John Cena Fans

PauLwaLL said:
Are you for real? You must not know wrestling.. Ric Flair - Probably the best technician of all time, and may even be the greatest of all time.. Classic matches all the way uptil Summerslam 06... Put on some of the matches that had part in revolotionizing wrestling back in the 80's.

Dusty Rhodes - Not much I have so say about him.. If you dont recognize this guy as a great, you need to go get a wrestling encyclopedia and start studying.. Probably the best storyteller, most entertaining wrestlers back in his day.. Once again had classics with almost every Hall of Fame wrestler..

The Sarge - This guy was the type of guy that you can either love or hate.. Nowadays, thats hard to find.. Great wrestler, also made a lot of wrestlers look good..

I dont really feel I have to say much about them being great wrestlers, because any wrestling fan should know that already.. You probably think there bad wrestlers because your used to the fast paced action we see now.. But back then, seeing a "Spinning Wheel Kick" was like seeing a Canadian Destroyer now.. It was a completly different style of wrestling.. Once in which John Cena would fit into.. His style now, reminds me a lot of the old days.. Same moves, punches, kicks, clotheslines etc.. See if this was the 70's, 80's, hell even the 90's, the way Cena wrestles would be classified "great".. But now since wrestling evovled.. People want to see out of the ordinary moves and things we never ever see.. Cena doesnt bring that to the table, because everytime he comes out.. We know what he's going to do.
just because i happen to disagree with you doesn't mean i don't know about wrestling those are your opinions on those wrestlers and while i respect your opinion i disagree.
ric flair:he has always been the same, sure he put on great matches with great wrestlers and is probably the best wrestler ever at selling moves/flopping but i never enjoyed his wrestling style just like hogan entertaining on the mic but not in the ring and his matches now day are a joke grabbing balls,chops,leg clip,and the figure four flair is old and sad,i never liked him and now that he won't retire i dislike him even more,as far as being the best technician of all time that is an insult to real great technician's like dean malenko,chris beniot,the dynomite kid,kurt angle,bret and owen hart,and many more.
dusty rhodes:i never liked him in the ring, i didn't even like his mic work yes he is considered a icon and hall of famer but that has nothing to do with him being a talented wrestler.
sgt.slaughter:he put on some okay matches but he is not what i would call a great wrestler.
roddy piper:i mean da*n you gave ric flair his props sgt. his and even dusty when roddy piper was a better wrestler then all of them, talk about classic matches what about the one he put on with bret hart at wrestlemania for the ic title? one of the most entertaining men ever to pick up a mic in wrestling, put on some great matches,and had some of the wwe most entertaining moments ever, how can you not give roddy his proper respect.
i have been watching wrestling for 19 years now so i know i little about wrestling and while all the wrestlers you named have made great moments for us wrestling fans and are considered legends in the world of wrestling that doesn't make them great/good/talented wrestlers,i respect the men you named i just wasn't fond of there wrestling styles there were great more talented wrestlers back in the day that didn't get a chance to shine as bright because of the big strong guy wrestlers or the highly entertaining smooth talking wrestlers that had less talent but the entertaining/freak can sell more tickets,this still gose on in wrestling today boogeyman,great khaili,and mark henry to name a few,as far as the wrestlers i think are great i named some of them in my last post and some in this one. p.s.icon's,legends,hall of famers they may be but great wrestlers well i don't think so but that's just my opinion.​
point said:
John Cena has no talent in his body in anyway shape or form. There are 2 reasons he is a main eventer and still the WWE Champ.

1. Vince McMahon
2. Triple H

If anyone right now needs to be WWE Champ it should be either Edge or Carlito or Orton. Those are the 3 best wrestlers on Raw, next to Triple H of course. Either way, Cena sucks, his gimmick sucks. I've never liked his stupid ass. That is all.

John Cena does indeed have TALENT. Yeah i said it. You think its easy picking up big show and viscera like there nothing? I don't think so it takes a lot of skill to pick up the likes of big show, viscera, edge & triple h at the same time (backlash), and etc? He may not be the greatest wrestlers but he's hell of an entertainer.
Wrestlers become legends for a reason. Usually it's either hype or wrestling talent. Ric Flair, Dusty Rhodes, Sgt Slaughter were all amazing wrestlers in their prime. They might not have had fast paced matches, but if you watch them in their time they're great. Now if you watch Cena's matches in this time you see something different.

Flames Out
Cena has a title a round his waist because of the wonderful supposed fan reaction he gets.....vince has Cena with a title around his waist cuz he believes he can draw him in alot of to legends.....ric flar is thee BEST someone stated before saying dean malenko, chris benoit, bret hart were not great as flair....flair is the greatest of all time....he came around before alll those people....NWA...WCW.....ETC ECT then taking him to WWE he is the greatest and those greats back in the day were in the wwe cuz wwe was the greatest
Mr.SmackDown said:
John Cena does indeed have TALENT. Yeah i said it. You think its easy picking up big show and viscera like there nothing? I don't think so it takes a lot of skill to pick up the likes of big show, viscera, edge & triple h at the same time (backlash), and etc? He may not be the greatest wrestlers but he's hell of an entertainer.
thank you finally someone gets it,i said it's my personal opinion about those wrestlers i didn't like them but million's of wrestling fans do i have no problem with that i just don't like them or there wrestling styles,again i will say that ric flair being the greatest techical wrestler ever is a joke to say that he was/is better then dean malenko,bret hart, and chris beniot is an insult to these wrestlers flair has put of some great matches but is no where near the techical talent of the wrestlers i named in my other post, but again that's just my opinion.
Mr.SmackDown said:
John Cena does indeed have TALENT. Yeah i said it. You think its easy picking up big show and viscera like there nothing? I don't think so it takes a lot of skill to pick up the likes of big show, viscera, edge & triple h at the same time (backlash), and etc? He may not be the greatest wrestlers but he's hell of an entertainer.
What the hell does being able to pick somebody up have to do with his wretling skills... NOTHING. Sure he's strong. I don't care if he's strong, he is lazy in the ring and really makes me want to switch the channel every single time is on the screen
im sik of all the scena haters alot of people have 5 moves to finsh off a match and yer its tru have to be good to left them guyz up cena is a great wrestler
jimmytheauzzie said:
im sik of all the scena haters alot of people have 5 moves to finsh off a match and yer its tru have to be good to left them guyz up cena is a great wrestler

I am trying to help you here. That was one big sentence and a tad hard to understand. I know you are trying to out some thought into your posts, put you writing is hurting that. I suggest MSWord, it has some great grammer tools.
alot of people have 5 moves to finsh off a match

Its not even that he has 6 moves to finish off a match.. He has 5 moves in general.. Please tell me the last time you saw him do something other then that Release Fisherman, Throwback, FU, STFU, Spinning Backdrop, 5 knuckle shuffle.. Punches, kicks, clotheslines dont count.. I dont think its happened since early 05...

cena is a great wrestler

No, Cena is nowhere near a great wrestler.. Yes he is a good one, tho he doesnt show any of his skill anymore.. But he will never be great.. Greats are the likes of Triple H, Bret Hart, Steamboat, HBK, Flair.. Those are greats.. Cena knows enough to get him by..
Wow two words in a post- that makes for a great discussion.

The problem that I also have with Cena is his gimmick. I think it's kind of like DX- cheap and stale. I don't like the whole "overcomming" the odds thing or the fact that he gets to win against every wrestler there is, despite not showing great wrestling in the ring.

Flames Out
PauLwaLL said:
Its not even that he has 6 moves to finish off a match.. He has 5 moves in general.. Please tell me the last time you saw him do something other then that Release Fisherman, Throwback, FU, STFU, Spinning Backdrop, 5 knuckle shuffle.. Punches, kicks, clotheslines dont count.. I dont think its happened since early 05...

No, Cena is nowhere near a great wrestler.. Yes he is a good one, tho he doesnt show any of his skill anymore.. But he will never be great.. Greats are the likes of Triple H, Bret Hart, Steamboat, HBK, Flair.. Those are greats.. Cena knows enough to get him by..

Watch Bret Hart's matches and you'll notice her also used on 6 moves to finish his matches.John can wrestle,in 2003 he was bitchslapping Lesnar at Backlash.The issue is that faces always seem to have to change how they wrestle.Austin at WM13 was putting on a clinic against Hart,but as he became more of a character,he toned it down.Thats what happened to Cena.And as for HHH being such a "Great",dont forget he slept his way to the top.If Funaki WAS doing Steph,he would be headlining WM23!
Watch Bret Hart's matches and you'll notice her also used on 6 moves to finish his matches

Okay.. Like I said every wrestler has there own way of finishing a match.. Cena on the other hand has 6 moves in general!.. Bret Hart had more then 6 moves in his arsenal.. I can name them, but everyone should know that.. Cena has 6 total.. Which is bad imo..

John can wrestle

When did I say he couldnt? I know the guy could wrestle, but he chooses to do them same thing over and over and over again.. We all know he can wrestle, but does he show it? Nope he doesnt.. Ever since he became champ, his wrestling has been lack luster...

And as for HHH being such a "Great",dont forget he slept his way to the top.If Funaki WAS doing Steph,he would be headlining WM23!

Ok.. That maybe the reason why he has held the Title so many times, but its not all the truth.. HHH is a great wrestler.. Always has.. His involvement with Steph, like I said, shouldnt be all he's known for.. From what I know of, he was champ even before he and Steph had there little shindig.. And Vince has always been high on him.. Like I said, it may have been a part of him holding the title so many times, but definatly isnt why hes as big as he is...

Also, dont sell Funaki short.. Hes a great wrestler, just isnt someone who the WWE believes can "draw"
I think WWE has tried to promote him as an Austin/Rock figure but it just hasn't taken with wrestling traditionalists such as myself. I mean, c'mon, he's been in the title picture for two years straight, he's holding better guys down. I'll admit it, he's a great mid-carder but a very, very average main-eventer. Guys like Edge, Orton, Shelton and- to a lesser extent- older guys like Michaels and HHH should be on top in Raw, supposedly WWE's A-show, but instead we're stuck with the same goddamn thing for two years, with very unvarying storylines. C'mon WWE, put some new guys on top, if only for a couple of months.
For mme what sucks about Cena is the way he is promoted.I think they are putting to much weight on his shoulders because they fucked up with Brock and Randy.WWE doenst have any Rock/Austin/Hogan types anymore,so they want Cena to be that.
And I don't understand why Cena keeps getting bashed on these sites, because it's not hurting him. It's obvious he's not going anywhere for a LONG time. I mean, he's a good wrestler, he sells out arenas night after night, he's a huge venue draw and his products are the hottest thing on the market today. Plus, his album did well and his movie didn't do too bad at the box office. So, whether you like it or now, whether you're a Cena fan or hater, he's not going anywhere. So deal with it!
I used to despise him during and around his fued with HHH, especially at this years Wrestlemania, but ever since the intensity of the boo's died down, compared to new years revolution and wrestlemania, I have not been angered anymore and can actually stand him. At the moment he isn't fueding with anyone good, but if he fueds with a good techincal wrestler, like he did with angle, I think the boo's would start to come back and id hate him more.
CenaFanatic493 said:
i'm a huge fan as you can tell and i just think he gets booed only because the people feel like it. Unlike most people, i stuck with Cena as a fan instead of start booing him for the heck of it and i'd honestly rather have him as a heel because i'm tired of 7 year olds and teenage girls giving cena fans a bad name. Hopefully he'll go back to his rapper gimmick and turn heel

Fans don't boo Cena for the heck of it. They are booing him because they are tired of him being champion and being a babyface. He needs to lose his title, get pissed off about it, and turn heel. I actually liked him when he was heel, alot better than I do now atleast. Personally, I think the WWE screwed up when they took the belt from Edge in the first place.
Katiekat81393 said:
:crossbones: :crossbones: John Cena is the best!!!!! No matter what anybody says!!! He is so much better than Edge!!!!!!!! I miss John's freestyleing but he should stay on Raw were he belongs!!!! I personly think that John Cena should join DX!! It would be so cute to see HBK & HHH & Cena making mischif together!!!!!!! John Cena needs to kick butt at Unforgiven!!!!![/SIZE]

John Cena in DX would be like the nWo in it's later days on WCW.....LAME!!!! DX is fine the way it is, it is composed of two of the best wrestlers in the business. Don't mess it up with putting Cena in it. Besides, he is the champion and that would eventually cause conflict between him and HHH.
tmad82 said:
Fans don't boo Cena for the heck of it. They are booing him because they are tired of him being champion and being a babyface. He needs to lose his title, get pissed off about it, and turn heel. I actually liked him when he was heel, alot better than I do now atleast. Personally, I think the WWE screwed up when they took the belt from Edge in the first place.

They also bee Cena becuase of his lack of wrestling ability. He can enterain people....who are still in diapers. All of the older people, (attitude era and older) can see that cena does not have any real wrestling talent anymore. When he first came to WWe, he was far better that what he is now.
I wouldn't say that Cena has no wrestling talent. That'd be going a bit overboard. But, I will say his move set has been signifigantly limited since his first run as a WWE Champion. I don't know why that is, but you can clearly see it if you compare his old matches to his newer ones.

Flames Out
Eternal Dragon said:
I wouldn't say that Cena has no wrestling talent. That'd be going a bit overboard. But, I will say his move set has been signifigantly limited since his first run as a WWE Champion. I don't know why that is, but you can clearly see it if you compare his old matches to his newer ones.

Flames Out
finally we can agree on something, like said above people are getting tried of cena in the main event, cena as champion, cena as a babyface/underdog wrestler, that's why everyone is hating on him so much, i truly can't find a reason for wwe to limit his moveset so much it's like they want him to flop, but i still like him i can see the talent there,i can't wait for him to go back heel he is one of the most entertaining wrestlers on the mic, now i'm waiting for a breakout match good from start to finish and for him to get rid of the five knuckle shuffle i think everybody hates that move even me. to mabuza: in no way did wwe drop the ball with brock lesner maybe orton got the title to early but not brock, as champion brock put on one hell of a show and had great matches with everyone so how can you say wwe fuc*ed up with brock. to paulwall:i think if we go all the way back i'm the one that pointed out all wrestlers have a routine.
Cena is to god he dosent get booed much at all i say cena could be 1 of the most loyal wwe champions in the wwe industrie ever 3 wwe champions cena may of been a bad guy on smackdown but hes good now cena rules and nobody can say that he dosnt :D
Like I said before, it's more the traditionalists that boo Cena. It's the people that haven't been watching wrestling that long that I find like Cena more. That explains why the E C F'N W crowd hate the m'f'er, no disrespect. I still believe he belongs in the mid-card and the only young guys getting pushed should be Orton, Kennedy, Shelton and CM Punk. Oh, and Edge should be up there as well, he's busted his ass for this company and he has to play second-fiddle to some mid-card wigger. No disrespect. Isn't being a hater the best? It's kind of like being a heel.

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