Jeremy Borash's Tweet to Fan: "I Hope Your Whole Family Dies"


The Cheesehead in Ohio
In an article posted earlier today, a fan posted a video on YouTube which alleges that TNA's Jeremy Borash sent a direct Tweet to another fan saying "I hope your whole family dies." According to the fan, all he did was criticize TNA Wrestling, and received this rude tweet in return from (allegedly) TNA's ring announcer.

Now, I have a lot of doubts that this was actually Jeremy Borash Tweeting to this fan. For one, what person would send his Twitter login information to some random dude on Facebook? Unless he's a complete idiot, nobody. I just can't accept a man in JB's position would ever send a tweet this disrespectful to a fan (or non-fan) of TNA Wrestling. Why would he risk his career and a good paycheck in a terrible economy by sending a tweet of this nature? Could JB's account have been hacked? Could it be a fake Twitter page?

Lets consider the alternative that this was JB tweeting something like this to a wrestling fan. What actions should TNA take in response to this if the person behind this tweet was, in fact, Jeremy Borash? Should his employment be terminated? Should he receive a hefty fine? Suspension?
Well, if it was Borash he should be canned as soon as possible. Good announcer/interviewer or not, this is not the type of emlpoyees you want in your company.

However, I highly doubt Borash did it. I'd like to see the actual tweet, and I do expect this to be a few things.

1. A TNA hater trying to stir some crap.
2. Fake account (remember Hogan/Bischoff saying they quit TNA?)

Either of those is pretty pathetic. It does sound like something a moron would do and I doubt Borash is that immature.
I don't know whether or not it is truly a "tweet" from JB or if it is indeed a fake, but if it is true, I think TNA could really benefit from how they handle this situation.

1) Have 'tnadixie' tweet to everyone who will listen that on the March 10th Impact, TNA will shock the world with the biggest, most shocking surprise of the year
2) At the end of this week's Impact, have TAZ interrupt by saying that they have just received a new video package...then cut to said promo video: A dark room illuminated by only a computer monitor while rain falls, thunder and lightning sound,...Then slowly move towards a closeup of the monitor....while the camera slowly focuses on the monitor...the logo on the screen looks familar...almost like the Twitter logo..but it's hard to strikes the monitor and it goes dark...only to flash a few times...finally, from the darkness of the monitor, the numbers appear in a font we've seen before... "3-10-11"....then the letters slowly fade into smoke...
3) On March 10th Impact, have Jeremy Borash defeat the TNA Champion (whoever it is...sting? maybe) for the championship.

Voila,TNA Rises from the ashes...
I have to say that I also can't see Jeremy saying something like that, as he doesn't seem like the kind of person who would but I guess we can't know for sure right now. If, that this is a big *IF*, it was him then of course some kind of action should be taken whether its:

1) Fine

2) Suspension

3) Fine & suspension

4) Termination of his position

Until we know if it was him for sure, we can't say either way but whoever did do this is not a very bright person :suspic:
I doubt this is true, because if it is well Borash is a fool. You can't wish death on people/fans families. My bet is that this is a TNA hater doing this. If its true well bye bye Borash.
I really doubt it was actually JB. Now I can't speak for JB and what he says and does behind closed doors on a computer, tweeting, etc etc etc... But I met JB at Hard Justice in 08 and I've honestly never met a nicer guy. I have a really hard time believing that was him.

However, it's still TNA... and people are going to forget about this in like 3 days.
Seems many are like me in doubting that Borash actually sent this tweet. There's probably plenty of fake JB accounts circulating around Facebook, Twitter, and probably even to the last few of us clinging to MySpace.

This WWE/TNA fan disrespect gets out of control. We're all wrestling fans, and it's great to be vocal in support or in criticism of WWE, TNA, or ROH. But to imitate JB just signifies someone's a pathetic loser who gets his kicks trolling on the internet because he's a fat virgin that lives off of pizza in his parents' basement.
I do not think it was hacked. But I still can't imagine Borash saying anything like that. But than again, Jeremy Borash loves TNA to death. He was just offended greatly. I saw it on twitter myself, I don't think it was a fake twitter account. But if it was him who said it, than I'm really disappointed. JB is a very good interviewer, he could work a storyline like gold. But this was unacceptable in many ways.

JB is now on a LONG LONG list of TNA employees who should be fired. Wishing death to anybody and their family members is ******ed. Why would JB risk his job? TNA obviously isn't that stupid to allow it, at least I hope not.

JB, if that was you, I got words for you.

"Why the hell would you do this? TNA is already in a state of shit and their reputation is on the line, especially with Jeff Hardy's ridiculous drug case. Wishing death on a harmless person is stupid"

Otherwise, IMO, I don't think it was JB. No matter what, I can't imagine him being that stupid. I like TNA, I watch every week, I'm a huge supporter. I don't want shit like this to happen, especially when TNA's eating WWE's dust in ratings.
If the tweet is true which we may never find out, he should get fired, but if he is innocent he should press charges against who posted that tweet. This not even about being a WWE or TNA fan, its about being responsible for your actions. ( Borash or who ever posted it.) Stuff like this takes the fun out of being a fan of anything.
I doubt JB would have lasted as long as he had in his job if he were actually that stupid/unprofessional. If it truly were JB, he would have had to know that this sort of action would not go unnoticed or unpunished. I think it far more likely that someone found some way to make a twitter profile half-way believable to be that of JB and then just sent the tweet. Random trolling. It happens.

Now if it were actually JB, then I could only assume that he'd gone off his head or was on some form of dangerous intoxicant and should be both fired and hospitalized. That being said, it's unlikely that anything will come of this.
Seems many are like me in doubting that Borash actually sent this tweet. There's probably plenty of fake JB accounts circulating around Facebook, Twitter, and probably even to the last few of us clinging to MySpace.

This WWE/TNA fan disrespect gets out of control. We're all wrestling fans, and it's great to be vocal in support or in criticism of WWE, TNA, or ROH. But to imitate JB just signifies someone's a pathetic loser who gets his kicks trolling on the internet because he's a fat virgin that lives off of pizza in his parents' basement.

:worship: i couldn't agree more with your statement. Like i said before its probably a TNA hater. I don't know Borash personally, but to think he would be so stupid to pull that kind of crap is stupid.
I doubt JB would have lasted as long as he had in his job if he were actually that stupid/unprofessional. If it truly were JB, he would have had to know that this sort of action would not go unnoticed or unpunished. I think it far more likely that someone found some way to make a twitter profile half-way believable to be that of JB and then just sent the tweet. Random trolling. It happens.
Unfortunately, it happens a lot on the Internet, from people posting pro-al Qaeda messages on news sites to random wrestling fans posting stupid messages all over message boards. People who have no life and are so miserable the only enjoyment they get is to stir trouble on the `net.

Now if it were actually JB, then I could only assume that he'd gone off his head or was on some form of dangerous intoxicant and should be both fired and hospitalized. That being said, it's unlikely that anything will come of this.
Agreed. I've never met JB, and have no idea who he is personally, but I don't get the impression from him that he's the kind who would do something as stupid as tweeting something like that to a fan. He seems very loyal to TNA and trying to make them succeed, and I can't imagine he'd jeopardize his position in the company by giving in to his anger over a tweet.

Now, if he truly did this, TNA should definitely punish JB in some fashion. I would hate to see JB go, he might just be the best ring announcer currently in the biz.
well now idk ... I went to wikipedia and clicked on his twitter and i dont know if it was fake but if it was i dont think it'll be on wikipedia.. and the "huge news" tweet was on there ... i really hope it was fake because thats some messed up stuff to say.. then again ive seen worst publicity in TNA before
Until we know if it was him for sure, we can't say either way but whoever did do this is not a very bright person :suspic:


I'd say the same about you and your fancy text. Type like a man! *Godfather slap*

Sadly, I think this is real and probably just an awful mistake by Borash. One thing I'd bet you is that some other tweet or private message from this person, which was probably a whole lot nastier, was sent to Borash and he responded with a quick and unwise remark. A response like "I hope your whole family dies" is humorous to some because it's so extreme. My own friends and I joke that way sometimes.

One thing for sure is that it IS the real Jeremy Borash's Twitter account. You can verify that by looking at other public tweets sent out by it. However, that doesn't necessarily mean the account wasn't hacked. I just find it strange that a hacker would send out private messages instead of posting something publicly.

Typically, Twitter hackers want to do something big that they'd get a big laugh from. You'd be much more likely to see them send out a tweet saying "TNA just made a huge signing... and THAT'S THE BOTTOM LINE" to try and cause a huge stir. If this is a hacker, there's a huge chance that their work would go unnoticed if the person who received the message didn't take the time to make it public like this.

One possibility... the person who posted the message is the hacker himself. What better way to make sure you cause the stir you wanted?

That said, it's probably is just a mistake born from very poor judgment on Borash's part. I sure hope the guy doesn't lose his job over it.
Who really gives a Shit? I mean, wrestlers having been working fans and saying dumb shit on Twitter for a long time now... Anyone ever read Iron Sheik 's Twitter page?

I think it was JB and the asshole probably deserved to be told off... True, wishing death on one's whole family is extreme... But, it's funny... Twitter is not real life!!!!
I don't care if it really was Jeremy, fuck this fan. He's obviously lying about something. Notice he didn't show what he actually sent to Borash in his little video? I guarentee that he said some really nasty, hateful, shit to Borash and Borash told him off.

You know he's covering something when he says "all I did was say I didn't like TNA". If he really didn't have anything to hide he would have shown exactly what he sent Borash. Instead he's playing the poor me card. He probably sent a ton of tweets trashing Borash and telling him he fucking sucked or something of that nature because all cowards use instant messaging to say things to people they will never meet. He talks trash then tries to say his feelings were hurt when someone gave it back to him? What a coward.

I don't even really like TNA and I'm 100% behind Borash. Some loser talks shit to a guy about the job he does and the company he works for. When that guy tells him off he tries to make himself seem important be showing a video of his Twitter screen to the world. What a piece of shit.
Actually you do see what he sent to Jeremy, it's in the series of messages on facebook. While it's hard to tell if this is for real or not, Aaron Rift (who did the video) runs and isn't known as a shit stirrer compared to a lot of dirtsheet sites, I doubt he's just openly lying, it looked legit, and that IS Borash's twitter.
Some of the crap people have been saying to Dixie and other TNA employees have been ridiculous. Wanting Dixie dead, some wanting to kill her in brutal ways, ... even though its the unprofessional thing to do I really cant blame Borash if he did. You can only take so much of that ignorant, immature bullshit the iwc spews out of their mouth week after week, day after day.
I'm torn on if this is real or not, just because it's so completely over the top. However, it would be far from the first time I've seen someone post something incredibly stupid in a professional capacity on Twitter. Twitter is practically designed for people to make asses out of themselves.

If it's true, Jeremy Borash is gone. At least from any company with a modicum of respect for themselves, which, as time goes on, I'm not so sure about. You can't tell your customers that you hope their family dies, no matter how pissed off they have you. Not only do they give you money, but other people who give you money see this behavior and sympathize with the customer; they have more in common with each other. Just for posterity's sake you have to fire him, even if you bring him back a few months later.

If it isn't true, Jeremy Borash is going to need a lot of aspirin over the next week defending himself.
Either way, we won't know for sure what happened . If its true then Borash is gone, but if its false he should definitely try to find the culprit and sue him.
So wait, Jeremy Borash allegedly wishes death on people over the internet and are appalled by it and believe he should be fired. Meanwhile, Joey Styles wishes death on Mike Awesome while broadcasting a PPV, gets his wish and then gets a promotion as director? Can somebody see what's wrong here? No, it's not wishing death on people. Even if that is wrong. It's people wigging out at some written on the interwebz1!1!

JB wishd dead on family!1! Bad Twitter!

Somewhere along the lines comes the thought of real life > Twitter comments should appear, but it hasn't for some reason. It wouldn't surprise me if the account was fake or jacked. We had Eric and Hogan claiming they quited TNA over Twitter. Glad to see it came true. And if JB said it, meh. I've heard worse things. In person. From a person's mouth. When it matters.
So wait, Jeremy Borash allegedly wishes death on people over the internet and are appalled by it and believe he should be fired. Meanwhile, Joey Styles wishes death on Mike Awesome while broadcasting a PPV, gets his wish and then gets a promotion as director? Can somebody see what's wrong here? No, it's not wishing death on people. Even if that is wrong. It's people wigging out at some written on the interwebz1!1!

JB wishd dead on family!1! Bad Twitter!

Somewhere along the lines comes the thought of real life > Twitter comments should appear, but it hasn't for some reason. It wouldn't surprise me if the account was fake or jacked. We had Eric and Hogan claiming they quited TNA over Twitter. Glad to see it came true. And if JB said it, meh. I've heard worse things. In person. From a person's mouth. When it matters.

The difference about what Styles said and what Borash «may have» said, is that styles did it on a PPV thus its pretty clear he didn't mean it. I guarantee you that if he would have said the same thing while not being on PPV or even on a wrestling program people would be upset.
So wait, Jeremy Borash allegedly wishes death on people over the internet and are appalled by it and believe he should be fired. Meanwhile, Joey Styles wishes death on Mike Awesome while broadcasting a PPV, gets his wish and then gets a promotion as director? Can somebody see what's wrong here? No, it's not wishing death on people. Even if that is wrong. It's people wigging out at some written on the interwebz1!1!

JB wishd dead on family!1! Bad Twitter!

Somewhere along the lines comes the thought of real life > Twitter comments should appear, but it hasn't for some reason. It wouldn't surprise me if the account was fake or jacked. We had Eric and Hogan claiming they quited TNA over Twitter. Glad to see it came true. And if JB said it, meh. I've heard worse things. In person. From a person's mouth. When it matters.
So have I, but not from people acting on behalf of a company. Hell, I've said worse, and within the past few days, but I wasn't working in a capacity as a media personality for a television company at the time.

For what it's worth, I really doubt this was Jeremy Borash. But for some reason I can't understand, you have this idea that just because it's on the internet, it doesn't count. In a setting like these forums, yes, you're right. From one person's private twitter account to another, you're right again. From a media personality who uses his Twitter account to promote the company he works for to a customer of that very company, it's almost too much to be believable.

Joey Styles wasn't right to wish death upon Mike Awesome either. The WWE is not some great standard bearer for good morality.

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