John Morrison vs Dolph Ziggler


Pre-Show Stalwart
I remember when Dolph first showed up, I thought this guy was a joke and a half. But, like The Miz, he is proving to be pretty good. I was talking to a friend last night, and we got on the subject of Morrison and Ziggler. This is what I think WWE should do.

How many people remember 10 years or so ago, in WCW, Benoit and Booker T. best of 7? They were classic, each one of them. What if WWE were to do that with Morrison and Ziggler? I think it would be a great way to establish Ziggler in a better way. Morrison is already well established, and Ziggler could only benefit from this, win or lose it all.

What do you all think?
In a way it seems like a decent idea, as, like you said, neither would be hurt from it. What about a best of 5? They could do it in-between PPV's. Do I THINK it will happen? No. I hope the program between Ziggler/Morrison is a good one, and if Ziggler's matches with Mysterio are ANY indication, they will be.

And I agree, unlike many, that The Miz is working his way up. His storyline is more focused, and I hope that they keep him focused on working on his skills. I kind of wish that Miz was on Smackdown, because then maybe he could have some good matches with Ziggler or Morrison. Maybe one day.
Yeah! Now thats a good idea. We get some great matches and it cant really hurt someone. Obviously Morrison would win but if you put them in that situation Ziggler can lose the title without being buried for the Morrison push. Helps them both, finally a logical solution to this fued cuz I've been stumped.
well honestly they should have had Dolph Ziggler beat Rey Mysterio in the last smackdown match instead of John Morrisson defeating Rey Mysterio and have it vice versa have John Morrisson go after Ziggler he reminds me of a young Mr Perfect Curt Henning he has it he can win it! Let's see if he defeats John Morrisson at HITC
If it was Ziggler as IC Champ John Morrisson would job a bit till he proves himself since he hasn't been in any feuds or anything! I think Dolph Ziggler should have won it by defeating Rey Mysterio on smackdown
Um, "Best of... series" are usually used for more serious several month long fueds. John Morrison vs. Dolph Ziggler really just started fueding last week. So they have yet to have a one-on-one match. We have to see their Intercontinental Championship match firsthand before we are able to see if they would do good in a series of matches. I believe they had a match a couple months back with Ziggler getting the win, but from I remember, it wasn't that good of a match. But that probably has to do with the fact that it wasn't given much time. Anyways, I'm not sure if a series of matches between these young superstars would do too good in a series. I could be wrong, but I think that I would have to see their title match first, before I can judge.
Dolph should have won the IC belt from rey mysterio a long time ago..the guy has so much charisma and natural talent. He was a great wrestler as part of the spirit squad and now he is even better! Definitely one of the better talents on Smackdown, and its only a matter of time before he is a WORLD champion,... few years tops. He is one of my favorite wrestlers of all time, and he is getting better week to week. It has definitely been great watching him progress into a singles superstar...hopefully he gets the IC belt soon. Morrison vs Ziggler will be a great rivalry, both are extremely talented. Morrison will help Ziggler get more heat as a heel, and put him over, then hopefully WWE will get this one right and put the strap on Ziggler's waist....after all, he IS perfection, haha!
A ziggler vs morrison best of 7 would be a very good idea indeed. I like ziggler more and more each time I see him and morrison is the next logical choice to push into the main event scene. If this were to happen I would hope Ziggler to actually pull off the win, A big victory with the series tied 3-3 would really help Ziggler establish himself as a credible mid-carder. I think Morrison is about ready for the main event so I don't want to see him as IC champ for to long (or else he may end up in midcard purgatory) maybe if they had Morrison lose match 7 by a main event heel getting involved (Jericho or Punk would be a good choice) it would give Ziggler the belt, establish him as a credible midcarder (only if the first 6 matches delivered) and push morrison into the main event without hurting him. A Best of 7 would work wonders if done correctly.
They need to make this a little more personal between the two. Although the talent pool for this rivalry is through the roof, there needs to be an added incentive. Ziggler should be bitter toward Morrison for some reason or Morrison needs to run down Ziggler. It's just a case of great potential not being built up properly or taking a shortcut in building the story with these two.

Great matches are made by two wrestlers who give the impression they want to beat the piss out of each other. With Morrison and Ziggler, right now, it's as if the latter really doesn't care either way and Morrison just wants to have long hair and great abs.
They need more personal buildup between the two to warrant a best of seven series because if they don't build it up and then do it, most people will get bored by it. The best of seven series will have to be done right. Have a match every other week and save at least three for PPV's. The Benoit/Booker WCW one is the most celebrated and I think their WWE one would have been the same if Booker hadn't got injured. This can be done but it has to be done right for it to work.
I think people have a fair point that sometimes when you have a personal storyline behind the match then it can be a little more interesting. But ther mysterio vs morrison match had no storyline other than they needed the belt to switch hands and it proved to be one hell of a match maybe the fact that both these guys are talented will just be good enough for this match.
It shows to tell you WWE doesn't necessarily need a storyline to carry interests and what they did got us tuned in for this awesome match but it should ve been with Dolph Ziggler capturing the title over Rey Mysterio Jr and give him the necessary push he so deserves not give it to Morrison who was not even part of the feud or wasn't even involved or mixed with it the first place agree or disagree? Let's hope Ziggler doesn't keep jobbing to Morrisson continously cause all his talents would be wasted just to make John Morrisson look good! Had Ziggler won the IC Title it would be Morrisson as the challenger against Dolph Ziggler and it would raise an interesting feud out of it !

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