What if the Doctor of Thuganomics returns?

John McCass

You talkin' to me?
So, the IWC is tired of John Cena's stale character. In a small part of my mind, I think that the Doctor of Thuganomics will return at some point, this time for a strong run. Roman Reigns is in midst of a strong push and I am supporting this only because this will bring back the heel character of John Cena. As soon as Reigns will become the top dog,the Doctor of Thuganomics will return. What a great character John Cena was during his heel gimmick. He showed up every week to rap(cut) promos. I want the Doctor of Thuganomics back ASAP! And this is coming in near future IMO. He will become the best heel of the PG era. What are your thoughts about him?
It will be terrible because John Cena will be 38 this year and the idea of him freestyle rapping and wearing throwback jerseys seems ridiculous and lame. It seems incredibly unlikely they will risk the amount of merch money Cena generates just to attempt a rehash at an old gimmick he used, even if it got him over in the first place
I'm saying this happens after Reigns becomes the man. Then, WWE will need a strong heel and who else better than Cena.
I dont think Dr of thuganomics is the way to go though, as it ended up working for Cena and tuning him into a face anyway, I think it would just confuse the fans. For a Cena heel turn to work in this day and age, I think he would just have to become a ruthless asshole and be very serious in character. The rapping thing is just far too goofy and would also mean Reigns would have to become very good on the mic to comptete with Cena's promos, which ain't gunna happen.
I'm saying this happens after Reigns becomes the man. Then, WWE will need a strong heel and who else better than Cena.

They have a strong heel, Seth Rollins says Hi! He also has more history with Reigns than Cena does, so they don't need a 38 year old rapper. Good God just the thought.
They have a strong heel, Seth Rollins says Hi! He also has more history with Reigns than Cena does, so they don't need a 38 year old rapper. Good God just the thought.

Oh,Cena is much popular than Rollins. In terms of match quality, Reigns vs Rollins is better but Cena vs Reigns is a dream match. I wanted Cena vs Reigns rather than Lesnar vs Reigns at Mania.
Oh,Cena is much popular than Rollins. In terms of match quality, Reigns vs Rollins is better but Cena vs Reigns is a dream match. I wanted Cena vs Reigns rather than Lesnar vs Reigns at Mania.

Cena will never turn heel, what is it about that people don't understand. He hasn't done it in 10 years and it's not going to happen now. The guy lives and breathe's "Hustle, Loyalty and Respect". It's become his hallmark and he's not going to throw it away for a feud with Roman Reigns. Besides Vince McMahon and the shareholders that want to see their stock prices rise, won't let him.
They have a strong heel, Seth Rollins says Hi! He also has more history with Reigns than Cena does, so they don't need a 38 year old rapper. Good God just the thought.

I corroborate with your point!! I was about to post the same about Seth Rollins the strong heel. Either way sooner or later Roman Reigns gonna feud with Seth so there we go! We already got a great heel in the market ready!!

Cena won't be able to transition to the Undertaker/Michaels style supporting role because the Reigns experiment will fail. Reigns has 50% of Cena's in-ring ability, and 10% of his mic ability. He has one notable singles match under his belt (over five months ago with Orton) and a legacy of abominable promos, yet we're just supposed to accept him as the face of the company - at a time when fans want a specific, proven performer (Bryan) to be in that role. It's a disaster and the Rumble established Reigns as "the man to boo", alongside Batista.

Reigns is the modern day Ultimate Warrior. Great look. Unbridled intensity. Dumb promo. Weak in-ring skill. And my crystal ball says that, like Warrior, he will flop on top, requiring the previous company face to return. Cena won't have the freedom to become a secondary player and tweak his gimmick.
I don't see it happening. For one thing, John Cena trying to behave in the same manner he was when he was 25 with this gimmick would be a little embarrassing. Some of the shenanigans Triple & Shawn Michaels were doing as DX 5 years or so back was painful to watch because you had a couple of 40 year old guys trying to act like they were 20. Few things are as pathetic looking to watch as a 40 year old man behaving like some goofy 19 year old kid.

Also, as for Roman Reigns being the guy, that's FAR from written in the stars, so let's not get carried away. Yes, he won the 2015 Royal Rumble and yes there are numerous reports of Vince possibly wanting Reigns to be the heir apparent to Cena's throne. However, if Reigns' various shortcomings don't improve and, more importantly, if fans continue to be vocal in their disapproval, then Reigns won't be the next guy no matter how much Vince might want him to be. I know that tempers are still running a bit high, but Vince will abandon plans for Reigns to be the next king babyface of WWE if there's no real money to be made and if fans don't accept him.
The Doctor of Thuganomics wouldn't work. I loved the gimmick too, but Cena was in his 20's when he did it. The fact is, I don't think Cena will ever turn heel. But if he did, it would be after Reigns cemented himself as the guy, and became a bigger money draw than Cena. That would mean that by the time Cena could turn, he'd probably be in his 40's. Who wants to see a 40 year old white rapper wrestling? Not many people. Hell, WWE is so focused on the young audience, most John Cena fans today were either too young or not even alive to remember the Doctor of Thuganomics, so the throwback/nostalgia feel would fail to reach a lot of the audience. Not to mention society has changed greatly over the last decade. I just don't think the character would have the same appeal. The rap game today isn't about thugs, it's about partying. Bringing back the character for a serious run just wouldn't work.

If Cena ever turned heel, he would be very serious, and just mean to the while audience. He wouldn't change up much of his style, cause that could get him cheered. He would just be a jerk, and wrestle like one. But let's face it, John Cena is the eternal babyface. And that's just the way it is.
No matter what he does, there will ALWAYS be idiot loon clueless ignorants bashing, whining and crying about Cena.
No matter what he does, there will ALWAYS be idiot loon clueless ignorants bashing, whining and crying about Cena.

I don't see anyone bashing him on this thread, so I don't know where this is coming from.

All I've seen is people disagreeing that he should be back to where he was over 10 years ago. His fans like him as he is now, so if it's not broken don't try to fix it. The last thing Cena should be doing is putting on the Mr. T starter kit, and trying to compete with R. Truth on the mic.
So, the IWC is tired of John Cena's stale character. In a small part of my mind, I think that the Doctor of Thuganomics will return at some point, this time for a strong run. Roman Reigns is in midst of a strong push and I am supporting this only because this will bring back the heel character of John Cena. As soon as Reigns will become the top dog,the Doctor of Thuganomics will return. What a great character John Cena was during his heel gimmick. He showed up every week to rap(cut) promos. I want the Doctor of Thuganomics back ASAP! And this is coming in near future IMO. He will become the best heel of the PG era. What are your thoughts about him?

I think the time has passed. He's in his late 30's now. When he did that, he was younger. Last thing we need is another Road Dogg. I think Cena is fine the way he is.
Let me see, Cena returning to "The Doctor of Thugamonics" gimmick....hell no! I was actually a big fan of Cena back then with that gimmick, but I don't want to see it now. I loved his US title run and the match he had with Big Show when he first won it (it was cool they put it in WWE2K14!). If the WWE was to turn Cena heel, it would have to be something different. I doubt they will ever do it though. We all know Reigns versus Cena is going to happen. It will be either face versus face or Reigns being the heel.

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