Jesse Neal

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Life's A Bitch, And Then You Mosh
The rematch from Turning Point's 6-man tag just ended, and Jesse Neal made his big return (debut?). His look s completely different, and his demeanor is completely hardcore. I like it.

He landed a ice chair shot, and while it wasn't much, it looks like 3D waited it out, and finally got a diamond. What do you think? There's not much to go on, for now, but do you think he has the look and attitude to work in TNA's midcard?
I was never impressed with him when he first started doing his angle with Rhino awhile back, but something about tonight made me a believer. He has a new look and it looks hardcore as hell. He reminds me of Shannon Moore in appearance. Teaming him up with 3D and Rhino in this storyline could do wonders for his career. He still needs to work on his mic skills but he impressed me tonight. I want to see where this goes.
Absolutely loved his appearance, he seemed so agressive. If there was a hardcore title picture....I think he'd fit in their. Tonight he impressed me, when he did the whole rhino/3d angle I just wasn't sold. He does need to work on his mic skills and I wonder what type of moves he can do
We've not seen enough yet for me to make a decision on whether I actually dig the direction they're going with him or not. As for his look, however, I thought the guy looked quite generic. He has a few piercings sure, a few tattoos and a 1980's era mohawk with so much mousse that it could potentially be a foreign object. It makes him stand out, I admit, but I still find it kind of generic.

As for the aggression he showed, eh I dunno. His mannerisms, coupled with his overall look, made him come off as a bit cartoonish for me. As things might progress, he might very well grow on me overall. But, thus far, I'm not very impressed.
I liked it. His demeanor and his intensity was a throwback to how Rhino was in the original ECW. Jesse was fired up and was ready to go. I like what TNA has done here.
I was impressed with the return of Jesse Neal. The look was old school, but it was very refreshing for me. He was intense, over the top, and most of all he was confident. 3D and Rhino put him over well in their promo, and I am interested in seeing where this will go.

Let's see how his ring work is before we give him real props though. I would just like to say his return was very well put together. I like him so far.
What I really don't understand is why TNA didn't just bring him in this way to begin with. I don't think anyone really bought into or cared about the whole war story thing and from what I remember somebody posted a pic of him a while back where he already looked like that.

I mean the whole coming out, wearing sweat pants thing was pretty lame.

However tonight he looks to have gone to the look he could have had all along.

I liked the intensity. He's got a look that sets himself apart from others. Hopefully he will do well. Hopefully people will be able to forget about how lame he was before and give him a second chance.
I personally will hold off my opinion of him as a wrestler, until he get's into the ring. But, his look SCREAMS hardcore mofo, which I like. The only area he really didn't excel in was the talking, but he's young. So, am I excited to see his return? Maybe not, but he is taking a step in the right direction, training with the Dudley's and Rhyno. Who knows, maybe he'll shock us all, and turn out to be more than decent in the ring.
It's nice to see some sort of a progression with Neal although I'm not thrilled with this whole new guys vs. old guys angle that we've seen in TNA time and time again. At least they've added a new wrinkle into the fold with Neal.
HOLY SHIT, what they hell happened to this kid i mean its been what 2 or 3 months since Team 3-D took him under there wing and he was in good shape but he wasn't riped like he was eariler tonight. I have a feeling that the cult from the bingo hall will be making a comeback in TNA and i couldn't be happier
Thoroughly impressive! Wow.

I'm really happy they had him dress in such weak ring gear when he debuted, because the re-debut with the spiked hawk and the tribal tattoos really helped immediately solidify him.

Like it's been said, he needs to work on his mic work a bit, but the look itself is huge for him, IMO. It fits the 3D/Rhino "look" as well.

I'm excited to see what they do for his first match.
I thought this whole 3D / Rhino feud with Morgan and Abyss was going nowhere, and had little steam if any at all. I also thought Jesse Neal was forgotten about and TNA did a good job of pretty much writing him off, so his return could be a big deal.

I think he looks like a beast, and hopefully performs like one in the ring and on the mic, because he looks intense. This adds an interesting new dynamic to the feud and I'm intrigued to see where this one can go from here.
Jesse Neals current look is actually quite old.

Jesse Neal after winning the USCW title.

And look at the date on this one:

Point is, they had Jesse always wearing longsleeves shirts to hide the tattoos, and they had him grow his hair out so he'd look puny and pathetic, simply so they could once again revert him to this look.

He's a professional wrestler, and has been since before TNA.
The guy looks like a cunt. His new attitude and look doesn't give him a shot in TNA because, well:

a) The aforementioned looking like a complete twat that just rolled in out of some shitty indy fed.
b) Well, he's basically a worse Tomko and he didn't really work out, did he?

If I was lacking any more enthusiasm I'd probably die from enthusiasm failure.
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Honestly the guy looks like a new Nasty Boy. Maybe when Hogan brings back Brian Knobbs, Neal can team with him. Seriously though I wasn't impressed by Neal because his character was too over the top. Maybe once he gets inside the ring it will be a different story, but calling yourself hardcore and extreme when you haven't done anything to rectify it is too much.

At least TNA is freshening up the feud with Rhino/3D and Morgan/Hernandez. They are also pushing more young new talent which is always good. I just don't know how Neal will work out in the future. He has the whitest vanilla name in wrestling and he is supposed to be hardcore? I guess we will have to wait and see.
really surprised me, i never thought TNA would find a good use for the guy, but they did, i hope he´s got some skills, i don´t know


it looks like someone stole the WCW US. belt
I have two things to say here.

1) I knew there was a reason he always wore long sleeve shirts and had his haircut the way it was. I always thought to myself " No self respecting military man or marine would ever cut his hair as such. "

2) I don't see this doing much for him. His look isn't intriguing. He looks like a smaller version of Tomko. Tomko didn't and never does last, and neither with Neal.

EDIT: While reading this thread I realized a few of you said something about him hitting a nice chairshot. I don't know about you guys, but where I watched Impact, every use of a weapon in that match, including the chairshot, looked really fake and not nearly as harmful as it should have been played out as.
I smell Lethal Lockdown in the horizon... Again!

I liked Neal's look, but what the hell was the deal with the tongue? He kept sticking it out. It made him look stupid. Anyway, love whats been done with him and I hope this feud continues to show the future talent in TNA. Jesse Neal seems to be another brick in a star studded wall. He could build himself up as a new hardcore wrestler.
Here's a picture of his new look for those who haven't seen it:


I'm glad they're doing something with the guy, and right now he's a little green but he's got potential if they keep him around and let him grow a bit.
I really couldn't stand Jesse Neal, and I thought the whole Hero/Training storyline was just boring.

I nearly always fast forwarded those segments.

It was so obvious that they would turn on each other.

His new look is certainly different.

If they are taking him down the ECW/Hardcore route as they appear to be doing then that could be interesting to see what happens with that.

I have too many bad memories of him though, so until I see what, if any improvements he has made I can't really make a judgement at the moment.

I await to be impressed.
After watching his match tonight, I must say...I'm still not sold. I like the look, but his attitude seems all too forced, and his work seemed slow, and not in a good way. If he was trying to be deliberate in his movements, he was doing it wrong.

He lost though. That's a good thing. I'm thinking he'll have a big showing at Final Resolution though.
With the kind of look he has they need him beating people up in the backstage for no reason. Maybe kinda like a mix between Rhino and heel Batista. Slowly building him up so there's a lot of people that hate his guts for him always jumping them. And then have him in a match with one of the people he messed with.

They just kinda showed a small promo and threw him out there.
Just not how I would have done it.
What do you think? There's not much to go on, for now, but do you think he has the look and attitude to work in TNA's midcard?

I'd say he now has the attitude to work in the midcard.... but still.... I don't care for this new character. I think TNA are trying too hard with this guy. First he debuts as a random friend of Rhino's who has become his protege. That was boring. Rhino turns heel on him. Also boring. He does nothing for a while then comes back as this in your face "I'm such a big bad guy, be scared of me!" character. Once again, I found it boring. I rarely, if ever, care for that type of character.

If he had debuted as this version of himself rather than "random friend of Rhino's who wants to be a wrestler" then maybe I would like him more. I'll give this character another chance, because he might do something cool now that he has a character who we can take seriously, but I honestly still find him boring.
I'm still not impressed with the guy. I don't believe that the package matches the wrapping. And I'm not really even sold on that, I think the guy still looks generic with generic mannerisms that just make me roll my eyes. I'd laugh if there was something to laugh at and at least that would be some sort of improvement.

All the stomping around, the facial mannerisms, the tongue sticking out, trying to act vicious and all that...he's the George The Animal Steele of the new millenium.
I find Jesse Neal boring to be quite honest. Nothing intrigues me about him. When he first came in, I thought, even in kayfabe, a Marine would never have a haircut like that, I also figured they had to be hiding something for him to always be in a hoodie or that long sleeve shirt.

Now that he's back, I still don't care for him. After this feud is over with, I think he's just going to fade off into obscurity again. I can't see TNA having anything for him, and for anyone currently receiving a push to feud with him one on one would be a step backwards.

He doesn't have the look for me either. That mohawk, and all his mannerisms, it's just too overtop for me. For him to be taken seriously, I think he should just go to wearing generic black trunks and kneepads, shave his mohawk , go bald, and team with Tomko while he's around, and we can have the team of Tomko and Tomko Jr.
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