Destintion X: Kaz & Eric Young vs. Black Reign & Rellik


SmackDown! is MY Show

Tag Team Match
Kaz & Eric Young vs. Black Reign & Rellik

Here is another match that I see no reason for TNA putting on a PPV card as this stands out to more as a opening match for iMPACT not a PPV. We all know Eric will be scared to fight the big nasty monsters that he fears and at near the end after Kaz has done all he could he tags Eric in and Eric overcomes his fears and battles the monsters. Will he and Kaz win of course they will as Reign and Rellik are nothing than jobbers. Hopefully this match wont go long as from the build up it looks pathetic and something i just wouldn't pay to watch.
At first I thought this was a decent idea, but then i sort of realized this match as well as the whole feud is pointless. It's just another example of TNA starting to push people and then sticking them in a random feud just to give them somethign to do. I'd much rather see Kaz against Young in a singles match, as at least there it's not a given who will win.
In complete honesty, Rellik has the "look" to be a great heel. He has the look to be the type of heel Kane started out with being, or Mankind even. But they stuck him with Dustin Rhodes (Black Reign) which almost instantly screws him from becoming anything big.

And the sad thing is, I used to enjoy watching Dustin. But its like he just doesn't care for how he performs anymore. And hes suddenly accepting being stuck with horrible gimmicks.

I think this shows exactly how much T.N.A. truly think of Eric Young. Not that long ago, they picked him to fill in during the Main Event. They could've used that to truly push Young toward the Main Event at least on some level, but instead they stuck him in a crap drinking Championship contest with James Storm.. now they're seemingly pushing him out the door, by putting him in some ******ed gimmick where hes afraid of "imaginary monsters."

I'd love for Kaz to show up at the Pay Per View with something Goldust related, to make Eric suddenly feel capable of overcoming the odds.

Speaking of Kaz, hes another Superstar that had an incredible couple of matches with Christian Cage.. and for what, to be stuck back in randomly stupid midcard feuds with glorified jobbers? This match is going to be horrible, and its only going to hurt Eric Young and Kaz.. even when they win.
I thought they wanted to push Kaz? Not punish him. might have missed it, but wasn't he getting over despite him being bland? And wasn't he having solid matches despite him being pretty average? So why has he gone into a feud with Goldust and Johnny The Bull? He's not going to climb out the ladder in this feud. And sticking him with perennial mid carder and mid card act Eric Young isn't going to help.
I would like to see all this talk of Eric Young getting in touch with his inner monster come to fruition at this pay-per-view. I would like to see Eric Young turn heel by turning on Kaz in the match. I could see it revealed that Mitchell assisted Young with the change in character. Is he brainwashing him and why did he help him - could be revealed later. Mitchell running a stable of Rellik, Reign and Eric Young not so much booked as monsters but as freaks of society. Eric with a darker and edgy look could snap and get revenge on everyone who has made fun of him or used him as a jobber in the past. Could the PPV be the set-up to something like that for Eric Young?
Bit of an iMPACT match but thats ok, most of the TNA PPV matches are so! I really like Eric Young I think he can play his gimmick and the being scared of monsters etc is about the only bit of comedy I like in TNA at the moment. I see a quick match, Eric Young overcomes fears and wins, but Black Reign and Rellik (thats killer backwards!) will probs beat down EY.

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