wolf type of asshole gimmick, they ruined him. He was over well with most of the audience and his feud with Kurt Angle showcased just how great he can be, given the right opponent and storyline to work with.

I highly doubt WWE is a real option, especially given his past history with Cena/Orton and the injury setbacks he had. I think TNA would be dumb to let him go and he'd probably either retire or go to ROH/Indies. Which is a shame considering how talented he is. He's one of the people TNA could build their company on and I think most fans exaggerate when they say he sucks.
Well tonight on Impact/No Surrender Ken was carted out on a stretcher after being beaten down by Aces & Eights and (presumably) thrown out of the club. So I guess he is officially written off TV until/unless he re-signs.
After the great performance he gave last night, along with previous great matches with Kurt Angle, Bully Ray and Jeff Hardy, I'd say he's far better off sticking with TNA. There's other pastures for sure. But WWE is already pointed as not being one so nothing around will be as accommodating as TNA.
A lot of the scuttlebutt right now is indicating that his contract is set to expire at the end of the month, and that the injury angle they ran, along with the preceding dissension-in-the-ranks story were a means to an end in effectively writing him off television while the two sides continue to negotiate.

After the fuck up with D.O.C., this seems to be a big step in the right direction in terms of handling contract statuses with live performers — especially important ones, or ones involved in important angles.

I said earlier I think he should re-sign, and I'm sticking with it, but major kudos to TNA for an epic write-off if he does in fact walk, or the two parties fail to reach an agreement.

I'll say this much for sure — an Anderson, Anderson return a few months from now, or even at BFG would be pretty sweet, and Anderson (face) v. Bully Ray, having just lost the WHC to AJ Styles, is a great follow-up feud that has history.
So since the options are that Anderson "resign" or "leave," I guess all 29 people who voted want him to leave? ;)

Personally, I was a big fan of Kennedy when he came to TNA. But I kind of got sick of him when he was constantly doing that "asshole" gimmick where he said asshole on tv all the time. That got old really fast. Then when he was gone from November 2011 until March 2012, I honestly didn't even notice he was gone.

I don't know if he'd be missed if he leaves TNA, but I'd like to see him stay. I just never liked him in the Aces and 8's. He seemed out of place.
I personally think he could be a great asset for both WWE and TNA, if you overlook former problems with management and pay and whatnot.

His run in WWE is neglectable cause his character lacked depth really, and chances are it would be the same if her returned now. TNA has shown a better side to him, cutting good promo's and giving him an edge. And that's the keyword; edge.

The guy has had ages in TNA where the crowd chanted Asshole the whole time. He is an annoying, pain in the ass of anyone he has worked with (kayfabe or not) and that suits him fine. His feud with Jeff Hardy not long after he debuted in TNA was pretty damn decent and his anti-authority stint with Aces & 8's and Bully Ray is very promising too, showing his true colours once more.

I personally hope that TNA resigns him and maybe even give him some more space to develop his own story lines. He has great mic skills, doesn't back off for PG sake like others and has a unique style to him that no one really has in TNA right now apart from MAYBE AJ Styles...

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