Kaz...as a video Game Charcter?

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Sit Upon The Frozen Heavens
From the Main site.
The Wrestling Observer Newsletter is reporting that TNA wrestler Kaz will most likely be moving in a direction similar to Christopher Daniels. For those unaware, Kaz' current decision to be released from TNA is a work, and his return storyline will most likely intertwine with the TNA video game that is due to be released in September. The video game features a masked wrestler that is not on the current TNA roster and has been created specifically for the game. Kaz will reportedly be returning to TNA as this masked wrestler and will likely join the Prince Justice League consisting of Curry Man, Super Eric and Shark Boy.
Does anyone else besides me think this is a horrible idea? I mean Kaz has been in Main Events and fought for the TNA title, now they want to ruin all the momentum he had and put him in a stable with 3 jobbers who's careers are going nowhere. Someone please tell me why TNA takes there best talent and comes up with these stupid ******ed gimmicks that go nowhere. At this point in time WWE>TNA.
TNA did this with Daniels as well. I don't understand it. Top talent guys shouldn't be given random gimmicks, they should be themselves and just given time to wrestle. TNA can be pretty stupid sometimes, but at least they usually let their talents use a lot of moves, unlike WWE. This will do nothing for Kaz and it will stop all of his momentum he had going.
No Tim Tam. This is a stroke of genius I tell you! GENIUS! Russo is so funny. I'm gonna take a blind guess this is Russo's work and blindly (key word) praise him although, despite only bearing a slight distinction from other storylines, this is clearly his and only his work. AND RUSSO IS MY GOD! Kaz was bland, right? And they cut a serious, emotional promo about him leaving, right? How better to follow up on something like that than with a wacky, off-the-wall gimmick? That's right, no better way! Maybe his finishing move will be some form of shoot arm-wrestling.

Go Russo! Go Russo! It's ya birthday!
I have stood up for TNA Time and time again.I have told my friends to give it a chance.But this is too far.Kaz-one of TNA's future stars for gods sake as a video game charcter?What the hell is the point?How will this benfit anyone?Is TNA Creative smoking pot?

TNA has enough stupid gimmicks on great wrestlers.But this is a step too far.Honestly...........I'm still in shock thinking why Kaz actully went trough with this crap.This is going to ruin his career.Please TNA..please stop before you ruin this mans career.
Who cares kaz has no personality anyway in tna. I never understood his push cuz he doesn't stand out in the x division like aj did and cuts boring promos. People say don't ruin his career but his career but his career seems to be going nowhere right now. Making him a superhero charecter won't be any better but it won't be any worse
Now for a serious take on this subject.

I'm going to have to side with the image guy on this. If there's one guy whose character I don't mind being "ruined" (he never really had character to start with, really, did he?) then it's Kaz. The guy is dull, dull, dull. However, he doesn't have the booking behind him that, say, Chris Benoit did and so he quickly wears thin. By the second time he's received a world title for no apparent reason - and almost wins it! - your patience has run out and you want to break his face.

The Brotherhood of Shitty Comedy Gimmicks, or whatever it's called, can have him. Eric Young's potential has gone down the shitter, Shark boy was never any good to begin with and Christopher Daniels is just having a little fun. Kaz belongs with them.
another guy in mask, argh....I hope if he does get in this gimmik he might cause problems then it will lead to a mask vs mask fight with someone like super eric..im ok with curryman since hes still pretty athletic but super eric usually uses like 3 moves and wins
The way it was done I dont think was right, like how he went on Karen's Angle and basicly started crying saying he doesnt wanna wrestle anymore was a stupid move, they shoulda done something better. But I agree that Kaz is dull, boring and just doesnt have the charisma to be a big star. TNA tried pushing him hard, but it just wasnt happening, nobody really cared that much about the guy.

Now Prince Justice Brotherhood is pretty stupid, I mean their ocasionally funny, but it was annoying me how they have about 5 segments each Impact. If they keep their appearances to 1 or 2 a show then it wont be that bad, but when there running around acting like idiots its hard to take Impact as a serious wrestling show. I mean its good to have gimmicks in wrestling, but TNA is full of them, maybe its time to change their style.
super eric usually uses like 3 moves and wins

That's because he's a super hero!

Seriously though, Kaz was never going to be a main event star. They never should've even attempted to put him there. He has wrestling ability yes, but that's where it ends.. no charmisma, no mic skills, no character. Obviously they realized their mistake and that he wasn't going anywhere so now they've tossed him down to the bottom in the horrible super hero faction. There really is no loss with this decision because Kaz wasn't needed anyways so there's no harm in putting him with the other wasted talent, it just allows me to turn the channel on any segment with the super heroes and offers me less boring Kaz segments to avoid.

HORRIBLE idea though. This is just another example of how bad TNA writing/booking is.
Terrible idea.Just terrible.

Its alright when they do it with Shark Boy and Eric Young,people who were always comedy characters and even Curry Man,because he is not acknowledged as being Chris Daniels.But this will ruin Kaz,especially if they mention it is him and call him Super Kaz.

I know Kaz needs a bit more personality but this is the wrong way of going about.He could go much further in TNA with a serious character,while as the videogame Kaz or whatever he is he will be limited to a midcarder forever,quite like Curryman/Christopher Daniels is at the moment.Could you imagine Kaz being this video game character and being TNA champ? I couldnt,but I could possibly see him going that far with as himself,with a bit more personality added.

TNA,you have done some stupid stuff in the past.But this not only takes the biscuit,but then it pisses in the tin.
Dammit J4, you beat me to this post. i was going to do it last night but then I decided to go to sleep and do it today. But with that said, I will say this. I have tried to defend TNA time and time again. I have been pro-TNA for a long time and truly want them to be a mainstream alternative. So I will attempt to defend them once again and hope that I am not shooting myself in the foot here.

As far as the angle goes, I must say that I am perplexed as to what The Wrestling Observer is attempting to do. Nowhere in the article does it say that he WILL be playing some sort of video game character. It pretty much ASSUMES that Kaz will be doing this because he MAY be coming back under a mask. And to be honest, if Kaz did come back under a mask, I don't see him coming back as a face, given his frustration. I see Kaz coming back as perhaps a heel character, looking to destroy the Prince Justice Brotherhood and perhaps forming an alliance with Curry Man(aka The Fallen Angel) to become a heel faction. Both wrestlers work better as heels and this could be the key to ending The Prince Justice angle with a bang instead of just a nonsensical whimper where they disappear without explanation.

I don't know. Perhaps I just want to hold out hope that this could turn into something bigger than what people are assuming over someone else's half assed speculation. I think that people, especially The Observer, are reading too much into this. If you have sources, check them. And then check them again. Don't just be content to make things up based on a video game character and the fact that someone is currently off of the roster. Many games have extra video game characters. Does this mean that someone in real life will suddenly take on that persona? No. So have enough of a mind to sit and see for yourselves rather than going on something that doesn't even sound like it was thought out before it was even posted.
It doesnt matter if Kaz is a wrestler with little personality as he is a great wrestler. Wrestlers should be rewarded for how good a wrestler they are and not for there mic skills. TNA is a company who usually put wrestlers in main event spots because they are the better wrestlers, unlike stupid WWE who put people such as John Cena and Triple H underservedly in main event spots even when they cannot wrestle or can just barely wrestle.

TNA turning Kaz into some video game super hero is totally stupid. He won't win any titles with this gimmick and if he does it would just make the TNA title histories look stupid. Seeing Super Eric in the Tag Title histories is already bad enough, and then it gets worse when you see why the titles were vacated from him and Kaz.
In my opinion Super Eric is the biggest mistake of a character that TNA has ever created and I have a horrible feeeling that Kaz's new gimmick will be nearly or equally as bad. Shark Boy and Curry Man aren't nowhere near as bad as Super Eric. TNA seriously need to axe Super Eric, returning him to just Eric Young, then because Eric Young is also too silly for TV they should use him more rarely. Curry Man gimmick should be dropped with Christopher Daniels returning. And Kaz should return from his retirement as the same guy and not some super hero. Shark Boy should be the only over the top gimmick on TNA, as one over the top gimmick is all a wrestling company needs.
Another week, another stupid gimmick from TNA. Why resurrect the Federation Era with stupid gimmicks? It's like they've given up on trying to be competition to WWE and now just want to be an annoyance. Which, quite frankly, they're doing quite a good job of.
Kaz as a masked wrestler doesn't sound good, but it all depends how it's done. As with all these things, the execution and the details matter much more than the broad concept. If it's done well it'll be good, if done badly it'll be bad.

Suppose it's the summer of 1996. WCW's top face was Sting, and just about the only major guy in the company who wasn't heavily associated with the WWF. So they decide to take Sting off air for several months, completely change his gimmick, and repackage him as a goth from a B-movie. Stupidest idea ever, right? WCW just not respecting their own talent and disrespecting them in favour of WWF castoffs, right?

Or suppose it's 2004, and you're told the WWE are going to push a wrestler with the gimmick of being mentally ******ed. It would have sounded incredibly offensive, incredibly stupid, and a career-killer for the wrestler involved. Right?

Both Sting and Eugene did just fine for themselves out of the gimmicks, to say the least. :) And these are just a couple of examples out of hundreds. Any gimmick can sound good or can sound dumb. The devil is in the details.

The fact is we have no idea when Kaz will be brought back, what his gimmick will be like when he is brought back, how much of a push he will receive, how much TV-time he will receive, or how things will play out. It's just speculation.

I will say this - TNA are pushing the heck out of their video game. Any big character change associated with it is likely to get a lot of push. Now that doesn't mean that things will work out well (see e.g. the KISS wrestler in WCW) but I very much doubt he's just going to be "tossed down to the bottom."

As with everything, we will have to wait and see. Criticise TNA for things they've actually done, not things you speculate they might do.
As with everything, we will have to wait and see. Criticise TNA for things they've actually done, not things you speculate they might do.

Well, that just makes it even worse. If we're to base it on past events, there's no doubt that it will fail, judging on how they've done masked gimmicks in the past. Kaz is a talented guy who deserves better than this. TNA aren't doing anything but severely damaging their credibility and if they keep this up, it won't matter how much better their in-ring product is than WWE's.
Jeez...everyone's talking as though it's going to happen...THIS IS JUST A RUMOR! It hasn't been confirmed for anything yet! Stop getting all in TNA's face for something they haven't even done yet!
It doesnt matter if Kaz is a wrestler with little personality as he is a great wrestler. Wrestlers should be rewarded for how good a wrestler they are and not for there mic skills. TNA is a company who usually put wrestlers in main event spots because they are the better wrestlers, unlike stupid WWE who put people such as John Cena and Triple H underservedly in main event spots even when they cannot wrestle or can just barely wrestle.

TNA is a company that puts ex-WWE stars into their main event spots. And did you just say that Triple H can't cut it in the ring? Give me a break. I mean, no one is accusing him of working like Bryan Danielson, but he always puts on a good match. And Cena has really stepped up his game in the last few years, to the point where his in-ring work doesn't hurt him, and his natural ability on the stick gets it done every night.

TNA turning Kaz into some video game super hero is totally stupid. He won't win any titles with this gimmick and if he does it would just make the TNA title histories look stupid. Seeing Super Eric in the Tag Title histories is already bad enough, and then it gets worse when you see why the titles were vacated from him and Kaz.

And that's all that matters in professional wrestling is the Title History.

In my opinion Super Eric is the biggest mistake of a character that TNA has ever created and I have a horrible feeeling that Kaz's new gimmick will be nearly or equally as bad. Shark Boy and Curry Man aren't nowhere near as bad as Super Eric. TNA seriously need to axe Super Eric, returning him to just Eric Young, then because Eric Young is also too silly for TV they should use him more rarely. Curry Man gimmick should be dropped with Christopher Daniels returning.

In the first sentence of this little block, you expressed that the following views were your own opinion, and then expressed your "feeling" as a fact. Why should TNA axe Super Eric? He's one of the only people who get a consistant pop from the crowd every night. And if you think that all that matters is the in-ring work, why drop the Curry Man gimmick? It's still the same man in the ring blowing us all away.

And Kaz should return from his retirement as the same guy and not some super hero. Shark Boy should be the only over the top gimmick on TNA, as one over the top gimmick is all a wrestling company needs.

Yes, I'm sure that you know exactly what a wrestling company needs. That's why you're sitting at home on your computer (as am I, I might add, but I'm not claiming to know what's best for the wrestling business).
S92 - Did you really just say that Triple H always pulls off a good match? If you did then it suggests to me that you don't know what a proper wrestling match should look like.
Triple H is one of the most predictable wrestler to ever set foot in a wrestling ring. He does the same crap every week and that crap is something that the everyday person could do, with little to no problem. Have you ever seen Mr Predictable Triple H do a move that amazed you? I thought not.
Triple H is at best an average wrestler and his last truly good match was way back in 2004, this being his Hell in a Cell match with Shawn Micheals at Bad Blood. In fact the majority of the guy's handful of truly good wrestling matches have been gimmick matches, like Hell in a Cell's and Elimination Chambers. In other words match types that are often not difficult for even the worst wrestlers to perform poorly in.
The entire TNA roster put WWE wrestlers like Mr Predictable Triple H to shame big time. This every week of the year.
Apparently during tonight's iMPACT show, during the beginning of the Knockouts Match, a subliminal message appeared saying "Who is Suicide". The rumors of Kaz becoming Suicide must be true and the DOA appears to be his new finisher.

I will say that depending on how the character turns out, it could be good for Kaz. As long as "Suicide" is a serious character rather than a pure comedy act, Kaz will get a new lease on life.
Well actually I got to say that I dont believe this rumor at all. The character that they believe KAZ will play could just be one of the pre-made CAW's in the game that you can use in the season mode.
This seems like a horrible idea at the moment. The only way I see this playing out into something really fucking epic is if he and Curry Man end up in a mask vs mask match. Or possibly even losing the masks in a tag match. Then it's like HOLY SHIT! Kaz and Christopher Daniels?! Granted none of us would be surprised but it's a thought just the same.
This (rumored) storyline has great upside, and horrible downside. On the upside, you have the opportunity to give a blend Superstar in Kaz the chance to gain some character, and become even more over with the majority of the fans based on acting like an idiot. (why do you think Sharky & Eric Young still have jobs)

However, the fact is Kaz does have a lot of great talent and I've always liked him being just who he was. I was downright in LOVE with Christopher Daniels and I can't stand Curry Man, but I have to admit whenever his music hits, I can't stop myself from doing that stupid little dance, because it's just too much not to.

If Kaz finds a silly dance, he'll be World Heavyweight Champion within the next year. FACT!

However, there is a downside. Christopher Daniels is truly the best thing that ever happened to that group. Shark Boy is talentless and the best part, okay, the mildly enjoyabl.. *sigh* I'm having a hard time finding the proper words.. the point I'm making, Sharky's gimmick, the only thing useful (if even that) is the fact it's mocking and ripping off a world famous Wrestling gimmick with Steve Austin.

On the flip side, Eric Young actually had a lot of promise when he broke away from Team Canada, then someone broke their promise and turned him to some idiot. Sharky & Eric need to stay together, but back on track.. Daniels.. HAS and HAD charisma long before dawning the Curry Man gimmick. (again)

Kaz, doesn't. So who's to say even placing him under a stupid goofy mask, it's going to suddenly "give" him charisma??

Shark Boy stealing Steve Austin's gimmick didn't MAKE him a Main Eventer. Eric Young becoming a moron.. well, it was only a matter of time, but it didn't do anything for him other than keep him earning a paycheck for the time being.

So in the end, Kaz has tons of pure talent.. but needs character. However you don't just gain it, by putting a mask on.. so this is a toss up on whether or not he opens up and acts ******ed because half the people might not know it's really him.
believe me..I'm with you...

I can't stand seeing Christopher Daniels dance around the ring with a bowl of soup on his head..It shames me as a person to watch this train wreck occur..

Bring back Daniels and keep Kaz as he is...Fire Shark boy and Young and we got a decent roster again lol
Im torn on this idea. Kaz is very bland and had no real character, but was given a pretty good push where he faced, the TNA champion. I understand TNA is using this to "promote" their new game, but I think they could have done this a different way. They should have used someone who didn't have potential or someone who wasn't being pushed into the mainevent scene like Kaz. They could have used someone new or somebody who really doesn't do much anyways(Elix Skipper before he was fired or someone else) instead of Kaz. Also with this new "character' TNA finds themselves with alot of "out" there gimmicks like Abyss, Sharkboy, Super Eric, Curryman, ect. There needs to be a few "childish" gimmicks but to many might turn off people who like actual wrestling. As for Curryman/Christopher Daniels, I hate the gimmick and prefer Daniels as himself but you can't deny that Curryman gets a bigger reaction than Daniels ever got.
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