Gore, Gore, Gore!!

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Plump, Juicy User
Awhile back Rhino took in Jesse Neal and was going to mentor him and teach him to be a wrestler. However, Jesse Neal has proven to be worthless and after Rhino gored him a few weeks back, this storyline looks to be heading nowhere.

I think that it has been a big waste for TNA to put Rhino in a storyline like this that hasn't given us anything. Less than a year ago Rhino was a world title contender, but now he is lucky to be seen at all. He may not be the best or most athletic in the ring, but he is solid enough and can show some real emotion, especially in his promos.

There is a reason that Rhino has stuck in the wrestling business for so long, he's a solid mid carder and a fan favorite. I'm not saying he should be one of the main guys we see every week or that he should be in the main event, but he definetly needs to be used more than he is at the moment.

What are your thoughts on Rhino? Do you think he should be used more, and if so, how?
I'd buy it if they put Rhino in contention for the Legends title. That's really the only title I can see him credibly holding, as he's not really the type I'd associate with the X Division belt, and he's not my idea of a main eventer either.

Another option might be a tag title run, but I'm not sure who you'd pair him with. Finishing out the Jesse Neal storyline and having them eventually tag might have worked, but short of that... I don't know. So many of the rest of the roster are tied up in either MEM or WE right now that there's not really a lot left to choose from.

Short of him making some sort of run for a belt, I don't see him being particularly interesting. Just sticking him in a feud with some random person isn't going to be any kind of a draw.
I'd buy it if they put Rhino in contention for the Legends title. That's really the only title I can see him credibly holding, as he's not really the type I'd associate with the X Division belt, and he's not my idea of a main eventer either.

I completely agree.

Really, at this point, Rhino is reaching some sort of Legend status and is one of the most recognizable wrestlers on the entire roster to casual fans out there who don't necessarily follow TNA. Not only is he a former ECW World Champion, but he had a solid four year run in WWE. On top of that, he is truly a great talent, who has just gotten the short end of the stick for whatever reasons. But it seems today he has his demons under control, and is more than capable of doing good things for the company, if given the opportunity. He's in great shape, and is as good as he ever was talent wise. Now's the time to do something with him if you're TNA, and a push with the Legend's Title seems like a tremendous place to start. Not only does it make Rhino legitimate again, but I think with a long run with the title, he could make the belt mean something special as well.

There are plenty of good feuds and matches he could have that TNA has yet to give him. Angle, Foley, Steiner, Joe, Styles, Booker, etc. are all talent that Rhino hasn't been given the chance to work with competitively, and a run with the Legends Championship would change that I think, and would provide us fans with some really great shit to watch. Here's hoping sometime soon TNA does decide to give Rhino the ball.
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Honestly I could care less about Rhino and I think the fans in general feel this way. I mean he can still wrestle(sorta) and still get's a reaction(who doesn't in TNA) but he just seems to be on his last life line.

Over the last 2 years, he has done filler feud after filler feud and nothing has really came out of it. TNA just doesn't seem to think he is a big enough "name" to push, like they do with the other "Rejects"(I don't mean that in a bad way). And I pretty much agree with them. He's good, but he's not amazing, and his name value has decreased and I think the most we will see out of Rhino is playing the jobber to the stars role, and maybe a crappy filler feud once in a while. He just isn't fresh or exciting enough or a big enough name for TNA to get behind these days.
To be perfectly honest I thought Rhino could have been a huge part in the ill-fated "Frontline"/MEM storyline. Rhino needed to be reinvented and then was the time. Have Rhino taking out anyone who's everyone. You could easily have him attacking different guys, and dropping them with a Piledriver through tables in various situations. The crowd would love it, and it'd put a bit of fire back into Rhino. This would have inevitably lead to him being the one to have to track the MEM down and take them out 1 by 1.

Rhino. Oh poor Rhino. To be honest his career was never going anywhere the minute that the original ECW died. He was always a talented wrestler, but he was simply always nothing more than an upper midcarder. His tenure in the main event of ECW was during the dying days of the company, when they really had no choice but to push whatever new star they could find. I've always enjoyed Rhino's work, but he's never really had what it takes to vault himself to that main event scene.

Right now in TNA, I'll agree with the lot of you. He'd make a good addition to the Legends title picture, but even that at this point is shaky when you've got Nash and Foley doing great things with that title right now. Honestly, Rhino is simply expendable to TNA right now. Is he an asset to have? Sure. But the problem is that TNA already has WAY too much contracted talent, and simply not enough TV time for most of them. Rhino has been one of the victims of this as his TV time has shrunk more and more with the years.

Rhino could still make a worthy addition to the TNA roster. They just need to seriously trim some of the "fat" off of their roster right now though, otherwise guys like Rhino are going to be lost in the shuffle and simply left to waste away and do nothing.
Rhino, hmm. You know, you got all the Main Event Mafia & World Elite vs TNA Originals & Bobby Lashley, Sting, Team 3D, etc. There's just not enough TV time for Rhino. I could've seen somethign happen if Raven stayed a bit longer. Maybe some Clockwork Orange Match or some extreme ECW-type match, but since Raven's gone, Rhino is back to wrestling once a month maybe against Cody Deaner...Something has to be done, Rhino's too good to be wasted. Get BG or Kip James back.
Personally, I don't care about what happens to Rhino at all. Couldn't care less really. To me, Rhino is someone that was destined for relative obscurity after the collapse of the original ECW.

Most of what Rhino has been for the past few years is filler and this thing with Jessie Neal is just something that makes me change the channel. Up until a few weeks ago, I had completely forgotten about Rhino and this angle they're running with him. Honestly, I'd had pretty much forgotten that the guy ever even existed. That's really how little I give a crap about this guy.

As for Rhino in a situation for the Legends title...eh, couldn't hurt I suppose. His inclusion isn't necessarily going to make me anymore interested in the title situation, but never say never I guess.

Ultimately, Rhino never did anything that just made me think he should be anywhere near the main event or even the upper mid-card level. I don't get a charasmatic feel or presence from him. He's also sort of stuck in the middle of the road in some ways. He's not really big enough to be a "big man" or major powerhouse and he's too big to be a high flyer. Anything Rhino has to offer in the ring is something I've seen from lots of other guys over the years and, personally, I think most of them did it better.
why are people hating on rhyno, i absolutely love rhino, one of my all time favourites and took part in one of my favourite matches made it one of my fave pay per view, i marked the fuck out when he beat jeff jarret for the title in 2005 and i find it sad that he's been with the piece of shit jesse neal.
why are people hating on rhyno, i absolutely love rhino, one of my all time favourites and took part in one of my favourite matches made it one of my fave pay per view, i marked the fuck out when he beat jeff jarret for the title in 2005 and i find it sad that he's been with the piece of shit jesse neal.
You know, I'm not exactly Captain America, but I find it a little offensive for you to call a former soldier a "piece of shit."I know that's probably not what you were going for, but American or not, that's not cool. I think the angle had potential to be good actually, it just fizzled out. With the lack of tv time and Neal's athletic ability lacking substance, I think they pulled the trigger a bit soon. I mean, as far as the story goes, it isn't bad. Usually the student turns on the teacher, and seeing Rhino kind of turn the tables and get frustrated with Neal's progression is a bit different. Maybe if Neal was a little better, it would've worked out. Oh well.
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