dolph ziggler


Pre-Show Stalwart
his recent performances on smackdown have been impressive with mvp and i liked his attack on the great khali.

along with cm punk, umaga and john morrison, the wwe are looking o push these wrestlers and make them somewhat the new face of smackdown.

but dolph ziggler hasnt been this pushed before and has way less experience in the higher card, except for his short spell with the spirit squad which was only to add another dimension to the dx vs mcmahons feud.

could ziggler be a great addition to smackdown if given a long enough chance?
No. Here's why.

His gimmick is made to be short term. It's aggravating, and his hair will fall out eventually. All the more reason for him to go with some other shtick before he falls victim to gimmick staleness.

He can wrestle, and can work the mic, but he'll get old quick...and that doesn't bode well for an up and comer.
He is already old, is what you dont know.

you know what kind of reaction he got when I saw him live? the same kind as a street curb.

The crowd couldnt give a shit less about this guy. A black hole of charisma. Which is a shame, becuase he is a pretty decent mic worker. Unfortunately, I see his fate being the same as the rest of his Spirit Squad compadres
the reason the fans havnt been intrested is that wwe hasnt gave him a feud yet for people to get into.
ok the gimmick isnt the greatest but whats kennedys gimmick? ring announcer? thats a very small part of his persona. shelton benjamin, the gold standard? all that involved was dying his hair and shouting gold standard.
the gimmick isnt the be all and end all anymore.

his matches are solid and there is no denying that but in the lead up to wrestlemania and the afternath of backlash there isnt much space for new fueds. most wrestlers without a feud 'deserving' of a wrestlemania place in wwes eyes get thrown into the money in the bank.

now were past that wwe are buliding him up by a mini-feud with mvp and taking out khali. after judgement day i hope he starts a programme with mysterio or someone who most of the fans care about. thats all he needs
I like him. They should go with a white supremacy gimmick. One Man Aryan Nation, his name should be.

Beating up The Great Khali is a start. The guy knows how to swing a chair. That's the most real I've seen a chair beat down look like in a while. I think it was because he was properly hitting him with it, and not pussying out. It's not like it's actually steel.
I like him. They should go with a white supremacy gimmick. One Man Aryan Nation, his name should be.

Beating up The Great Khali is a start. The guy knows how to swing a chair. That's the most real I've seen a chair beat down look like in a while. I think it was because he was properly hitting him with it, and not pussying out. It's not like it's actually steel.


That Aryan Nation gimmick would get him TONS of heat. TONS. Plus those chair shots were, like u said, the best I've seen in a good long time.

I think the guy has tons of potential, but the main issue I have with him is his name: Dolph Ziggler. I'm sorry, but that just doesn't sound like any kind of champion's name. At least the Dolph part; it sounds like the name of the mayor from munchkin land in Wizard of Oz (sorry anyone named dolph).

He could change the first part to Scott or something. The name is what makes his current gimmick short-term. the whole "My name is Dolph Ziggler" is annoying and gets cheap heat, but eventually people will just get bored with it.
I would have to say that I like Ziggler, didn't notice Nemeth when he was part of the Spirit Squad tbh but look where he is now. It looks like he might have some hope after all...especially after WWE appear to be showing some new vested interest in him now he's on Smackdown and it will probably be easier for him to get over on this show seeing the blue brand doesn't have the same ratio of egomaniacal veterans as RAW that's a plus for old Dolph. Ok, so the gimmick is not exactly original but I've never minded it since day one so I'm hoping he can develop on SD and get a proper chance to display his talents.
I absolutely LOVED his performance on Smackdown against Khali. This needs to be Zigglers gimmick (in addition to the name thing). He goes out, wrestles well, gets frustrated, then beats the holy hell out of his opponent for no reason.

The only problem I see with this is getting wins. If he keeps getting DQ'd, he won't go too far. I also don't want to see him in constant squash matches, or he risks running the Koslov road. I think he needs to start beating people up BEFORE his matches with them. Have them sell the injuries, and have Ziggler get a win. This would likely draw some heat, as crowd favorites would always come out to fight, injured or not, and Ziggler would take advantage.

He could be like a new take on Edge's gimmick; the ultimate opportunist, part 2. Only, Ziggler creates his own opportunities to win. I'd buy it...
Soild talent, and he isn't that "old". No, I don't think a white supremacists angle is a sure angle of success. What are you people smoking? At some point I think Ziggler has to develop in to something more original. The name I have gotten over already, and I think if they gave him a nickname like "Ziggy" it may go over well.

There is no doubting that he has ok mic skills, and his acting isn't bad. His look has gained much attention, as nothing seperates him from the rest of the bunch. Maybe a little more flashyness, and color in his persona/attire. When he arrives the fans need to know its him. Ziggler is still too generic as far as I see.

In the future I would think that the WWE takes a gimmick something like "The Californian" Dolph Ziggler. Something of a miz between Rick Rude, HBK(90's), and Mr. Wonderful. Cocky heels always make some noise, and I think he has the attitude to pull something like this off. I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with Morrison at some point once he has a sound character.
Maybe it's just me, but he should've formed a team with Mr Kennedy. But only because a promo of theirs would greatly amuse me.

"Hi. My name is....."
".....Dolph Ziggler" "

That aside, I really don't see all that much for Ziggy to do on SmackDown!, or anywhere for that matter. I agree with NorCal, in that it's only a matter of time before he gets "future endevoured".
Well Dolph is getting the push that he was going to get last year on raw before he failed the drug test then he got shuffled under almost every other jober. They knew the only way to push him was to bring him over to a new brand. Since kendrick went to raw, he fills the spot kendrick once held a solid midcarder who gets featured almost evey week for excitement. I think Dolph can make more out of it though, they way I saw him hit those chair shots he might get over big given more exciting performances like that and eventually be a ic champion and hopefully add a legitimate fued to it. Can he be a whc or a wwe champ, well who knows after all others like Miz and Morison look like they might get to that level in the next couple years or sooner and no one really suspected that.
Oh god, most horrible gimmick ever. Not even the Gobbledy Gooker came close to being as annoying as "Hi! Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Dolph Ziggler".

I can't stand him. Him alone is also worse than the entire Spirit Squad.

I hope he gets released. Seriously.
I really like Dolph Ziggler......he just kinda grew on me. Especially after seeing him beat the holy hell out of Khali, that bumbling fuck. I'd really like to see him feud with R-Truth, Morrison and even CM Punk. I think they could all have great matches.
Dolph could be great if he was givin the chance. But most likely won't be givin that chance. He is actually a great wrestler and is great on the mic. And I don't think I've seen someone use a chair as good as Ziggler did against Khali. I think this kid has a ton of potential, but won't be givin the opportunity.
He impressed me from the off, as soon as he faced Batista on RAW months back. That match showcased that he had a lot of talent along with the fact that the writing team must be on his side for him to even have a very solid match with Batista :p

Throw in the fact that he's faced the US champion and beat him non-title before putting in a solid performance with the title on the line. And now the Khali chair beatdown action when others in the past have been "Khali Vice Gripped".

So yeah, definite proof that the writers must like him.

I like Dolph personally. I don't see how far he could get on Smackdown because they seem to be pushing midcard talent like Morrison and Punk to main event whilst their midcard title is being contested between two main eventers (Mysterio and Jericho). Its all rather messed up but I like it!
So far, I have been surprised by Dolph Ziggler. Yes he does have a funny name, but besides that he has natural heel charisma. You just want to wipe the smirk off of his face and just loathe it when he always introduces himself. He is a very athletic guy and does a fabulous job selling. My god when Sherri Shepard slapped him, that looked like it hurt for real!!! Although he is still a little green, I see alot of potential. Then again, I thought the same thing of Ken dykstra
This is really going out on a limb, but if Ziggler could get the opportunity to go completely over Kahli it could help him make a name for himself, and then possibly the crowd shows more of a response to him. He needs to get rid of the vest. Ziggler needs to take a serious ass whoopin to Khali. Then give him a Smackdown segment to brag about it. His finisher is too much like Shelton's and I don't like that.

He needs to work past Khali, and keep Khali off of our televisions. The man responsible for destroying a "Giant". Dolph also needs to develop more depth to his character. He is still way too one dimensional. I wouldn't mind seeing him feud with R-Truth. Not that R-Truth is a draw, but is just yet another "face" that Smackdown could use to help build Ziggler's name up. Currently I like the attitude that he has, but I think he needs to stop stressing the "whole name thing". What about a simple insult, or slap to the face? That would be enough for me.
i think he's incredibly annoying and weird looking. i know thats the point but i cant watch it when he's on the air. i mean he almost makes MVPs wetsuit likable.
I'm still not really taking a shine to him either. He's very bland, and the "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler" thing is getting pretty stale. Similar to when MVP first made his debut (who's name was mentioned by the gentleman who posted above me), the character is very one-demensional. Taking nothing away from his in-ring abilities though, as he seems to be quite the wrestler.

Perhaps a(nother) makeover should take place. Nothing too big, maybe change up that generic theme music to something more upbeat. Perhaps Johnson's take on Will Smith's "Gettin' Jiggy With It", calling it "Gettin' Ziggy With It"?

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