Is there a realistic way of turning Cena Heel?

Cena turning heel would be extremely hard o accomplish - but not beyond realms of possibility. All it would need to start with would be choosing him to agree with something that's unpopular with the majority of the crowd, having a major face come out to defend those things only for Cena to turn on them, side with a major heel/the Mcmahon's and defend them...
Or come back from injury full of bitterness towards Batista for injuring him and start interfering in matches, beating him up backstage and all round heelish actions in his view of payback :D
I actually covered this before in another thread. It would be easy and effective to do it right now.

Some have stated that he is such a huge face that he should stay that way, others that he is in the public eye too much and so on, he's the big marketing machine and everything, I know. But I mentioned before that the face thing for him is so old now he really needs a change. If you keep him as a face for too long people will start to loose interest and they already have. It's horrible, the boo's are almost louder than the pops, and what about when ever he gets into a slug fest with someone the " Boo, Yeah, Boo, Yeah" Chant that starts every time now. That is obvious enough I think. He won for so long that it got boring just watching him win all the time. It got to the point you didn't even want to watch because you knew he'd win every time but still did in the hopes that someone might beat him, and for God sake it took him getting injured to the point that he couldn't wrestle before he really did.

Now though, we have seen him loose, and the fans have got a little redemption from the last 3 years or so of Cena domination and saturation. He has lost been injured, re-injured, and beaten conclusively a number of times in a row and now he has a reason to turn.

He could come out and say how everyone boo's him even though he comes out and works his ass off for them, and how once he got injured everyone forgot about him, and he want's his title back, and how being the stand up good guy never got him anything but a bunch of snot nosed kids asking him for his autograph so they could go sell it on eBay, it would be prefect and make peoples heads spin.

The Cena fans would be appalled and all the kids would cry and their little hearts would be broken, and the people who already hated him could hate him more drawing ever more heat, and then some of the people who hated him would like him since he was a heel. All around he still stays one of the biggest stars in the company and it couldn't come at a better time that now because he at the point now that his gimmick is getting stagnant and stale. Triple H has proven over time that you have to reinvest your character, Undertaker has proven the same ,and we have seen more recently Chris Jericho do it and it worked nicely for him. Now that some stuff has happened to Cena, namely him recent loosing streak, and injuries you could make it believable that he has some hate in him, and that he's pissed off about things, it could work so perfectly.
cena as heel would work really well. not the old rapper heel cena but a darker vengeful gangster style character. using the old chain he used to have as his signature weapon. but i believe a shock heel turn would be better rather than a slow burning build up. like cena returns and helps batista in a feud like in tag matches just for cena to turn on batista costing him a big match, then go full on beat down leaving batista lying in the ring.
cena as heel would work really well. not the old rapper heel cena but a darker vengeful gangster style character. using the old chain he used to have as his signature weapon. but i believe a shock heel turn would be better rather than a slow burning build up. like cena returns and helps batista in a feud like in tag matches just for cena to turn on batista costing him a big match, then go full on beat down leaving batista lying in the ring.

I disagree and here is why. John Cena is the WWE's cash cow. He makes tons of money for the company and himself off of his various merchandise. As a heel he wouldn't make as much. Sure he'd be interesting as a heel. But he's even more interesting as a face as evidenced by how high the ratings have been with a face John Cena as champion. Then the way they tanked when he got injured. A shock heel turn worked for Hulk Hogan because he was an iconic figure and a hero to children everywhere. WCW hadn't built him up to the megaface he was plus they were in a ratings war with WWE so they went for the juggular and pulled the trigger on a hulk hogan heel turn. It was unheard of at the time and it was huge. But doing it the way you suggested would just make it seem like they want Cena to be Hogan and he's not Hogan he's Cena. He should not turn heel because he's too over as a face.
I say Turn him a tweener that doesn't care about the fans as much sort of like a stone cold. That way Smarks cheer if done right marks will cheer and Cena becomes a loved tweener. It could be worked in as Cena bein gtired of the mixed reactions of the crowd desides he doesn't care and starts a fued with Jeicho after winning the gold. That get's him cheered and shazam you have a tweener.

hopefully during his Rehab he learned more then 5 moves.
I don't think there is anyway to turn Cena heel to be honest, unless the WWE turn him heel on his return at Survivor Series. They could tell him not to do his usual entrance routine where he comes out all excited, they could tell him to tone it down or just walk out like normal.

Cena must be one of the hardest wrestlers to turn heel, whether he's heel or he's face the fans will still have mixed reactions to him. Most follow the bandwagon but there are some fans that genuinely hate the guy for no apparent reason.

I think turning Cena heel could work although WWE would lose alot of money from doing it. Yep, Heyman is right, Cena is Vince's perfect wrestler, he brings in money and is just like Hulk Hogan in every single respect. He isn't a talented wrestler but he is an entertainer and in these days of wrestling thats all that matters. Being a good entrtainer as appose to being a good wrester.

I get Count Shockula's point about Cena doing stuff outside the WWE and whether he could really become a fully-fledged heel but if Cena really wants to be a convincing heel then he'd have to drop all that stuff. For Cena himself it may be difficult doing that but if this is going to help the WWE in the long run ,i can't see Vince saying no to the idea

I think plenty people would buy Cena as a heel, even though in the past fw years he has been a huge babyface it could all change, anyone remember Hogan? As soon as he turned Heel all of his fans where like "What?!" and it would create the same effect here as well. Fans would be intrested in Cena and he may even gain a few more from being a heel
I honestly think it doesn't matter. Like some of said he'll always get a mixed reaction. it would be easy to have him beat up a couple of faces and get on the mic and blow off the crowd, but I don't think it would matter. It's not like when Bret Hart turned heel and everybody loved Austin. Austin was saying and oding what the crowd wanted to do themselves and Bret turned into an American hating jerk. It could work if he went up against Orton and they wanted to turn Orton into a face. He doesn't get straight heel chants anymore, now he gets a mixed reaction. The WWE really wants Cena to be a huge face but they ruined him for most of us including myself who just can't stand the sight of him. I think he'll always be a tweener.

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