Inconsistency in storylines.


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I've always tried to give TNA the benefit of the doubt. I know they're going thru alot of "growing pains" and I've tried to remain patient with them. I liked the product much better before Hulk Hogan joined, but I'm trying to have an open mind about things, and look for what I enjoy about the product. However, when I was watching the Team 3D/Jesse Neal vs The Band match this week, I found myself remembering bits and pieces of information that got me a little frustrated. The storyline continuation is always a little choppy at best, but Team 3D was on such a solid roll before the new regime came in, and now they've been derailed of all steam. For christs sake they almost ruined Beer Money as well before finally making some kind of attempt to salvage them. And don't even get me started on MCMG. But back to Team 3D........

They were teaming with Rhyno and Jesse Neal at the end of the old regime, which was actually an interesting storyline, if not a slight step down for them but still. But I was watching the match this week and I sporadically have they been using Jesse Neal anyway? Not that I care, but a storyline is a storyline. Are they affiliated or not? Can Rhyno just run out next week, even though he's been practically a face on a milk carton lately? Why not, Jesse Neal just came back from the dead, Rhyno can too. And most of all....the thing that popped into my head while watching this was....DIDN'T BROTHER RUNT JUST COME BACK AND ALIGN HIMSELF WITH HIS BROTHERS A COUPLE WEEKS AGO? NOW WHERE HAS HE BEEN? I want answers to these questions, damnit! Why was it Jesse, and not "Spike" teaming with the Dudleys this week? And I'm sure alot of you posters out there have your own little storyline inconsistencies that annoy you as well, so I want to hear about them.

P.S. another thing I picked up on while watching the match....wasn't it JUST LAST WEEK, when The Band introduced their Wolfpac music, that they got on the microphone and referred to themselves over and over again as The Wolfpac? I thought that was going to continue from there on. But the very next week, the announcers are back to referring to them as The Band again. :banghead:
What you're talking about is one of the biggest reasons I can't bring myself to watch TNA often. Even witn Mr. Kennedy/Anderson, who I've always been a mark for, I can't watch it sometimes. Putting all the other things that IMO are terrible about TNA, their stories are very inconsistent. Furthermore, they've always jumped around/done a 180 on/changed drastically way too quickly.

When I used to attempt to watch TNA on a regular basis I was never able to catch it every week. It never grabbed me well enough to make time for it every week. Which, in essence, maybe gives TNA lovers a defense against me, but what I am saying is just my opinion. But when I would watch it I wouldn't be able to follow it. I would only miss a couple weeks and I would still be completely lost on where it was going because apparently in a very short amount of time so much had changed. One time this wrestler was a heel, next time everyone was loving him because he was a face. Yeah everyone does a turn at some point or another, but it seemed to me it happened so rapidly that it was hard to follow unless you did watch it every week. Obviously weekly run series are meant to be watched every week, but if I miss an episode of RAW when I watch the next week I guarantee you besides a "shock" moment, nothing I missed will make me be lost in the story. Plus RAW is so much better at running replays, maybe too much sometimes. With TNA I just couldn't follow what was going on and it was so confusing I just gave up.

Now, being one to admit that I don't watch it nearly as much as a lot of people on here, my knowledge won't be as great as a TNA mark, but it seems to me that people who know about TNA better than me complain the same way you are doing now.

We all know the WWE has inconsistencies in their storylines too. I have a big opinion on where Jack Swagger is now compared to where he was in January. But they're just not nearly as many as in TNA. Plus they're not such drastic changes that you don't know what the hell is going on sometimes.
That's one of the main problems I have with TNA. They have so many wrestlers under contract, but don't know how to use many of them. They start an angle one week then you don't see it continued the following week. What was the point of Brother Runt coming back if their not going to use him? I hate the Orlando Jordan angle, but that's another angle they start then stop. When ever they want it gets frustrating trying to get it to the product when their all over the place.

They have no problem shoving Hogan, Flair, Styles, Abyss, Hardy, and a few others down are throats many times every week. I don't see why they can't cut their time back a little. So they can build their storylines, and keep up with them. It would make the show a whole lot better in my opinion.
Such things as are being discussed here have been a part of wrestling forever in practically every promotion. In both cases the situations appear to be exacerbated by you not watching each week yet expecting nothing to happen inbetween. If I had not watched WWE much (and I do not) I might be like why is Orton not a heel if I tuned in. That does not mean something is wrong with the show. As far as inconsistencies that happens all the time because of injuries, contract disputes, legal matters (which is why they wont be wolfpac fyi) or simply a gimmick or storyline bombing. If you want to watch a stale program where everything is easily predictable and rarely changes then yeah TNA might not be the place for you. Then again that sounds quite boring to me but what do I know?
Being a newer fan of TNA, I can certainly understand the OP's point of view. It's tough to start getting into a character or storyline, only to see it not appear the following week. I think much of it is the "growing pains" reasoning given. However, the other is that there simply isn't enough time in the show to cover everything, every single week.

I think the approach at TNA right now is to determine what stories absolutely have to be told or what characters absolutely have to get TV time. Once those have been ironed out, the rest of the time that's left is split up accordingly. Case in point, Orlando Jordan didn't have to be in a segment this week, as his new character hasn't been fully developed yet. The fans are still "adjusting" to the angle and Jordan not getting a segment probably won't hurt things.

On the contrary, Lockdown is this weekend and anything directly related to it needs to get TV time. The Team 3D / Band cage match (arguably) contributed to build-up for Lockdown, as at a minimum it introduced the Young/Nash match-up based on a built feud. The Storm fireball on Hardy (which should have made TV in my opinion) did two things... upped the ante for the lethal lockdown match and provided a shock and awe moment that TNA can't seem to get enough of.

As for Brother Runt two shows back, I think they were testing the waters with him to see if fans still cared. Honestly, I don't think they did. Other than the "hey, look who it is" factor, I certainly didn't. Runt missing this weeks TV had no effect on me. If I don't see him again in TNA, it wouldn't be a big loss.

For right now, I'm willing to give TNA the benefit of the doubt as they continue with their experiments to determine what works and what doesn't. Hopefully, this isn't a long term format for the show as there needs to be some consistency in the storylines and characters.
Inconsistency? In TNA? WWE doesn't have them? Orton was saying he respected Triple H a few weeks ago. Triple H. The guy who's stabbed him in the back has tried to kill him throughout his entire career. That's not inconsistant?

Inconsistency is the backbone of pro wrestling. You can't escape it. No matter what. I'd much rather have it away from the main event though. So Spike made a one night appearance. He was replaced by Jesse Neal. I believe the term is "filler". The Nasty's weren't working out. So they fired them and "aborted" the story.

Point is inconsistencies happen. Some easier to point out than others.
For me, until this year, i use to watch TNA every week and even when it wasn'T watchable and overbooked, i would defend it to everybody that would hear me because i was a fan of the TNA product and while they would always put too much stuff into the program, at less there was enough wrestling on the show to make me forget about these inconsistencies in storylines.

But now, it seem that with the new regime, you get less wrestling to distract you from these inconsistencies and it becomes frustrating. In the last four months, when i watch TNA and it hasn'T been as often as it use to be, i realise how bad the booking commitee is at actually booking storyline that makes sense. Just a couple of exemples, the whole Bobby LAshley situation. First they book him as a heel wanting to get out of his contract, since in real life they wanted to release him anyway, wasn't it easier to book that storyline by granting him is wish instead of having him turn back face only to get fired and by the way, they completly forgot about LAshley title shot that he won back in november. Another exemple was when Eric Bischoff send down Rhyno, Raven, Homicide, Dr Stevie and somebody else to the ring to attack Jeff Jarrett and Abyss, you thought maybe this will be a permanant thing and they would be Bischoff protection but yet the next week nobody show up and it'S business as usual. Another one is the whole Samoa Joe thing, he gets kidnapped, doesn'T show up for a month, gets a lame ass video and nothing again.

So i understand TNA is having trouble but come on give me a break and book something that makes sense.
I don't know but I'm thinking TNA may be seeing if they can use the Wolfpac name and music. They were a WCW faction, of which WWE now owns all of or most. Plus, maybe they want to move on and make a new group which is something Nash has always been great in.

And if you watch wrestling you had better get use to inconsistencies. Just refer to Riaku's post if you want more. I remember at one point in the WWF, I think it was then, there was a buildup towards some masked wrestler attacking women and it was revealed as Jackie Gayda. It wasn't referenced after the reveal. The McMahon blown up storyline was abandoned for sad reasons, although it was already a terrible story anyway. Hornswoggle being McMahon's son. I could go on and on. The pint is that you have to deal with it. This won't stop certain fans from saying TNA's the worst offender ever, which they're not, but what can you do?
Okay, a couple of points I want to make here....I do in fact, watch Impact as well as Raw, Smackdown and NXT every single week without fail. I don't miss episodes lol. I grew up with WWE but ever since TNA and Spike TV hooked up, Impact has been my favourite show hands down. I haven't missed an episode since 2005. If I seem critical of them, it's because I WANT them to succeed. I'm just bringing up this topic because....I'm in the TNA section of the forums ;)

And another thing.....I'm not saying that TNA is the worst offender. I would never defend WWE on the things they've done. This isn't a WWE vs TNA post....I'm a wrestling fan, that's it.

More specifically, I am just upset at how the Dudleys have been handled in the last little while. It was only last summer I attended my first TNA house show. 3D teamed with Jeff Jarrett to take on Beer Money and Davairi. This was when Team 3D/Beer Money was a red-hot WRESTLING based fued....with a good storyline too, but even better matches. I guess I just miss those days of TNA...which was only 10 months ago. Alot has changed.
In response to the Wolfpac question it said somewhere that Nash wanted to change the name and whoever came up with the name would get to go to impact or something. I believe it was on his twitter.

I think the bottom line is TNA has more talent than they know what to do with. They only have two hours to display all these people and apparently people like sharkboy and Rhyno are still getting paid we just don't see them because there's not enough time. The inconsistencies do bother me and it seems like they're wouldn't be as many if they cleaned up the time they were using. I mean I get that Orlando Jordan's bisexual. That's cool and all but does it further his character, eh probably not. He says it's good for the LGBT community, the only problem is when was the last time this guy wrestled. He comes out and it seems like he's going to do something but he pours white stuff on his face or guy sits in a corner somewhere. He should be winning matches or at least having one.

I think something that would help with the over-saturation of talent as well as keeping the angles together would be to have another show on another night. Even if it's just an hour long they could tape it before or after impact and any other day and have it play on the normal thursdays or do a weekend thing. Just something to keep this stuff fresh and show off some of their other stars. Maybe then they'd be able to keep Daniels and Samoa Joe would be on tv instead of in the back of some guys van. I mean seriously how long ago was that? Bischoff says they have something planed but I could care less at this point because it would mean adding more characters to an already over crowded show and screwing up the direction they're going even more.
Inconsistencies have always been an issue with respect to wrestling.

The worst had to be when WCW did their sudden "restart" in 2000. People who were feuding suddenly aligned with each other and those aligned were feuding.

The same has happened in TNA. Immediately after Hogan arrived, stables that were just made and gathering momentum was broken up, those who recently turned face or recently turned heel turned back, and individuals who were feuding suddenly aligned themselves again (or those who joined forces suddenly turned on each other).

I can understand a change being needed...but you need to move to it, not jump.

Beyond that...yeah, you have Cena picking Orton as his partner, the very man who punted his father. You have Triple H and Orton, who were mortal enemies, who had put each other out, had swapped the title multiple times, suddenly team up with little reservation.

Look at the Ric Flair / Triple H feud. Triple H obliterated Flair, but a year later they are teaming with each other, and when some heels attacked Flair, Triple H wanted revenge.

It was certainly surprising if not welcoming when, at Survivor Series, virtually all of Triple H's partners called him on what they he did to them. However, nothing more came of it. The main reason is if everyone held their grudge against the other forever, then nearly no one could team up with anyone else, ever. No tag teams, no stables, nothing.

Moving beyond that, the fact is, inconsistencies are a part of wrestling. It just...happens....
the true problem with TNA is it's not cool. The reason why the WWF beat WCW was cause the WWF was cool. Let's look at it like this Benoit(pre-murder), Eddie , Rey Rey , Y2J , Aj Styles , Shane Douglas , Goldberg , Raven and the NWO where there but it wasn't cool. I tried to draw the older crowd but the problem was they had jobs. TNA is going the same way personal story lines with no character development. They have a deep young roster but they are not cool. Honestly they have the people L.A.X. , MCMG , Beer Money , TBP , Matt Morgan and AJ Styles have huge potential. It just seems like there is something holding them back. The easiest way is to form groups. How about this get hardy away from RVD and let a group of Hardy and The MCMG bring in Daffney call them the thrillers or something. AJ styles and beer money just seems to fit just loose the baby flair crap and be the guy the showed on Before The Bell. The Pope and LAX could form a group with Sarita. I know they are trying to make a Goldberg with Rob Terry but give that push and belt to Morgan he's already over and he can wrestle. In my opinion this is the base they should start from
I blame the WCW-esque writers that TNA has. They sincerely need new talent back there. Who's in charge of this junk? It's just terrible! I just watch for the wrestling now. It's funny...if you put WWE's writers together with a blend of TNA wrestler's talent IN the ring and WWE wrestler talent on the mic, you might just have one hell of a show! I only watch TNA for the wrestling because the stories are just that ******ed now. WWE isn't really trying anymore either for that matter but they're doing better than TNA. I find myself doing other things while I watch WWE though while I stay fixated on TNA's matches. One of the major inconsistencies that's been bugging me is the disappearances of talent. Hogan and Bischoff come in and so we should just assume that a bunch of people got swept under the rug? If they wanted everyone to "lace up their boots and earn their spot" then they should've made them do just that! How much better would of it had been if they sent these MIA wrestlers off in "win or leave" matches? A LOT BETTER! Where the hell is Rhyno? Or Dr. Stevie? Or Raven who just came back? Where the hell are they going with the Samoa Joe angle? At least WWE continues EVERY story line they have going EVERY week. They don't skip a week, let alone two or three. Maybe TNA should get another show so they have time to build more than two story lines a week.
Maybe TNA should get a independent editor/reviewer to go over the booking and stories before each show. Someone that is knowledged in wrestling, but still see's things from a fan's perspective. Then have the guts to say, "you expect to draw ratings with this garbage?"
Inconsistencies do happen. They happened in WCW and they happen in WWE sometimes. One thing that makes TNA's inconsistencies stand out to such a degree is the fact that they keep happening almost on a weekly basis. Triple H briefly teaming with Randy Orton for one night doesn't mean their allies. Respecting ones abilities isn't the same thing as having an alliance with them. In TNA, Jeff Hardy seemed to be heading for a spot in the TNA main event scene the first few weeks of his arrival, and now he's firmly stuck within the mid-card scene in TNA teaming with RVD and stuck with trying to give a rub to Eric Young.

Sometimes, the WWE sticks with a story, angle or feud too long. The Orton/Cena/Triple H presence in the WWE Championship scene in 2009 is a perfect example of it. TNA, on the other hand, doesn't give a lot of stories, angles or even feuds time to flourish. They'll do something for a couple of weeks, end it and them move the wrestlers involved onto something else or they'll simply disappear from television for a month or so.
Ok here is the 411 on what I have on this...

Rhyno, Raven, Stevie Richards, Tomko have pretty much been all lost in the shuffle, I also think they are keeping them off TV much similar to Joe so when they come back (atleast in Rhynos case) he can be something important to combat against other people.

The brother runt thing was basically a one time nostalgia type thing to combat the Jimmy Hart thing I mean does it look more believable if Jimmy Hart is fighting Jesse Neal or 150 pound brother runt? I mean the choice is obvious to me.

In terms of Wolfpac, according to Nash's twitter they only had the wolfpac music available in terms of not being one of the trademarks bought by WWE from WCW, and Nash isn't really fond of being called the Band and Nash has a list of names he hopes to pick from here soon and fly someone out at the next set of tapings if the trademarks all go well.

TNA and even WWE all have problems with consistantcy Edge and Christians were brothers, and then they were best friends and now they only refer to them as one of the best tag teams ever. Then you have the commentators who can't remember history when they say something like "The title hasn't changed hands here in 10 years", but the title changed hands six months ago there.

TNA's main problem was not letting programs progress like they should I hoped they would've done something with MCMG when they got the #1 contendership against generation me, but it makes it hard because they are doin a Matt Morgan ego storyline at the same time, I wanted to see more with the Machismo invitational, but now he is doing these skits with Hogan. WWE's problem is they overdraw a storyline passed the point of caring, or they change it after 10 years. Take it for what you will...
Inconsistencies have always been an issue with respect to wrestling.

The worst had to be when WCW did their sudden "restart" in 2000. People who were feuding suddenly aligned with each other and those aligned were feuding.

I know a restart isnt an ideal thing, but when a new regime comes in, sometimes the easiest thing to do is to start from square one and go from there. Its easier to plan storylines and do trial and error matches and situations to see what will work. Obviously the new regime is replacing the old one, so why would they keep what the old regime was doing? I know its painful for some fans to have to be drug along with this, but all you can do is hope they know what they are doing.

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