KB And Becca's Wedding LD - Now With 100% Less E

Congratulations, hope you guys live a long and happy life before dying together in the same bed like at the end of The Notebook, except hopefully with less Alzheimer's. I hope I didn't spoil The Notebook for you.

Leeds is beautiful this time of year. Too bad.

I was trying to come up with a way to make fun of England, but it's hard to not beat Kentucky.

Congrats, sir! I shall toast mine finest mead to you.

I used to think you were cool. Wait a minute, you're not Harthan. Never mind.

Double whammy, I never thought Harthan was cool either.
Yeah, the thread title threw me for a loop. I was half concerned you were legitimately going to stream the wedding for the WZ family.

Congrats to the two of you, and shame on Becca for abandoning Mother Britannia. At least here you get health care.
I'm doing NXT while she does her nails. I'll probably listen to an Austin podcast while she gets ready tomorrow.

Officiant: Do you take this woman in sickness and health as your lawfully wedded wife?

KB: Oh Heeeeeeelll Yeaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!

Fuck it, do it. Have a blissful married life pal.
If you didn't get HBK to record a wedding message for her, you're doing it wrong already.

Cheers to you guys. Its like our WZ version of the McMahon\Helmsley era, but with 30% less rufies.

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