Jeremy Borash SMOKES Tazz and Tenay at Commentating


Gone but never forgotten.
For those who watched Destination X last night, you saw how Jeremy Borash had to step in for Taz behind the commentating booth. I was pleasantly surprised at Borash's skills at calling matches and such. It made me immediately think about how terrible Taz really is and how much Tenay lacks in emotion when it comes to commentating.

Am I alone in thinking this way? Does anyone else agree with me that Taz and Tenay just don't seem to fit the bill as a commentating team? Sure, every once in a blue moon Taz comes out with a few funny tidbits. It's like the law of large numbers; with all of that commentating, he has to say something meaningful and funny, eventually.

But I truly feel that the majority of Taz's play-by-play consists of him tripping over and stuttering his own words while Tenay is the most robotic announcer I've ever heard. When Borash stepped in last night, it almost felt as if some life was injected into the event.

Should Borash step into either Taz's or Mike Tenay's spot, full-time? Discuss.
Yea i agree, Taz complains about being told what to say when working in wwe, but in TNA you give him control and he just stumbles or says somethings stupid from time to time, Taz was better when he was comentating smackdown.

Borash did do a good job as his first time, he can only imporve if given more chances. Id rather hear him do commentary than be a Poor mans Michael Buffer.
Borash has a very natural charisma with the TNA brand, IMO. I'm not against the idea of adding him, but at the expense of Tenay or Tazz? Not so sure. I don't see what people hate in either man. I think they both do a fine job, to be quite honest.

Why not just add Borash as a third?
Borash is good. I think he would be better if TNA could find a Tony Shevoni (Sp?) type to pair with him. I have always been a fan of the three man team and I know Bischoff likes it (Nitro).

The problem is finding people fit for all of the roles, there aren't a lot of places for commentators to train these days. The NWA is starting to make a bit of an upturn but they are nowhere Close to where they once were, RoH has Kevin Kelly who is a holdover from the late years of territories, then you have WWE who all talk like Vince, and finally you have TNA who have Taz and Tenay who should be held to limited expose (In the case of Taz NO exposing him at all).

The system is just so watered down, Borash is a breath of fresh air but who would they get to pair with him? I dont see Bobby Heenan Jr running around anywhere.
Borash has a very natural charisma with the TNA brand, IMO. I'm not against the idea of adding him, but at the expense of Tenay or Tazz? Not so sure. I don't see what people hate in either man. I think they both do a fine job, to be quite honest.

Why not just add Borash as a third?

Taz is alright but if you are looking to be a great program "Alright" and "Fine" don't cut it. You have to be good at the very least, so yes Taz and Tenay are fine, but fine doesn't draw in people, Great draws in people. If I am Bischoff I am sending out feelers to try to find my program's voice. Someone like a Gordon Soley or a Jim Ross. Scour the globe and find it.
Always loved taz as a wrestler but I have always thought he sucked in the booth. I liked Don West a lot better believe it or not. I remember when they did the angle where West and Tenay would get into a fight and West would just walk off for some reason I cracked up everytime.
You know who kicks ass at commentary? Alex Shelley.


Too bad he's a wrestler. As far as Borash goes, yeah he's very good at telling a story. What this duo lacks is emotion. The X-Division guys were doing SICK moves and these guys' voices didn't go up even a little bit. Kind of a buzz kill.
I like Tenay hes always sounded the same to me but one thing has changed about him. When he was in WCW he would always throw out interesting facts about wrestling. I believe they called him the professor mike tenay!! As far as taz goes it seems to me hes a little bitter and pissed off at the wwe! I get that feeling everytime he commentates just little short jabs here and there!! As far as scouring the universe goes Gordon solie and JR were once in a lifetime!!! No one will ever be as good as those two!! Its like Michael Jordon since he retired players have been compared but no one has even come close!!!
I think what is missing from announcing regardless of federation is the charasmatic heel announcer. I am not talking Michael Cole, but more like Bobby Heenan or Jesse Ventura, who is good at telling the story and moving the storylines but can do it while putting over the heels as justified in what they are doing. When Don West started his turn toward the heel announcer, I felt he had the necessary charisma to make it work and that charisma can rub off on others and make the announcing team better by giving you the feel of 2 people having a duel with absolute respect for each other.
Borash did do a good job as his first time, he can only imporve if given more chances.

I agree that Borash injected some life into the rapidly becoming cobweb infested IW announce booth.

Also, I feel the need to point out that JB wasn't a 'first timer' behind the announce desk last night.
He provided occasional commentary during WCW's dying days, filling in for Tony Schiavone on a couple of Nitro's in September/October 2000, Didn't do too badly either considering the high pressure situation.

Remember, Borash was Vince Russo's assistant/right-hand man during that time and has always been a keen supporter of Vinnie Ru. The fact that he is such a Russo supporter (not a bad thing) raises an interesting question.

After JB's admittedly good showing at the Destination-X PPV, Will Russo try to politically whack 'Iron' Mike from the announce booth for good!?
Russo and Borash are long term friends and I wouldn't put it past Vinnie Ru to try such a power play given these events.
Borash is good. I think he would be better if TNA could find a Tony Shevoni (Sp?) type to pair with him. I have always been a fan of the three man team and I know Bischoff likes it (Nitro).

The problem is finding people fit for all of the roles, there aren't a lot of places for commentators to train these days. The NWA is starting to make a bit of an upturn but they are nowhere Close to where they once were, RoH has Kevin Kelly who is a holdover from the late years of territories, then you have WWE who all talk like Vince, and finally you have TNA who have Taz and Tenay who should be held to limited expose (In the case of Taz NO exposing him at all).

The system is just so watered down, Borash is a breath of fresh air but who would they get to pair with him? I dont see Bobby Heenan Jr running around anywhere.
It's Tony Schiavone... and I totally agree with you on that one. I think that Taz should go to being a manager and leave Tenay and possibly Borash to do the work.
Last night at Destination X Jeremey Borash was awesome. You can really see that he is a company man, has a passion for TNA and since he's been there since day 1 knows the history of all the wrestlers and brings it inot his commentary. You could really feel that he believes TNA is the best company and wants them to succeed. He even dragged a great performance out of Tenay.

Then there is Taz who has come to the company for a paycheck, phones it in each and every week and adds nothing to the program but pigeons and yam bags.

TNA do yourself a HUGE favor, drop Taz, free up some cash to hire guys like Low Ki, Kid Kash or to start paying some of your draws in the Knockouts division what their worth so they don't have to work at sunglasses hut, and pt JB on the booth.

Great work JB!
Borash has always been kinda a funny guy for me... umm.. someone said it.. he did lack emotion a lot of the time, and actually there was times where he didn't even say anything and Mike Tenay just seemed to carry it himself.

I enjoy Taz.. he calls it like it is.. even if it is a bit goofy. Taz will always commentate about his experience and how he knows what's going on with the wrestlers. Taz seems to make comments on the small things, and sometimes thats good as he helps drive a point home in a match, and other times he's just way out of the ballpark with what he says.

I like the idea of having a 3 person team with Mike Tenay, Taz, and Jeremy Borash, since I don't think any pair of the 2 can quite get it done.

However by-far Mike Tenay/Taz are A LOT better than anything involving Michael Cole in the WWE. PERIOD. MICHAEL COLE SUCKS DONKEY DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ya'll might find this disrespectful.. but if I could chose one person in the wrestling industry to just die over night.. it would be Michael Cole.. completely unbearable a lot of the time.
Mike Tenay is just so bad on commentary that anyone sounds better next to him. JB did a good job and actually showed knowledge and interest in the matches. I bet JB was ecstatic to call RVD vs. Jerry Lynn. I do think JB is better at ring announcing and backstage then on commentary though. I don't think TNA will replace Tenay or Taz, though I wish they would.
Borash spent nearly 5 minutes in utter silence during the 4-Way contract match. Did no one notice that? Yeah, he's far more insightful than Tenay and far smarter than Taz. But he needs to keep the pace up. I actually forgot he was on commentary on several occasions because he wouldn't say a word. Taz and Tenay might suck, but they know their way around it. If people want JB, he'll need more experience because doing the kind of stuff he did last night wasn't too smart. This is, he's on commentary in Xplosion already. Does he stay quiet there too?
For such a great PPV the commentary was absolutely appalling. Tenay is just so bland and Borash although better was not really very entertaining. Yes Taz makes stupid jokes but at least he sounds like he is enjoying the matches while Tenay shows no passion and Borash really does not have the knowledge of moves. I have been watching Xplosion where Taz and Borash commentate and even this partnership is not great. I would like to see three commentating. Taz for his knowledge of moves, Borash as he loves TNA and is more entertaining then Tenay and Don West for his over the top hyping of everything.
Mike Tenay will always have my respect as far as knowledge goes (not that he'd give two shits..I realize that). As far as announcing...I think he's best served as the backup / secondary play by play guy (in a three man booth).
Should Borash step into either Taz's or Mike Tenay's spot, full-time? Discuss.

Sadly, it might be best if he stepped in for Tenay. While I respect Tenay's knowledge and passion for the business, I just think that Borash and Taz cuold really mesh well.

Still, Tenay and Borash made a good pair. Perhaps they should just go to a three-man format and let Taz say stupid shit, Tenay provide the knowledge and let Borash freshen it up with his take on the matters.

Borash did a surprisingly good job.

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