Its Official TNA is Out Of Business .

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Occasional Pre-Show
Now I may be over reacting , but guess what TNA just gave me every reason to do so . Ok Ill count down the reasons why I am suspecting that TNA is fucked up because of :

1-The love triangle: JJ and Karen and Kurt .We all know the story ,but what came out of it is that JJ is no longer a booker but only a wrestler and you also have 2 firings to 2 big back stage names .

2-Kurt angel TND(Total non stop drama) : We all read the story and now he is out of prieson . But w8 here is that best part TNA is avtually is going to make him wrestle . Do I need to explain how wrong this is !! (Kurt if you continue this road you are going to end up like beniot or worse) .

3- This came in today and BOY it made my day :)......NOT .
I have just checked out WZ and they have a post that says dixi ( ready for this ) is not looking for hyman nor gabe (former ROH writer who done many good stuff there) . SHE WANTS ........... ARE YOU READY ..........
MOTHER FUCKING HOLLYWOOD WRITERS !!!!!:wtf::banghead:::mad::shit::::cuss2::shooter::dark2: . What in the blue HELL is wrong with TNA do they rely think they can become TNE (TN-Entertainment) . Just thinking about how raw sucks because of these stupid hollywood writers ,Now you want me to think TNA is going to do better than that where with wrestling bookers (who are good but not great ) they cant do shit you want to now bring those stupid sitcom writers who know shit about wrestling . is TNA loosing there mind ? .
Now lets review shall we : 1-You are getting rid off all what brought you to the game (X-division,Knockouts,JJ,ETC...)and bring as many of former wwe guys as you can no matter who they are (I bet 50$ that they will get hornswagol if they get the chance LOL) .
2-You are loosing Kurt Angel and to top that you are not willing to suspend him or release him and hoping this will all work out ....:wtf: . ohh and by me saying loosing kurt I mean as in law or life matter .
3- You are now looking for hollywood writers . I think I made my point clear about this . It will not be a surprise if dixi sells TNA to wwe while she can have some share hold with the company .

OHH I forgot Number 4 The BIG ONE : You bitches sent gail kim back to wwe . For who for the bitch her self Camel toe aka survivor bitch aka jenna morascow .

Some of you may come in here and start bashing this thread but you know what THE HELL WITH IT , I am sick of this GARBAGE Wrestling !!
Eh? I don't really think TNA will go out of business, since their ratings are climbing and their turning out a small profit. It's not like WCW, where by the end, the cost outweighed the profit. I'd even suspect that if Dixie and Co. wanted to get out, someone would probably buy TNA, seeing how it is and can be profitable.

Now as for your reasons why TNA is screwed.

#1: The love triangle helps imo. Given TNA some publicity and general wrestling fans(who don't watch TNA)are intrigued. Worse case scenario, they fire Jarrett, big deal.

#2: Angle's a drama queen and a hot mess, that's for sure. I made a thread a while back asking if Angle was worth it. Now I'm not sure. If TNA were smart they would slowly try and turn someone more reliable into the "face" of TNA. But even with Angle's drama, it's not going to run TNA out of business or anything.

#3: Wow, I must have been a mind reader. A few days ago I asked if TNA should hire some "new" blood, and it looks like Dixie had the same idea. First off Gabe from ROH, could be good, but it's not like his work in ROH made the company some huge deal(ROH is behind WWE & TNA in popularity). And while it might backfire to hire "hollywood" writers, it might also give TNA an edge in the entertainment side. I highly doubt hiring one or two "hollywood" guys would kill TNA. They could run it to the ground, but I hope & think if Dixie saw the show going under, she'd fire their asses.

I mean you say Raw sucks, but it get's the best ratings in Wrestling, so maybe going in that direction is what is best for TNA. Sure some hardcore wrestling fans might not like it, but if TNA turns into "Raw" like you say and becomes even 1/2 as popular, I think Dixie & TNA would be pleased. All just my opinions though, of course.

And TNA's knockout division is doing just fine without Gail, and Jenna is pretty much doing nothing anyways.
It's Official: This is another thread full of whining negative nancying and overreacting.

TNA just got a big attention boost this weekend because of this whole Kurt Angle ordeal. Heck, TNA got on That's publicity that TNA doesn't normally get. More people are talking online about whether or not Angle is going to show up at Hard Justice than people are talking about Summerslam. So...yeah...I'd say the opposite of that is happening, junior.

And so what, Dixie Carter wants to bring in Hollywood writers. Are you the owner of TNA? Nah. You aren't. And it's not your money...soooo until you get some money to buy'll have to learn to like it or watch ROH online.
#1: The love triangle helps imo. Given TNA some publicity and general wrestling fans(who don't watch TNA)are intrigued. Worse case scenario, they fire Jarrett, big deal.

I find myself thinking what if this happened in WWE. Vince would love something like this again. You know what they say any publicity is good publicity and TNA are getting fantastic publicity out of this. For the first time ever I'm actually taking an interest in TNA and anticipating what happens next.

Oh and for the record I thought I'd reply to you because that first post was just gibberish
How is TNA going to go out of business? Their ratings are good and have actually seen an increase. Also, they are making a lot more of a profit today than they have ever done because of house shows and other things. None and I mean absolutely none of the things you listed are going to force TNA to go out of business. The only things that will do that is if the majority of people who watch their product stop watching, they aren’t getting good attendance for house shows and pay per views, their ratings for Impact and the ppv buys start to hit all time lows. And before anyone mentions the Slammiversary thing, it turned out to be a joke. So I don’t think TNA is going to be out of business anytime soon or anytime in the future if they keep doing what they are doing and start building up new talent to add to the main event picture once the older guys retire.

As far as the whole Angle getting arrested thing, they are getting so much publicity from it. It may be considered to be bad publicity by some people but I consider all publicity to be good publicity. I don’t think TNA has ever gotten so much of it and it shows that people know who they are. They were mentioned on like Ricky said and they were on TMZ’s website. Say what you want about TMZ but it doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people read all of that stuff therefore there is a lot of people reading about the whole thing. And it’s not only ESPN and TMZ that have picked up on the story there are many others that have picked up on it.

As far as the Hollywood writers thing, so what? It’s her company and she can do whatever she wants. If people are still going to be watching her program then I don’t see what the problem is. Besides, what if she ends up hiring good writers? It will probably help more than it would hurt them and it could also gain them some publicity if it’s someone that is known. So TNA is not going to be out of business anytime soon and I don’t see a good reason why you would even think that.
That's absurd. TNA just got some huge publicity with the Angle arrest. Sure, TNA may be making some wrong decisions but at least they're thinking outside the box and trying something different. To say they are going to go out of business is one of the most rediculous things I've heard on these forums, they're only getting better mate.
I see your reason for concern, I had the same reaction to reading about the Hollywood writers, but I honestly have faith in Dixie Carter...

I've met her twice and from that and every interview, she does seem faithful to wanting TNA to be its own thing. I know the obvious counter-arguement here is that they hire so many former WWE guys, but realistically there are three games in town - WWE, ROH and TNA. There are two main ways to make it as a wrestler - a training school, or working the indies (normally both). WWE and ROH both have a training school, TNA doesn't, so they tend to depend more on established free agents.

I mean if you own a company and an established name becomes available wouldn't you be stupid to not take them? TNA wouldn't take Hornswoggle in my opinion. A lot of the former WWE guys they have were WCW guys first and TNA is constantly compared to WCW, so makes sense to me. If you want to really nit-pick AJ, Joe, Daniels and many others are ROH guys, TNA doesn't really have many of their own custom-created stars because they don't have a feeder system.

Then there's the guys like Daivari, Elijah Burke and Kennedy. They take these guys because they never really got to get their careers off the ground in WWE. Should these guys be confined to the scrap heap purely because WWE fired them? Or should they get a chance somewhere else, somewhere that has TV time and a growing audience.

Kurt Angle's ongoing situations are a concern, because he really is their biggest piece, especially with Sting retiring and AJ failing to ever get over enough to be considered a company-carrier despite his abundant skills... but if they thought he was in genuine trouble of being arrested they'd make him drop the belt, they aren't ******ed. And as far as him wrestling tonight goes... well come on, Sting vs Morgan in the main event won't cut it and losing your advertisted main event murders your buy-rate, if he is legally allowed to wrestle, he has to, and after tonight they can do what they're going to do.

Heyman will never take a role because he'd want total roster control and they won't give it to him, unless Dixie gets rid of what remains of the powers that be... which looks far more likely than it did about 2 months ago.

I don't know much, but I know TNA isn't going anywhere soon.
I used to love TNA, Now it hurts to watch it. If the product doesn't get better, I think I'll have to stop watching it at all. They won't go out of business for a while, but if things don't change they will eventually.
Wait, wait...

I read a few posts above and people actually think the publicity that TNA got with the whole Kurt Angle thing is GOOD for TNA? Wow, that's so wrong. The top star of your company, the CHAMPION, is shown to be not only a stalker, but a man whose illegally using an enhancing drug that's banned and you think this is good for TNA? TNA doesn't get main stream attention, they haven't gotten any publicity in the main stream at all so now all they're known for is their top star is taking illegal enhancement drugs and could face a great deal of problems in the future and you think people are going to start watching TNA? Yeah, right. The fact that they kept the championship on Angle and completely ignored what he's done just shows how clueless TNA is and shows what values they have when they ignore the actions of their champion and by doing nothing show to the public that its okay to do those things. That they don't have any drug policy and won't take any actions against talent that's abusing those drugs. Good job!

And how are TNA's ratings going up? Obviously people didn't pay attention to this past weeks rating. TNA's about to take a down turn I think, and no, maybe they won't be going out of business anytime soon, but the directions they're going are entirely counter productive to where they want to go and how they can succeed. They're copying WWE's writing plan, hiring people who know nothing about the business who will come out with crap, and the same people who bitch and complain about WWE's product right now are going to praise TNA for doing the same? Makes a lot of sense. Tonight showed the awful booking and writing abilities of Vince Russo who on one night brought down the credibility of the Knockouts division and their championship, showed how meaningless the Legends title is, and buried talents like Homicide.

The choices TNA is making are going to take them down the same route of WCW and any potential TNA had is slowly slipping away more and more. It's a shame, really.
TNA is in the best shape it has been in ever. TNA is no longer JJ's ego enhancement. The love triangle between Jarret and the Angles gave Dixie an excuse to clean house. If nothing else she cut salary of creative members that weren't that important. Jarrat will not have as much creative athority if he does come back and I would hope he does not. He no longer belongs in a ppv main event. AJ, Morgan, and Lashley belong in the spotlight. Morgan is getting his turn now. These are all positives of the love triangle

Is it just me or does Rhaka Khan not smell a lot worse in this than does Angle? If there was abuse then yeah, that is a problem. There just has been no proof of that.

Where did Vince Russo come from before he booked rather successfully in the WWE? WWF the Magazine. The booking has been fine the past month without JJ who brings loads of wrestling experience. Did they do fine when Jerry Jarret left? Russo will still call the shots. Also, like Greenlight13, I trust Dixie Carter to keep TNA in line.

In closing, I am encourage about the future of TNA. Dixie Carter has made several changes that don't appear to be bad. TNA can do with out Angle for a few months if need be. They also knew with him out on bail that it will be a while before the city will want to take him to court. Nothing has changed their position in the wrestling universe.

Cody Rhodes America's Dream, WWE's Nightmare
Wait, wait...

I read a few posts above and people actually think the publicity that TNA got with the whole Kurt Angle thing is GOOD for TNA? Wow, that's so wrong. The top star of your company, the CHAMPION, is shown to be not only a stalker, but a man whose illegally using an enhancing drug that's banned and you think this is good for TNA? TNA doesn't get main stream attention, they haven't gotten any publicity in the main stream at all so now all they're known for is their top star is taking illegal enhancement drugs and could face a great deal of problems in the future and you think people are going to start watching TNA? Yeah, right. The fact that they kept the championship on Angle and completely ignored what he's done just shows how clueless TNA is and shows what values they have when they ignore the actions of their champion and by doing nothing show to the public that its okay to do those things. That they don't have any drug policy and won't take any actions against talent that's abusing those drugs. Good job!

And how are TNA's ratings going up? Obviously people didn't pay attention to this past weeks rating. TNA's about to take a down turn I think, and no, maybe they won't be going out of business anytime soon, but the directions they're going are entirely counter productive to where they want to go and how they can succeed. They're copying WWE's writing plan, hiring people who know nothing about the business who will come out with crap, and the same people who bitch and complain about WWE's product right now are going to praise TNA for doing the same? Makes a lot of sense. Tonight showed the awful booking and writing abilities of Vince Russo who on one night brought down the credibility of the Knockouts division and their championship, showed how meaningless the Legends title is, and buried talents like Homicide.

The choices TNA is making are going to take them down the same route of WCW and any potential TNA had is slowly slipping away more and more. It's a shame, really.

Have you not heard the old show bizz saying "Any Publicity, is good publicity"? Because I think this can be applied here. Lockdown had pretty much 0 buzz going into it. The internet community wasn't really praising it, and you didn't even here a whisper about it in the mainstream.

Then all of a sudden, Angle get's arrested and every wrestling site has multiple stories about Angle, promoting and talking about "What's going to happen at the mainevent". Alot of people(not just Angle fans)were intrigued about what would happen to Angle.

Not too mention, TNA got alot of non-wrestling buzz as well. TMZ and other gossip sites picked up on the story. One of the entertainment shows(either ENews or Access Hollywood)had a short story about this on their website. And while these people reading this might not buy the PPV, they might be intrigued by the story, and look TNA up on the internet, or watch Impact.

And look at Jeff Hardy. He has a pretty shitty past, yet it's not hurting his shows ratings. Stone Cold assualted his wife, fans don't love him any less. I really think this Angle situation drew more attention to the PPV.

And the ratings have been staying steady and/or rising. A few misteps along the way isn't nothing to get your panties in a knot about. WWE's ratings go up and down all the time. It's ok, as long as they don't constantly go down. And I don't get all the compaining about TNA supposedly "coppying" the WWE. The WWE and their style of booking is what is big in wrestling. So if they want to have a chance at remaining popular it's obvious that they may go in a WWE direction, which could work as long as they don't alienate their hardcore fans either. TNA has grown alot(in ratings/profit/overall public awareness)and as long as they keep gaining in these areas, have a station backing them(spike), sponsor ship deals, and are not paying ridiculous huge contracts, I don't see them going the WCW route anytime soon.
OK, let me try this.

The love triangle is stupid. It doesn't hurt TNA. It doesn't help TNA. It's just gossip. In the end, it does nothing for the product. JJ is off the air because of it, but besides his little pop at the beginning, he did nothing during his last run.

Kurt Angle is a drama queen and does need to be replaced at the top of the card. I kow the saying that "no press is bad press", but this may be an exception. Wrestling rarely gets on the mainstream news for anything good, and this, while very different, is still going to draw allusions to the Benoit scandal. Furthermore, this isn't the first time drugs have been an issue with Angle. They should have out the belt on Morgan or Sting tonight, and put Angle in rehab. He needs to be dried out and he needs to be watched. I know the claim is that all the drugs were prescribed, but in this case it shouldn't matter. We've all spent time in college and have seen the kids that get prescribed adderall and wind up snorting it. Sure, it was prescribed, but the use of it was improper and has dangerous results. Stalking sounds like a rage issue, which easily connects to steroids. HGH also connects to steroids. It's time for Angle to be pushed to the backburner.

3. The idea of Hollywood writers is good for TNA. They won't be booking or choreographing matches. They are coming in to help with the stories. I think we can all agree that the right people usually win TNA matches and they do a good job of pushing new people. I think we can also agree that sometimes the build up lasts too long and people lose interest. This is what happened to Kaz and the Frontline. These stories were scrapped and then repackaged. I think that Hollywood writers would do nothing more than properly pace the stories, then the people who know what they are doing will book the matches and push the right people. Instead of writers booking the show, you will have bookers booking and writers writing. If Dixie was giving control of the show to writers, she wouldn't have brought D'Amore back in.

I do think they should have brought Heyman in, but I didn't sit in on negotiations and I do not know his backstage history. I do however know that knowledge and passion can only take you so far, and that his grasp of the average fan's desires is a bit backwards.
I've said it for a while now that TNA is taking the worst parts of WCW and WWE and squishing them together to make their craptastic show.

The Angle news is not good news for TNA. No one will tune in to see a guy who stalks women and takes HGH. It doesn't help them at all. Just like it didn't help the WWE at all either. If anything this gives TNA a black eye and makes the WWE look smart for getting rid of him.

I would LOVE to see another promotion rise and challenge Vince. But the more I see and hear I realize it will not be TNA any time soon.
There is a BIG problem most of you are simply failing to see. And it's money. And the willingness to use it. Anybody that thinks this Kurt Angle news is good is idiotic. VINCE can say any publicity is good, because frankly he has enough funds, and enough power to fight the goverment. He has before and he has won. TNA doesn't. If Congress all of a sudden decides to investigate TNA, what happens? Will Spike stick around for a crappy 1.3? What if Congress decides to make TNA have a wellness program. There goes Angle for sure, and god knows how many other guys.

Could TNA survive that? Could TNA survive if Spike boots them, their sponsors bail on them? TNA doesn't have the power nor the ability to spend the money it takes to get congress off their back. They need to get some POSITIVE publicity, then negative publicity won't hurt as much. They don't need their Champion, their face, in the news for Human Growth, and stalking a chick. Could TNA survive if Angle goes nuts and pulls a Benoit? Could they handle CNN, Fox, every news station in their house, looking at their athletes 24x7.

And this isn't a whiney anti TNA post. Do I like TNA? Nope, not really. But I'm a realist. Raw won't ever be great again until TNA becomes something OR WWE gets a brand new star. Since I don't see the latter happening anytime soon, I guess it's up to TNA. And this won't help.

Not to mention, TNA just sent a big fuck you to their entire roster. "Oh, you been loyal, oh your a rising star, oh you do the right thing? Tough shit." They showed tonight they have NO clue how to run a company. Not a clue. You suspend Angle, you send him home. You do that for him, for your company. They didn't.

Now will they go out of business because of this? As long as Angle doesn't go psycho, I think they are ok. Not great, but not dying either.
And hollywood writers? Really? Has anybody paid attention to the ratings of TV shows lately? They are ALL down. 24, CSI, NCIS, House, Bones, Survivor, Big Brother, Desperate Housewives, everything down. TNA needs to do what Vince did. Find some guys, lean on them, make the final say. You have somebody right now that COULD help you. Heyman. He has shown what he can do with so little. Give him TNA. Hell, go after Bischoff too, see if he has anything left. You want to make a statement, you want to cross the line, then do it. Don't fucking insult my intelligence telling me your going to offer something different from WWE, when everytime I turn around former WWE, BIG WWE names take up 90% of your shows.
Have you not heard the old show bizz saying "Any Publicity, is good publicity"? Because I think this can be applied here. Lockdown had pretty much 0 buzz going into it. The internet community wasn't really praising it, and you didn't even here a whisper about it in the mainstream.

Oh I've heard about it, but this isn't a case where it fits. This is bad, negative publicity and it doesn't help TNA in any way. It's certainly not going to build interest and bring in viewers, its going to have people chastising TNA and continuing to give them more negative coverage. Kurt Angle was taking growth hormones and bringing light once again to the whole steroid/drug issues in wrestling. You think that interests people and makes them want to pay attention to the product? Lockdown still had 0 buzz, people still didn't care, and it'll probably be another horrible buyrate like before.. all this does is give TNA a bad image, even more so because they've done absolutely nothing to counter the negativity.

Then all of a sudden, Angle get's arrested and every wrestling site has multiple stories about Angle, promoting and talking about "What's going to happen at the mainevent". Alot of people(not just Angle fans)were intrigued about what would happen to Angle.

Who goes to wrestling sites? That's right, wrestling fans. The only people who may have been interested in any of this were people who were already likely to be the ones buying the ppv and paying attention regardless.

Not too mention, TNA got alot of non-wrestling buzz as well. TMZ and other gossip sites picked up on the story. One of the entertainment shows(either ENews or Access Hollywood)had a short story about this on their website. And while these people reading this might not buy the PPV, they might be intrigued by the story, and look TNA up on the internet, or watch Impact.

Why would they watch Impact because some fake wrestler got caught for growth hormone and arrested for criminal activity?

And look at Jeff Hardy. He has a pretty shitty past, yet it's not hurting his shows ratings. Stone Cold assualted his wife, fans don't love him any less. I really think this Angle situation drew more attention to the PPV.

Since when has Jeff Hardy done anything illegal or crazy enough to be in mainstream media or have negative press about him anywhere close to this example? I really think you're wrong and this didn't draw anymore attention to anything but the negative stereotypes already placed on the wrestling business.

And the ratings have been staying steady and/or rising. A few misteps along the way isn't nothing to get your panties in a knot about. WWE's ratings go up and down all the time. It's ok, as long as they don't constantly go down. And I don't get all the compaining about TNA supposedly "coppying" the WWE. The WWE and their style of booking is what is big in wrestling. So if they want to have a chance at remaining popular it's obvious that they may go in a WWE direction, which could work as long as they don't alienate their hardcore fans either. TNA has grown alot(in ratings/profit/overall public awareness)and as long as they keep gaining in these areas, have a station backing them(spike), sponsor ship deals, and are not paying ridiculous huge contracts, I don't see them going the WCW route anytime soon.

Since when have the ratings been rising? They stay steady, yes.. they've been the same general number for years, always staying consistant but never rising. 0.1 is not growth, and just recently the ratings dropped back to 1.0 where it was years ago. Good job, TNA! Keep up that great growth! Poor ppv buys, small house shows, lack of ratings growth, things just couldn't be better for TNA. The WWE style of booking and writing is exactly what every TNA fan bitches and complains about and uses as an example for why WWE sucks and they prefer TNA, and now people want TNA to start doing those things.. the very things that have made WWE's product lackluster, stale, and boring? Good logic, there.

If you're not moving forward then lingering in obscurity and mediocrity is the same as going backwards.
What a joke of a thread...

Mister Rob, you have been spouting out the same crap about how TNA sucks and is in trouble and how they won't survive another few years if they continue to do this. I wish Slyfox was here to tear you a new one like he did in the past.

Kurt Angle hasn't been proven guilty. He likely had discussions with Dixie Carter and they most likely talked it out and came to a resolution. Nobody was there when the situation occurred, nobody was there during the Dixie/Kurt discussions. Don't talk like you guys know how to run a wrestling promotion because reality is none of us do.

Spike TV isn't going to bail on TNA. TNA gets between 1.5-1.7 million viewers weekly, which is much higher than any other programming on the network. If Spike bailed on TNA, both would be in deep crap. It was rumored that a few months back the average rating for Spike programming was a 0.7, now just imagine how low it would be without Spike.

And Rob, the Impact Rating trends which are important to networks have risen. While the "general" rating hasn't risen, the trends have grown. The uninformed look at the weekly ratings and say, TNA hasn't grown at all for years because you get a weekly rounded 1.1 or 1.2 consistently when in fact you look at Demos, Quarter Hours and Exact Numbers, they have grown
Your right Talon, I don't know how to run a wrestling promotion. HOWEVER, what's said is I CAN see who SHOULDN'T be in a wrestling promotion.

Kevin Nash is done. He can't wrestle, he can't sell. Steiner, he couldn't fill up a arena with 10 people. Booker T, nobody cares about him, local boy but blah. You don't have to be able to run an entire wrestling promotion to figure out those guys should be gone. You don't have to be a genius to figure out Murdoch vs Abyss should NEVER be on a PPV. You don't have to be head cashier at walmart to understand that Brooks is an TNA original, NOT Main Event, and sure as heck not a Mafia. And you don't need a Bachelors Degree to understand when your star is arrested for drugs, repeated use, and stalking woman a day before a PPV, you don't let him wrestle and you SURE as shit don't let him retain his title.

That's all common sense stuff.
Your right Talon, I don't know how to run a wrestling promotion. HOWEVER, what's said is I CAN see who SHOULDN'T be in a wrestling promotion.

Kevin Nash is done.
He can't wrestle, he can't sell.
Were we watching the same match cos Foley vs. Nash was excellent.

Steiner, he couldn't fill up a arena with 10 people.
You surely couldn't make a more exaggerated claim then this

Booker T, nobody cares about him, local boy but blah.
Seems I was wrong.

You don't have to be able to run an entire wrestling promotion to figure out those guys should be gone.
These guys have huge fan followings, if TNA ditched Nash, Steiner and Booker they'd see a massive decrease in their audience.

You don't have to be head cashier at walmart to understand that Brooks is an TNA original,NOT Main Event, and sure as heck not a Mafia.
Things wrong with this statment:
1.) Why would a head cashier at Walmart give a fuck?
2.) No one's saying she wasn't a TNA orignal in fact Brooks recently got in Taylor Wildes face stating she didn't care about staying true to TNA anymore.
3.) She was the first major Knockout within TNA, she's earnt her spot in the major company stable

Things you got right (Bolded):
Traci Brooks certainly isn't "a mafia" because Mafia is a group, hence one person probably would struggle to be a group.

And you don't need a Bachelors Degree to understand when your star is arrested for drugs, repeated use, and stalking woman a day before a PPV, you don't let him wrestle and you SURE as shit don't let him retain his title.

That's all common sense stuff.

Yes, Kurt Angle's career and TNA's PPV should be scrapped because of charges against him, never mind the fact that he's yet to be proven guilty, nope you the almighty guy on the internet has enough of this "common sense stuff" to basically run a company into the ground, from what I gathered you'd rather TNA not make money so long as you could avoid watching older wrestlers that you aren't personally a fan of, good luck with that.
Look peoples, TNA isn'T going out of business but unless they do something about Kurt Angle soon, they might be. Let's face it even Vince McMahon himself wouldn'T allow something like this to happen. There a lot of bad publicity that can go help a company grow but the one thing that can hurt a wrestling company more then anything in the world is when your world champion who is the guy that represent your company screw up so bad that it makes that news. This situation with Kurt Angle, being real or will hurt them unless they do something about it. Both knowing TNA management, they will just try to push it under the rug like everything because they are spinless. I lost a lot of respect for TNA after last night and unless they can prove to me that they are not spinless and do something about the Kurt Angle situation this thursday on IMPACT, i will have a hard time supporting them in the future.

By the way, if i was Jeff Jarrett i would take the buy out they are offerring him and leave and talk to every TNA originals and suggest them to do the same before TNA self destruct because of the love fest TNA Management have with Kurt Angle.
The first post made my head hurt. If you're going to join a forum would it kill you to know simple English? TNA won't challenge the WWE any time soon but it also won't go out of business. How is that a point anyone can make when their rating in increasing every week? TNA is in a great position for a young company, which is what it is. I don't understand how you make the leap from increasing ratings to going out of business.
Well, psykohurricane pretty much made the best point of all in my opinion. I'd like to run down my own thoughts like this:

Kurt Angle should not have been allowed to keep his title at Hard Justice in light of what happened with him. My guess is that the only reason he retained was that there wasn't time to re-work the match to have someone else take the title. Frankly, I think they should have at least tried, whether giving the title to Sting or giving Morgan his try. Whatever the case, they need to get Angle out for a while. People have been mentioning Benoit and I hate to say it but I can see similar things happening with Angle. He needs to get away from wrestling for a while, not just to help out TNA, but more importantly for his own health and sanity. Furthermore, he needs to take responsibility for his actions and do his time and sure as hell doesn't need wrestling to encourage his already dangerous leanings, as it seems to be doing on TNA.

Now we see possibly both the company and the law pulling a "Martha Stewart" on Angle, allowing him to wrestle, maybe putting him under house-arrest is my guess. This isn't going to help things with either Angle or the company. Get Angle outa there. He needs to drop the title as soon as possible and be pulled from the program in any way possible, even if they have to say he's out "on injury".

As to the rest, TNA isn't pooped out yet, and frankly I'm not going to disparrage Hollywood writers. Just because they're successful enough to make money doesn't mean they suck. Okay, they've exploited the shlock market to do it, but that just means they knows what sells to their audience. Bring them into TNA, and they'll adjust.
There is a BIG problem most of you are simply failing to see. And it's money. And the willingness to use it. Anybody that thinks this Kurt Angle news is good is idiotic. VINCE can say any publicity is good, because frankly he has enough funds, and enough power to fight the goverment. He has before and he has won. TNA doesn't. If Congress all of a sudden decides to investigate TNA, what happens? Will Spike stick around for a crappy 1.3? What if Congress decides to make TNA have a wellness program. There goes Angle for sure, and god knows how many other guys.

Could TNA survive that? Could TNA survive if Spike boots them, their sponsors bail on them? TNA doesn't have the power nor the ability to spend the money it takes to get congress off their back. They need to get some POSITIVE publicity, then negative publicity won't hurt as much. They don't need their Champion, their face, in the news for Human Growth, and stalking a chick. Could TNA survive if Angle goes nuts and pulls a Benoit? Could they handle CNN, Fox, every news station in their house, looking at their athletes 24x7.

And this isn't a whiney anti TNA post. Do I like TNA? Nope, not really. But I'm a realist. Raw won't ever be great again until TNA becomes something OR WWE gets a brand new star. Since I don't see the latter happening anytime soon, I guess it's up to TNA. And this won't help.

Not to mention, TNA just sent a big fuck you to their entire roster. "Oh, you been loyal, oh your a rising star, oh you do the right thing? Tough shit." They showed tonight they have NO clue how to run a company. Not a clue. You suspend Angle, you send him home. You do that for him, for your company. They didn't.

Now will they go out of business because of this? As long as Angle doesn't go psycho, I think they are ok. Not great, but not dying either.
Do you even know what the fuck you are saying? I don’t believe the things that I’ve read in this entire post or most of it, really I don’t. I’m just completely bewildered that you come in here and you say those things about TNA yet you seem to not know anything about them.

Do you know what company is the majority shareholder of TNA? I doubt you know. It’s Panda Energy, a multi-million dollar company. So TNA has the money (and lots of it) and they are willing to use it. Do you think if they didn’t have the willingness to use it they would have signed Sting to a contract? The simple answer would be no. The guy gets payed over $500,000.00 a year, how’s that for willingness? They have a lot of money backing them and they are getting a lot of money from house shows and other things they do, I am sure they are willing to use it if it’s going to help them.

Something some of you are absolute not getting is the fact that no one has ever stated that what’s happening with Angle is a good thing for them. People (or at least me) merely stated that the publicity they are getting is a good thing. There are literally a bunch of wrestling fans (thousands if not a couple million) that don’t even know that TNA exists. Really, I’ve spoken to some friends of mine (who are wrestling fans) here in Orlando (where TNA is taped) and some of them don’t even know TNA exists. So if you’re following along, there are wrestling fans in the city that TNA tapes their shows that don’t even know they are here. How is them getting a ton of publicity not going to help? Do you actually think that people see the articles and say “Oh, that company has a wrestler who is a stalker and does drugs; I don’t want to watch that”? The simple answer is now. No one reads that and says something among those lines. Most people read that and say to themselves “Hey there is another wrestling company I didn’t know about, maybe I should check it out”. Simply put, they are getting noticed and it could help them gain ratings because people who didn’t know about them are going to watch and see if they like what they see. If they do, then they will continue watching therefore TNA is getting NEW fans.

As far as Spike booting them, you actually think they are going to do that? Ultimately, they don’t care what is on their network (as long as it’s appropriate) if it’s going to get them good ratings. TNA does good ratings for Spike therefore they will want to keep them in order to keep being able to beat other networks. So what if it’s a 1.0 or 1.3, it’s still a good rating and there are still a million plus fans watching TNA and more specifically a show on Spike.
Something some of you are absolute not getting is the fact that no one has ever stated that what’s happening with Angle is a good thing for them. People (or at least me) merely stated that the publicity they are getting is a good thing. There are literally a bunch of wrestling fans (thousands if not a couple million) that don’t even know that TNA exists. Really, I’ve spoken to some friends of mine (who are wrestling fans) here in Orlando (where TNA is taped) and some of them don’t even know TNA exists. So if you’re following along, there are wrestling fans in the city that TNA tapes their shows that don’t even know they are here. How is them getting a ton of publicity not going to help? Do you actually think that people see the articles and say “Oh, that company has a wrestler who is a stalker and does drugs; I don’t want to watch that”? The simple answer is now. No one reads that and says something among those lines. Most people read that and say to themselves “Hey there is another wrestling company I didn’t know about, maybe I should check it out”. Simply put, they are getting noticed and it could help them gain ratings because people who didn’t know about them are going to watch and see if they like what they see. If they do, then they will continue watching therefore TNA is getting NEW fans.

Yeah i get your point, on a publicity stand point is good for TNA but if that was the case, why as the ratings not move in the last 2 years. They being getting publicity in the media for every little stupid thing like when they sign PAc man jones, it was a bad move, they got bad publicity on every network in america and it didn'T change a thing. When Angle was arrested for DUI and it made the news, did they get new fans then, no, the buyrate stayed the same so did the rating. So what make you think that this incident will be any different? Sure there are new people that didn't TNA even exist but when push come to shove, those same people that just found out about TNA might check the TNA out, but will they stay around after, i doubt it. The other problem with this is that while they may get new fans, how about the old fans, the peoples that did watch TNA and pretty much support it for a long time, do you really think that these fan will just stay and look at this and say ''oh TNA is reprensented by a guy guy who stalked people and takes drugs, so what!!'' For the most part, these loyal fans will look at it and see that something serious is going on and TNA isn'T doing anything to fix it and probably will stop watching it as a result.

If you want a good exemple on what to do when your poster boy get release, just look at The RVD situation from a couple of years ago. The thing is that while this is publicity for TNA and might get them new fan, you've got to look at it from a other Angle. It's o.k. when you hired somebody like PAcman Jones because while he will bring you bad publicty, he's not the world champion so it won't hurt you. But with the Angle situation, while being publicity for TNA, it may get them attention that they don't necessarely want to have especially with the war going on behind the scene between pro wrestling and the U.S congress. Something like this might open up something that even with all the money panda energy is putting in TNA would want to deal with. Kurt Angle got a lot of enemies within the U.S. congress that would love to see take him down and if that mean taking down TNA with him, so be it. Kurt Angle is a thinking time bomb right now and it doesn'T matter if they get new fans, if the old fan stays at the end of the day if they stick with Angle and he goes down, so does TNA and all the money in the world and all the fan in the world won'T be able to save them.
WOW....TNA is not goin out of buisness...why would u say that when ratings go up? i mean when WWE ratings go down knowbody panics but TNA's go up and people say it will fail? seriously???

I wont really comment or 4 points or lack of points but i will say they did NOT just send Gail to WWE. she chose to go because she wanted to make more money than what was offered to her by TNA. and TNA has made up for that by signing Sarita and Alisa Flash
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